Free Rice

Rice up against hunger

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

HWC1.2 Day 41 - French Revolution

Objectives:  Evaluate the social, cultural, and political changes of Europe between 1450 and 1700.  Investigate the political and social revolutions that emerged in Europe beginning in the mid-eighteenth century.

Task:  As you come into class, please pick up "Repercussions of Reformation" and "Divine Right of Kings."  We'll spend the first few minutes of class discussing the implications of these documents.  Then, you'll select a partner.  While we watch the video on the "French Revolution," your partner will complete half of the video guide and you will complete the other half.

Finally, we will join Mrs. Garvin's class for an activity.

  • Tuesday, 4/2 - Europe regional study due (on Moodle)
  • Tuesday, 4/2 - FCP video storyboard due
  • Wednesday, 4/3 - G&D Chapter 8 reading quiz
  • Wednesday, 4/3 - FCP outsource request & outsource clip "claim" due (be sure to hyperlink your name to your FCP Ning page)
  • Thursday, 4/4 - Mid-Term Exam
  • Monday, 4/15 - FCP outsource clip due
  • Wednesday, 4/24 - FCP final video due on FCP Ning (by 7:30 am)

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