Free Rice

Rice up against hunger

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

HWC Day 88 - Presentations & Review

Objective:   Present research in an engaging manner.  Review essential course concepts in preparation for the final exam.

Task:  As you come into class, please get out your note cards in preparation for your presentation.  We'll spend the first portion of class viewing your research presentations.  Then, I'll return your research papers.  Finally, we'll review the crossword puzzle and play Jeopardy! to prepare for the final exam.

  • Tuesday, June 10 - Research presentations in class
  • Wednesday, June 11 - Final exam essay (paper copy) due by 3:00
  • Friday, June 13 - Final exam at 7:35 am
Have a safe, happy summer!  See you in the fall!

Soc Day 45 - Sociology of Sport

Objective:  Explore sport as a social institution.

Task:  Good afternoon!  We'll continue our exploration of sport as a social institution.  Specifically, we'll consider rugby as a unifying force in post-apartheid South Africa.

Have a safe, happy summer!  See you in the fall!

CPWC Day 89 - Final Exam Review

Objective: Review essential course concepts in preparation for final exam.

Task: Good morning!  Congratulations!  You've made it to the last day of world cultures class.  Today, I'll collect your textbooks at the beginning of class.  Then, we'll review your crossword puzzle.  Finally, we'll play Jeopardy! to review for your final exam.

  • Wednesday, June 11 - Final exam for underclassmen at 7:35 am - BRING A PENCIL!
Have a safe, happy summer!  See you in the fall!

Monday, June 9, 2014

HWC Day 87 - Map Quiz & Research Presentations

Objective:  Assess knowledge of Africa & Europe maps.  Present research in an engaging manner.

Task:  As you come into class, please get out a pen or pencil and move to your testing seat in preparation for the quiz.  When you finish with the quiz, please pick up the crossword and work on the puzzle until everyone has finished the map quiz.  I'll distribute and explain your final exam essay question.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class on research presentations and/or reviewing for the final exam.

  • TODAY - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • TODAY - Research presentations due in class for extra credit
  • Tuesday, June 10 - Research presentations in class
  • Wednesday, June 11 - Final exam essay (paper copy) due by 3:00
  • Friday, June 13 - Final Exam

Soc Day 44 - Sociology of Sport

Objective:  Explore sport as a social institution.

Task:  Since we've lost 80% of our class to senior exams, we'll spend the next two days of class investigating the role of sport.  Specifically, we'll consider rugby as a unifying force in post-apartheid South Africa.

CPWC Day 88 - Latin America Review

Objective:  Investigate the course and consequences of genocide in Guatemala.

Task: As you come into class, please get out your Latin American notes.  We'll spend the first portion of class reviewing the main ideas from unit 8.  Then, you'll spend a few minutes reading about the genocide in Guatemala before we watch "Discovering Dominga."

  • TODAY - Final exam for seniors
  • Wednesday, June 11 - Final exam for underclassmen

Friday, June 6, 2014

HWC Day 86 - Contemporary Issues in Latin America

Objective:  Explore the status of Latin America since independence.

Task:  Happy Friday!  We'll spend the first portion of class reviewing the independence movements in Latin America.  Then, you'll watch one of the videos about contemporary issues and we'll discuss the current status of Latin America.

  • TODAY - Reading quiz re-take due
  • TODAY- Kundun extra credit due
  • Monday, June 9 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 9 - Research presentations due in class for extra credit
  • Tuesday, June 10 - Research presentations in class
  • Wednesday, June 11 - Final exam essay (paper copy) due by 3:00
  • Friday, June 13 - Final Exam
Our studies in the news...

Soc Day 43 - Sociopoly

Objective:  Explore the role of various institutions in socialization.

Task:  Happy Friday! At the beginning of class, I'll collect any last textbooks and return the last of your work.  Finally, we'll wrap-up sociology with a game of "Sociopoly."

As we conclude our studies together, I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for a wonderful quarter.  Although we lost significant class time due to the weather, you willingly adapted to the constantly changing deadlines.  It was truly a joy to explore sociology with you this quarter!

Congratulations, Seniors!

CPWC Day 87 - Latin America Review

Objective:  Analyze independence movements and contemporary developments in Latin American states.

Task: Happy Friday!  As you come into class, please get out a pen or pencil for your cumulative map quiz.  After you finish, please pick up and complete the hand-out on General Pinochet.  After everyone's finished the quiz, we'll review the main ideas from the Latin America unit.

  • TODAY - Cumulative map quiz (study guide on the Moodle)
  • Monday, June 9 - Final exam for seniors
  • Wednesday, June 11 - Final exam for underclassmen
Congratulations, Seniors!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

HWC Day 85 - Revolution, Independence, & Neo-Liberalism

Objective:  Identify the regional and global significance of the Haitian Revolution.

Task:  As you arrive class, please get out your research essay and rubric.  Before you hand in your essay, you'll highlight your thesis and underline the topic sentences in each paragraph.  After I collect your essay, we'll finish our examination of the Haitian Revolution.  Then, we'll discuss the course of select independence movements in Latin America.

  • TODAY - Essay final draft due by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, June 6 - Reading quiz re-take due
  • Friday, June 6 - Kundun extra credit due
  • Monday, June 9 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 9 - Research presentations due in class
  • Friday, June 13 - Final Exam

Soc Day 42 - Socialization of Children

Objective:  Explore the role of various institutions in socialization.

Task:  Good afternoon!  We'll begin class with your children's book presentations and discussion.  Then, we'll look once again look at the role of the media with an examination of select children's movies.  Finally, we'll end class with a reading about the role of schools.

  • Thursday, June 5 - Children's book presentations

CPWC Day 86 - Independence & Neo-Liberalism

Objective:  Analyze independence movements and contemporary developments in Latin American states.

Task:  Good morning!  As you arrive to class, please get out your Mexico packet.  We'll spend the first portion of class finishing our examination of Mexico's path to independence.  Then, we'll review your worksheet from Tuesday.  Finally, we'll use the remainder of class to investigate the the emergence of neo-liberalism in Latin America.

  • Friday, June 6 - Cumulative map quiz (study guide on the Moodle)
  • Monday, June 9 - Final exam for seniors
  • Wednesday, June 11 - Final exam for underclassmen

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

HWC Day 84 - Haitian Revolution

Objective: Assess knowledge of Latin America map.  Identify the regional and global significance of the Haitian Revolution.

Task:  As you arrive class, please find your testing seat, get out a pen or pencil, and clear your desk to prepare for the map quiz.  You'll have the first 20 minutes of class to complete the quiz.  Then, we'll spend the remainder of class examining the course and significance of the Haitian Revolution.

  • TODAY - Latin America map quiz (study guide on the Moodle)
  • Thursday, June 5 - Essay final draft due by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, June 6 - Reading quiz re-take due
  • Friday, June 6 - Kundun extra credit due
  • Monday, June 9 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 9 - Research presentations due in class
  • Friday, June 13 - Final Exam

Soc Day 41 - Children's Books & Socializing

Objective:  Explore the role of various institutions in socialization.

Task:  You'll use today's class period to work on your children's book.  Use the provided materials to create a book teaching the "lesson" you chose yesterday.  Be sure to include an "epilogue" that explains how your book promotes socialization.  You MUST finish the book in class today - you will present and discuss the stories tomorrow.

  • Thursday, June 5 - Children's book presentations

CPWC Day 85 - Colonization & Independence

Objective:  Investigate the course and consequences of the colonization of Latin America.

Task:  As you arrive to class, please prepare for the reading quiz by getting out your reading notes, clearing off your desk, and getting out a pencil.  You'll spend the first 30 minutes of class taking the reading quiz.  When you finish the quiz, please turn it in and pick up the hand-out on the computer cart in the front of the room.  Use this paper to complete part III of "Mexico - Colonization to Independence."  After you've completed the caste questions, please work on your final exam study guide.  Finally, we'll spend the remainder of class investigation colonization in Latin America.

  • TODAY - Reading Quiz (chapter 9 and chapter 11, sections 1 & 2)
  • Friday, June 6 - Cumulative map quiz (study guide on the Moodle)
  • Monday, June 9 - Final exam for seniors
  • Wednesday, June 11 - Final exam for underclassmen

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

HWC Day 83 - European Colonization of Latin America

Objective:  Describe the course and consequences of European colonization in Latin America.

Task:  We'll begin class with a review of parts I & II of the Slavery and Revolution in Latin America investigation.  Then, we'll explore the course of colonization with "An Introduction to Latin American Society."

  • Wednesday, June 4 - Latin America map quiz (study guide on the Moodle)
  • Thursday, June 5 - Essay final draft due by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, June 6 - Reading quiz re-take due
  • Friday, June 6 - Kundun extra credit due
  • Monday, June 9 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 9 - Research presentations due in class
  • Friday, June 13 - Final Exam
Our studies in the news:
Tiananmen Square, 25 years on - "For One Soldier at Tiananmen Square, A Day 'Never Forgotten'" (NPR, 6/2/14)

Soc Day 40 - Socialization of Children

Objective:  Explore the role of various institutions in socialization.

Task:  As you arrive to class, please get out your reflection essay and your rubric.  To start class, I'll collect your essays.  Then, we'll watch Disney's version of "The Three Little Pigs."  You'll read and take a quiz on "The Sociology of the Three Little Pigs."  Next, we'll look at some children's books and identify themes for your children's books.  Finally, you'll spend the last portion of class working with a partner on your children's story.

  • TODAY - Reflection essay due in class
  • Thursday, June 5 - Children's book presentations

CPWC Day 84 - Map Quiz & Revolution in Haiti

Objective:  Assess knowledge of Latin America map.  Identify the regional and global significance of the Haitian Revolution.

Task:  As you arrive to class, please prepare for the map quiz by clearing off your desk and getting out a pen or pencil.  You'll spend the first 30 minutes of class taking the Latin America map quiz.  When you finish the quiz, please turn it in and pick up the worksheet on the computer cart in the front of the room.  After everyone has finished the quiz, we'll finish up "Egalite For All."

  • TODAY  - Latin America Map Quiz (study guide on Moodle)
  • Wednesday, June 4 - Reading Quiz (chapter 9 and chapter 11, sections 1 & 2)
  • Friday, June 6 - Cumulative map quiz (study guide on the Moodle)
  • Monday, June 9 - Final exam for seniors
  • Wednesday, June 11 - Final exam for underclassmen
Our studies in the news:
Tiananmen Square, 25 years on - "For One Soldier at Tiananmen Square, A Day 'Never Forgotten'" (NPR, 6/2/14)

Monday, June 2, 2014

HWC Day 82 - Conquest, Colonization, & Slavery

Objective:  Describe the course and consequences of European colonization in Latin America.

Task:  Good afternoon & happy June!  As you come into class, please get out your laptop in preparation for the reading quiz.  Get out your reading note sheet to be checked and log onto the Moodle.  After all note pages have been checked, I'll provide the password for your quiz.  When you've finished the quiz, please begin working on your "Slavery & Revolution Investigation."  Once everyone has finished the quiz, we'll finish up our discussion from Friday about the impact of colonization.

  • TODAY - Draft peer reviews due by start of class
  • Monday, June 2 - Reading quiz (G&D chapter 4 & chapter 5, pp. 128-143)
  • Wednesday, June 4 - Latin America map quiz
  • Thursday, June 5 - Essay final draft due by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, June 6 - Reading quiz re-take due
  • Friday, June 6 - Kundun extra credit due
  • Monday, June 9 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 9 - Research presentations due in class
  • Friday, June 13 - Final Exam

Soc Day 39 - Socialization & Advertising

Objective:  Explore the role of various institutions in socialization.

Task:  Happy June!  Today, we'll begin class reading "Socialization and the Power of Advertising."  After you've read the article, we'll examine some print advertisements and discuss the arguments presented in the article.  You'll then have the remainder of class to work on your reflection essay.

  • Tuesday, June 3 - Reflection essay due in class
Reflection Essay:  Use your notes and class activities to write an essay reflecting on social class, gender, and race in America.  (See rubric for grading criteria)

CPWC Day 83 - Slavery & Revolution in Latin America

Objective:  Describe the course and consequences of European colonization in Latin America.  Investigate slavery in Latin America.

Task:  Good morning & happy June!  We'll spend the first few minutes of class checking your chapter 11 notes and completing the maroons section of your slavery & revolution investigation.  After we review the answers to the investigation, we'll watch  "Egalite for All" to investigate the revolution in Haiti.

  • TODAY  - Chapter 11, section 1 reading notes
  • Monday, June 2 - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes
  • Tuesday, June 3 - Latin America Map Quiz (study guide on Moodle)
  • Wednesday, June 4 - Reading Quiz (chapter 9 and chapter 11, sections 1 & 2)
  • Friday, June 6 - Cumulative map quiz
  • Monday, June 9 - Final exam for seniors
  • Wednesday, June 11 - Final exam for underclassmen