Free Rice

Rice up against hunger

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

CPWC Day 40 - Reformation & the Printing Press

*Reminder:  Quarter 3 ends on Wednesday, March 28.  Be sure all tests and quizzes are completed by the end of PAW on Tuesday, March 27.

1/2 Day - No PAW

Objective:  Evaluate the ways in which the new world view of the Renaissance influenced the development of the Protestant Reformation.  Identify the economic, cultural, and social significance of the printing press.

Task:  Good morning!  To begin class, we'll finish the last few minutes of the Protestant Reformation.  Then, we'll examine the impact of the printing press.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - PAW 5
  • TODAY - Chapter 14, Section 1 reading notes due
  • TODAY - Chapter 14, Section 2 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, March 28 - Chapter 14, Section 3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, March 29 - "Why Renaissance? Why Florence?" due (last quarter 3 grade
  • Wednesday, April 4 - Europe Map Quiz

WHAP Day 127 - WWI Harkness Prep.

1/2 Day - No PAW

Objectives:  Describe class and individual expectations in the Harkness discussion.  Begin preparation for the discussion.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open and download "Harkness Discussion Guidelines."  I'll explain the method and process for this discussion format and your assignment for the WWI discussion.  You'll use the remainder of class to begin preparing for Wednesday's discussion.

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • TODAY- LearnSmart Chapter 33 due before midnight
  • Tuesday, April 3 - WWI Harkness bibliography & preparation notes due by midnight
  • Wednesday, April 4 - WWI Harkness Discussion (Harkness discussion will be explained in class on Wednesday, March 28)
  • Thursday, April 5 - "Paris Peace Conference & Sykes-Picot" (6.2.IV folder) due in class 
  • Thursday, April 5 - WWI assessment
  • Thursday, May 3 - SCOREBoard Adaptive AP Content Review due
  • Friday, May 4 - WHAP Final Exam (period 2, 3, 4a/b)
  • Thursday, May 17 - Advanced Placement World History Exam administered

HWC Day 41 - Renaissance Moves North

*Reminder:  Quarter 3 ends on Wednesday, March 28.  Be sure all tests and quizzes are completed by the end of PAW on Tuesday, March 27.
1/2 Day - No PAW

Objective:  Analyze the changes brought about by the Renaissance.  Identify the forces that led to the Protestant Reformation.

Task:  Good morning! When you arrive to class, please download "HWC Prot. Ref."  We'll spend the first portion of our brief class together providing context for the Protestant Reformation.  Then, you'll have the remainder of class to begin working on the document analysis.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - "Meanwhile in Europe" close reading & summary due by 7:30 am, Socratic Seminar in class
  • Tuesday, April 3 - Protestant Reformation Document Packet due
  • Wednesday, April 4 - Europe map quiz

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

CPWC Day 39 - Protestant Reformation

*Reminder:  Quarter 3 ends on Wednesday, March 28.  Be sure all tests and quizzes are completed by the end of PAW on Tuesday, March 27.

Day 5 - PAW 5

Objective:  Evaluate the ways in which the new world view of the Renaissance influenced the development of the Protestant Reformation.

Task:  Good afternoon!  We'll begin class with a brief overview of the changes brought about by the Italian Renaissance.  Then, we'll spend the remainder of class examining the Northern Renaissance, aka, the Protestant Reformation.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - PAW 5
  • TODAY - Chapter 14, Section 1 reading notes due
  • TODAY - Chapter 14, Section 2 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, March 28 - Chapter 14, Section 3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, March 29 - "Why Renaissance? Why Florence?" due (last quarter 3 grade
  • Wednesday, April 4 - Europe Map Quiz

WHAP Day 126 - Period 5 DBQ

Day 5 - PAW 5

Objectives:  Demonstrate knowledge of the long nineteenth century by completing a DBQ.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except a pen or pencil.  

  • Pick up 3 "lined sheets"
  • Pick up the DBQ rubric.
  • Once everyone has their desks ready, I will distribute the DBQ.

You'll have the duration of the period to complete your DBQ.  Good luck!

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • TODAY - Period 5 DBQ in class
  • Wednesday, March 28 - LearnSmart Chapter 33 due before midnight
  • Wednesday, April 4 - WWI Harkness Discussion (Harkness discussion will be explained in class on Wednesday, March 28)
  • Thursday, May 3 - SCOREBoard Adaptive AP Content Review due
  • Friday, May 4 - WHAP Final Exam (period 2, 3, 4a/b)
  • Thursday, May 17 - Advanced Placement World History Exam administered

HWC Day 40 - Renaissance Europe

*Reminder:  Quarter 3 ends on Wednesday, March 28.  Be sure all tests and quizzes are completed by the end of PAW on Tuesday, March 27.
Day 5 - PAW 5

Objective:  Analyze the changes brought about by the Renaissance.  Compare the medieval and early modern world.

Task:  Good morning! When you arrive to class, please download "Italian Renaissance Review."  We'll spend the first few minutes reviewing the Italian Renaissance.  Then, you'll work with a partner to compare the medieval and modern worlds.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Italian Renaissance WS due
  • Wednesday, March 28 - "Meanwhile in Europe" close reading & summary due by 7:30 am, Socratic Seminar in class
  • Wednesday, April 4 - Europe map quiz

Monday, March 26, 2018

CPWC Day 38 - Exploring Renaissance Europe

*Reminder:  Quarter 3 ends on Wednesday, March 28.  Be sure all tests and quizzes are completed by the end of PAW on Tuesday, March 27.

Day 4 - PAW 4

Objective:  Describe the status of Europe during ancient and medieval times.  Evaluate the characteristics of Florence that made it the birthplace of the Renaissance.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please download and complete "Ancient Times & Feudalism" (in the Europe folder).   After we review your work, you'll have the remainder of class to complete  "Why Renaissance? Why Florence?"

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Chapter 12, Section 3 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, March 27 - PAW 5
  • Tuesday, March 27 - Chapter 14, Section 1 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, March 27 - Chapter 14, Section 2 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, March 28 - Chapter 14, Section 3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, March 29 - "Why Renaissance? Why Florence?" due (last quarter 3 grade
  • Wednesday, April 4 - Europe Map Quiz

WHAP Day 125 - Migration Presentation

Day 4 - PAW 4

Objectives:  Identify the course and characteristics of migration in the 19th century.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download the pamphlets on migration in preparation for the presentation.  After the presentation, you'll take a brief quiz on genocides.

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • TODAY  - PAW 4
  • TODAY - Migration Presentation
  • Tuesday, March 27 - Period 5 DBQ in class
  • Wednesday, March 28 - LearnSmart Chapter 33 due before midnight
  • Wednesday, April 4 - WWI Harkness Discussion (Harkness discussion will be explained in class on Wednesday, March 28)
  • Thursday, May 3 - SCOREBoard Adaptive AP Content Review due
  • Friday, May 4 - WHAP Final Exam (period 2, 3, 4a/b)
  • Thursday, May 17 - Advanced Placement World History Exam administered

HWC Day 39 - Civil War in Syria & Foundations of Europe

*Reminder:  Quarter 3 ends on Wednesday, March 28.  Be sure all tests and quizzes are completed by the end of PAW on Tuesday, March 27.
Day 4 - PAW 4

Objective:  Evaluate the causes, course, and consequences of the Syrian Civil War.  Identify the characteristics of pre-modern Europe.

Task:  Good morning! When you arrive to class, please get ready for the Syrian Civil War presentation.  After the presentation, we'll review your work on the "Heritage of Europe."

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Syrian Civil War Presentation
  • TODAY - HWC Heritage of Europe due (submit Part II for grading by 7:30 am & have Part I ready for class discussion)
  • Tuesday, March 27 - Italian Renaissance WS due
  • Wednesday, March 28 - "Meanwhile in Europe" close reading & summary due by 7:30 am, Socratic Seminar in class
  • Wednesday, April 4 - Europe map quiz

Friday, March 23, 2018

CPWC Day 37 - Introduction to Europe

*Reminder:  Quarter 3 ends on Wednesday, March 28.  Be sure all tests and quizzes are completed by the end of PAW on Tuesday, March 27.

Day 3 - PAW 3

Objective:   Label the countries of Europe on a map.  Identify the significance of the Chunnel.

Task:  Welcome back!  I hope you all weathered the storm with minimal disruptions!  When you arrive to class, please download and complete "Chunnel - WS."  After we review the worksheet, you'll label the map of Europe and identify the countries that go with each capital.  If you finish the map early, you can work on your reading notes or work ahead on "Why Renaissance? Why Florence?"

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Chapter 12, Section 1 reading notes due
  • TODAY - "Contemporary Issues in the Middle East" due
  • Monday, March 26 - Chapter 12, Section 3 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, March 27 - PAW 5
  • Tuesday, March 27 - Chapter 14, Section 1 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, March 27 - Chapter 14, Section 2 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, March 28 - Chapter 14, Section 3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, April 4 - Europe Map Quiz

WHAP Day 124 - Genocide

IMPORTANT - All students who wish to take the AP World History exam in May, MUST sign-up and submit a $20 deposit in the counseling office by Friday, March 23.

Day 3 - PAW 3

Objectives:  Define the stages of genocide.  Compare select cases of genocide in the 20th century.

Task:  Good morning!  I hope you all weathered the storm with minimal disruptions.  You'll spend today's class working in small groups to examine the 10 stages of genocide and comparing select cases of genocide.  On Monday, you'll have a short comprehension check to show your understanding of the content.

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • TODAY - PAW 3
  • Monday, March 26 - PAW 4
  • Monday, March 26 - Migration Presentation
  • Tuesday, March 27 - Period 5 DBQ in class
  • Wednesday, March 28 - LearnSmart Chapter 33 due before midnight
  • Thursday, May 3 - SCOREBoard Adaptive AP Content Review due
  • Friday, May 4 - WHAP Final Exam (period 2, 3, 4a/b)
  • Thursday, May 17 - Advanced Placement World History Exam administered

HWC Day 38 - Introduction to Europe

*Reminder:  Quarter 3 ends on Wednesday, March 28.  Be sure all tests and quizzes are completed by the end of PAW on Tuesday, March 27.
Day 3 - PAW 3

Objective:  Practice locating and identifying European countries.  Explore the geo-political and philosophical foundations of modern Europe.

Task:  Welcome back!  I hope you all weathered the storm with minimal disruption.  When you arrive to class, please turn in your unit 3 short answer responses.  Then, clear your desk of everything except your i-Pad and download "Europe Geography Jigsaw" from the Europe Geography Resources folder.  We'll spend the first portion of our class reviewing the Europe map.  Finally, those of you who were unable to complete part I of the "Heritage of Europe" activity will use the Chromebooks to access the interactive map.  The rest of you will work on "Italian Renaissance."

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Unit 3 Short Answer Responses due at the beginning of class
  • Monday, March 26 - Syrian Civil War Presentation
  • Monday, March 26 - HWC Heritage of Europe due (submit Part II for grading by 7:30 am & have Part I ready for class discussion)
  • Tuesday, March 27 - Italian Renaissance WS due
  • Wednesday, March 28 - "Meanwhile in Europe" close reading & summary due by 7:30 am, Socratic Seminar in class
  • Wednesday, April 4 - Europe map quiz

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

CPWC Day 36 - Unit 3 Test

*Reminder:  Quarter 3 ends on Wednesday, March 28.  Be sure all tests and quizzes are completed by the end of PAW on Tuesday, March 27.

Day 2 - PAW 2

Objective:   Assess knowledge and understanding of the geography, history, culture, and contemporary issues of North Africa, Southwest Asia, Transcaucasia, and Central Asia.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except a pencil in preparation for your unit 3 test.  You must finish the test before leaving class today.  As you move through your test, please work strategically.  You will have the last 10 minutes of class to reference your notes on your i-Pad.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Unit 3 Test
  • Wednesday, March 21 - Chapter 12, Section 1 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, March 21 - "Contemporary Issues in the Middle East" due
  • Thursday, March 22 - Chapter 12, Section 3 reading notes due
  • Friday, March 23 - PAW 5
  • Monday, March 26 - Chapter 14, Section 1 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, March 27 - Chapter 14, Section 2 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, March 28 - Chapter 14, Section 3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, April 4 - Europe Map Quiz

WHAP Day 123 - Social Issues in the 19th Century

IMPORTANT - All students who wish to take the AP World History exam in May, MUST sign-up and submit a $20 deposit in the counseling office by Friday, March 23.

Day 2 - PAW 2

Objectives:  Identify the impact of nationalism in the long nineteenth century.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download the social issues pamphlets.  We'll spend our time together  watching the imperialism presentation.  If there is any time remaining, we'll examine your summary packet.

IMPORTANT:  Continue working through "WHAP Period 5 Summary Packet"!  Complete the sections we've addressed in class & identify CONTENT areas with which you are struggling.

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • TODAY - Social Issues Presentation
  • Wednesday, March 21 - Migration Presentation
  • Wednesday, March 21 - PAW 3
  • Thursday, March 22 - PAW 4
  • Thursday, March 22 - Period 5 DBQ in class
  • Thursday, May 3 - SCOREBoard Adaptive AP Content Review due
  • Friday, May 4 - WHAP Final Exam (period 2, 3, 4a/b)
  • Thursday, May 17 - Advanced Placement World History Exam administered

HWC Day 37 - Unit 3 Test

*Reminder:  Quarter 3 ends on Wednesday, March 28.  Be sure all tests and quizzes are completed by the end of PAW on Tuesday, March 27.
Day 2 - PAW 2

Objective:  Assess knowledge and understanding of the geography, culture, history, and contemporary developments in North Africa, Southwest Asia, Transcaucasia, and Central Asia.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except a pencil in preparation for your test.  You must complete the objective portion of the test in class but, if you need more time, you may take the short answer questions home and turn them in tomorrow.  As you move through the test, please work strategically.  For the last 10 minutes of class, you'll be allowed to reference your notes on your i-Pad.

Homework Due Dates:
  • Tuesday, March 20 - Unit 3 Test
  • Wednesday, March 21 - Unit 3 Short Answer Responses due at the beginning of class
  • Wednesday, March 21 - Syrian Civil War Presentation
  • Thursday, March 22 - HWC Heritage of Europe due (submit Part II for grading by 7:30 am & have Part I ready for class discussion)
  • Friday, March 23 - Europe map due in class
  • Monday, March 26 - "Meanwhile in Europe" close reading & summary due by 7:30 am, Socratic Seminar in class
  • Wednesday, April 4 - Europe map quiz

Monday, March 19, 2018

CPWC Day 35 - Nationalism & Contemporary Issues in the Middle East

Day 1 - PAW 1

Objective:   Evaluate the impact of imperialism and the emergence of nationalism in the Middle East.  Analyze the importance of oil and water in contemporary politics.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please open your unit 3 history notes.  We'll finish our notes on imperialism and nationalism before reviewing your work on oil and water in the Middle East.  Finally, if there is any time remaining, you'll continue working on "Contemporary Issues in the Middle East."

Homework Due Dates:
  • Tuesday, March 20 - Unit 3 Test
  • Wednesday, March 21 - "Contemporary Issues in the Middle East" due
  • Friday, March 23 - PAW 5

WHAP Day 122 - Imperialism Presentations

IMPORTANT - All students who wish to take the AP World History exam in May, MUST sign-up and submit a $20 deposit in the counseling office by Friday, March 23.

Day 1 - PAW 1

Objectives:  Identify the impact of nationalism in the long nineteenth century.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download the imperialism pamphlets.  We'll spend our time together  watching the imperialism presentation.  If there is any time remaining, we'll examine your summary packet.

IMPORTANT:  Continue working through "WHAP Period 5 Summary Packet"!  Complete the sections we've addressed in class & identify CONTENT areas with which you are struggling.

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • TODAY - Imperialism Presentation
  • Tuesday, March 20 - Social Issues Presentation
  • Wednesday, March 21 - Migration Presentation
  • Wednesday, March 21 - PAW 3
  • Thursday, March 22 - PAW 4
  • Thursday, March 22 - Period 5 DBQ
  • Friday, May 4 - WHAP Final Exam (period 2, 3, 4a/b)
  • Thursday, May 17 - Advanced Placement World History Exam administered

HWC Day 36 - Nationalism, Independence, & Contemporary Middle East

Day 1 - PAW 1

Objective:  Evaluate the status of the contemporary Middle East.  Define the forms and impact of nationalism in the Middle East.

Task:  Marhabaan! When you arrive to class, please get out your unit 3 history notes.  We'll spend the first few minutes describing the impact of imperialism and nationalism on post-independence political developments.  Then, we'll finish your presentations from last week.

Regional Study Discussion Topics (see rubric in Schoology):
  1. Transcaucasia & Central Asia
  2. Comparing Saudi Arabia & Iran
  3. Women & Islam
  4. Israel & the Palestinians
  5. Syrian Civil War
Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Regional Study Discussion Leadership 
  • TODAY - PAW 1
  • Tuesday, March 20 - Unit 3 Test

Thursday, March 15, 2018

CPWC Day 33 - Imperialism, Nationalism, & Independence in the Middle East

Day 4 - PAW 4

Objective:   Evaluate the impact of imperialism and the emergence of nationalism in the Middle East.  Identify the paths of independence for select states in the Middle East & North Africa.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please open your work from yesterday.  I'll answer any of your questions before you complete your content check.  Then, we'll finish our unit 3 notes.

Homework Due Dates:
  • Thursday, March 15 - Kurds, Sunnis, & Shiites content check
  • Tuesday, March 20 - Unit 3 Test

WHAP Day 120 - Nationalism Presentation

IMPORTANT - All students who wish to take the AP World History exam in May, MUST sign-up and submit a $20 deposit in the counseling office by Friday, March 23.

Day 4 - PAW 4

Objectives:  Identify the impact of nationalism in the long nineteenth century.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download the nationalism pamphlets.  We'll spend our time together  watching the nationalism presentation.  If there is any time remaining, we'll review migration and immigration in preparation for your content check tomorrow.

IMPORTANT:  Continue working through "WHAP Period 5 Summary Packet"!  Complete the sections we've addressed in class & identify CONTENT areas with which you are struggling.

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • TODAY - Nationalism Presentation
  • TODAY - Industrialization & Capitalism SAQ re-writes due by end of PAW
  • TODAY - Nationalism & Revolution Thesis/Evidence Re-Write Due
  • Friday, March 16 - Imperialism & Migration content knowledge check
  • Monday, March 19 - Imperialism Presentation
  • Tuesday, March 20 - Social Issues Presentation
  • Wednesday, March 21 - Migration Presentation
  • Thursday, March 22 - Period 5 Summative Assessment
  • Friday, May 4 - WHAP Final Exam (period 2, 3, 4a/b)

HWC Day 34 - Contemporary Issues in The Middle East

Day 4 - PAW 4

Objective:  Evaluate the status of the contemporary Middle East.

Task:  Marhabaan! We'll spend our time together examining issues in the Middle East.

Regional Study Discussion Topics (see rubric in Schoology):
  1. Transcaucasia & Central Asia
  2. Comparing Saudi Arabia & Iran
  3. Women & Islam
  4. Israel & the Palestinians
  5. Syrian Civil War
Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Regional Study Discussion Leadership 
  • Tuesday, March 20 - Unit 3 Test

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

CPWC Day 32 - Kurds, Sunnis, & Shiites

Day 3 - PAW 3

Objective:   Identify the significance of the Kurds.  Explore the divisions in Islam.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please download and complete "The Country that Isn't."  After we review the worksheet, we'll watch a short video on the Kurds.  Then, you'll spend the remainder of class working on the "Investigating Sunni-Shia Divisions" (in the Unit 3 Monotheism folder).  You will have  a content comprehension check in class tomorrow. 

Homework Due Dates:
  • Thursday, March 15 - Kurds, Sunnis, & Shiites content check
  • Friday, March 16 - Unit 3 Test

WHAP Day 119 - Egalite for All

IMPORTANT - All students who wish to take the AP World History exam in May, MUST sign-up and submit a $20 deposit in the counseling office by Friday, March 23.

Day 3 - PAW 3

Pd. 3 Objectives:  Examine the role of Toussaint L'Ouverture in the Haitian Revolution and the significance of this event in world history.

Pd. 3 Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download "WHAP 5.3 - Egalite for All."  We'll spend our time together today looking at the Haitian Revolution as a world revolution.

Period 4 will be watching and evaluating a debate semi-final today!

IMPORTANT:  Continue working through "WHAP Period 5 Summary Packet"!  Complete the sections we've addressed in class & identify CONTENT areas with which you are struggling.

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • Thursday, March 15- Nationalism Presentation
  • Thursday, March 15 - Industrialization & Capitalism SAQ re-writes due by end of PAW
  • Thursday, March 15 - Nationalism & Revolution Thesis/Evidence Re-Write Due
  • Friday, March 16 - Imperialism & Migration content knowledge check
  • Monday, March 19 - Imperialism Presentation
  • Tuesday, March 20 - Social Issues Presentation
  • Wednesday, March 21 - Migration Presentation
  • Thursday, March 22 - Period 5 Summative Assessment
  • Friday, May 4 - WHAP Final Exam (period 2, 3, 4a/b)

HWC Day 33 - Kurds & Contemporary Issues

Day 3 - PAW 3

Objective:  Evaluate the status of Kurds in the Middle East.  Investigate contemporary issues in the Middle East.

Task:  Marhabaan!  When you arrive to class, please download and complete "The Country that Isn't."  After we review the worksheet,  we'll watch a short video about the controversy surrounding the possibility of a Kurdistan.  Finally, you'll use the remainder of class to work with your group on your regional study discussion leadership.

Regional Study Discussion Topics (see rubric in Schoology):
  1. Transcaucasia & Central Asia
  2. Comparing Saudi Arabia & Iran
  3. Women & Islam
  4. Israel & the Palestinians
  5. Syrian Civil War
Homework Due Dates:
  • Thursday, March 15 - Regional Study Discussion Leadership 
  • Tuesday, March 20 - Unit 3 Test

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

CPWC Day 31 - Genocide, Nationalism, & Independence

Day 2 - PAW 2

Objective:   Define the causes, course, and consequences of the Armenian genocide.  Evaluate the emergence of nationalism and the paths to independence in the Middle East.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please open up your notes on the Ottoman empire.  We'll review your questions before finishing the documentary.  Finally, we'll spend the remainder of class finishing our notes on the historical developments in the Middle East.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Complete "Ottomans, Genocide, Decline" BEFORE class
  • Friday, March 16 - Unit 3 Test

WHAP Day 118 - Science & Medicine Presentation

Day 2 - PAW 2

Objectives:  Evaluate the scientific and medical developments in the long 19th century

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download the pamphlets on science and medicine.    We'll spend our time together watching and participating on our second presentation.

IMPORTANT:  Continue working through "WHAP Period 5 Summary Packet"!  Complete the sections we've addressed in class & identify CONTENT areas with which you are struggling.

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • TODAY - Science & Medicine Presentation
  • TODAY - LearnSmart Chapter 32 due by 11:59 pm
  • Thursday, March 15- Nationalism Presentation
  • Thursday, March 15 - Industrialization & Capitalism SAQ re-writes due by end of PAW
  • Thursday, March 15 - Nationalism & Revolution Thesis/Evidence Re-Write Due
  • Friday, March 16 - Imperialism & Migration content knowledge check
  • Monday, March 19 - Imperialism Presentation
  • Tuesday, March 20 - Social Issues Presentation
  • Wednesday, March 21 - Migration Presentation
  • Thursday, March 22 - Period 5 Summative Assessment

HWC Day 32 - Genocide, Nationalism, & Independence

Day 2 - PAW 2

Objective:  Examine the social and political factors that led to the Armenian genocide.  Describe the emergence of nationalism and independence in the Middle East.

Task:  Marhabaan!  When you arrive to class, please open up your viewing guide on the Armenian genocide.  We'll discuss the event and continue with our notes on the Middle East.

Regional Study Discussion Topics (see rubric in Schoology):
  1. Transcaucasia & Central Asia
  2. Comparing Saudi Arabia & Iran
  3. Women & Islam
  4. Israel & the Palestinians
  5. Syrian Civil War
Homework Due Dates:
  • Thursday, March 15 - Regional Study Discussion Leadership 
  • Friday, March 16 - Unit 3 Test

Monday, March 12, 2018

CPWC Day 30 - Unit 3 Map Quiz & Armenian Genocide

Day 1 - PAW 1

Objective:   Assess knowledge of the geography of North Africa, Southwest Asia, Transcaucasia, & Central Asia.  Explore the causes, course, and consequences of the Armenian genocide.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except a pen or pencil.  You'll have 40 minutes to complete the map quiz.  If you finish the quiz before time is up, please work on "Ottomans, Genocide, Decline" (due tomorrow).  After the quiz, you'll watch a documentary on the Armenian genocide.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Tuesday, March 13 - Complete "Ottomans, Genocide, Decline" BEFORE class
  • Friday, March 16 - Unit 3 Test

WHAP Day 117 - Human Web Rdg. Quiz

Day 1 - PAW 1

Objectives:  Assess knowledge and understanding of the long-nineteenth century as described in The Human Web.  Explore migration, imperialism, and/or nationalism in the nineteenth century.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except a pen or pencil.  You'll have 40 minutes to complete your reading quiz.  After the quiz, you will complete ONE of the following activities:

  1. Berlin Conference” BBC Podcast (5.2 folder) - use your own earbuds or headphones from the basket in the front of the room
  2. A Jewish State, by Theodor Herzl” (5.3 folder)- read a short selection of primary & secondary source information and answer questions about the relationship between religion & nationalism
  3. “New Identities in Egypt: British Imperialism and the Crisis in Islam”  (5.3 folder) - read the excerpt and complete the Venn diagram to explore nationalism in Egypt
  4. “Communication, Transportation, & Migration” (5.4 folder) - read excerpts from migrant diaries/letters & answer questions
IMPORTANT:  Continue working through "WHAP Period 5 Summary Packet"!  Complete the sections we've addressed in class & identify CONTENT areas with which you are struggling.

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • TODAY - "Breaking Old Chains, Tightening the New Web" reading quiz!!!! 
  • Tuesday, March 13 - Science & Medicine Presentation
  • Tuesday, March 13 - LearnSmart Chapter 32 due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, March 14 - Imperialism & Migration content knowledge check
  • Thursday, March 15- Nationalism Presentation
  • Thursday, March 15 - Industrialization & Capitalism SAQ re-writes due by end of PAW
  • Thursday, March 15 - Nationalism & Revolution Thesis/Evidence Re-Write Due
  • Monday, March 19 - Imperialism Presentation
  • Tuesday, March 20 - Social Issues Presentation
  • Wednesday, March 21 - Migration Presentation
  • Thursday, March 22 - Period 5 Summative Assessment

HWC Day 31 - Map Quiz & Armenian Genocide

Day 1 - PAW 1

Objective:  Assess knowledge and understanding of the geography of North Africa, Southwest Asia, Transcaucasia, and Central Asia.

Task:  Marhabaan!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except a pen or pencil.  You'll have 35 minutes to complete your map quiz.  Then, you'll take notes on the Armenian Genocide while you watch the documentary.

Regional Study Discussion Topics (see rubric in Schoology):
  1. Transcaucasia & Central Asia
  2. Comparing Saudi Arabia & Iran
  3. Women & Islam
  4. Israel & the Palestinians
  5. Syrian Civil War
Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - HWC - Perspectives in History due
  • Monday, March 12 - Unit 3 Map Quiz (includes Africa map)
  • Thursday, March 15 - Regional Study Discussion Leadership 
  • Friday, March 16 - Unit 3 Test

Friday, March 9, 2018

CPWC Day 29 - Islamic Contributions & Monotheism Review

Day 5 - PAW 5

Objective:   Identify the contributions of Islamic civilization.  Define the major differences between Sunni & Shia Islam.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please open "Islamic Contributions" (from yesterday) and answer the essay question.  After a brief discussion, we'll continue our notes on the history of the Middle East.  Finally, we'll end class with Kahoot! to review the "Heirs of Abraham."

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - PAW 5
  • TODAY - "Heirs of Abraham" close reading due by 3:00
  • Monday, March 12 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Friday, March 16 - Unit 3 Test

WHAP Day 116 - Economic Theory

Day 5- PAW 5

Objectives:  Analyze the economic theories that dominated the long nineteenth century.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download the "Economic Theory Pamphlets" and prepare for our first presentation.  

IMPORTANT:  Continue working through "WHAP Period 5 Summary Packet"!  Complete the sections we've addressed in class & identify CONTENT areas with which you are struggling.

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • TODAY - Economic Theory Presentation
  • TODAY - Complete "European Imperialism" webquest (Note sheet located in 5.2 folder) BEFORE class
  • Monday, March 12 - "Breaking Old Chains, Tightening the New Web" reading quiz!!!! 
  • Tuesday, March 13 - Science & Medicine Presentation
  • Tuesday, March 13 - LearnSmart Chapter 32 due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, March 14 - Imperialism & Migration content knowledge check
  • Thursday, March 15- Nationalism Presentation
  • Thursday, March 15 - Industrialization & Capitalism SAQ re-writes due by end of PAW
  • Thursday, March 15 - Nationalism & Revolution Thesis/Evidence Re-Write Due
  • Monday, March 19 - Imperialism Presentation
  • Tuesday, March 20 - Social Issues Presentation
  • Wednesday, March 21 - Migration Presentation
  • Thursday, March 22 - Period 5 Summative Assessment

HWC Day 30 - Changes in Modern Middle East

Day 5 - PAW 5

Objective:  Analyze significant developments in the history of the Middle East.

Task:  Marhabaan!  When you arrive to class, please grab a whiteboard and marker.  Watch the music video and identify the historical event (& date) referred to in the song.  After a brief discussion, we'll continue our notes on the history of the Middle East.

Regional Study Discussion Topics (see rubric in Schoology):
  1. Transcaucasia & Central Asia
  2. Comparing Saudi Arabia & Iran
  3. Women & Islam
  4. Israel & the Palestinians
  5. Syrian Civil War
Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - HWC - Perspectives in History due
  • Monday, March 12 - Unit 3 Map Quiz (includes Africa map)
  • Thursday, March 15 - Regional Study Discussion Leadership 
  • Friday, March 16 - Unit 3 Test

Thursday, March 8, 2018

CPWC Day 28 - Islamic Contributions to Civilizations

2 Hour Delay - No PAW

Objective:   Identify the contributions of Islamic civilization.  Define the major differences between Sunni & Shia Islam.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please upload your homework to the appropriate dropbox.  Then, download and complete "Islamic Contributions" (in the Monotheism folder).  After we review your work, we'll take a short break and play Quizlet live to practice for Monday's map quiz.  Finally, you'll begin investigating Islam's sectarian divide.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - 16.2 & 16.3 reading notes due
  • Friday, March 9 - PAW 5
  • Friday, March 9 - "Heirs of Abraham" close reading due by 3:00
  • Monday, March 12 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Friday, March 16 - Unit 3 Test

WHAP Day 115 - Imperialism in Popular Literature

2 Hour Delay - No PAW

Objectives:  Analyze the portrayal of imperialism in British popular literature.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please check out the adjusted project due dates below.  I apologize for the inconvenience but the weather has put a damper on my original plans!  Then, download "The White Man's Burden" (5.2 folder).  We'll spend our time together examining this well-known poem to better understand the attitudes and ideals that enabled imperialism.

IMPORTANT:  Continue working through "WHAP Period 5 Summary Packet"!  Complete the sections we've addressed in class & identify CONTENT areas with which you are struggling.

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • TODAY - LearnSmart Chapter 31 due by 11:59 pm
  • Friday, March 9 - Economic Theory Presentation
  • Friday, March 9 - Complete "European Imperialism" webquest (Note sheet located in 5.2 folder) BEFORE class
  • Monday, March 12 - "Breaking Old Chains, Tightening the New Web" reading quiz!!!! 
  • Tuesday, March 13 - Science & Medicine Presentation
  • Tuesday, March 13 - LearnSmart Chapter 32 due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, March 14 - Imperialism & Migration content knowledge check
  • Thursday, March 15- Nationalism Presentation
  • Thursday, March 15 - Industrialization & Capitalism SAQ re-writes due by end of PAW
  • Monday, March 19 - Imperialism Presentation
  • Tuesday, March 20 - Social Issues Presentation
  • Wednesday, March 21 - Migration Presentation
  • Thursday, March 22 - Period 5 Summative Assessment

HWC Day 29 - Defining Orientalism

2 Hour Delay - No PAW

Objective:  Analyze significant developments in the history of the Middle East.

Task:  Marhabaan!  When you arrive to class, please open up your notes on the history of the Middle East.  We'll spend our brief time together discussing modern and contemporary history of the region.

Regional Study Discussion Topics (see rubric in Schoology):
  1. Transcaucasia & Central Asia
  2. Comparing Saudi Arabia & Iran
  3. Women & Islam
  4. Israel & the Palestinians
  5. Syrian Civil War
Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Regional Study Part II Orientalism due in class
  • Friday, March 9 - HWC - Perspectives in History due
  • Monday, March 12 - Unit 3 Map Quiz (includes Africa map)
  • Tuesday, March 13 - Regional Study Discussion Leadership 
  • Friday, March 16 - Unit 3 Test

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

CPWC Day 27 - Monotheism

Day 4 - PAW 4

Objective:   Consider the importance of the Nile on the development of culture and society in Egypt.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please upload your homework to the appropriate dropboxes.  Then download and complete "Nile Valley WS."  We'll briefly discuss the emergence of civilization in the region with some guided notes.  Finally, you'll spend the remainder of class working on the "Heirs of Abraham" close reading.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY-  22.3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, March 7 - PAW 5
  • Thursday, March 8 - 16.2 & 16.3 reading notes due
  • Monday, March 12 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Friday, March 16 - Unit 3 Test

WHAP Day 114 - Nineteenth Century Migration

Day 4 - PAW 4

Objectives:  Analyze the causes, consequences, and paths of migration in the long nineteenth century.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download WHAP 5.4 - Analyzing Migration Patterns.  We'll complete the first few points together and then you'll spend the next half hour finishing the activity.  Finally, you'll examine Italian migration to Argentina.

If there is a snow day on Wednesday, March 7, we will not be able to reschedule our library time.  Please make arrangements to finish your projects by their due dates!

IMPORTANT:  Continue working through "WHAP Period 5 Summary Packet"!  Complete the sections we've addressed in class & identify CONTENT areas with which you are struggling.

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • TODAY - PAW 4
  • Wednesday, March 7 - Meet at the Library
  • Thursday, March 8 - "Breaking Old Chains, Tightening the New Web" due in class (Be ready for a reading quiz!!!!)
  • Thursday, March 8 - LearnSmart Chapter 31 due by 11:59 pm
  • Friday, March 9 - Economic Theory Presentation
  • Friday, March 9 - Complete "European Imperialism" webquest (Note sheet located in 5.2 folder) BEFORE class 
  • Monday, March 12 - Science & Medicine Presentation
  • Monday, March 12 - Industrialization & Capitalism SAQ re-writes due by end of PAW
  • Tuesday, March 13 - Nationalism Presentation
  • Tuesday, March 13 - LearnSmart Chapter 32 due by 11:59 pm
  • Thursday, March 15 - Imperialism Presentation
  • Monday, March 19 - Social Issues Presentation
  • Tuesday, March 20 - Migration Presentation
  • Thursday, March 22 - Period 5 Summative Assessment

HWC Day 28 - Condensed History of the Middle East

Day 4 - PAW 4 

Objective:  Analyze significant developments in the history of the Middle East.

Task:  Marhabaan!  When you arrive to class, please download "HWC Unit 3 History Notes."  We'll spend the first portion of class considering select historical developments in the region.  Then, we'll divide up into groups to identify topics for the regional study discussion.

Regional Study Discussion Topics (see rubric in Schoology):

  1. Transcaucasia & Central Asia
  2. Comparing Saudi Arabia & Iran
  3. Women & Islam
  4. Israel & the Palestinians
  5. Syrian Civil War
Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - "West Comes East" discussion - be prepared with questions
  • Wednesday, March 7 - Unit 3 Map Quiz (includes Africa map)
  • Thursday, March 8 - Regional Study Part II Orientalism due in class
  • Friday, March 9 - HWC - Perspectives in History due
  • Monday, March 12 - Regional Study Discussion Leadership 
  • Wednesday, March 14 - Unit 3 Test

Monday, March 5, 2018

CPWC Day 26 - Geography & Monotheism

2 Hour Delay - No PAW

Objective:   Consider the importance of the Nile on the development of culture and society in Egypt.

Task:  Good afternoon!  With our lost class on Friday, its very important that we stay focused on task for the next couple of days to catch up.  When you arrive to class, please upload your homework to the appropriate dropboxes.  Then download and complete "Nile Valley WS."  After we review your work, you'll have time to work on your Middle East master map and the Middle East capitals.  Finally, we'll begin our exploration of the Abrahamic religions.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY  - 22.1 reading notes due
  • TODAY - Southwest Asia map due
  • TODAY - 22.2 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, March 6 - 22.3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, March 7 - PAW 5
  • Wednesday, March 7 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Thursday, March 8 - 16.2 & 16.3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, March 14 - Unit 3 Test

WHAP Day 113 - Defining the "Nation"

2 Hour Delay - No PAW

Objectives:  Evaluate the causes and consequences of the Atlantic revolutions in the late 18th & 19th centuries.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please pick up a thesis statement paper and take the first five minutes of class to create a thesis statement in response to the prompt on the board.   Turn in your thesis at the back of the room.  Then, we'll play Quizlet Live to review your content knowledge. Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class discussing the concept of nineteenth-century "nationalism." 

For period 4 students in "The Music Man" - Tomorrow we will complete "Analysis of Migration Patterns" and "Italian Migration to Argentina" (both in 5.4 folder) in class.  You are responsible for completing this work BEFORE class on Wednesday, 3/7.  

If there is a snow day on Wednesday, March 7, we will not be able to reschedule our library time.  Please make arrangements to finish your projects by their due dates!

IMPORTANT:  Continue working through "WHAP Period 5 Summary Packet"!  Complete the sections we've addressed in class & identify CONTENT areas with which you are struggling.

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • TODAY - Complete "Benedict Anderson - Imagined Communities" (5.3 folder) and be ready to share in class
  • TODAY - Listen to "The Congress of Vienna" BEFORE class (5.3 folder)
  • Wednesday, March 7 - Meet at the Library
  • Thursday, March 8 - "Breaking Old Chains, Tightening the New Web" due in class (Be ready for a reading quiz!!!!)
  • Thursday, March 8 - LearnSmart Chapter 31 due by 11:59 pm
  • Friday, March 9 - Economic Theory Presentation
  • Friday, March 9 - Complete "European Imperialism" webquest (Note sheet located in 5.2 folder) BEFORE class 
  • Monday, March 12 - Science & Medicine Presentation
  • Monday, March 12 - Industrialization & Capitalism SAQ re-writes due by end of PAW
  • Tuesday, March 13 - Nationalism Presentation
  • Tuesday, March 13 - LearnSmart Chapter 32 due by 11:59 pm
  • Thursday, March 15 - Imperialism Presentation
  • Monday, March 19 - Social Issues Presentation
  • Tuesday, March 20 - Migration Presentation
  • Thursday, March 22 - Period 5 Summative Assessment

HWC Day 27 - Examining Islam

2 Hour Delay - No PAW 

Objective:  Evaluate the emergence of monotheism in Southwest Asia.  Define the Five Pillars of Faith.  Identify the primary differences between Sunni & Shia Islam.

Task:  Marhabaan!  I hope that you've all weathered the storm with minimal disruptions.  Today, we'll spend our brief time together defining the Five Pillars of Faith.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - "Investigating Sunni-Shia Divisions" due in class
  • Tuesday, March 6 - "West Comes East" discussion - be prepared with questions
  • Wednesday, March 7 - Unit 3 Map Quiz (includes Africa map)
  • Thursday, March 8 - Regional Study Part II Orientalism due in class
  • Friday, March 9 - HWC - Perspectives in History due
  • Monday, March 12 - Regional Study Discussion Leadership 
  • Wednesday, March 14 - Unit 3 Test

Friday, March 2, 2018

CPWC Day 26 - Geography & History of the Middle East

Day 3 - PAW 3

Objective:   Consider the importance of the Nile on the development of culture and society in Egypt.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please upload your homework your homework to the appropriate dropboxes.  Then download and complete "Nile Valley WS."  After we review your work, you'll have time to work on your Middle East master map.  Finally, if there is any time remaining, we'll begin our exploration of the Abrahamic religions.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY  - 22.1 reading notes due
  • TODAY - Southwest Asia map due
  • Monday, March 5 - 22.2 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, March 6 - 22.3 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, March 6 - PAW 5
  • Wednesday, March 7 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Thursday, March 8 - 16.2 & 16.3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, March 14 - Unit 3 Test

WHAP Day 112 - The Atlantic Revolutions

Day 3 - PAW 3

Objectives:  Evaluate the causes and consequences of the Atlantic revolutions in the late 18th & 19th centuries.

Task:  Good morning!  We'll begin class with a brief discussion on your "Capitalism & Industrialization" SAQs.  If you are not satisfied with your scores, you may re-write these responses.  However, you must come in during PAW (not Wednesday, 3/7) or remediation (only 3/5, 3/8 or 3/9) to complete the SAQ.

Next, we'll review your work and consider the political spectrum that emerged during the modern era.

IMPORTANT:  Continue working through "WHAP Period 5 Summary Packet"!  Complete the sections we've addressed in class & identify CONTENT areas with which you are struggling.

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • TODAY - Thesis/Context Practice Re-Do Due
  • TODAY - Atlantic Revolutions Comparison due at the beginning of class
  • Monday, March 5 - Complete "Benedict Anderson - Imagined Communities" (5.3 folder) and be ready to share in class
  • Monday, March 5 - Listen to "The Congress of Vienna" BEFORE class (5.3 folder)
  • Wednesday, March 7 - Meet at the Library
  • Thursday, March 8 - "Breaking Old Chains, Tightening the New Web" due in class (Be ready for a reading quiz!!!!)
  • Thursday, March 8 - LearnSmart Chapter 31 due by 11:59 pm
  • Friday, March 9 - Economic Theory Presentation
  • Friday, March 9 - Complete "European Imperialism" webquest (Note sheet located in 5.2 folder) BEFORE class 
  • Monday, March 12 - Science & Medicine Presentation
  • Monday, March 12 - Industrialization & Capitalism SAQ re-writes due by end of PAW
  • Tuesday, March 13 - Nationalism Presentation
  • Tuesday, March 13 - LearnSmart Chapter 32 due by 11:59 pm
  • Thursday, March 15 - Imperialism Presentation
  • Monday, March 19 - Social Issues Presentation
  • Tuesday, March 20 - Migration Presentation
  • Thursday, March 22 - Period 5 Summative Assessment

HWC Day 26 - Diversity & Monotheism

Day 3 - PAW 3

Objective:   Examine the impact of geography on the history, culture, and development of Southwest Asia, North Africa, and Transcaucasia and Central Asia.  Evaluate the emergence of monotheism in Southwest Asia.

Task:  Marhabaan!  When you arrive to class, please download the geography collages.  We'll spend the first few minutes of class sharing your work.  Then, we'll test your knowledge of Zoroastrianism and the Abrahamic religions.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class considering the 5 pillars of faith.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Watch "HWC3 - Zoroastrianism" BEFORE class
  • TODAY - Read "Heirs of Abraham - HWC Student" be prepared for a quiz!
  • Monday, March 3 - "Investigating Sunni-Shia Divisions" due in class
  • Tuesday, March 6 - "West Comes East" discussion - be prepared with questions
  • Wednesday, March 7 - Unit 3 Map Quiz (includes Africa map)
  • Thursday, March 8 - Regional Study Part II Orientalism due in class
  • Friday, March 9 - HWC - Perspectives in History due
  • Monday, March 12 - Regional Study Discussion Leadership 
  • Wednesday, March 14 - Unit 3 Test

Thursday, March 1, 2018

CPWC Day 25 - Inside Mecca

Day 2 - PAW 2

Objective:   Consider the ways in which Islam impacts the daily lives of practitioners.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please download "Inside Mecca" - you will complete this sheet while you watch the documentary.  We'll spend our time together today looking at the hajj and the experiences of six people taking part in this pilgrimage.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - 19.2  reading notes due
  • TODAY - North Africa map due
  • Friday, March 2 - 22.1 reading notes due
  • Friday, March 2 - Southwest Asia map due
  • Monday, March 5 - 22.2 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, March 6 - 22.3 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, March 6 - PAW 5
  • Wednesday, March 7 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Thursday, March 8 - 16.2 & 16.3 reading notes due
  • Monday, March 12 - Unit 3 Test

WHAP Day 111 - Industrialization Group Project

Day 2 - PAW 2

Objectives:  Describe and evaluate various aspects of industrialization in the 19th century.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please sit with your group and work on your project.  Please make sure to use your time wisely!

IMPORTANT:  Continue working through "WHAP Period 5 Summary Packet"!  Complete the sections we've addressed in class & identify CONTENT areas with which you are struggling.

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • TODAY- Meet at the Library
  • Friday, March 2 - Thesis/Context Practice Re-Do Due
  • Friday, March 2 - Atlantic Revolutions Comparison due at the beginning of class
  • Monday, March 5 - Complete "Benedict Anderson - Imagined Communities" (5.3 folder) and be ready to share in class
  • Monday, March 5 - Listen to "The Congress of Vienna" BEFORE class (5.3 folder)
  • Wednesday, March 7 - Meet at the Library
  • Thursday, March 8 - "Breaking Old Chains, Tightening the New Web" due in class (Be ready for a reading quiz!!!!)
  • Thursday, March 8 - LearnSmart Chapter 31 due by 11:59 pm
  • Friday, March 9 - Economic Theory Presentation
  • Monday, March 12 - Science & Medicine Presentation
  • Tuesday, March 13 - Nationalism Presentation
  • Tuesday, March 13 - LearnSmart Chapter 32 due by 11:59 pm
  • Thursday, March 15 - Imperialism Presentation
  • Monday, March 19 - Social Issues Presentation
  • Tuesday, March 20 - Migration Presentation
  • Thursday, March 22 - Period 5 Summative Assessment

HWC Day 25 - Introduction to the Middle East

Day 2 - PAW 2

Objective:   Examine the impact of geography on the history, culture, and development of Southwest Asia, North Africa, and Transcaucasia and Central Asia.

Task:  Marhabaan!  When you arrive to class, please take a few minutes to complete "Think You Know the Greater Middle East?" quiz.  Then, we'll move into groups to study the geography of the region.  Each group will use GoogleDraw or Notability to create an annotated collage of your section:

  1. SW Asia & N. Africa - Environmental Geography and Population & Settlement (pp. 185-200)
  2. SW Asia & N. Africa - Cultural Coherence & Diversity, Geopolitical Framework, and Economic Development (pp. 200-216)
  3. Central Asia - Environmental Geography and Population & Settlement (pp. 285-294)
  4. Central Asia - Cultural Coherence & Diversity, Geopolitical Framework, and Economic & Social Development (pp. 294-305)

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Unit 3 Map due in class
  • Friday, March 2 - Watch "HWC3 - Zoroastrianism" BEFORE class
  • Friday, March 2 - Read "Heirs of Abraham - HWC Student" be prepared for a quiz!
  • Monday, March 3 - "Investigating Sunni-Shia Divisions" due in class
  • Tuesday, March 6 - "West Comes East" discussion - be prepared with questions
  • Wednesday, March 7 - Unit 3 Map Quiz (includes Africa map)
  • Thursday, March 8 - Regional Study Part II Orientalism due in class
  • Friday, March 9 - HWC - Perspectives in History due
  • Monday, March 12 - Regional Study Discussion Leadership 
  • Wednesday, March 14 - Unit 3 Test