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Monday, May 18, 2015

West Civ Day 27 - Scientific Revolution

Objective:  Evaluate the significance and contributions of the Scientific Revolution. Investigate individuals and ideas of the Enlightenment.

Task:  Good morning!  Today, we're going to step back chronologically to consider the Scientific Revolution.  After we've finished our notes on the Scientific Revolution, we'll continue our examination of select figures of the Enlightenment.  Half of the class will research the ideas of Thomas Hobbes & John Locke in preparation for a debate.  The other half of the class will research other central figures of the Enlightenment and post your research to the prezi. (see below)

  • Monday, May 18 - Unit 4 PDPs due by 3:00
  • Tuesday, May 19 - Hobbes & Locke Debate (see rubric)
  • Tuesday, May 19 - Completed Enlightenment Prezi due
  • Wednesday, May 20 - Unit 4 PDPs due by 3:00

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