Free Rice

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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

CPWC Day 70 - Southeast Asia Geography & Culture

 Keystone Testing - No PAW

Objective:  Label maps of Southeast Asia and Oceania.  Examine statistics to evaluate the cultural diversity of Southeast Asia.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except a pencil in preparation for your test.   As you work through the test, please read each question and each answer carefully.  Then, pick the BEST possible answer.  For the short answer response, please write your response on the lines on the back of the Scantron sheet.  After you finish the test, please begin labeling and coloring your Southeast Asia & Oceania maps.

Due Dates & Reminders:
  • Thursday, May 24 - Southeast Asia & Oceania Map Quiz

WHAP Day 158 - Period 6 Review

Keystone Testing - No PAW

Objectives:  Identify continuity and change from 1900-Present  Review essential content from historical period 6.  

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download and work on "WHAP Period 6 HTS Prompts 2018" (in the "In-Class Review Materials" folder).  We'll work on our skills before moving on to an activity practicing CCOT.  Finally, we'll end class with Quizlet Live to review content from period 6.  

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • TODAY  - Historical Period 5 (1750 to 1900) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 21 to 24 for Period 5
    • CCOT Chart 5 Due in Class
  • Tuesday, May 15 - Alg/Bio Keystone Testing - 2 hour delay schedule
  • Tuesday, May 15 - Historical Period 6 (1900 to Present) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 25-30 for Period 6
    • CCOT Chart 6 Due in Class
  • Wednesday, May 16 - Alg/Bio Keystone Testing - 2 hour delay schedule
  • Wednesday, May 16 - HTS Skill Review
  • Thursday, May 17 - Lit Keystone Testing - 2 hour delay schedule
  • Thursday, May 17 - Advanced Placement World History Exam administered
  • Friday, May 18 - Lit Keystone Testing - 2 hour delay schedule

HWC Day 71 - Geography & Culture of Southeast Asia

Keystone Testing - No PAW

Objective:  Examine the geography and cultural diversity of Southeast Asia to establish an understanding of the region.

Task:  Good morning!  I hope you had a successful testing session for your first day of Biology Keystones.  Today, we'll continue our exploration of the geography and culture of the region with "Cultural and Geographic Diversity."  If time allows, we'll review your work and tie this information to "A Taste of Adventure."

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Alg/Bio Keystone Testing - 2 hour delay schedule
  • Wednesday, May 16 - Alg/Bio Keystone Testing - 2 hour delay schedule
  • Thursday, May 17 - Lit Keystone Testing - 2 hour delay schedule
  • Friday, May 18 - Lit Keystone Testing - 2 hour delay schedule
  • Thursday, May 24 - Asia & Oceania cumulative map quiz (Will include ALL of Asia & Oceania - see study guide in Schoology)
  • Friday, May 1 - Latin America, Europe, & Africa map quiz 

Monday, May 14, 2018

CPWC Day 69 - South Asia Test

Day 4 - PAW 4

Objective:  Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the geography, culture, history, and contemporary issues in South Asia.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except a pencil in preparation for your test.   As you work through the test, please read each question and each answer carefully.  Then, pick the BEST possible answer.  For the short answer response, please write your response on the lines on the back of the Scantron sheet.  After you finish the test, please begin labeling and coloring your Southeast Asia & Oceania maps.

Due Dates & Reminders:
  • TODAY - Unit 6 Test

WHAP Day 157 - Period 5 Review

Day 5 - PAW 5

Objectives:  Identify continuity and change from 1750-1900 CE.  Review essential content from historical period 5.  Practice causation & comparison.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download and work on "WHAP Period  5 HTS Prompts 2018" (in the "In-Class Review Materials" folder).  We will work on causation, comparison, contextualization, and/or continuity and change over time.   After a brief discussion, we'll review your CCOT charts and the period 5 5-4-3-2-1.

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • TODAY  - Historical Period 5 (1750 to 1900) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 21 to 24 for Period 5
    • CCOT Chart 5 Due in Class
  • Tuesday, May 15 - Alg/Bio Keystone Testing - 2 hour delay schedule
  • Tuesday, May 15 - Historical Period 6 (1900 to Present) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 25-30 for Period 6
    • CCOT Chart 6 Due in Class
  • Wednesday, May 16 - Alg/Bio Keystone Testing - 2 hour delay schedule
  • Wednesday, May 16 - HTS Skill Review
  • Thursday, May 17 - Lit Keystone Testing - 2 hour delay schedule
  • Thursday, May 17 - Advanced Placement World History Exam administered
  • Friday, May 18 - Lit Keystone Testing - 2 hour delay schedule

HWC Day 70 - Introduction to Southeast Asia

Day 5 - PAW 5

Objective:  Examine the geography and cultural diversity of Southeast Asia to establish an understanding of the region.

Task:  Happy Monday!  We're going to spend our time together today defining the geographic and cultural diversity of Southeast Asia.  First, you'll work with a partner to label and color a map of Southeast Asia.  Then, you'll branch off on your own to examine some maps and statistics about the region.  As you examine these documents, you'll identify trends that will help us to understand the region.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - "A Taste of Adventure" Close Reading due (see rubric in Schoology)
  • Tuesday, May 15 - Alg/Bio Keystone Testing - 2 hour delay schedule
  • Wednesday, May 16 - Alg/Bio Keystone Testing - 2 hour delay schedule
  • Thursday, May 17 - Lit Keystone Testing - 2 hour delay schedule
  • Friday, May 18 - Lit Keystone Testing - 2 hour delay schedule
  • Thursday, May 24 - Asia & Oceania cumulative map quiz (Will include ALL of Asia & Oceania - see study guide in Schoology)
  • Friday, May 1 - Latin America, Europe, & Africa map quiz 

Friday, May 11, 2018

CPWC Day 68 - South Asia Review

Day 4 - PAW 4

Objective:  Analyze the impact of global interdependence and the Taliban on developments in South Asia.  Review essential content from the unit in preparation for the unit test.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please open up your notes on South Asia.  We'll start with a quick overview of some points about the development of the region in the 20th century.  Specifically, we'll consider non-alignment, the birth of Bangladesh, and threats to traditional culture in the region.  Finally, we'll spend the remainder of our time together looking at the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Due Dates & Reminders:
  • TODAY - Unit 6 Test

WHAP Day 156 - Period 4 Review

Day 4 - PAW 4

Objectives:  Identify continuity and change from 1450-1750 CE.  Review essential content from historical periods 3.  Practice document analysis.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download and work on "WHAP Period 4 HTS Prompts 2018" (in the "In-Class Review Materials" folder).  Please work on either "Document Analysis" OR "Interpretation."   After a brief discussion, we'll review your CCOT charts and then play Kahoot! to review period 4 content.

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • TODAY - Historical Period 4 (1450 to 1750) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 15-20 for Period 4
    • CCOT Chart 4 Due in Class
  • Saturday, May 12 - Optional Review Session from 8:00 am to 10:00 am
  • Monday, May 14 - Historical Period 5 (1750 to 1900) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 21 to 24 for Period 5
    • CCOT Chart 5 Due in Class
  • Tuesday, May 15 - Historical Period 6 (1900 to Present) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 25-30 for Period 6
    • CCOT Chart 6 Due in Class
  • Wednesday, May 16 - HTS Skill Review
  • Thursday, May 17 - Advanced Placement World History Exam administered

HWC Day 69 - South Asia Test

Day 4 - PAW 4

Objective:  Assess knowledge and understanding of the culture, history, geography, and contemporary issues in South Asia.

Task:  Good morning! When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except a pencil in preparation for you unit test.  You'll have the entire class to work on your test but you must finish before leaving the room.  When you finish the test, please turn it in at the back of the room and work on upcoming assignments.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - South Asia Test
  • Monday, May 14 - "A Taste of Adventure" Close Reading due (see rubric in Schoology)
  • Tuesday, May 15 - Alg/Bio Keystone Testing - 2 hour delay schedule
  • Wednesday, May 16 - Alg/Bio Keystone Testing - 2 hour delay schedule
  • Thursday, May 17 - Lit Keystone Testing - 2 hour delay schedule
  • Friday, May 18 - Lit Keystone Testing - 2 hour delay schedule
  • Thursday, May 24 - Asia & Oceania cumulative map quiz (Will include ALL of Asia & Oceania - see study guide in Schoology)
  • Friday, May 1 - Latin America, Europe, & Africa map quiz 

Thursday, May 10, 2018

CPWC Day 68 - Contemporary Issues in South Asia

Day 3 - PAW 3

Objective:  Analyze the impact of the Green Revolution, global interdependence, and the Taliban on developments in South Asia.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please open up your reading on the Green Revolution.  We'll spend the first few minutes of class reviewing your questions.  Then, we'll talk about the Taliban and the evolving nature of this organization.  Finally, we'll use the last portion of class to review essential content from the unit.

Due Dates & Reminders:
  • Due ASAP - Holy Cow!
  • TODAY - "Green Revolution in India" due in class
  • Monday, May 14 - Unit 6 Test

WHAP Day 155 - Period 3 Review

Day 3 - PAW 3

Objectives:  Identify continuity and change from 600 - 1450 CE.  Review essential content from historical periods 3.  Practice document analysis.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download and work on "WHAP Period 3 HTS Prompts 2018" (in the "In-Class Review Materials" folder).  Please do not try to complete the entire activity - focus on the area with which you struggle the most - 'Turning Point,' 'Document Usage & Analysis,' or 'Argument Development.'  After a brief discussion, we'll review your CCOT charts and then finish up the class with a 5-4-3-2-1 walk & talk.

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • TODAY - Historical Period 1 (Up to 600 BCE) and Period 2 (600 BCE to 600 CE) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 1-2 for Period 1 & chapters 3-6 for Period 2
    • CCOT Charts 1 & 2 Due in Class
  • Thursday, May 10 - Historical Period 3 (600 to 1450) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 7-14 for Period 3
    • CCOT Chart 3 Due in Class
  • Friday, May 11 - Historical Period 4 (1450 to 1750) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 15-20 for Period 4
    • CCOT Chart 4 Due in Class
  • Saturday, May 12 - Optional Review Session from 8:00 am to 10:00 am
  • Monday, May 14 - Historical Period 5 (1750 to 1900) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 21 to 24 for Period 5
    • CCOT Chart 5 Due in Class
  • Tuesday, May 15 - Historical Period 6 (1900 to Present) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 25-30 for Period 6
    • CCOT Chart 6 Due in Class
  • Wednesday, May 16 - HTS Skill Review
  • Thursday, May 17 - Advanced Placement World History Exam administered

HWC Day 68 - Taliban in Afghanistan

Day 3 - PAW 3

Objective:  Debate the current status of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Task:  Good morning! When you arrive to class, please find your advisor group from yesterday.  You'll use the first part of class to finish constructing your argument for the president.  Then, each group will have an opportunity to present their recommendation and our "president" will decide which course to follow.  Finally, if any time remains, we'll review for tomorrow's test.

Homework Due Dates:
  • Friday, May 11 - South Asia Test

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

CPWC Day 66 - India Today

Day 2 - PAW 2

Objective:  Read and demonstrate comprehension of an article about contemporary India.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please download "A Tale of Two India's."  Critically read the article and answer the accompanying comprehension questions.  Then, explore the Taliban using the resources in "Defining the Taliban."  Finally, if there is any time remaining, finish up "Green Revolution in India" and/or work on your unit 6 study guide.

Due Dates & Reminders:
  • Due ASAP - Holy Cow!
  • Thursday, May 10 - "Green Revolution in India" due in class
  • Monday, May 14 - Unit 6 Test

WHAP Day 154 - Period 1 & 2 Review

Day 2 - PAW 2

Objectives:  Identify continuity and change from up to 600 CE.  Review essential content from historical periods 1 & 2.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up your period 1 & 2 CCOT charts.  We'll spend the first portion of class reviewing these organizers.  Then, you'll have the option of working through review packets for periods 1 & 2 (In-Class Review folder) or participating in another review activity (5-4-3-2-1 folder).

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • TODAY - Historical Period 1 (Up to 600 BCE) and Period 2 (600 BCE to 600 CE) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 1-2 for Period 1 & chapters 3-6 for Period 2
    • CCOT Charts 1 & 2 Due in Class
  • Thursday, May 10 - Historical Period 3 (600 to 1450) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 7-14 for Period 3
    • CCOT Chart 3 Due in Class
  • Friday, May 11 - Historical Period 4 (1450 to 1750) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 15-20 for Period 4
    • CCOT Chart 4 Due in Class
  • Saturday, May 12 - Optional Review Session from 8:00 am to 10:00 am
  • Monday, May 14 - Historical Period 5 (1750 to 1900) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 21 to 24 for Period 5
    • CCOT Chart 5 Due in Class
  • Tuesday, May 15 - Historical Period 6 (1900 to Present) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 25-30 for Period 6
    • CCOT Chart 6 Due in Class
  • Wednesday, May 16 - HTS Skill Review
  • Thursday, May 17 - Advanced Placement World History Exam administered

HWC Day 67 - Contemporary Issues in South Asia

Day 2 - PAW 2

Objective:  Analyze the role of identity politics in conflicts in India and Sri Lanka.  Debate the current status of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Task:  Good morning! When you arrive to class, please match up with your partner from yesterday.  You'll spend the first few minutes of class finishing your comparison.  Then, you'll briefly present your ideas.  Finally, we're going to explore the contemporary role of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Homework Due Dates:
  • Past Due - "India's New Economy" (in Contemporary Issues folder) & "Partition of India" Close Reading (in History of South Asia folder)
  • TODAY - Taliban investigation due in class
  • Friday, May 11 - South Asia Test

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

CPWC Day 65 - Exploring Partition

Day 1 - PAW 1

Objective:  Evaluate the causes, course, and impact of Partition on the subcontinent.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please open "The Partition of India." After you finish the activity, complete "Assessing Understanding of Partition" (if the images are hard for you to interpret, see images below).  This is an individual activity!  If you finish early, please work on "Green Revolution in India."

Due Dates & Reminders:
  • Due ASAP - Holy Cow!
  • Thursday, May 10 - "Green Revolution in India" due in class
  • Monday, May 14 - Unit 6 Test
Clearer and enlarged images for "Assessing Understanding of Partition"

Map created by Choudhry Rahman Ali, a Pakistani nationalist

WHAP Day 153 - DBQ & LEQ Review

Day 1 - PAW 1

Objectives:  Identify areas of strength and weakness in DBQ & LEQ responses.  Develop a plan to improve responses before the AP exam.

Task:  Good morning!  We'll spend our time together today reviewing part II of your final exam.  Specifically, we'll practice improving analysis scores on the DBQ.  We'll also look at the LEQ and review the structu.

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • Period 4 ONLY - Report to class for pd. 4A - you will be eating C-lunch today!
  • Wednesday, May 9 - Historical Period 1 (Up to 600 BCE) and Period 2 (600 BCE to 600 CE) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 1-2 for Period 1 & chapters 3-6 for Period 2
    • CCOT Charts 1 & 2 Due in Class
  • Thursday, May 10 - Historical Period 3 (600 to 1450) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 7-14 for Period 3
    • CCOT Chart 3 Due in Class
  • Friday, May 11 - Historical Period 4 (1450 to 1750) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 15-20 for Period 4
    • CCOT Chart 4 Due in Class
  • Saturday, May 12 - Optional Review Session from 8:00 am to 10:00 am
  • Monday, May 14 - Historical Period 5 (1750 to 1900) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 21 to 24 for Period 5
    • CCOT Chart 5 Due in Class
  • Tuesday, May 15 - Historical Period 6 (1900 to Present) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 25-30 for Period 6
    • CCOT Chart 6 Due in Class
  • Wednesday, May 16 - HTS Skill Review
  • Thursday, May 17 - Advanced Placement World History Exam administered

HWC Day 66 - Communalism in India & Sri Lanka

Day 1 - PAW 1

Objective:  Analyze the role of identity politics in conflicts in India and Sri Lanka.

Task:  Good morning! When you arrive to class, please open up your "Soul of India" notes.  We'll spend a few minutes reviewing your notes from yesterday before finishing the documentary.  Then, you'll work with a partner to compare communal violence in India to the civil war in Sri Lanka.

Homework Due Dates:
  • Past Due - "India's New Economy" (in Contemporary Issues folder) & "Partition of India" Close Reading (in History of South Asia folder)
  • TODAY - Sri Lanka case study due in class
  • Wednesday, May 9 - Taliban investigation due in class
  • Friday, May 11 - South Asia Test

Monday, May 7, 2018

CPWC Day 64 - Nationalism & Independence on the Sub-Continent

Day 5 - PAW 5

Objective:  Analyze the cultural and contemporary significance of the cow in India.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please get out your notes on the history of India.  We'll finish your notes and begin to investigate contemporary issues in the region.  Specifically, we'll look at the civil war in Sri Lanka.

Due Dates & Reminders:
  • Due ASAP - Holy Cow!
  • Friday, May 11 - Unit 6 Test

WHAP Day 152 - SBMC & SAQ Review

Day 5 - PAW 5

Objectives:  Identify areas of strength and weakness in SBMC & SAQ responses.  Develop a plan to improve responses before the AP exam.

Task:  Good morning!  We'll spend our time together today reviewing part I of your final exam.  Specifically, we'll work through select SBMC questions that were troublesome to numerous students.  We'll also look at the SAQ questions and review the process for earning the maximum points on this portion of the exam.

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • Tuesday, May 8 - Period 4 ONLY - Report to class for pd. 4A & B - you will be eating C-lunch Tuesday.
  • Wednesday, May 9 - Historical Period 1 (Up to 600 BCE) and Period 2 (600 BCE to 600 CE) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 1-2 for Period 1 & chapters 3-6 for Period 2
    • CCOT Charts 1 & 2 Due in Class
  • Thursday, May 10 - Historical Period 3 (600 to 1450) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 7-14 for Period 3
    • CCOT Chart 3 Due in Class
  • Friday, May 11 - Historical Period 4 (1450 to 1750) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 15-20 for Period 4
    • CCOT Chart 4 Due in Class
  • Saturday, May 12 - Optional Review Session from 8:00 am to 10:00 am
  • Monday, May 14 - Historical Period 5 (1750 to 1900) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 21 to 24 for Period 5
    • CCOT Chart 5 Due in Class
  • Tuesday, May 15 - Historical Period 6 (1900 to Present) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 25-30 for Period 6
    • CCOT Chart 6 Due in Class
  • Wednesday, May 16 - HTS Skill Review
  • Thursday, May 17 - Advanced Placement World History Exam administered

HWC Day 65 - From Partition to the Present

Day 5 - PAW 5

Objective:  Evaluate the contemporary impact of partition on the developments in South Asia.

Task:  Good morning! When you arrive to class, please get out a piece of scratch paper or a blank notability document.  Respond to the following prompt:
How does the contemporary status of India reflect cultural traditions and historical developments?
Then, we'll examine the communal violence that shook northern India in the early 21st century.

Homework Due Dates:
  • Past Due - "India's New Economy" (in Contemporary Issues folder) & "Partition of India" Close Reading (in History of South Asia folder)
  • TODAY - Sri Lanka case study due in class
  • Monday, May 7 - Taliban investigation due in class
  • Friday, May 11 - South Asia Test

Friday, May 4, 2018

CPWC Day 63 - Holy Cow!

Day 4 - PAW 4

Objective:  Analyze the cultural and contemporary significance of the cow in India.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please open up "Holy Cow!"  Download the worksheet to prepare for activities.  First, we'll watch a short segment on the cow.  Then, you'll follow the directions in Schoology to complete the activity.  Please submit your work before you leave class today.

Due Dates & Reminders:
  • Friday, May 11 - Unit 6 Test

WHAP Day 151 - FINAL EXAM!!!

Day 4 - PAW 4

FINAL EXAM!!!  Good luck!!!

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • TODAY - WHAP Final Exam (period 2, 3, 4a/b) - Report to the LGI immediately after period 1.  Bring a pencil and blue or black pen to complete the exam.
  • Wednesday, May 9 - Historical Period 1 (Up to 600 BCE) and Period 2 (600 BCE to 600 CE) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 1-2 for Period 1 & chapters 3-6 for Period 2
    • CCOT Charts 1 & 2 Due in Class
  • Thursday, May 10 - Historical Period 3 (600 to 1450) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 7-14 for Period 3
    • CCOT Chart 3 Due in Class
  • Friday, May 11 - Historical Period 4 (1450 to 1750) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 15-20 for Period 4
    • CCOT Chart 4 Due in Class
  • Saturday, May 12 - Optional Review Session from 8:00 am to 10:00 am
  • Monday, May 14 - Historical Period 5 (1750 to 1900) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 21 to 24 for Period 5
    • CCOT Chart 5 Due in Class
  • Tuesday, May 15 - Historical Period 6 (1900 to Present) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 25-30 for Period 6
    • CCOT Chart 6 Due in Class
  • Wednesday, May 16 - HTS Skill Review
  • Thursday, May 17 - Advanced Placement World History Exam administered

HWC Day 64 - Partition

Day 3 - PAW 3

Objective:  Examine select developments in the history of South Asia.

Task:  Good morning! We'll finish our examination of the history of South Asia with an examination of Partition and the continued impact of this development today.

Homework Due Dates:
  • Thursday, May 3 - "India's New Economy" due in class
  • Friday, May 4 - Sri Lanka case study due in class
  • Monday, May 7 - Taliban investigation due in class
  • Friday, May 11 - South Asia Test

Thursday, May 3, 2018

CPWC Day 62 - Gandhi

Day 3 - PAW 3

Objective:  Evaluate the impact of Gandhi on the course of Indian history.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please download "Gandhi Biography - Viewing Guide."  As you explore the life and impact of Gandhi, consider how a single individual can impact historical development.

Due Dates & Reminders:

  • Friday, May 11 - Unit 6 Test

WHAP Day 150 - Period 6 Review

Day 3 - PAW 3

Objectives:  View student created TEDTalks to review period 6 material.

Task:  Good morning!  Today, we'll wrap up our studies of the 20th and 21st century by watching the TEDTalk videos you created.  As you watch the videos, please take notes on material that will help you to prepare for your final exam and the AP exam.  Also, use a whiteboard or scratch paper to evaluate each of the videos on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high).  You will also need to select the three best videos and submit your evaluations to the GoogleForm I've shared with you.

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • TODAY - SCOREBoard Adaptive AP Content Review due
  • Friday, May 4 - WHAP Final Exam (period 2, 3, 4a/b) - Report to the LGI immediately after period 1.  Bring a pencil and blue or black pen to complete the exam.
  • Wednesday, May 9 - Historical Period 1 (Up to 600 BCE) and Period 2 (600 BCE to 600 CE) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 1-2 for Period 1 & chapters 3-6 for Period 2
    • CCOT Charts 1 & 2 Due in Class
  • Thursday, May 10 - Historical Period 3 (600 to 1450) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 7-14 for Period 3
    • CCOT Chart 3 Due in Class
  • Friday, May 11 - Historical Period 4 (1450 to 1750) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 15-20 for Period 4
    • CCOT Chart 4 Due in Class
  • Saturday, May 12 - Optional Review Session from 8:00 am to 10:00 am
  • Monday, May 14 - Historical Period 5 (1750 to 1900) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 21 to 24 for Period 5
    • CCOT Chart 5 Due in Class
  • Tuesday, May 15 - Historical Period 6 (1900 to Present) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 25-30 for Period 6
    • CCOT Chart 6 Due in Class
  • Wednesday, May 16 - HTS Skill Review
  • Thursday, May 17 - Advanced Placement World History Exam administered

HWC Day 63 - Nationalism, Independence, & Partition

Day 3 - PAW 3

Objective:  Examine select developments in the history of South Asia.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up your Venn diagram comparing the accounts of British rule in India.  After our historiography activity, we'll finish our notes on the history of South Asia.  If time allows, we'll also look at the image of Gandhi and how he utilized the media to disseminate his message.

Homework Due Dates:
  • Thursday, May 3 - "India's New Economy" due in class
  • Friday, May 4 - Sri Lanka case study due in class
  • Monday, May 7 - Taliban investigation due in class
  • Friday, May 11 - South Asia Test

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

CPWC Day 61 - History of South Asia

Day 2 - PAW 2

Objective:  Organize select historical events in South Asian history.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please open your notes on the religions of South Asia.   We'll briefly review Sikhism before examining select historical developments in the sub-continent.

WHAP Day 149 - Technology & Science in the 20th Century

Day 2 - PAW 2

Objectives:  Evaluate the impact of technological impact on the 20th and 21st century.  Analyze the processes that have led to increasing interdependence.

Task:  Good morning!  Today, we're going to wrap up our formal examination of period 6 with an examination of the technological and scientific developments that have led to increasing interdependence.  Specifically, we'll look at the impact of BT cotton and the Green Revolution in India and discuss the oil industry in Nigeria.  We'll also take a few minutes to review decolonization.

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • Wednesday, May 2 - Africa as a Reflection of the 20th Century - Prepare for class by referencing 6.1.II - Economy of Violence & 6.2.V.A - Resistance to & Recovery(?) from Apartheid
  • Thursday, May 3 - SCOREBoard Adaptive AP Content Review due
  • Friday, May 4 - WHAP Final Exam (period 2, 3, 4a/b)
  • Wednesday, May 9 - Historical Period 1 (Up to 600 BCE) and Period 2 (600 BCE to 600 CE) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 1-2 for Period 1 & chapters 3-6 for Period 2
    • CCOT Charts 1 & 2 Due in Class
  • Thursday, May 10 - Historical Period 3 (600 to 1450) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 7-14 for Period 3
    • CCOT Chart 3 Due in Class
  • Friday, May 11 - Historical Period 4 (1450 to 1750) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 15-20 for Period 4
    • CCOT Chart 4 Due in Class
  • Saturday, May 12 - Optional Review Session from 8:00 am to 10:00 am
  • Monday, May 14 - Historical Period 5 (1750 to 1900) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 21 to 24 for Period 5
    • CCOT Chart 5 Due in Class
  • Tuesday, May 15 - Historical Period 6 (1900 to Present) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 25-30 for Period 6
    • CCOT Chart 6 Due in Class
  • Wednesday, May 16 - HTS Skill Review
  • Thursday, May 17 - Advanced Placement World History Exam administered

HWC Day 62 - History of India

Day 2 - PAW 2

Objective:  Examine select developments in the history of South Asia.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please get out your notes on the history of South Asia.  We'll continue our notes on the region and explore the competing historical accounts of the British in India.

Homework Due Dates:
  • Wednesday, May 2 - "The Partition of India - 1947 - Background Essay" reflection due BEFORE class
  • Thursday, May 3 - "India's New Economy" due in class
  • Friday, May 4 - Sri Lanka case study due in class
  • Monday, May 7 - Taliban investigation due in class
  • Friday, May 11 - South Asia Test

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

CPWC Day 60 - Religion in South Asia

Day 1 - PAW 1

Objective:  Identify distinctive features of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism.  Organize select historical events in South Asian history.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please download the notes fill-in sheets from "Religions of South Asia."  We'll spend our time together investigating the religious and philosophical traditions of the sub-continent.

WHAP Day 148 - Globalization of Popular Culture

Day 1 - PAW 1

Objectives:  Examine how art and popular culture maintained, reflected, and challenged the power structure in 20th century Latin America.  Evaluate the development of global economic institution and transnational organizations in the 20th and 21st century.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up 6.3.IV and listen to the music playing.  How does this music reflect the increasing global nature of the 20th century?  

Upcoming Deadlines:
  • TODAY - Economic Trends, Transnational Movements, & International Institutions - Read the articles in 6.3.II. folder.
  • TONIGHT - Optional Review Session from 6:30 to 8:30 pm
  • Wednesday, May 2 - Africa as a Reflection of the 20th Century - Prepare for class by referencing 6.1.II - Economy of Violence & 6.2.V.A - Resistance to & Recovery(?) from Apartheid
  • Thursday, May 3 - SCOREBoard Adaptive AP Content Review due
  • Friday, May 4 - WHAP Final Exam (period 2, 3, 4a/b)
  • Wednesday, May 9 - Historical Period 1 (Up to 600 BCE) and Period 2 (600 BCE to 600 CE) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 1-2 for Period 1 & chapters 3-6 for Period 2
  • Thursday, May 10 - Historical Period 3 (600 to 1450) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 7-14 for Period 3
  • Friday, May 11 - Historical Period 4 (1450 to 1750) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 15-20 for Period 4
  • Saturday, May 12 - Optional Review Session from 8:00 am to 10:00 am
  • Monday, May 14 - Historical Period 5 (1750 to 1900) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 21 to 24 for Period 5
  • Tuesday, May 15 - Historical Period 6 (1900 to Present) Review - Refer to AMSCO chapters 25-30 for Period 6
  • Wednesday, May 16 - HTS Skill Review
  • Thursday, May 17 - Advanced Placement World History Exam administered

HWC Day 61 - History of South Asia


Day 1 - PAW 1

Objective:   Identify religious and philosophical trends that impact the development of South Asia.  Examine select developments in the history of South Asia.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please get out your notes on the religions of South Asia.  We'll finish up our review from yesterday before engaging in a short competition to organize events chronologically.  Then, we'll use the remainder of class to take notes on select developments in the historical development of the region.

Homework Due Dates:

  • TODAY - "Mughal Dynasties" reading due in class
  • Wednesday, May 2 - "The Partition of India - 1947 - Background Essay" reflection due BEFORE class
  • Thursday, May 3 - "India's New Economy" due in class
  • Friday, May 4 - Sri Lanka case study due in class
  • Monday, May 7 - Taliban investigation due in class
  • Friday, May 11 - South Asia Test