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Friday, January 27, 2017

Soc Day 5 - What is Sociology?

Objective:  Examine the ways in which society impacts everyday behaviors.  Compare sociology to other social sciences and history.

Task:  Happy Friday!  We'll begin class with a short activity to review the various social sciences.  We'll also  discuss Heslin's argument in "What is Sociology?."  Finally, before leaving class, you'll complete a 3-2-1 exit ticket identifying some of your new learning and work on your unit 1 vocabulary.

  • TODAY - "What is Sociology?" class discussion
  • Monday, January 30 - Pioneers of Sociology posts due before class
  • Tuesday, January 31 - Bring headphones or earbuds to class!
  • Thursday, February 2 - Unit 1 Vocabulary due
  • Friday, February 3 - "Grown-Up Digital" reading quiz
Pioneers Assignments:
  1. Auguste Comte - 
  2. Harriet Martineau - Aaron, Lauren & Melissa
  3. Herbert Spencer - Reba & Allie
  4. Jane Addams -Jason & Jordan
  5. Karl Marx - Patrick & Zach
  6. Emile Durkheim - Anastacia & Gabbie
  7. Max Weber - Mark, Brianna, & Kieran
  8. W.E.B. DuBois - Joel & Ben
  9. Charles Cooley - Sam & Megan
  10. Ferdinand Tonnies - Luke & Fox
  11. Michel Foucault - 
  12. Erving Goffman - Nicole & Camryn
  13. Robert K. Merton - Alexa & Emily 
  14. C. Wright Mills -

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