Objective: Present children's stories and discuss the role of media and fiction in shaping the sociological imagination.
Task: To start class, we'll review requirements for article discussion circles. Specifically, if you would like to work as a group, you may create a collaborative summary and discussion questions using GoogleDocs. However, if you choose this option, you MUST share this document with Mrs. Friday.
Next, one member from each group will get out a computer and I will show you how to share your story with me. The remainder of the class will be used to present and discuss the children's stories. As each story is presented, we'll discuss the message, the manner in which the message is conveyed, and the sociological principles that were applied in creating the story. You'll also answer questions and get feedback from our panel of judges.
- TODAY - Children's story presentations (to be judged by special guests)
- Friday, April 26 - "What's So Great About America?" reading due (be ready to discuss!!!)
- Friday, April 26 - Chapter 8 vocabulary due
- Monday, April 29 - Article discussion for "Uses of Poverty: The Poor Pay All"
- Tuesday, April 30 - Article discussion for "Nickel-and-Dimed"
- Tuesday, April 30 - Article discussion for "Moving Up from the Working Class"
- Wednesday, May 1 - Article discussion for "The US Upper Class"
- Thursday, May 2 - Article discussion for "The Uses of Global Poverty"
Comparing Children's Movies Past & Present: Snow White (1937) and Shrek (2001)