Day 2 - PAW 2
Objectives: Evaluate the impact of the Columbian Exchange, the Scientific Revolution, and the Italian Renaissance on the development of modernity in Europe. Identify significant contributions of select individuals of the Enlightenment and the Age of Absolutism.
Task: Hola! When you arrive to class, please get out your "Columbian Exchange & the Scientific Revolution" work. We'll divide up into 4 groups to debrief and review this activity. Specifically, we'l look at the trends and developments of this era that led to the emergence of modernity. Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class and PAW completing a crossword puzzle on significant developments of the Enlightenment and Absolutism.
As you work on your current events assignment, make sure you meet all of the criteria:
- You need 4 news stories from the last 3 months - one story addressing each of the 4 units we’ve studied (Foundations, Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East & Central Asia, and Europe)
- At least one of these stories must be from a PRINT magazine in the library.
- At least one of the stories must be an audio or video source from the Internet.
- Any print and non-audio, non-video sources should be attached to the submission PDF with highlighting and notes.
- Current events citations, summaries, and connections MUST be posted to our class blog.
Homework Due Dates:
- ASAP - AFMP Reflection
- TODAY - Day 2 PAW
- Monday, November 6 - HWC Quarter 1 Current Events due by 3:00 pm