Free Rice

Rice up against hunger

Thursday, November 30, 2017

CPWC Day 62 - East Asia Review

Day 1 - PAW 1

Objective:  Analyze the status of Japan in the 21st century.  Review East Asia content in preparation for the unit 5 assessment.

Task:   Konichiwa!  When you arrive to class, please open "Reviving Shinto."  We'll spend the first few minutes of class reviewing contemporary Japan.  Then, we'll spend the remainder of class reviewing for the test.

Homework Due Dates:  
  • Friday, December 1 - Unit 5 Assessment
  • Wednesday, December 6 - PAW 5

WHAP Day 62 - Labor, Leisure, & Gender in the Post-Classical Era

Day 1 - PAW 1

Objectives:  Identify continuity and change in gender relations and labor structures in the post-classical era.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please pick up a playing card.  First, I'll explain/review your upcoming assignments.  Then, you'll work individually on your assigned section.  Finally, you'll present your information to the class.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Infographic due by 11:59 pm
  • Friday, December 1 - Period 3 Vocab. Quizlet due to Mrs. Friday ASAP
  • Saturday, December 2 - LS 
  • Monday, December 4 - Travelers & Cities "Role Plays" - Read assigned document in the textbook or Schoology in preparation.
  • Monday, December 4 - PAW 3
  • Tuesday, December 5 - PAW 4
  • Tuesday, December 5 - Black Death Document Analysis - Read "Black Death - Nat. Geo." (in 3.3 folder) in preparation for class
  • Thursday, December 7 - Period 3 Test

HWC Day 60 - East Asia Test

Day 1 - PAW 1

Objectives:  Assess knowledge and understanding of the history, culture, and contemporary developments of East Asia.

Task:  Yeoboseyo!  We'll spend the first few minutes of class discussing North Korea recent provocations.  Then, we'll spend the remainder of class reviewing the history of Korea and comparing North & South Korea.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" and documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Thursday, November 30 - Unit 5 Test
  • Friday, December 1 - PAW 2

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

CPWC Day 61 - Japan in the 20th Century

Day 5 - PAW 5

Objective:  Identify continuities and change in the modern history of Japan.

Task:   Konichiwa!  When you arrive to class, please open your "Japan - A Condensed History" notes from yesterday.  We'll finish our notes on Japan and then continue our exploration into the nation with a directed research activity on the future of Japan.

Homework Due Dates:  
  • Wednesday, November 29 - PAW 5
  • Friday, December 1 - Unit 5 Assessment

WHAP Day 61 - Americas in the Post-Classical Era

Day 5 - PAW 5

Objectives:  Examine artifacts from the Americas to identify cultural priorities, economic development, and social stratification.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class open "Exploring the Americas in the Post-Classical Era" (in folder 3.3) and follow the directions.  At the end of class we'll debrief the activity.

Homework Due Dates:
  • Wednesday, November 29 - Migration Comparison LEQ due by 11:59 pm
  • Thursday, November 30 - Infographic due by 11:59 pm
  • Friday, December 1 - Period 3 Vocab. Quizlet due to Mrs. Friday ASAP
  • Monday, December 4 - Black Death Discussion
  • Wednesday, December 6 - Period 3 Test

HWC Day 59 - Korea in Global Context

Day 5 - PAW 5

Objectives:  Evaluate recent North Korean provocations in light of Korean historical developments.

Task:  Yeoboseyo!  We'll spend the first few minutes of class discussing North Korea recent provocations.  Then, we'll spend the remainder of class reviewing the history of Korea and comparing North & South Korea.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" and documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Thursday, November 30 - Unit 5 Test
  • Friday, December 1 - PAW 2

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

CPWC Day 60 - A Condensed History of Japan

Day 4 - PAW 4

Objective:  Identify continuities and change in the modern history of Japan.

Task:   Konichiwa!  When you arrive to class, please download "Japan - A Condensed History" from the History of East Asia folder.  Today, we're going to focus on the historical development of Japan.

Homework Due Dates:  
  • Wednesday, November 29 - PAW 5
  • Friday, December 1 - Unit 5 Assessment

WHAP Day 60 - Writing the LEQ

Day 4 - PAW 4

Objectives:  Examine the criteria for writing a successful comparison long essay question response.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class please open up and read "AP Skills - Long Essay Questions."  After you've had the opportunity to read the overview, we'll take some time to delve into the process of writing the LEQ.  Finally, if time permits, you'll have time to begin working on your LEQ.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - PAW 4 - Work on Infographic!
  • Wednesday, November 29 - Comparison LEQ Due
  • Thursday, November 30 - Infographic Due in Class
  • Saturday, December 2 - LS Chapter 21 due 
  • Monday, December 4 - Black Death examination
  • Wednesday, December 6 - Period 3 Test

HWC Day 58 - Korea

Day 4 - PAW 4

Objectives:  Analyze the "Rescript on Education" to identify cultural priorities during the Meiji Restoration in Japan.  Identify continuities and change between the Meiji period and 21st century Japan.

Task:  Kon'nichiwa!  When you arrive to class, please open the "Rescript on Education."  We'll spend the first portion of class finishing our analysis of the document to identify cultural priorities during the Meiji Restoration.  Then, we'll look for trends and aberrations in the development of Japan.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class reviewing your studies on Korea.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" and documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Thursday, November 30 - Unit 5 Test
  • Friday, December 1 - PAW 2

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

CPWC Day 59 - Contemporary Japan

1/2 Day - No PAW

Objective:  Examine demographic issues facing contemporary Japan.

Task:   Konichiwa!  When you arrive to class, please get out a piece of paper or open up Notability to take notes.  As we watch the video below, consider the factors that led to the population crisis and Japan's response to the problem.  What does this tell us about the people and culture of Japan?

Homework Due Dates:  
  • Wednesday, November 29 - PAW 5
  • Friday, December 1 - Unit 5 Assessment

WHAP Day 59 - Mass Migrations in the Post-Classical Period

1/2 Day - No PAW

Objectives:  Compare and contrast the Bantu, Polynesian, and Viking migrations.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class open and complete "Migration in the Post-Classical Period" in folder 3.2.

Homework Due Dates:
  • Wednesday, November 22 - LS Chapter 15 ("India & the Indian Ocean Basin") due by 11:59 pm
  • Tuesday, November 28 - PAW 4 - Work on Infographic!
  • Wednesday, November 29 - Black Death examination
  • Thursday, November 30 - Infographic Due in Class
  • Wednesday, December 6 - Period 3 Test

HWC Day 57 - Rescript on Education

1/2 Day - No PAW

Objectives:  Analyze the "Rescript on Education" to identify cultural priorities during the Meiji Restoration in Japan.  Identify continuities and change between the Meiji period and 21st century Japan.

Task:  Kon'nichiwa!  When you arrive to class, please download "Rescript on Education" from the "History of East Asia" folder in Schoology.  We'll spend the first portion of class analyzing the document to identify cultural priorities during the Meiji Restoration.  Then, we'll look for trends and aberrations in the development of Japan.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" and documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Wednesday, November 29 - Unit 5 Test
  • Friday, December 1 - PAW 2

Monday, November 20, 2017

CPWC Day 58 - Japan

1/2 Day - No PAW

Objective:  Examine select developments in Japan's history.

Task:   Konichiwa!  When you arrive to class, please download "CPWC Japan Condensed History" from the History of East Asia folder.  We'll spend our brief time together examining pre-modern Japan.

Homework Due Dates:  
  • Wednesday, November 29 - PAW 5
  • Thursday, November 30 - Unit 5 Assessment

WHAP Day 58 - Africa in the Post-Classical Period

1/2 Day - No PAW

Objectives:  Analyze the developments in post-Classical Africa.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up your responses to the Africa focus questions.  We'll spend our brief time together reviewing the primary documents.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Bring responses to "Post-Classical Developments in Africa" focus questions to class
  • Wednesday, November 22 - LS Chapter 15 ("India & the Indian Ocean Basin") due by 11:59 pm
  • Tuesday, November 28 - PAW 4 - Work on Infographic!
  • Wednesday, November 29 - Black Death examination
  • Thursday, November 30 - Infographic Due in Class
  • Wednesday, December 6 - Period 3 Test

HWC Day 56 - 20th Century Developments in Japan

1/2 Day - No PAW

Objectives:  Examine select events in the history of Japan.

Task:  Kon'nichiwa!  We'll finish up our examination of Japan in the 20th century.  Then, we'll review "Reviving Shinto" and identify continuities and changes in contemporary Japan.

Homework Due Dates:
  • Tuesday, November 21 - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" and documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Wednesday, November 29 - Unit 5 Test
  • Friday, December 1 - PAW 2

Friday, November 17, 2017

CPWC Day 57 - Totalitarianism in East Asia

Day 3 - PAW 3

Objective:  Review the culture, history, and geography of Korea.  Compare totalitarianism in China and North Korea

Task:   Annyeonghaseyo!  When you arrive to class, please open up "Chinese Revolutions."  We'll spend the first portion of class wrapping up our examination of communism in China.  Then, we'll create a Venn diagram to compare China and North Korea.  Finally, if there is any time remaining, we'll begin our examination of Japan with a brief overview on the geography and religious traditions of the island state.

Homework Due Dates:  
  • TODAY - Korea Geography Chart due in class
  • Wednesday, November 29 - Unit 5 Assessment
  • Wednesday, November 29 - PAW 5
Our Studies in the News:

WHAP Day 57 - Crusades Debrief & Africa in the Post-Classical Era

Day 3 - PAW 3

Objectives:  Debrief Crusades activity.  Analyze the developments in post-Classical Africa.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please grab a whiteboard and marker.  Respond to the following question:  
Were the Crusades a significant development during the post-Classical era?  EXPLAIN (with evidence)
Then, we'll shift our focus to the Africa world.  Specifically, we'll examine some maps to compare political, cultural, and economic developments in West Africa, North Africa, and the Swahili coast.  Finally, we'll end the week with a quick review game.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY  - Read "Mali - Lost African City" before coming to class
  • Friday, November 17 - PAW 3 - Work on Infographic!
  • Saturday, November 18 - LS Chapter 20 ("Worlds Apart: The Americas & Oceania") due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 20 - Bring responses to "Post-Classical Developments in Africa" focus questions to class
  • Wednesday, November 22 - LS Chapter 15 ("India & the Indian Ocean Basin") due by 11:59 pm
  • Tuesday, November 28 - PAW 4 - Work on Infographic!
  • Thursday, November 30 - Infographic Due in Class
  • Wednesday, December 6 - Period 3 Test

African Empires to 1500 CE (Macrohistory)

HWC Day 55 - Japan in Context

Day 3 - PAW 3

Objectives:  Examine select events in the history of Japan.

Task:  Kon'nichiwa & Happy Friday!  We'll continue our exploration of Japan with notes on the history of the island nation.  Then, we'll review "Reviving Shinto" and identify continuities and changes in contemporary Japan.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Discussion "Reviving Shinto"
  • Monday, November 20 - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" and documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Wednesday, November 29 - Unit 5 Test
Our studies in the news - Coup in Zimbabwe?
Our studies in the news - Recent Political & Economic Developments in China

Thursday, November 16, 2017

CPWC Day 56 - Examining Korea

Day 2 - PAW 2

Objective:  Examine the culture, history, and geography of Korea.

Task:   Annyeonghaseyo!  When you arrive to class, please finish up your "Totalitarianism in North Korea" paragraph from yesterday.  Then, open "Top Ten Things About Korea" and complete the close reading assignment - this MUST be finished in class.  Finally, begin work on "Korea Geography Chart."

Homework Due Dates:  
  • Friday, November 17 - Korea Geography Chart due in class
  • Tuesday, November 28 - Unit 5 Assessment
Our Studies in the News:

WHAP Day 56 - Crusades

Day 2 - PAW 2

Objectives:  Compare different accounts of the Crusades. Identify causes and effects of the Crusades.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please go into the "Crusades" discussion thread in Schoology.   

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Crusades Presentations (follow directions on "Perspectives on the Crusades")
  • Friday, November 17 - Read "Mali - Lost African City" before coming to class
  • Friday, November 17 - PAW 3
  • Saturday, November 18 - LS Chapter 20 ("Worlds Apart: The Americas & Oceania") due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 20 - Black Death Examination
  • Wednesday, November 22 - LS Chapter 15 ("India & the Indian Ocean Basin") due by 11:59 pm
  • Tuesday, November 28 - PAW 4
  • Wednesday, November 29 - Infographic Due in Class
  • Friday, December 1 - Period 3 Test

HWC Day 54 - Condensed History of Japan

Day 2 - PAW 2

Objectives:  Examine select events in the history of Japan.

Task:  Kon'nichiwa!  We'll spend the first few minutes of class discussing the end of "Tank Man."  Then, we'll begin our exploration of Japan with some notes on select historical developments to identify trends.

Homework Due Dates:
  • Thursday, November 16 - PAW 2
  • TODAY - Discussion "Reviving Shinto"
  • Monday, November 20 - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" and documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Wednesday, November 29 - Unit 5 Test
Our studies in the news - Coup in Zimbabwe?
Our studies in the news - Recent Political & Economic Developments in China

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

WHAP Day 55 - Library Research

Day 1 - PAW 1

Objectives:  Utilize library resources to create an infographic on a select topic from the post-Classical period.

Task:  Good morning!  Use today's class time to research and work on your period 3 infographic.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Report directly to the LIBRARY
  • Thursday, November 16 - Crusades Presentations (follow directions on "Perspectives on the Crusades")
  • Friday, November 17 - PAW 3
  • Saturday, November 18 - LS Chapter 20 ("Worlds Apart: The Americas & Oceania") due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 20 - Black Death Examination
  • Wednesday, November 22 - LS Chapter 15 ("India & the Indian Ocean Basin") due by 11:59 pm
  • Tuesday, November 28 - PAW 4
  • Wednesday, November 29 - Infographic Due in Class
  • Friday, December 1 - Period 3 Test

HWC Day 53 - Transnationalism Quiz

Day 1 - PAW 1

Objectives:  Identify the impact of McDonald's on the culture of East Asia.  Consider the current status of China.

Task:  Ni hao!  When you arrive to class, please get out a pencil in preparation for your reading quiz.  After you've finished the quiz, please turn it in and work on your other East Asia homework as you wait for your classmates to finish.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class finishing "Tank Man."

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - "Transnationalism" reading quiz
  • Thursday, November 16 - PAW 2
  • Friday, November 17 - Discussion "Reviving Shinto"
  • Monday, November 20 - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" and documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Wednesday, November 29 - Unit 5 Test

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

CPWC Day 54 - 20th Century China

Day 5 - PAW 5

Objective:  Examine select developments in the course of China's history.

Task:   Ni hao!  When you arrive to class, please upload your homework to the appropriate dropbox in Schoology.  Then, pick up a white board to play a quick review game.  After we've reviewed your China timeline, we'll continue our examination of China with a short documentary on the developments in China between 1911 and 1989.

Homework Due Dates:  
  • TODAY - PAW 5
  • Tuesday, November 14 - Geography Ch. 29, section 2 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Tuesday, November 15 - "Condensed History of China" due in Schoology
  • Tuesday, November 28 - Unit 5 Assessment

WHAP Day 54 - Feudalism, Byzantium, & Project Introduction

Day 5 - PAW 5

KC3.2.I. Empires collapsed in different regions of the world, and in some areas were replaced by new imperial states or political systems.

KC3.3.II.  The fate of cities varied greatly, with periods of significant decline and periods of increased urbanization buoyed by rising productivity and expanding trade networks.

Objectives:  Compare feudalism in Japan and Europe.  Identify the factors that led to the emergence of feudalism in western Europe and the Byzantine empire in Eastern Europe.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up your notes from yesterday.  We'll spend the first portion of class presenting your information from yesterday.  Then, I'll explain the process we'll use for examining the Crusades on Thursday and you'll choose topics for your infographic project.

Focus Question 1:  To what degree were the societies of medieval Western Europe and medieval Japan different?  What accounts for the similarities in these two societies?

Focus Question 2:  To what extent were feudal Europe and the Byzantine Empire significant breaks from or continuations of the Roman Empire?

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY- LS Chapter 18 ("States & Societies in Sub-Saharan Africa"") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 15 - Report directly to the LIBRARY
  • Thursday, November 16 - Crusades Presentations (follow directions on "Perspectives on the Crusades")
  • Friday, November 17 - PAW 3
  • Saturday, November 18 - LS Chapter 20 ("Worlds Apart: The Americas & Oceania") due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 20 - Black Death Examination
  • Wednesday, November 22 - LS Chapter 15 ("India & the Indian Ocean Basin") due by 11:59 pm
  • Tuesday, November 28 - PAW 4
  • Wednesday, November 29 - Infographic Due in Class
  • Friday, December 1 - Period 3 Test

HWC Day 52 - China in the 20th & 21st Centuries

Day 5 - PAW 5

Objectives:  Discuss the impact of Mao and communism in China.  Examine the contemporary status of China.

Task:  Ni hao!  When you arrive to class, please move the desks into a circle and prepare to continue our discussion on communism in China.  After we've finished our discussion, we'll spend a few minutes watching segments of "Tank Man" to get a better understanding of contemporary China.

Homework Due Dates:
  • Wednesday, November 15 - "Transnationalism" reading quiz
  • Thursday, November 16 - PAW 2
  • Friday, November 17 - Discussion "Reviving Shinto"
  • Monday, November 20 - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" and documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Wednesday, November 29 - Unit 5 Test

Monday, November 13, 2017

CPWC Day 53 - Beliefs & Development of China

Day 4 - PAW 4

Objective:  Examine select developments in the course of China's history.

Task:   Ni hao!  When you arrive to class, please upload your homework to the appropriate dropbox in Schoology.  Then, open up your notes on the religions of China.  We'll spend the first portion of class identifying defining characteristics of Confucianism, Daoism, & Buddhism.  Then, we'll begin our examination of China in the 20th century.

Homework Due Dates:  
  • TODAY - "Exploring the Silk Road" due in Schoology
  • TODAY - Geography Ch. 29, section 1 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Tuesday, November 15  - PAW 5
  • Tuesday, November 14 - Geography Ch. 29, section 2 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Tuesday, November 15 - "Condensed History of China" due in Schoology
  • Tuesday, November 28 - Unit 5 Assessment

WHAP Day 53 - Feudalism & the Byzantine Empire

Day 4 - PAW 4

KC3.2.I. Empires collapsed in different regions of the world, and in some areas were replaced by new imperial states or political systems.

KC3.3.II.  The fate of cities varied greatly, with periods of significant decline and periods of increased urbanization buoyed by rising productivity and expanding trade networks.

Objectives:  Compare feudalism in Japan and Europe.  Identify the factors that led to the emergence of feudalism in western Europe and the Byzantine empire in Eastern Europe.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please take a card from the front table.  We'll use these cards to determine which topic you'll explore today.  Then, you'll spend half of the class creating a graphic organizer to compare feudalism in Japan to feudalism in Europe OR examine the factors that led to the emergence of feudalism in Western Europe and the Byzantine Empire in Eastern Europe.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class reviewing your work.

Focus Question 1:  To what degree were the societies of medieval Western Europe and medieval Japan different?  What accounts for the similarities in these two societies?

Focus Question 2:  To what extent were feudal Europe and the Byzantine Empire significant breaks from or continuations of the Roman Empire?

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - PAW 4
  • TODAY - Mongols Reflection due
  • Tuesday, November 14 - LS Chapter 18 ("States & Societies in Sub-Saharan Africa"") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 15 - Report directly to the LIBRARY
  • Thursday, November 16 - Crusades Discussion
  • Saturday, November 18 - LS Chapter 20 ("Worlds Apart: The Americas & Oceania") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 22 - LS Chapter 15 ("India & the Indian Ocean Basin") due by 11:59 pm
  • Friday, December 1 - Period 3 Test

HWC Day 51 - Continuity & Change in China's Historical Development

Day 4 - PAW 4

Objectives:  Identify trends in the historical development of China.  Discuss the impact of Mao and communism in China.

Task:  Ni hao!  When you arrive to class, please go into Schoology & respond to the discussion thread "Communism in China."  After you've responded, please take a few minutes to respond to at least 3 of your classmates' posts.  Then, we'll form a discussion circle to identify trends in the development of China.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Communism in China Discussion - Complete "Case Study: Communism in China" and read "Mao: Liberator or Oppressor" BEFORE class in preparation for discussion
  • Wednesday, November 15 - "Transnationalism" reading quiz
  • Thursday, November 16 - Discussion "Reviving Shinto"
  • Thursday, November 16 - PAW 2
  • Friday, November 17 - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" and documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Monday, November 20 - Unit 5 Multiple Choice & Map (shortened class for 1/2 day)
  • Tuesday, November 21 - Unit 5 Short Answer Test (shortened class for 1/2 day)

Friday, November 10, 2017

CPWC Day 52 - Condensed History of China

Day 3 - PAW 3

Objective:  Examine select developments in the course of China's history.

Task:   Ni hao!  When you arrive to class, please open up your East Asia map.  You'll spend the first few minutes of class completing the map check.  Then, you'll spend the remainder of class working on a brief overview of the history of China.

Homework Due Dates:  
  • TODAY - Geography Ch. 28, section 2 reading notes due in Schoology
  • TODAY - East Asia Map Check in class
  • TODAY - Contemporary Issues in Europe summaries due
  • Monday, November 13 - "Exploring the Silk Road" due in Schoology
  • Monday, November 13 - Geography Ch. 29, section 1 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Tuesday, November 15  - PAW 5
  • Tuesday, November 14 - Geography Ch. 29, section 2 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Tuesday, November 15 - "Condensed History of China" due in Schoology
  • Tuesday, November 28 - Unit 5 Assessment

WHAP Day 53 - DBQ Practice & Mongols Debriefing

Day 3 - PAW 3

Objectives:  Evaluate the impact of Mongol rule in world history.

Task:  Happy Friday!  You all did a GREAT job yesterday - thank you for your hard work and dedicated preparation!  When you arrive to class, please take a few minutes to respond to the Mongols reflection (KC3.2 folder) in Schoology.  Then, we'll spend the rest of class working with a partner to develop a DBQ response (KC3.1 folder).

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY (Period 3 & PAW) - Holocaust Assembly for 10th & 11th graders
  • TODAY - LS Chapter 19 ("Increasing Influence of Europe") due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 13 - PAW 4
  • Monday, November 13 - Mongols Reflection due
  • Tuesday, November 14 - LS Chapter 18 ("States & Societies in Sub-Saharan Africa"") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 15 - Report directly to the LIBRARY
  • Saturday, November 18 - LS Chapter 20 ("Worlds Apart: The Americas & Oceania") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 22 - LS Chapter 15 ("India & the Indian Ocean Basin") due by 11:59 pm
  • Friday, December 1 - Period 3 Test

HWC Day 50 - A Brief History of China

Day 3 - PAW 3

Objectives:  Utilize select sources to evaluate the influence of Confucianism, Daoism, & Buddhism on China's development.  Identify trends in the historical development of China.

Task:  Ni hao!  When you arrive to class, please get out your notes on the three teachings.  We'll spend the first few minutes of class reviewing your work.  Then, you'll spend the remainder of class completing an activity to develop an understanding of China's history prior to the 20th century.

Homework Due Dates:
  • Monday, November 13 - Communism in China Discussion - Complete "Case Study: Communism in China" and read "Mao: Liberator or Oppressor" BEFORE class in preparation for discussion
  • Wednesday, November 15 - "Transnationalism" reading quiz
  • Thursday, November 16 - Discussion "Reviving Shinto"
  • Thursday, November 16 - PAW 2
  • Friday, November 17 - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" and documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Monday, November 20 - Unit 5 Multiple Choice & Map (shortened class for 1/2 day)
  • Tuesday, November 21 - Unit 5 Short Answer Test (shortened class for 1/2 day)

Thursday, November 9, 2017

CPWC Day 51 - Religions of China

Day 2 - PAW 2

Objective:  Examine select developments in the course of China's history.

Task:   Ni hao!  When you arrive to class, please upload your homework and then download and complete "China Under Siege Map WS."  After we review the worksheet, we'll work together to examine and compare the three belief systems that influenced China.

Homework Due Dates:  
  • TODAY - Geography Ch. 27, section 3 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Friday, November 10 - Geography Ch. 28, section 2 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Friday, November 10 - East Asia Map Check in class
  • Friday, November 10 - Contemporary Issues in Europe summaries due
  • Monday, November 13 - "Exploring the Silk Road" due in Schoology
  • Monday, November 13 - Geography Ch. 29, section 1 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Tuesday, November 15  - PAW 5
  • Tuesday, November 14 - Geography Ch. 29, section 2 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Monday, November 20 - Unit 5 Assessment
  • Tuesday, November 21 - Unit 5 Assessment

WHAP Day 51 - Mongols Seminar

Day 2 - PAW 2

Objectives:  Evaluate the impact of Mongol rule in world history.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please upload your Mongols preparation work.  Then, we'll move the desks into two rows to discuss the role of Mongols in the development of the post-Classical and modern world.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Mongols Debates - Pro/Con charts, Works Cited, & Arguments due in Schoology at beginning of class
  • Friday, November 10 (Period 3 & PAW) - Holocaust Assembly for 10th & 11th graders
  • Friday, November 10 - LS Chapter 19 ("Increasing Influence of Europe") due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 13 - PAW 4
  • Tuesday, November 14 - LS Chapter 18 ("States & Societies in Sub-Saharan Africa"") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 15 - Report directly to the LIBRARY
  • Saturday, November 18 - LS Chapter 20 ("Worlds Apart: The Americas & Oceania") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 22 - LS Chapter 15 ("India & the Indian Ocean Basin") due by 11:59 pm
  • Friday, December 1 - Period 3 Test

HWC Day 49 - Religion In Philosophy in China

Day 2 - PAW 2

Objectives:  Utilize seelct sources to evaluate the influence of Confucianism, Daoism, & Buddhism on China's development.

Task:  Ni hao!  We'll begin class with a quick review of your Silk Road activity.  Then, you'll work individually to learn about and compare China's three teachings.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - "Exploring the Silk Road" due in class
  • TODAY - PAW 2
  • Monday, November 13 - Communism in China Discussion - Complete "Case Study: Communism in China" and read "Mao: Liberator or Oppressor" BEFORE class in preparation for discussion
  • Wednesday, November 15 - "Transnationalism" reading quiz
  • Thursday, November 16 - Discussion "Reviving Shinto"
  • Thursday, November 16 - PAW 2
  • Friday, November 17 - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" and documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Monday, November 20 - Unit 5 Multiple Choice & Map (shortened class for 1/2 day)
  • Tuesday, November 21 - Unit 5 Short Answer Test (shortened class for 1/2 day)

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

CPWC Day 50 - Geography & Silk Road

Day 1 - PAW 1

Objective:  Identify unique characteristics of the geography of East Asia.

Task:   Ni hao!  When you arrive to class, please download "East Asia Map" from Schoology.  Spend the first portion of class working on this map.  Then, spend the remainder of class working through and completing "Exploring the Silk Road."

Homework Due Dates:  
  • TODAY - Geography Ch. 27, section 1 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Thursday, November 9 - Geography Ch. 27, section 3 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Friday, November 10 - Geography Ch. 28, section 2 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Friday, November 10 - East Asia Map Check in class
  • Friday, November 10 - Contemporary Issues in Europe summaries due
  • Monday, November 13 - "Exploring the Silk Road" due in Schoology
  • Monday, November 13 - Geography Ch. 29, section 1 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Tuesday, November 15  - PAW 5
  • Tuesday, November 14 - Geography Ch. 29, section 2 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Monday, November 20 - Unit 5 Assessment
  • Tuesday, November 21 - Unit 5 Assessment

WHAP Day 50 - Library Research

Day 1 - PAW 1

Objectives:  Utilize evidence to construct historical arguments about the Mongols.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please take a few minutes to review the requirements for our Mongols discussion tomorrow.  Then, you'll have the remainder of class to work on your arguments.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Report directly to the LIBRARY
  • Thursday, November 9 - Mongols Debates - Pro/Con charts, Works Cited, & Arguments due in Schoology at beginning of class
  • Friday, November 10 (Period 3 & PAW) - Holocaust Assembly for 10th & 11th graders
  • Friday, November 10 - LS Chapter 19 ("Increasing Influence of Europe") due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 13 - PAW 4
  • Tuesday, November 14 - LS Chapter 18 ("States & Societies in Sub-Saharan Africa"") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 15 - Report directly to the LIBRARY
  • Saturday, November 18 - LS Chapter 20 ("Worlds Apart: The Americas & Oceania") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 22 - LS Chapter 15 ("India & the Indian Ocean Basin") due by 11:59 pm
  • Friday, December 1 - Period 3 Test

HWC Day 48 - East Asia in Context

Day 1 - PAW 1

Objectives:  Examine the geographical and cultural characteristics of East Asia.  Explore the development of trade along the Silk Road.

Task:  Ni hao!  When you arrive to class please get out a pen or pencil and your index card in preparation for your reading quiz.  After you've finished the quiz, staple your index card to the quiz.  Then, spend the remainder of class working on "Exploring the Silk Road."  If you do not finish the Silk Road activity in class, please finish it before coming to class tomorrow.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - G&D Chapter 11 Reading Quiz
  • Thursday, November 9 - "Exploring the Silk Road" due in class
  • Thursday, November 9 - PAW 2
  • Monday, November 13 - Communism in China Discussion - Complete "Case Study: Communism in China" and read "Mao: Liberator or Oppressor" BEFORE class in preparation for discussion
  • Wednesday, November 15 - "Transnationalism" reading quiz
  • Thursday, November 16 - Discussion "Reviving Shinto"
  • Thursday, November 16 - PAW 2
  • Friday, November 17 - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" and documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Monday, November 20 - Unit 5 Multiple Choice & Map (shortened class for 1/2 day)
  • Tuesday, November 21 - Unit 5 Short Answer Test (shortened class for 1/2 day)

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

CPWC Day 49 - Introduction to East Asia

Day 5 - PAW 5

Objective:  Compare the China to the United States.  Investigate select historical developments in China.

Task:   Ni hao!  When you arrive to class, please download and complete "China or US?" (in unit 4).  We'll spend the first few minutes of class comparing Chian to the US.  Then, you'll work on "Exploring the Silk Road" to establish the foundations for trade in the regions.

Homework Due Dates:  
  • TODAY - PAW 5
  • Wednesday, November 8 - Geography Ch. 27, section 1 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Thursday, November 9 - Geography Ch. 27, section 3 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Friday, November 10 - Geography Ch. 28, section 2 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Friday, November 10 - Contemporary Issues in Europe summaries due
  • Monday, November 13 - Geography Ch. 29, section 1 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Tuesday, November 14 - Geography Ch. 29, section 2 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Monday, November 20 - Unit 5 Assessment
  • Tuesday, November 21 - Unit 5 Assessment

WHAP Day 49 - Cities in the Post-Classical Era

Day 1 - PAW 1

Objectives:  Utilize evidence to construct historical arguments about the Mongols.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please take a few minutes to review the requirements for our Mongols discussion tomorrow.  Then, you'll have the remainder of class to work on your arguments.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Report directly to the LIBRARY
  • Thursday, November 9 - Mongols Debates - Pro/Con charts, Works Cited, & Arguments due in Schoology at beginning of class
  • Friday, November 10 (Period 3 & PAW) - Holocaust Assembly for 10th & 11th graders
  • Friday, November 10 - LS Chapter 19 ("Increasing Influence of Europe") due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 13 - PAW 4
  • Tuesday, November 14 - LS Chapter 18 ("States & Societies in Sub-Saharan Africa"") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 15 - Report directly to the LIBRARY
  • Saturday, November 18 - LS Chapter 20 ("Worlds Apart: The Americas & Oceania") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 22 - LS Chapter 15 ("India & the Indian Ocean Basin") due by 11:59 pm
  • Friday, December 1 - Period 3 Test

HWC Day 47 - Industrial Revolution & Contemporary Europe

Day 5 - PAW 5

Objectives:  Consider the social, political, and economic changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution.  Investigate select issues in contemporary Europe.

Task:  Bonjour!  When you arrive to class, please read "Industrial Revolution" in your Europe folder.  As you read, please identify the social, political, and economic factors that led to the development of the Industrial Revolution.  After a brief review, you'll have the opportunity to explore select contemporary issues in Europe.

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - East Asia Map Due
  • Wednesday, November 8 - G&D Chapter 11 Reading Quiz
  • Thursday, November 9 - PAW 2
  • Monday, November 13 - Communism in China Discussion - Complete "Case Study: Communism in China" and read "Mao: Liberator or Oppressor" BEFORE class in preparation for discussion
  • Wednesday, November 15 - "Transnationalism" reading quiz
  • Thursday, November 16 - Discussion "Reviving Shinto"
  • Thursday, November 16 - PAW 2
  • Friday, November 17 - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" and documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Monday, November 20 - Unit 5 Multiple Choice & Map (shortened class for 1/2 day)
  • Tuesday, November 21 - Unit 5 Short Answer Test (shortened class for 1/2 day)

Monday, November 6, 2017

CPWC Day 48 - French Revolution & Contemporary Europe

Day 4 - PAW 4

Objective:  Evaluate the impact of the French Revolution.

Task:   Bonjour!  When you arrive to class, please open up your French Revolution notes.  We'll finish our examination of this world changing event.  Then, you'll have the opportunity to explore some of the contemporary issues in Europe.

Homework Due Dates:  
  • Tuesday, November 7 - PAW 5
  • Wednesday, November 8 - Geography Ch. 27, section 1 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Thursday, November 9 - Geography Ch. 27, section 3 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Friday, November 10 - Geography Ch. 28, section 2 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Friday, November 10 - Contemporary Issues in Europe summaries due
  • Monday, November 13 - Geography Ch. 29, section 1 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Tuesday, November 14 - Geography Ch. 29, section 2 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Monday, November 20 - Unit 5 Assessment
  • Tuesday, November 21 - Unit 5 Assessment

WHAP Day 48 - Mongols in Eurasia

Day 4 - PAW 4

Objectives:  Consider the difficulties in long-distance conquest and administration in 13th century Eurasia.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download "WHAP 3.2.1 - Mongol Imperialism" (folder 3.2.1).   We'll  take a few minutes to review the questions on "Sufi Mysticism and the Appeal of Islam."  Then, you'll read through and answer the "Consider" questions on "Mongol Imperialism."   Finally, you'll spend the last portion of class comparing and discussing your SPICE charts. 

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Mongols SPICE Chart due IN CLASS
  • TODAY - PAW 4
  • Tuesday, November 7 - LS Chapter 16 ("Two Worlds of Christendom") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 8 - Report directly to the LIBRARY
  • Thursday, November 9 - Mongols Debates - Pro/Con charts, Works Cited, & Arguments due in Schoology at beginning of class
  • Friday, November 10 (Period 3 & PAW) - Holocaust Assembly for 10th & 11th graders
  • Friday, November 10 - LS Chapter 19 ("Increasing Influence of Europe") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 15 - Report directly to the LIBRARY
  • Tuesday, November 14 - LS Chapter 18 ("States & Societies in Sub-Saharan Africa"") due by 11:59 pm
  • Saturday, November 18 - LS Chapter 20 ("Worlds Apart: The Americas & Oceania") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 22 - LS Chapter 15 ("India & the Indian Ocean Basin") due by 11:59 pm
  • Friday, December 1 - Period 3 Test

HWC Day 46 - French Revolution & Industrial Revolution

Day 4 - PAW 4 

Objectives:  Evaluate the impact of the French Revolution.  Consider the social, political, and economic changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution.

Task:  Bonjour!  When you arrive to class, please get out your notes on the French Revolution.  We'll finish up our examination of the event and discuss the impact on global developments.  Then, we'll spend some time analyzing the "Declaration of the Rights of Man & Citizen."

Homework Due Dates:
  • TODAY - HWC Quarter 1 Current Events due by 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday, November 7 - East Asia Map Due
  • Wednesday, November 8 - G&D Chapter 11 Reading Quiz
  • Thursday, November 9 - PAW 2
  • Monday, November 13 - Communism in China Discussion - Complete "Case Study: Communism in China" and read "Mao: Liberator or Oppressor" BEFORE class in preparation for discussion
  • Wednesday, November 15 - "Transnationalism" reading quiz
  • Thursday, November 16 - Discussion "Reviving Shinto"
  • Thursday, November 16 - PAW 2
  • Friday, November 17 - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" and documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Monday, November 20 - Unit 5 Multiple Choice & Map (shortened class for 1/2 day)
  • Tuesday, November 21 - Unit 5 Short Answer Test (shortened class for 1/2 day)

Friday, November 3, 2017

CPWC Day 47 - French Revolution

Early Dismissal - No PAW

Objective:  Investigate the developments of the Age of Absolutism and the responses of Enlightened thinkers.

Task:   Bonjour!  When you arrive to class, please open up your French Revolution notes.  We'll continue, and hopefully finish, our examination of this world changing event.

Homework Due Dates:  
  • Tuesday, November 7 - PAW 5
  • Wednesday, November 8 - Geography Ch. 27, section 1 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Thursday, November 9 - Geography Ch. 27, section 3 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Friday, November 10 - Geography Ch. 28, section 2 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Monday, November 13 - Geography Ch. 29, section 1 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Tuesday, November 14 - Geography Ch. 29, section 2 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Monday, November 20 - Unit 5 Assessment
  • Tuesday, November 21 - Unit 5 Assessment

WHAP Day 47 - Sufism & the Spread of Islam

Early Dismissal - No PAW

Objectives:  Utilize knowledge of Islam and post-Classical civilization to answer questions about Sufi Islam.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download "Sufi Mysticism and the Appeal of Islam."  After you've read through the documents, answer the two accompanying questions.  Then, we'll work through these documents together to see if you got the answers correct.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class reviewing your assignment and selecting sides for the Mongols debates next week.

Homework Due Dates:
  • ASAP - "Migration of Anatomically Modern Humans Response" corrections (See comments for current 'grade' - Grades will be finalized this weekend.)
  • TODAY - Read "Mongol Debate-Seminar Description and Rubric" (in "Mongols in World History" folder in KC3.2) BEFORE class
  • Saturday, November 4 - LS Chapter 17 ("Nomadic Empires & Eurasian Integration") due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 6 - Mongols SPICE Chart due IN CLASS
  • Monday, November 6 - PAW 4
  • Tuesday, November 7 - LS Chapter 16 ("Two Worlds of Christendom") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 8 - Report directly to the LIBRARY
  • Thursday, November 9 - Mongols Debates - Pro/Con charts, Works Cited, & Arguments due in Schoology at beginning of class
  • Friday, November 10 - LS Chapter 19 ("Increasing Influence of Europe") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 15 - Report directly to the LIBRARY
  • Tuesday, November 14 - LS Chapter 18 ("States & Societies in Sub-Saharan Africa"") due by 11:59 pm
  • Saturday, November 18 - LS Chapter 20 ("Worlds Apart: The Americas & Oceania") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 22 - LS Chapter 15 ("India & the Indian Ocean Basin") due by 11:59 pm
  • Friday, December 1 - Period 3 Test

HWC Day 45 - French Revolution

Early Dismissal - No PAW

Objectives:   Explore the ways in which the Enlightenment contributed to the French Revolution.  Evaluate the impact of the French Revolution.

Task:  Bonjour!  When you arrive to class, please get out your notes on the French Revolution.  We'll finish up our examination of the event and discuss the impact on global developments.

As you work on your current events assignment, make sure you meet all of the criteria:
  • You need 4 news stories from the last 3 months - one story addressing each of the 4 units we’ve studied (Foundations, Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East & Central Asia, and Europe)
  • At least one of these stories must be from a PRINT magazine in the library.
  • At least one of the stories must be an audio or video source from the Internet.
  • Any print and non-audio, non-video sources should be attached to the submission PDF with highlighting and notes.
  • Current events citations, summaries, and connections MUST be posted to our class blog.
Homework Due Dates:
  • ASAP - AFMP Reflection (LAST CHANCE! - Anything not submitted this weekend will become a zero in PowerSchool.)
  • TODAY - Absolutism & Enlightenment Crossword due
  • Monday, November 6 - HWC Quarter 1 Current Events due by 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday, November 7 - East Asia Map Due
  • Wednesday, November 8 - G&D Chapter 11 Reading Quiz
  • Monday, November 13 - Communism in China Discussion - Complete "Case Study: Communism in China" and read "Mao: Liberator or Oppressor" BEFORE class in preparation for discussion
  • Wednesday, November 15 - "Transnationalism" reading quiz
  • Thursday, November 16 - Discussion "Reviving Shinto"
  • Friday, November 17 - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" and documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Monday, November 20 - Unit 5 Multiple Choice & Map (shortened class for 1/2 day)
  • Tuesday, November 21 - Unit 5 Short Answer Test (shortened class for 1/2 day)

Thursday, November 2, 2017

CPWC Day 46 - Absolutism and Revolution

Day 3 - Paw 3

Objective:  Investigate the developments of the Age of Absolutism and the responses of Enlightened thinkers.

Task:   Bonjour!  When you arrive to class, please open up your absolutism reading and notes.  We'll spend the first few minutes reviewing your work to define the absolutism.  Then, we'll look at France on the eve of Revolution.

Homework Due Dates:  
  • Tuesday, November 7 - PAW 5

Links:  Louis XIV, Elizabeth I, Peter the Great

WHAP Day 46 - Muhammad & the Development of Islam

Day 3 - PAW 3

Objectives:  Analyze select primary sources to determine how Muhammad's life influenced the development of Islam. 

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up "WHAP 3.2.III - Life of Muhammad Document Analysis."  We'll review your answers on the third and fourth documents before breaking into groups to answer the doing history questions.  Then, you'll submit a thesis statement in response to our guiding question.  Finally, we'll spend the remainder of class more closely examining the roots of the Sunni-Shia divide.

Homework Due Dates:
  • ASAP - "Migration of Anatomically Modern Humans Response" corrections (see comments for current 'grade')
  • TODAY - PAW 3
  • Friday, November 3 - Read "Mongol Debate-Seminar Description and Rubric" (in "Mongols in World History" folder in KC3.2) BEFORE class
  • Saturday, November 4 - LS Chapter 17 ("Nomadic Empires & Eurasian Integration") due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 6 - Mongols SPICE Chart due IN CLASS
  • Monday, November 6 - PAW 4
  • Tuesday, November 7 - LS Chapter 16 ("Two Worlds of Christendom") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 8 - Report directly to the LIBRARY
  • Thursday, November 9 - Mongols Debates - Pro/Con charts, Works Cited, & Arguments due in Schoology at beginning of class
  • Friday, November 10 - LS Chapter 19 ("Increasing Influence of Europe") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 15 - Report directly to the LIBRARY
  • Tuesday, November 14 - LS Chapter 18 ("States & Societies in Sub-Saharan Africa"") due by 11:59 pm
  • Saturday, November 18 - LS Chapter 20 ("Worlds Apart: The Americas & Oceania") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 22 - LS Chapter 15 ("India & the Indian Ocean Basin") due by 11:59 pm
  • Friday, December 1 - Period 3 Test

HWC Day 44 - Enlightenment and Absolutism

Day 3 - PAW 3

Objectives:   Identify the unique contributions of select individuals from the Scientific Revolution. Explore the ways in which the Enlightenment contributed to the French Revolution.

Task:  Bonjour!  When you arrive to class, please get out your crossword puzzle and spend the first few minutes working on your task.  After a brief review of the Enlightenment and Absolutism, we'll begin our examination of the French Revolutionary period  by listening to and analyzing the lyrics of "La Marseillaise."

As you work on your current events assignment, make sure you meet all of the criteria:
  • You need 4 news stories from the last 3 months - one story addressing each of the 4 units we’ve studied (Foundations, Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East & Central Asia, and Europe)
  • At least one of these stories must be from a PRINT magazine in the library.
  • At least one of the stories must be an audio or video source from the Internet.
  • Any print and non-audio, non-video sources should be attached to the submission PDF with highlighting and notes.
  • Current events citations, summaries, and connections MUST be posted to our class blog.
Homework Due Dates:
  • ASAP - AFMP Reflection
  • Friday, November 3 - Absolutism & Enlightenment Crossword
  • Monday, November 6 - HWC Quarter 1 Current Events due by 3:00 pm

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

CPWC Day 45 - Absolutism & Enlightenment

Day 2 - Paw 2

Objective:  Investigate the developments of the Age of Absolutism and the responses of Enlightened thinkers.

Task:   Bonjour!  When you arrive to class, please open up your notes on Machiavelli.  We'll spend the first portion of class reviewing the political developments exemplified in "The Prince."  Then, we'll explore the Age of Absolutism.  Finally, if there is any time remaining, we'll begin our examination of the Enlightenment.

Homework Due Dates:  
  • Tuesday, November 7 - PAW 5
Extending Class Discussions:

WHAP Day 45 - Muhammad & Islam

Day 2 - PAW 2

Objectives:  Analyze select primary sources to determine how Muhammad's life influenced the development of Islam. 

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download "WHAP 3.2.III - Life of Muhammad Document Analysis."  We'll spend the majority of class working through this document set.  Then, we'll spend the remainder of class more closely examining the roots of the Sunni-Shia divide.

Homework Due Dates:
  • ASAP - "Migration of Anatomically Modern Humans Response" corrections (see comments for current 'grade')
  • TODAY - LS Chapter 14 ("The  Expansive Realm of Islam") due by 11:59 pm
  • Thursday, November 2 - PAW 3
  • Saturday, November 4 - LS Chapter 17 ("Nomadic Empires & Eurasian Integration") due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 6 - PAW 4
  • Tuesday, November 7 - LS Chapter 16 ("Two Worlds of Christendom") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 8 - Report directly to the LIBRARY
  • Thursday, November 9 - Mongols Debates
  • Friday, November 10 - LS Chapter 19 ("Increasing Influence of Europe") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 15 - Report directly to the LIBRARY
  • Tuesday, November 15 - LS Chapter 18 ("States & Societies in Sub-Saharan Africa"") due by 11:59 pm
  • Saturday, November 17 - LS Chapter 20 ("Worlds Apart: The Americas & Oceania") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 22 - LS Chapter 15 ("India & the Indian Ocean Basin") due by 11:59 pm
  • Friday, December 1 - Period 3 Test

HWC Day 43 - Modernity in Europe

Day 2 - PAW 2

Objectives:   Evaluate the impact of the Columbian Exchange, the Scientific Revolution, and the Italian Renaissance on the development of modernity in Europe.  Identify significant contributions of select individuals of the Enlightenment and the Age of Absolutism.

Task:  Hola!  When you arrive to class, please get out your "Columbian Exchange & the Scientific Revolution" work.  We'll divide up into 4 groups to debrief and review this activity.  Specifically, we'l look at the trends and developments of this era that led to the emergence of modernity.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class and PAW completing a crossword puzzle on significant developments of the Enlightenment and Absolutism.

As you work on your current events assignment, make sure you meet all of the criteria:

  • You need 4 news stories from the last 3 months - one story addressing each of the 4 units we’ve studied (Foundations, Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East & Central Asia, and Europe)
  • At least one of these stories must be from a PRINT magazine in the library.
  • At least one of the stories must be an audio or video source from the Internet.
  • Any print and non-audio, non-video sources should be attached to the submission PDF with highlighting and notes.
  • Current events citations, summaries, and connections MUST be posted to our class blog.
Homework Due Dates:
  • ASAP - AFMP Reflection
  • TODAY - Day 2 PAW
  • Monday, November 6 - HWC Quarter 1 Current Events due by 3:00 pm