Free Rice

Rice up against hunger

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

CPWC Day 44 - Europe Map Quiz

Day 1 - Paw 1

Objective:  Assess knowledge and understanding of Identify significant developments and people of the Columbian Exchange and the Scientific Revolution.

Task:   Bonjour!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks and get out a pen or pencil in preparation for your map quiz.  You'll spend the first portion of class completing your map quiz.  Then, we'll spend the remainder of class reviewing the Columbian Exchange and Machiavelli.

Homework Due Dates:  
  • TODAY - Europe map quiz
  • Tuesday, November 7 - PAW 5

WHAP Day 44 - Exploring Al-Andalus

Day 1 - PAW 1

Objectives:  Describe the unique culture of al-Andalus.  

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download "Cities of Light Viewing Guide" from folder 3.1 in Schoology.  As you watch the film, please answer the questions and take notes on the developments.   Listen carefully for continuities and changes in the development of Spain and the post-Classical period.

Homework Due Dates:
  • ASAP - "Migration of Anatomically Modern Humans Response" corrections (see comments for current 'grade')
  • Wednesday, November 1 - LS Chapter 14 ("The  Expansive Realm of Islam") due by 11:59 pm
  • Saturday, November 4 - LS Chapter 17 ("Nomadic Empires & Eurasian Integration") due by 11:59 pm
  • Thursday, November 2 - PAW 3
  • Monday, November 6 - PAW 4
  • Tuesday, November 7 - LS Chapter 16 ("Two Worlds of Christendom") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 8 - Report directly to the LIBRARY
  • Thursday, November 9 - Mongols Debates
  • Friday, November 10 - LS Chapter 19 ("Increasing Influence of Europe") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 15 - Report directly to the LIBRARY
  • Tuesday, November 15 - LS Chapter 18 ("States & Societies in Sub-Saharan Africa"") due by 11:59 pm
  • Saturday, November 17 - LS Chapter 20 ("Worlds Apart: The Americas & Oceania") due by 11:59 pm
  • Wednesday, November 22 - LS Chapter 15 ("India & the Indian Ocean Basin") due by 11:59 pm
  • Friday, December 1 - Period 3 Test

HWC Day 42 - Finding News About the World

Day 1 - PAW 1

Objectives:   Identify the advantages and problems of using the Internet and social media as news sources.  Utilize a variety of sources to find news stories about the world we've studied.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to the library, please download the PDF in "HWC Quarter 1 Current Events."  You'll spend the first portion of class listening to and participating in a presentation from Mrs. Sams.  Then, you'll have the remainder of class to work on your current events assignment.    As you work, make sure you meet all of the criteria:

  • You need 4 news stories from the last 3 months - one story addressing each of the 4 units we’ve studied (Foundations, Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East & Central Asia, and Europe)
  • At least one of these stories must be from a PRINT magazine in the library.
  • At least one of the stories must be an audio or video source from the Internet.
  • Any print and non-audio, non-video sources should be attached to the submission PDF with highlighting and notes.
  • Current events citations, summaries, and connections MUST be posted to our class blog.
Homework Due Dates:
  • ASAP - AFMP Reflection
  • Tuesday, October 31 - Report directly to the library
  • Wednesday, November 1 - Day 2 PAW
  • Monday, November 6 - HWC Quarter 1 Current Events due by 3:00 pm

Monday, October 30, 2017

CPWC Day 43 - Characteristics of Modern Europe

Day 6 - Paw 6

Objective:  Identify significant developments and people of the Columbian Exchange and the Scientific Revolution.

Task:   Bonjour!  When you arrive to class, please pull up your homework on your i-Pad.  You'll be moving into small groups to identify the main ideas of each section.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class reviewing the significant developments of the early modern era in Europe.

Homework Due Dates:  
  • TODAY- "Considering the Columbian Exchange & the Scientific Revolution" due in class
  • Tuesday, October 31 - Europe map quiz

WHAP Day 43 - Civil Service Examinations in China

Day 6 - PAW 6

Objectives:  Explore political and social developments in post-Classical China.  

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download and complete "Chinese Empires - Map Outlines Review."  Then, go to "The Song Confucian Revival" and take a few minutes to read this summary.  Finally, we'll form a discussion circle to examine the significance of the civil service examinations in post-Classical China.

Homework Due Dates:
  • ASAP - "Migration of Anatomically Modern Humans Response" corrections (see comments for current 'grade')
  • TODAY - Discussion - China's Post-Classical Bureaucracy (read & be ready to discuss "China's Examination Hell" and "Examinations in T'ang China" in KC3.2 folder)
  • Wednesday, November 1 - LS Chapter 14 ("The  Expansive Realm of Islam") due by 11:59 pm
  • Friday, December 1 - Period 3 Test

HWC Day 41 - Europe Map Quiz

Day 6 - PAW 6

Objectives:   Assess knowledge and understanding of Europe's geography.  Utilize select artworks to identify the changes of the modern era.

Task:  Bonjour!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except a pen or pencil.  You'll use the first portion of class to complete the map quiz.  Then, you'll work with a partner to analyze and compare two pieces of art.

Homework Due Dates:
  • ASAP - AFMP Reflection
  • TODAY - "Meanwhile in Europe" Socratic Seminar during class
  • TODAY - "Considering the Scientific Revolution & the Columbian Exchange" due in class
  • TODAY- Unit 4 Map Quiz (study guide on Schoology)
  • TODAY  - Last day to complete any missing tests or quizzes from quarter 1
  • Tuesday, October 31 - Report directly to the library
  • Wednesday, November 1 - Day 2 PAW

Friday, October 27, 2017

CPWC Day 42 - Protestant Reformation

Day 5 - Paw 5

Objective:  Examine the developments of the Protestant Reformation.

Task:   Bonjour!  When you arrive to class, please download the Martin Luther Viewing Guide from the unit 4 folder.  As promised, we're going to spend our time together today exploring the political, social, and economic changes that accompanied the shift to modernity.

Homework Due Dates:  
  • TODAY - Day 5 PAW
  • Monday, October 30 - "Considering the Columbian Exchange & the Scientific Revolution" due in class
  • Tuesday, October 31 - Europe map quiz
  • Thursday, November 2 - Europe & Middle East content quiz (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Friday, October 27)
Activities for PAW - Choose 1:
-Europe Map Review

-Renaissance Art

-Europe Current Events

WHAP Day 42 - Post-Classical China

Day 5 - PAW 5

Objectives:  Explore political and social developments in post-Classical China.  

Task:  Happy Friday!  Today we're going to shift our focus from international developments to regional developments in East Asia.  Specifically, we're going to delve into the post-Classical China to practice causation and comparison.  Then, you'll consider recent political developments in China in historical context.  

Homework Due Dates:
  • ASAP - "Migration of Anatomically Modern Humans Response" corrections (see comments for current 'grade')
  • TODAY - LS Chapter 13 ("The Resurgence of Empire in East Asia") due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, October 30 - Discussion - China's Post-Classical Bureaucracy (read & be ready to discuss "China's Examination Hell" and "Examinations in T'ang China" in KC3.2 folder)
  • Monday, October 30 - LS Chapter 14 ("The  Expansive Realm of Islam") due by 11:59 pm
  • Friday, December 1 - Period 3 Test

HWC Day 41 - Defining Modernity in Europe

Day 5 - PAW 5

Objectives:   Define the characteristics of Modernity in Europe.  Utilize pieces of art to identify continuity and change between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

Task:  Bonjour!  When you arrive to class, form the desks into a circle in preparation for our discussion.  We'll spend the first portion of class in our Socratic seminar.  Then, you'll work with a partner to analyze artwork from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.  Finally, if there is any time remaining in class, you'll have time to work on the Scientific Revolution & the Columbian Exchange.

Homework Due Dates:
  • ASAP - AFMP Reflection
  • TODAY - "Meanwhile in Europe" Socratic Seminar during class
  • Monday, October 30 - "Considering the Scientific Revolution & the Columbian Exchange" due in class
  • Monday, October 30 - Unit 4 Map Quiz (study guide on Schoology)
  • Monday, October 30 - Last day to complete any missing tests or quizzes from quarter 1
  • Wednesday, November 1 - Day 2 PAW
  • Thursday, November 2 - Europe & Middle East content quiz (study guide will be posted to Schoology on or before Friday, October 27)

Thursday, October 26, 2017

CPWC Day 41 - Geography & History of Europe

Day 4 - Paw 4

Objective:  Establish a basis for studying the geography, history, and culture of Europe.

Task:   Bonjour!  When you arrive to class, please get out your Europe map and label Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Republics.  Be sure to show me your map when you finish.  Then, download and complete "The Importance of the Printing Press."

Homework Due Dates:  
  • TODAY - Former Soviet Republics map (in packet) due
  • TODAY - "Why Renaissance? Why Florence?" due by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, October 27 - Day 5 PAW
  • Monday, October 30 - "Considering the Columbian Exchange & the Scientific Revolution" due in class
  • Tuesday, October 31 - Europe map quiz
  • Thursday, November 2 - Europe & Middle East content quiz (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Friday, October 27)

WHAP Day 41 - Stimulus-Based MC Practice

Day 4 - PAW 4

Objectives:  Utilize knowledge of historical developments in the Classical and Post-Classical period to answer stimulus based multiple choice questions.  Review SAQ format.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class please find a partner.  You will have 20 minutes to work with your partner on the period 2 test review.  After everyone has turned in their work, I'll return your period 2 tests and we'll spend some time examining areas of strength and areas for growth.  Finally, we'll end class with document analysis on the civil service exam system.

Homework Due Dates:
  • ASAP - "Migration of Anatomically Modern Humans Response" corrections (see comments for current 'grade')
  • TODAY - Intan Shipwreck discussion (find reading and assignment explanation in KC3.1 folder)
  • TODAY - PAW 4
  • Friday, October 27 - LS Chapter 13 ("The Resurgence of Empire in East Asia") due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, October 30 - Discussion - China's Post-Classical Bureaucracy (read & be ready to discuss "China's Examination Hell" and "Examinations in T'ang China" in KC3.2 folder)
  • Monday, October 30 - LS Chapter 14 ("The  Expansive Realm of Islam") due by 11:59 pm
  • Friday, December 1 - Period 3 Test

HWC Day 40 - Transitioning to the Modern Period

Day 4 - PAW 4

Objectives:  Identify the changes during the high and late Middle Ages that led to the emergence of Modern Europe.  Define the characteristics of Modernity in Europe.

Task:  Marhabaan!  When you arrive to class, please grab a whiteboard and marker.  Write down 5 points that you would like to discuss today.  Then, we'll spend the first portion of class comparing the points in CrashCourse "Dark Ages?" and "Prelude to Modern Europe."  Finally, we'll form a discussion circle to review "Meanwhile in Europe."

Homework Due Dates:
  • ASAP - AFMP Reflection
  • TODAY - "Meanwhile in Europe" close reading & summary due by 7:30 am, Socratic Seminar during class
  • Friday, October 27 - "Considering the Scientific Revolution & the Columbian Exchange" due in class
  • Monday, October 30 - Unit 4 Map Quiz (study guide on Schoology)
  • Monday, October 30 - Last day to complete any missing tests or quizzes from quarter 1
  • Wednesday, November 1 - Day 2 PAW
  • Thursday, November 2 - Europe & Middle East content quiz (study guide will be posted to Schoology on or before Friday, October 27)

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

CPWC Day 40 - Ancient & Medieval Europe

Day 3 - Paw 3

Objective:  Establish a basis for studying the geography, history, and culture of Europe.

Task:   Bonjour!  When you arrive to class, please download and complete "Ancient Times & Feudalism."   After we go over your work, we'll continue our notes on the geography and cultural heritage of Europe.  Finally, if there is any time remaining, you'll have time to work on "Why Renaissance? Why Florence?"

Homework Due Dates:  
  • TODAY - Eastern Europe map (in packet) due
  • Thursday, October 26 - Former Soviet Republics map (in packet) due
  • Thursday, October 26 - "Why Renaissance? Why Florence?" due by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, October 27 - Day 5 PAW
  • Monday, October 30 - "Considering the Columbian Exchange & the Scientific Revolution" due in class
  • Tuesday, October 31 - Europe map quiz
  • Thursday, November 2 - Europe & Middle East content quiz (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Friday, October 27)

WHAP Day 40 - Trade in the Post-Classical Era

Day 3 - PAW 3
    KC3.1.I.  Improved transportation technologies and commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade and expanded the geographical range of existing and newly active trade networks.

    KC3.1.III.  Cross-cultural exchanges were fostered by the intensification of existing, or the creation of new, networks of trade and communication.

    Objectives:  Utilize discussion and questioning to identify trends and breaks in Post-Classical trade.

    Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please form the desks into a circle for our discussion.  Open up your answers to the trade simulation reflection questions, Intan Shipwreck reading and any other materials that will be useful for our discussion.  

    Homework Due Dates:
    • ASAP - "Migration of Anatomically Modern Humans Response" corrections (see comments for current 'grade')
    • TODAY - Intan Shipwreck discussion (find reading and assignment explanation in KC3.1 folder)
    • TODAY - LS Chapter 13 ("The Resurgence of Empire in East Asia") due by 11:59 pm
    • Wednesday, October 25 - PAW 3
    • Thursday, October 26 - PAW 4
    • Sunday, October 29 - LS Chapter 14 ("The  Expansive Realm of Islam") due by 11:59 pm
    • Friday, December 1 - Period 3 Test

    HWC Day 39 - Establish Geo-Historical Context for Studying Europe

    Day 3 - PAW 3

    Objectives:  Establish a geo-historical foundation for studying Europe as cultural region.  Define the changes during the high and late Middle Ages that led to the emergence of Modern Europe.

    Task:  Marhabaan!  When you arrive to class, open your go-historical context notes.  We'll spend the first portion of class establishing a geographic, cultural, and historical basis for studying Europe.  Then, we'll work together to identify the central claim and supporting details from "Prelude to Europe" and compare the arguments to the Crash Course video below.

    Homework Due Dates:
    • ASAP - AFMP Reflection
    • TODAY - HWC Heritage of Europe due (submit Part II for grading by 7:30 am & have Part I ready for class discussion)
    • Thursday, October 26 - "Meanwhile in Europe" close reading & summary due by 7:30 am, Socratic Seminar during class
    • Friday, October 27 - "Considering the Scientific Revolution & the Columbian Exchange" due in class
    • Monday, October 30 - Unit 4 Map Quiz (study guide on Schoology)
    • Monday, October 30 - Last day to complete any missing tests or quizzes from quarter 1
    • Wednesday, November 1 - Day 2 PAW
    • Thursday, November 2 - Europe & Middle East content quiz (study guide will be posted to Schoology on or before Friday, October 27)

    Tuesday, October 24, 2017

    CPWC Day 39 - Introduction to Europe

    Video of the Week - Have you ever felt overwhelmed when you have to study for a difficult test?  I stumbled upon this video this weekend and thought you might find it helpful!

    Day 2 - Paw 2

    Objective:  Identify the countries in Western Europe.  Establish a basis for studying the geography, history, and culture of Europe.

    Task:   Bonjour!  When you arrive to class, please either download the Europe map from Schoology or pick up a paper map.  Label the countries of Western Europe on the map.  Then, complete the Chunnel worksheet.  Finally, we'll end class with notes on the geography and cultural history of Europe.

    Homework Due Dates:  
    • TODAY - Western Europe map (in packet) due
    • TODAY - Contemporary Issues in the Middle East reflection due by 3:00 pm
    • Wednesday, October 25 - Eastern Europe map (in packet) due
    • Thursday, October 26 - Former Soviet Republics map (in packet) due
    • Thursday, October 26 - "Why Renaissance? Why Florence?" due by 3:00 pm
    • Friday, October 27 - Day 5 PAW
    • Monday, October 30 - "Considering the Columbian Exchange & the Scientific Revolution" due in class
    • Tuesday, October 31 - Europe map quiz
    • Thursday, November 2 - Europe & Middle East content quiz (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Friday, October 27)

    WHAP Day 39 - Post-Classical Trade Simulation

    Day 2 - PAW 2
      KC3.1.I.  Improved transportation technologies and commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade and expanded the geographical range of existing and newly active trade networks.

      Objectives:  Examine the development of trade in the Indian Ocean basin.  Explore and map Southernization during the post-Classical period.

      Task:  Welcome to the post-Classical Era!  Please report directly to your region and prepare for the simulation.  Please take careful notes and follow all rules during the simulation.  Tonight, please jot down some reflections in response to "Trade Simulation - Reflection."

      Homework Due Dates:
      • ASAP - "Migration of Anatomically Modern Humans Response" corrections (see comments for current 'grade')
      • TODAY - Trade Simulation - Come PREPARED!!! - Read the "Background" packet and "Simulation Directions." Create your trade goods BEFORE class - as a group you may determine how much of your good to make BUT you may not add any goods during the simulation.
      • Wednesday, October 25 - Intan Shipwreck discussion (find reading and assignment explanation in KC3.1 folder)
      • Wednesday, October 25 - LS Chapter 13 ("The Resurgence of Empire in East Asia") due by 11:59 pm
      • Wednesday, October 25 - PAW 3
      • Thursday, October 26 - PAW 4
      • Sunday, October 29 - LS Chapter 14 ("The  Expansive Realm of Islam") due by 11:59 pm
      • Friday, December 1 - Period 3 Test

      HWC Day 38 - Middle East Wrap-Up & Europe Introduction

      Day 2 - PAW 2

      Objectives:    Examine select issues in the contemporary Middle East.  Establish a geo-historical foundation for studying the cultural region.

      Task:  Marhabaan!  We'll spend the first portion of class finishing up our lessons on contemporary issues in the Middle East.  Then, I'll provide notes to identify the geographic and historical features that make Europe a unique cultural region.

      Homework Due Dates:
      • ASAP - AFMP Reflection
      • TODAY - Regional Study Presentations
      • TODAY- Europe map review during PAW
      • TODAY - Day 2 PAW
      • Wednesday, October 25 - HWC Heritage of Europe due (submit Part II for grading by 7:30 am & have Part I ready for class discussion)
      • Thursday, October 26 - "Meanwhile in Europe" close reading & summary due by 7:30 am, Socratic Seminar during class
      • Friday, October 27 - "Considering the Scientific Revolution & the Columbian Exchange" due in class
      • Monday, October 30 - Unit 4 Map Quiz (study guide on Schoology)
      • Monday, October 30 - Last day to complete any missing tests or quizzes from quarter 1
      • Wednesday, November 1 - Day 2 PAW
      • Thursday, November 2 - Europe & Middle East content quiz (study guide will be posted to Schoology on or before Friday, October 27)

      Monday, October 23, 2017

      CPWC Day 38 - Contemporary Issues in the Middle East

      Video of the Week - Have you ever felt overwhelmed when you have to study for a difficult test?  I stumbled upon this video this weekend and thought you might find it helpful!

      Day 1 - Paw 1

      Objective:  Examine a contemporary issue in the Middle East.

      Task:   Good afternoon!  Today we'll focus our studies on contemporary issues in the region.  First, when you arrive to class, please download and complete "The Death of a Sea."  After we review your work, you'll have the remainder of class to work on your Contemporary Issues reflection.  If you finish early, you may complete a second reflection for extra credit OR you may begin working on your Europe homework.

      Homework Due Dates:  
      • Tuesday, October 24 - Western Europe map (in packet) due
      • Tuesday, October 24 - Contemporary Issues in the Middle East reflection due by 3:00 pm
      • Wednesday, October 25 - Eastern Europe map (in packet) due
      • Thursday, October 26 - Former Soviet Republics map (in packet) due
      • Thursday, October 26 - "Why Renaissance? Why Florence?" due by 3:00 pm
      • Friday, October 27 - Day 5 PAW
      • Monday, October 30 - "Considering the Columbian Exchange & the Scientific Revolution" due in class
      • Tuesday, October 31 - Europe map quiz
      • Thursday, November 2 - Europe & Middle East content quiz (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Friday, October 27)

      WHAP Day 38 - Southernization as a Process of the Post-Classical Era

      Video of the Week - Have you ever felt overwhelmed when you have to study for a difficult test?  I stumbled upon this video this weekend and thought you might find it helpful!

      Day 1 - PAW 1
        KC3.1.I.  Improved transportation technologies and commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade and expanded the geographical range of existing and newly active trade networks.

        Objectives:  Examine the development of trade in the Indian Ocean basin.  Explore and map Southernization during the post-Classical period.

        Task:  Good morning!   When you arrive to class, please write your name on a rubric and turn in your DBQ.  Then, clear your desks and get out a pen or pencil.  We'll spend the first few minutes of class taking a pop quiz on the work you completed over the weekend.  Then, go to "WHAP 3.1.I. Thesis Practice"  (linked here & on KC3.1.I. folder) and follow the directions.   After all of the quizzes & thesis statements have been submitted, we'll split into small group to identify details to support KC3.1.I.  Finally, if there is any time remaining, you'll have a few minutes to prepare for tomorrow's simulation.

        Homework Due Dates:
        • ASAP - "Migration of Anatomically Modern Humans Response" corrections (see comments for current 'grade')
        • TODAY - What is Empire? DBQ response due in class
        • TODAY - "Southernization" activity due in class
        • Tuesday, October 24 - Trade Simulation - Come PREPARED!!! - Read the "Background" packet and "Simulation Directions." Create your trade goods BEFORE class - as a group you may determine how much of your good to make BUT you may not add any goods during the simulation.
        • Wednesday, October 25 - Intan Shipwreck discussion (find reading and assignment explanation in KC3.1 folder)
        • Wednesday, October 25 - LS Chapter 13 ("The Resurgence of Empire in East Asia") due by 11:59 pm
        • Wednesday, October 25 - PAW 3
        • Thursday, October 26 - PAW 4
        • Sunday, October 29 - LS Chapter 14 ("The  Expansive Realm of Islam") due by 11:59 pm
        • Friday, December 1 - Period 3 Test

        HWC Day 37 - Contemporary Issues in the Middle East

        Video of the Week - Have you ever felt overwhelmed when you have to study for a difficult test?  I stumbled upon this video this weekend and thought you might find it helpful!

        Day 1 - PAW 1

        Objectives:      Examine select issues in the contemporary Middle East.

        Task:  Marhabaan!  When you arrive to class, please form the desks into a horseshoe in preparation for our contemporary issues lessons.

        Homework Due Dates:
        • ASAP - AFMP Reflection
        • TODAY - Regional Study Presentations
        • Tuesday, October 24 - Europe map review during PAW
        • Tuesday, October 24 - Day 2 PAW
        • Wednesday, October 25 - HWC Heritage of Europe due (submit Part II for grading by 7:30 am & have Part I ready for class discussion)
        • Thursday, October 26 - "Meanwhile in Europe" close reading & summary due by 7:30 am, Socratic Seminar during class
        • Friday, October 27 - "Considering the Scientific Revolution & the Columbian Exchange" due in class
        • Monday, October 30 - Unit 4 Map Quiz (study guide on Schoology)
        • Monday, October 30 - Last day to complete any missing tests or quizzes from quarter 1
        • Wednesday, November 1 - Day 2 PAW
        • Thursday, November 2 - Europe & Middle East content quiz (study guide will be posted to Schoology on or before Friday, October 27)

        Friday, October 20, 2017

        CPWC Day 37 - Contemporary Issues in the Middle East

        Day 6 - Paw 6

        Objective:  Examine a contemporary issue in the Middle East.

        Task:   Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please open up your "Armenian Genocide Viewing Guide."  We'll spend a few minutes discussing select questions on the video guide.  Then, you'll complete "Oil and Water in the Middle East."  Finally, you'll go to "Contemporary Issues in the Middle East" and examine one of the issues facing the region.

        Homework Due Dates:  
        • TODAY - Day 5 PAW
        • Tuesday, October 24 - Contemporary Issues in the Middle East reflection due

        WHAP Day 37 - Trade in the Post-Classical Period

        Day 6 - PAW 6
          KC3.1.I.  Improved transportation technologies and commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade and expanded the geographical range of existing and newly active trade networks.

          Objectives:  Examine the development of trade in the Indian Ocean basin.  Explore and map Southernization during the post-Classical period.

          Task:  Good morning!   When you arrive to class, please download and use SOAP to analyze "Quran, Verses on Ships & Sailing," "The History by Al Yaqubi" and "Comparing Indian Ocean Trade Routes" (in KC3.1.I folder).  After we've reviewed your analysis, I'll explain what you need to do for Tuesday's trade simulation.  Finally, you'll use the remainder of class to work on  "Southernization."

          Homework Due Dates:
          • ASAP - "Migration of Anatomically Modern Humans Response" corrections (see comments for current 'grade')
          • Friday, October 20 - What is Empire? DBQ response due by 3:00 (4-7 page paper MUST be personally submitted to Mrs. Friday) - If you choose to take advantage of the buffer window, the essay MUST be handed in to Mrs. Friday at the beginning of class on Monday, October 23.
          • Monday, October 23 - "Southernization" activity due in class
          • Tuesday, October 24 - Trade Simulation - Come PREPARED!!! - Read the "Background" packet and "Simulation Directions." Create your trade goods BEFORE class - as a group you may determine how much of your good to make BUT you may not add any goods during the simulation.
          • Wednesday, October 25 - Intan Shipwreck discussion (find reading and assignment explanation in KC3.1 folder)
          • Wednesday, October 25 - PAW 3
          • Thursday, October 26 - PAW 4

          HWC Day 36 - 20th Century Middle East

          Day 6 - PAW 6

          Objectives:   Analyze political cartoons to identify the status of the Middle East at the turn of the 20th century.   Examine select issues in the contemporary Middle East.

          Task:  Marhabaan!  We'll begin class with a review of the political cartoons that you examined yesterday.  Then, we'll split into new groups to complete and create presentations on select sections of the regional study. 

          Homework Due Dates:
          • ASAP - AFMP Reflection
          • Monday, October 23 - Regional Study Presentations

          Thursday, October 19, 2017

          CPWC Day 36 - History Living in the Present

          Day 5 - Paw 5

          Objective:  Evaluate the impact of the Sunni-Shia divide in the development of Middle Eastern history.

          Task:   Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please download "CPWC Unit 3 History Notes" from the unit 3 folder.  We'll spend the first few minutes going over these notes.  Then, you'll examine select contemporary issues in the region.

          Homework Due Dates:  
          • Friday, October 20 - Day 5 PAW
          Activities for PAW:

          WHAP Day 36 - Indian Ocean Trade Routes

          Day 5 - PAW 5
            KC3.1.I.  Improved transportation technologies and commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade and expanded the geographical range of existing and newly active trade networks.

            Objectives:  Examine the development of trade in the Indian Ocean basin.  Explore and map Southernization during the post-Classical period.

            Task:  Good morning!   When you arrive to class, please open and complete "Exploring Indian Ocean History."  Then, you'll begin working on "Southernization."

            Homework Due Dates:
            • ASAP - "Migration of Anatomically Modern Humans Response" corrections (see comments for current 'grade')
            • TODAY - Paw 4
            • Friday, October 20 - What is Empire? DBQ response due by 3:00 (4-7 page paper MUST be personally submitted to Mrs. Friday) - If you choose to take advantage of the buffer window, the essay MUST be handed in to Mrs. Friday at the beginning of class on Monday, October 23.
            • Monday, October 23 - "Southernization" activity due in class
            • Wednesday, October 25 - Intan Shipwreck discussion (find reading and assignment explanation in KC3.1 folder)

            HWC Day 35 - Using Cartoons to Analyze the Ottoman Empire

            Day 5 - PAW 5

            Objectives:   Discuss the arguments presented by Ansary in "West Comes East."  Evaluate the use of history textbooks to promote nationalism.

            Task:  Marhabaan!  When you arrive to class, please open your notes from yesterday.  We'll finish up our review of "West Comes East" and the Ottoman Empire.  Then, you'll work with a partner to interpret some political cartoons.

            Homework Due Dates:
            • ASAP - AFMP Reflection

            Wednesday, October 18, 2017

            CPWC Day 35 - Islam as a World Religion

            Day 4 - Paw 4

            Objective:  Evaluate the impact of the Sunni-Shia divide in the development of Middle Eastern history.

            Task:   Good afternoon!  As we discussed yesterday, I needed to take a step back and re-evaluate where we are at present.  After careful reflection, I've decided to CANCEL the unit 3 test on Friday.  You've already submitted a good number of graded assignments for this unit and I would rather use that time to address your questions and to clarify the content.  Today, we'll review "Islamic Contributions to Civilization" and then delve into the Sunni-Shia divide.  Specifically, we'll evaluate the whether religion, politics, or economic factors were most responsible for leading to and perpetuating the division.  Finally, we'll examine the rise and fall of the Ottoman Empire, including the Armenian Genocide during World War I.

            Homework Due Dates:  
            • TODAY - Unit 3 Map Quiz
            • Friday, October 20 - Day 5 PAW

            WHAP Day 35 - World Trade System or Systems?

            Day 4 - PAW 4
              KC3.1.I.  Improved transportation technologies and commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade and expanded the geographical range of existing and newly active trade networks.

              Objectives:  Utilize select the important places summaries and Vikings reflections to establish a foundation for studying period 3.  

              Task:  Good morning!   To begin our formal examination of the post-classical era today, we're going to discuss the historic places and Vikings.  Then, we'll establish a basis for studying the post-Classical period with a brief presentation.  Finally, you'll begin examining the further development of trade networks during with a guided reading activity.

              Homework Due Dates:
              • ASAP - "Migration of Anatomically Modern Humans Response" corrections (see comments for current 'grade')
              • TODAY - Paw 4
              • Friday, October 20 - "Southernization" map activities due in class
              • Friday, October 20 - What is Empire? DBQ response due by 3:00 (4-7 page paper MUST be personally submitted to Mrs. Friday)
              • Monday, October 23 - "Southernization" questions due in class

              HWC Day 34 - Foreign Influences in the Middle East

              Day 4 - PAW 4

              Objectives:   Discuss the arguments presented by Ansary in "West Comes East."  Evaluate the use of history textbooks to promote nationalism.

              Task:  Marhabaan!  When you arrive to class, please move the desks into a circle.   We'll begin class with  a short introduction to orientalism.  As you watch the video below, respond to the following question on your white board:  Why is it necessary to consider Orientalism when studying the history of the Middle East?  We'll use your responses to continue our discussion on the history of the Middle East before we delve into some of the contested 20th century history of the region.

              Homework Due Dates:
              • ASAP - AFMP Reflection
              • Friday, October 20 - Unit 3 Test

              Tuesday, October 17, 2017

              CPWC Day 34 - Religion & History in the Middle East

              Day 3 - Paw 3

              Objective:   Review similarities and differences of the Abrahamic religions.  Evaluate the impact of the Sunni-Shia divide in the development of Middle Eastern history.

              Task:   Good afternoon!  Thank you for your cooperation yesterday and Friday - I really appreciate your adaptability.  We'll spend the first portion of class on your map quiz.  Then, we have a lot of wrap-up work to do.  First, we'll spend a few minutes reviewing the "Heirs of Abraham"  article with the Venn  diagram.   Finally,  we'll review "Islamic Contributions to Civilization" before you delve into the Sunni-Shia divide.

              Homework Due Dates:  
              • TODAY - Unit 3 Map Quiz
              • Friday, October 20 - Day 5 PAW
              • Friday, October 20 - Unit 3 Test

              WHAP Day 34 - Period 3 Introduction

              Day 3 - PAW 3
                KC3.1.II.  The movement of peoples caused environmental and linguistic effects.

                • CUL3 - Explain how cross-cultural interactions resulted in the diffusion of culture, technologies, and scientific knowledge.
                KC3.2.I.  Empires collapsed in different regions of the world and in some areas were replaced by new imperial states or political systems.

                • SB4 - Explain how and why internal and external political factors have influenced the process of state building, expansion, and dissolution.

                Objectives:  Examine select historic places to preview period 3.  Utilize select historical sources about the Vikings to preview period 3 key concepts.  

                Task:  Good morning!   I would like to continue conferencing with individual students again today so you have two tasks that you will complete today.  First, you'll finish the historic places analysis that you began yesterday.  Then, you'll complete "Previewing Period 3 With the Vikings."  Also, you may have noticed that I've not assigned much homework recently - I'm hoping your using this extra time to construct your take-home DBQ response.  Tomorrow, we'll be getting back on track and you will once again see a list of upcoming assignments at the bottom of the blog post.

                Homework Due Dates:
                • ASAP - "Migration of Anatomically Modern Humans Response" corrections (see comments for current 'grade')
                • TODAY - Paw 3
                • Wednesday, October 18 - Paw 4
                • Friday, October 20 - What is Empire? DBQ response due by 3:00 (4-7 page paper MUST be personally submitted to Mrs. Friday)

                HWC Day 33 - Exploring the History of the Middle East

                Day 3 - PAW 3

                Objectives:   Identify major developments in the pre-colonial period of Southwest Asia & North Africa.  Discuss the arguments presented by Ansary in "West Comes East."  Evaluate the use of history textbooks to promote nationalism.

                Task:  Marhabaan!  When you arrive to class, please move the desks into a circle for a discussion on the history of the Middle East and North Africa.  Specifically, we'll examine some historic maps and refer back to the sources you've already examined.  Finally, we'll consider the impact of the Age of Imperialism and the transition to independence.

                Homework Due Dates:
                • ASAP - AFMP Reflection
                • Tuesday, October 17 - "Perspectives in History" packet due
                • Friday, October 20 - Unit 3 Test

                Monday, October 16, 2017

                CPWC Day 33 - Religion & History of the Middle East

                Day 2 - Paw 2

                Objective:   Review similarities and differences of the Abrahamic religions.  Evaluate the impact of the Sunni-Shia divide in the development of Middle Eastern history.

                Task:   Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please upload "Heirs of Abraham" to the appropriate dropbox in Schoology.  Then, open up your Venn diagram - we'll spend the first few minutes of class reviewing the similarities and differences of the Abrahamic faiths.    We'll review "Islamic Contributions to Civilization" before you delve into the Sunni-Shia divide.

                Homework Due Dates:  
                • TODAY - "Heirs of Abraham" close reading due by 3:00 pm
                • Tuesday, October 17 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
                • Friday, October 20 - Day 5 PAW
                • Friday, October 20 - Unit 3 Test

                WHAP Day 33 - Period 3 Introduction

                Day 2 - PAW 2
                  Objectives:  Identify teacher expectations for take-home essay submission.  Examine select historic places to preview period 3.  

                  Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please go into the "Take-Home DBQ" folder and open up the "WHAP Period 2 Take-Home DBQ Rubric" page.  We'll spend the first few minutes of class reviewing the expectations for your essay.  Then, individually, you'll work on the "Important Places" to begin period 3.  

                  Homework Due Dates:
                  • ASAP - "Migration of Anatomically Modern Humans Response" corrections (see comments for current 'grade')
                  • LAST NIGHT - What is Empire? thesis statement due
                  • Tuesday, October 17 - Paw 3
                  • Wednesday, October 18 - Paw 4
                  • Friday, October 20 - What is Empire? DBQ response due by 3:00 (4-7 page paper MUST be personally submitted to Mrs. Friday)

                  HWC Day 32 - A History of the Middle East in a Nutshell

                  Day 2 - PAW 2

                  Objectives:   Identify major developments in the pre-colonial period of Southwest Asia & North Africa.  Discuss the arguments presented by Ansary in "West Comes East."

                  Task:  Marhabaan!  To begin the week, and our class, we'll play a short Kahoot! to review monotheism.  Then, we'll use the video below to examine select historical developments in the region before getting into a discussion circle to delve into issues in "West Comes East."

                  Homework Due Dates:
                  • ASAP - AFMP Reflection
                  • TODAY - PAW 2
                  • TODAY - Investigating Sunni-Shia Divisions due
                  • Tuesday, October 17 - "Perspectives in History" packet due
                  • Friday, October 20 - Unit 3 Test

                  Friday, October 13, 2017

                  CPWC Day 32 - Inside Mecca

                  Day 1 - Paw 1

                  Objective:   Consider how Islam impacts practitioners daily lives.

                  Task:   Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please upload "Heirs of Abraham" to the appropriate dropbox in Schoology.  Then, download "Inside Mecca" - you will complete this sheet as you watch the documentary.  We'll spend our time together today looking at the hajj and the experiences of six individuals taking part in this pilgrimage.

                  Homework Due Dates:  
                  • TODAY - "Heirs of Abraham" close reading due by 3:00 pm
                  • Tuesday, October 17 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
                  • Friday, October 20 - Day 5 PAW
                  • Friday, October 20 - Unit 3 Test

                  WHAP Day 32 - Period 2 Test

                  Day 1 - PAW 1
                    Objectives:  Assess knowledge and understanding of the Classical Age.

                    Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except a pencil.  You will have the duration of the class to complete the test.  When you finish, please turn in your test at the back of the room.  Then use the remainder of class to work on your Take-Home DBQ. 

                    Homework Due Dates:
                    • ASAP - "Migration of Anatomically Modern Humans Response" corrections (see comments for current 'grade')
                    • TODAY - Period 2 Assessment
                    • Sunday, October 15 - What is Empire? thesis statement due
                    • Tuesday, October 17 - Paw 3
                    • Wednesday, October 18 - Paw 4
                    • Friday, October 20 - What is Empire? DBQ response due by 3:00 (4-7 page paper MUST be personally submitted to Mrs. Friday)

                    HWC Day 31 - Unit 3 Map Quiz

                    Day 1 - PAW 1

                    Objectives:   Assess knowledge of the geography of North Africa, Southwest Asia, Transcaucasia, & Central Asia.  Investigate the development of Sunni and Shia Islam.

                    Task:  Marhabaan!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except a pen or a pencil.  You'll spend the first portion of class completing the map quiz.  Then, you'll use the resources identified in Schoology to complete "Investigating Sunni-Shia Divisions."

                    Homework Due Dates:
                    • ASAP - AFMP Reflection
                    • TODAY- Unit 3 Map Quiz
                    • Monday, October 16 - PAW 2
                    • Monday, October 16 - Investigating Sunni-Shia Divisions due
                    • Monday, October 16 - "Perspectives in History" packet due
                    • Friday, October 20 - Unit 3 Test

                    Thursday, October 12, 2017

                    CPWC Day 31 - Geography & Islam

                    Day 6 - Paw 6

                    Objective:   Examine the geography of North Africa, Southwest Asia, Transcaucasia, & Central Asia.

                    Task:   Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please download and complete "Unit 3 Cities Review."  After we go through the answers, you'll work with a partner to delve into the geography of the region.  Finally, we'll end class by reviewing "Islamic Contributions to Civilizations."

                    Homework Due Dates:  
                    • TODAY - 16.2 & 16.3 rdg. check
                    • Friday, October 13 - "Heirs of Abraham" close reading due by 3:00 pm
                    • Tuesday, October 17 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
                    • Friday, October 20 - Day 5 PAW
                    • Friday, October 20 - Unit 3 Test

                    WHAP Day 31 - Period 2 Wrap-Up

                    Day 6 - PAW 6
                      Objectives:  Discuss and identify the categories for the take-home DBQ.  Review Classical trade networks through the Axum documents.

                      Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please upload your documents chart.  Then, we'll work in groups to identify possible categories for the take-home DBQ.  I'll also answer any questions you have about the documents.  Finally, we'll spend the remainder of class reviewing the Classical trade routes.

                      Homework Due Dates:
                      • ASAP - "Migration of Anatomically Modern Humans Response" corrections (see comments for current 'grade')
                      • TODAY - What is Empire? document analysis due in class 
                      • Friday, October 13 - Period 2 Assessment
                      • Sunday, October 15 - What is Empire? thesis statement due
                      • Tuesday, October 17 - Paw 3
                      • Wednesday, October 18 - Paw 4
                      • Friday, October 20 - What is Empire? DBQ response due by 3:00 (4-7 page paper MUST be personally submitted to Mrs. Friday)

                      HWC Day 30 - Hisorical Developments in the Middle East

                      Day 6 - PAW 6

                      Objectives:   Review the development of monotheism in Southwest Asia.  Evaluate the impact of external forces on the development of North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia.

                      Task:  Marhabaan!  When you arrive to class, please take a few minutes to complete "Think You Know the Greater Middle East?" quiz.  Then, you'll move into small groups to complete the Venn diagram comparing the Abrahamic faiths.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class in a circle discussing "West Comes East."

                      Homework Due Dates:
                      • ASAP - AFMP Reflection
                      • Friday, October 13 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
                      • Monday, October 16 - PAW 2
                      • Monday, October 16 - Investigating Sunni-Shia Divisions due
                      • Monday, October 16 - "Perspectives in History" packet due
                      • Friday, October 20 - Unit 3 Test

                      Wednesday, October 11, 2017

                      CPWC Day 30 - Mapping the Region

                      Day 6 - Paw 6

                      Objective:   Consider the importance of the Nile on the development of culture and society in Egypt.  Identify the commonalities and differences of the Abrahamic religions.

                      Task:   Good afternoon!  We'll spend the first portion of class completing a large map of the region.  Then, you'll use the "CPWC Unit 3 Geography Information" (Geography Resources) to complete a crossword review.  Finally, we'll end class reviewing the "Islamic Contributions" DBQ.

                      Homework Due Dates:  
                      • TODAY - 22.2 rdg. check
                      • TODAY - Transcaucasia & Central Asia map due
                      • Thursday, October 12 - 16.2 & 16.3 rdg. check
                      • Friday, October 13 - "Heirs of Abraham" close reading due by 3:00 pm
                      • Monday, October 16 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
                      • Wednesday, October 18 - Unit 3 Test

                      WHAP Day 30 - Period 2 Review

                      Day 6 - PAW 6
                      Objectives:  Review essential content from the Classical Age.

                      Task:  Good morning!  Today we'll begin class with some vocabulary review and then play a game of Kahoot! to review the Classical Age.  

                      Homework Due Dates:
                      • ASAP - "Migration of Anatomically Modern Humans Response" corrections (see comments for current 'grade')
                      • ASAP - Download "Timeline Builder" app
                      • TODAY - Pd. 3 ONLY - PSATs - report to room 418 for study hall
                      • Thursday, October 12 - What is Empire? document analysis due in class 
                      • Friday, October 13 - Period 2 Assessment
                      • Sunday, October 15 - What is Empire? thesis statement due
                      • Friday, October 20 - What is Empire? DBQ response due by 3:00 (4-7 page paper MUST be personally submitted to Mrs. Friday)

                      Tuesday, October 10, 2017

                      CPWC Day 29 - Nile River & Monotheism

                      Day 5 - Paw 5

                      Objective:   Consider the importance of the Nile on the development of culture and society in Egypt.  Identify the commonalities and differences of the Abrahamic religions.

                      Task:   Good afternoon!  If you have not done so, please submit your current events work to the "CPWC Units 1 & 2 Current Events" dropbox in Schoology.  Then, complete "Nile Valley WS" (Geography Resources folder).  After we discuss the importance of the Nile Valley, you'll complete a close reading "Heirs of Abraham" (Monotheism folder).

                      Homework Due Dates:  
                      • PAST DUE - 19.2 rdg. quiz
                      • PAST DUE - North Africa map due
                      • PAST DUE - Unit 1 & 2 Current Events assignment due by 3:00 pm
                      • TODAY - 22.1 rdg. check
                      • TODAY - Southwest Asia map due
                      • TODAY - Period 5 PAW
                      • Wednesday, October 11 - 22.2 rdg. check
                      • Wednesday, October 11 - Transcaucasia & Central Asia map due
                      • Thursday, October 12 - 16.2 & 16.3 rdg. check
                      • Monday, October 16 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
                      • Wednesday, October 18 - Unit 3 Test

                      WHAP Day 29 - Trade Networks in the Classical Age

                      Day 5 - PAW 5

                      KC2.3.I.  Land and water routes became the basis for interregional trade, communication, and exchange networks in the Eastern Hemisphere.
                      • ECON7 - Explain how local, regional, and global economic systems and exchange networks have influenced and impacted each other over time.
                      KC2.3.II.  Alongside the trade in goods, the exchange of people, technology, religious and cultural beliefs, food crops, domesticated animals, and disease pathogens developed across extensive networks of communication and exchange.
                      • Explain how religions, beliefs systems, philosophies, and ideologies originated, developed, and spread as a result of expanding communication and exchange.
                      Objectives:  Explore the goods, ideas, and people transferred along the Classical trade networks.

                      Task:  Good morning!  We'll begin class with a brief presentation on the Mediterranean, Trans-Saharan, Monsoon, and American trade routes.  Then, we'll review your work on Axum and evaluate the role of trade routes in the development of the Classical world. 

                      Homework Due Dates:
                      • ASAP - "Migration of Anatomically Modern Humans Response" corrections (see comments for current 'grade')
                      • ASAP - Download "Timeline Builder" app
                      • TODAY - "KC2.3 - Axum Documents" - read documents and answer questions BEFORE class
                      • Wednesday, October 11 - Pd. 3 ONLY - PSATs - report to room 418 for study hall
                      • Thursday, October 12 - What is Empire? document analysis due in class 
                      • Friday, October 13 - Period 2 Assessment
                      • Sunday, October 15 - What is Empire? thesis statement due
                      • Friday, October 20 - What is Empire? DBQ response due by 3:00 (4-7 page paper MUST be personally submitted to Mrs. Friday)

                      Friday, October 6, 2017

                      CPWC Day 28 - Nile River Geography & Monotheism

                      Day 4 - Paw 4

                      Objective:   Consider the importance of the Nile on the development of culture and society in Egypt.  Identify the commonalities and differences of the Abrahamic religions.

                      Task:   Happy Friday!  If you have not done so, please submit your current events work to the "CPWC Units 1 & 2 Current Events" dropbox in Schoology.  Then, complete "Nile Valley WS" (Geography Resources folder).  After we discuss the importance of the Nile Valley, you'll complete a close reading "Heirs of Abraham" (Monotheism folder).

                      Homework Due Dates:  
                      • YESTERDAY - 19.2 rdg. quiz
                      • YESTERDAY - North Africa map due
                      • TODAY - Unit 1 & 2 Current Events assignment due by 3:00 pm
                      • Tuesday, October 10 - 22.1 rdg. check
                      • Tuesday, October 10 - Southwest Asia map due
                      • Tuesday, October 10 - Period 5 PAW
                      • Wednesday, October 11 - 22.2 rdg. check
                      • Wednesday, October 11 - Transcaucasia & Central Asia map due
                      • Thursday, October 12 - 16.2 & 16.3 rdg. check
                      • Monday, October 16 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
                      • Wednesday, October 18 - Unit 3 Test

                      WHAP Day 28 - Trade, Travelers, & Diffusion on the Silk Road

                      Day 4 - PAW 4

                      KC2.3.I.  Land and water routes became the basis for interregional trade, communication, and exchange networks in the Eastern Hemisphere.

                      • ECON7 - Explain how local, regional, and global economic systems and exchange networks have influenced and impacted each other over time.

                      KC2.3.II.  Alongside the trade in goods, the exchange of people, technology, religious and cultural beliefs, food crops, domesticated animals, and disease pathogens developed across extensive networks of communication and exchange.

                      • Explain how religions, beliefs systems, philosophies, and ideologies originated, developed, and spread as a result of expanding communication and exchange.

                      Objectives:   Examine statues for evidence of cultural diffusion along the Silk Roads.  Consider the monsoon system.

                      Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up the "Five Robed Figures."  We'll finish our examination of these artworks for syncretism and diffusion.  Then, we'll analyze primary documents to evaluate the international marketplace on the Silk Road.

                      Homework Due Dates:
                      • ASAP - "Migration of Anatomically Modern Humans Response" corrections (see comments for current 'grade')
                      • ASAP - Download "Timeline Builder" app
                      • TODAY - PAW 4
                      • TODAY - Watch "New Ideas Along the Silk Road" BEFORE class
                      • Tuesday, October 10 - "KC2.3 - Axum Documents" - read documents and answer questions BEFORE class
                      • Wednesday, October 11 - Classical Age Top 10 Timelines due by midnight
                      • Thursday, October 12 - What is Empire? document analysis due in class 
                      • Friday, October 13 - Period 2 Assessment
                      • Sunday, October 15 - What is Empire? thesis statement due
                      • Friday, October 20 - What is Empire? DBQ response due by 3:00 (4-7 page paper MUST be personally submitted to Mrs. Friday)

                      HWC Day 28 - Geography & Monotheism

                      Day 4 - PAW 4

                      Objectives:  Examine the impact of geography on the history, culture, and development of Southwest Asia, North Africa, and Transcaucasia and Central Asia.  Analyze the development of monotheism

                      Task:  Marhabaan!  When you arrive to class, please rejoin your group from yesterday, finalize your work and email a PDF to Mrs. Friday.  After I've received all of the collages, you'll take few minutes to present your work to the rest of the class.
                      1. SW Asia & N. Africa - Environmental Geography and Population & Settlement (pp. 185-200)
                      2. SW Asia & N. Africa - Cultural Coherence & Diversity, Geopolitical Framework,  and Economic Development (pp. 200-216)
                      3. Central Asia - Environmental Geography and Population & Settlement (pp. 285-294)
                      4. Central Asia - Cultural Coherence & Diversity, Geopolitical Framework, and Economic & Social Development (pp. 294-305)
                      After we finish the presentations, we'll begin our presentations on the geography of the region.

                      Homework Due Dates:
                      • ASAP - AFMP Reflection
                      • TODAY - Unit 3 Map due
                      • Tuesday, October 10 - "West Comes East" discussion - be prepared with questions and points of discussion
                      • Wednesday, October 11 - "Roots of Muslim Rage" reading quiz
                      • Friday, October 13 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
                      • Friday, October 13 - PAW 2
                      • Monday, October 16 - "Perspectives in History" packet due
                      • Friday, October 20 - Unit 3 Test

                      Thursday, October 5, 2017

                      CPWC Day 27 - Current Events

                      Day 3 - Paw 3

                      Objective:   Utilize library resources to find current events stories related to class activities.

                      Task:   Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please submit your homework to the appropriate Schoology dropbox.  We'll use today's class to continue our search for current events stories relating to our studies.  If you finish with your project before class is over, please work on your unit 3 homework and/or watch the videos below in preparation for our next unit.

                      Homework Due Dates:  
                      • TODAY - Report directly to the LIBRARY
                      • TODAY - 19.2 rdg. quiz
                      • Thursday, October 5 - North Africa map due
                      • Friday, October 6 - Unit 1 & 2 Current Events assignment due by 3:00 pm
                      • Tuesday, October 10 - 22.1 rdg. check
                      • Tuesday, October 10 - Southwest Asia map due
                      • Tuesday, October 10 - Period 5 PAW
                      • Wednesday, October 11 - 22.2 rdg. check
                      • Wednesday, October 11 - Transcaucasia & Central Asia map due
                      • Thursday, October 12 - 16.2 & 16.3 rdg. check
                      • Monday, October 16 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
                      • Wednesday, October 18 - Unit 3 Test

                      WHAP Day 27 - DBQ Writing & Cultural Diffusion on the Silk Road

                      Day 3 - PAW 3

                      Objectives:  Utilize our document analysis and thesis writing skills to complete a practice DBQ on the Axial Age.  Examine statues for evidence of cultural diffusion along the Silk Roads.

                      Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download, omplete SOAP analysis for, and organize the documents in "DBQ Practice - Axial Age" (attached on AP Skills - The Document- Based Question).  We'll spend the first part of class working together to complete our practice DBQ.  Then, we'll examine five statues to evaluate the impact of diffusion along the Silk Road.

                      Homework Due Dates:
                      • ASAP - "Migration of Anatomically Modern Humans Response" corrections (see comments for current 'grade')
                      • ASAP - Download "Timeline Builder" app
                      • TODAY - PAW 3
                      • Friday, October 6 - PAW 4
                      • Friday, October 6 - Watch "New Ideas Along the Silk Road" BEFORE class
                      • Tuesday, October 10 - "KC2.3 - Axum Documents" - read documents and answer questions BEFORE class
                      • Wednesday, October 11 - Classical Age Top 10 Timelines due by midnight
                      • Thursday, October 12 - What is Empire? document analysis due in class 
                      • Friday, October 13 - Period 2 Assessment
                      • Sunday, October 15 - What is Empire? thesis statement due
                      • Friday, October 20 - What is Empire? DBQ response due by 3:00 (4-7 page paper MUST be personally submitted to Mrs. Friday)

                      HWC Day 27 - Introduction to the Middle East

                      Day 3 - PAW 3

                      Objectives:  Examine the impact of geography on the history, culture, and development of Southwest Asia, North Africa, and Transcaucasia and Central Asia.

                      Task:  Marhabaan!  When you arrive to class, please get a whiteboard and marker.  Watch the music video below with a critical eye and ear - what can we learn about the "Middle East" from this video?  Write down your reflections on the board.  After a brief discussion, we'll divide into groups to study the geography of the region.  Each group will use GoogleDraw or Notability to create an annotated collage of the section:
                      1. SW Asia & N. Africa - Environmental Geography and Population & Settlement (pp. 185-200)
                      2. SW Asia & N. Africa - Cultural Coherence & Diversity, Geopolitical Framework,  and Economic Development (pp. 200-216)
                      3. Central Asia - Environmental Geography and Population & Settlement (pp. 285-294)
                      4. Central Asia - Cultural Coherence & Diversity, Geopolitical Framework, and Economic & Social Development (pp. 294-305)
                      Homework Due Dates:
                      • ASAP - AFMP Reflection
                      • TODAY - Unit 3 Map due
                      • Tuesday, October 10 - "West Comes East" discussion - be prepared with questions and points of discussion
                      • Wednesday, October 11 - "Roots of Muslim Rage" reading quiz
                      • Friday, October 13 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
                      • Friday, October 13 - PAW 2
                      • Monday, October 16 - "Perspectives in History" packet due
                      • Friday, October 20 - Unit 3 Test

                      Wednesday, October 4, 2017

                      CPWC Day 26 - Sub-Saharan Africa Test

                      Day 2 - Paw 2

                      Objective:   Assess knowledge and understanding of geography, culture, history, and contemporary issues of Sub-Saharan Africa.

                      Task:   Good afternoon!  Please clear your desks of everything except for a pencil in preparation for the test.  As you take the test, read each question carefully and select the best possible answer.  I fyou are unsure of the answer, try to eliminate one or two choices.  Don't spend too much time on any single question - its likely you may find clues to help you figure out the answer later in the test.  For the short answer questions, make sure that you fully answer each question with a clear topic sentence and relevant details from class activities. Finally, before handing in your test, be sure to double check your work.

                      Homework Due Dates:  

                      • TODAY - Unit 2 Test (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Thursday, September 28)
                      • Thursday, October 5 - Report directly to the LIBRARY
                      • Thursday, October 5 - 19.2 rdg. quiz
                      • Thursday, October 5 - North Africa map due
                      • Friday, October 6 - Unit 1 & 2 Current Events assignment due by 3:00 pm
                      • Tuesday, October 10 - 22.1 rdg. check
                      • Tuesday, October 10 - Southwest Asia map due
                      • Tuesday, October 10 - Period 5 PAW
                      • Wednesday, October 11 - 22.2 rdg. check
                      • Wednesday, October 11 - Transcaucasia & Central Asia map due
                      • Thursday, October 12 - 16.2 & 16.3 rdg. check
                      • Monday, October 16 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
                      • Wednesday, October 18 - Unit 3 Test

                      WHAP Day 26 - Constructing a DBQ

                      Day 2 - PAW 2

                      Objectives:  Utilize our document analysis and thesis writing skills to complete a practice DBQ on the Axial Age.

                      Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download "Period 2 - Historical Terms and Concepts" and pick up a card from the front table.  Identify 12 terms from the list (2 from each sub-heading).  Then, find the other person in class with the same number and share your ideas.  

                      We'll spend the rest of our time together defining the process for writing a DBQ.  You'll read "AP Skills - The Document-Based Question."  After a brief discussion, we'll work together to break down and construct a DBQ response.

                      Homework Due Dates:
                      • ASAP - "Migration of Anatomically Modern Humans Response" corrections (see comments for current 'grade')
                      • ASAP - Download "Timeline Builder" app
                      • TODAY  - LS Chapter 12 due by midnight
                      • Friday, October 6 - Watch "New Ideas Along the Silk Road" BEFORE class
                      • Tuesday, October 10 - "KC2.3 - Axum Documents" - read documents and answer questions BEFORE class
                      • Wednesday, October 11 - What is Empire? document analysis due in class 
                      • Friday, October 13 - Period 2 Assessment
                      • Sunday, October 15 - What is Empire? thesis statement due
                      • Friday, October 20 - What is Empire? DBQ response due by 3:00 (4-7 page paper MUST be personally submitted to Mrs. Friday)

                      HWC Day 26 - Sub-Saharan Africa Test

                      Day 2 - PAW 2

                      Objectives:  Assess knowledge and understanding of the geography, history, culture, and contemporary issues of Sub-Saharan Africa.

                      Task:  Good morning!  Please clear your desks of everything except for a pencil in preparation for the test.  As you take the test, read each question carefully and select the best possible answer.  If you are unsure of the answer, try to eliminate one or two choices.  Don't spend too much time on any single question - its likely you may find clues to help you figure out the answer later in the test.  For the short answer questions, make sure that you fully answer each question with a clear topic sentence and relevant details from class activities.  Finally, before handing in your test, be sure to double check your work.

                      Homework Due Dates:
                      • ASAP - AFMP Reflection
                      • TODAY - Unit 2 Test
                      • TODAY - PAW 2
                      • Thursday, October 4 - Unit 3 Map due
                      • Tuesday, October 10 - "West Comes East" discussion - be prepared with questions and points of discussion
                      • Wednesday, October 11 - "Roots of Muslim Rage" reading quiz
                      • Friday, October 13 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
                      • Friday, October 13 - PAW 2
                      • Monday, October 16 - "Perspectives in History" packet due
                      • Friday, October 20 - Unit 3 Test