Free Rice

Rice up against hunger

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

HWC Day 25 - Introduction to Monotheism & Geography of the Region

Objectives:   Examine the impact of geography on the history, culture, and development of North Africa, Southwest Asia, Central Asia, & Transcaucasia.

Task:  Hujumbo! When you arrive to class, please pick up a card from the front of the room. You'll work with a group to investigate the unique the unique geographic features of North Africa, Southwest Asia, Transcaucasia, & Central Asia. Please use Notability to create an annotated collage detailing the most important information in the section.

  1. SW Asia & N. Africa - Environmental Geography and Population & Settlement (pp. 185-200)
  2. SW Asia & N. Africa - Cultural Coherence & Diversity, Geopolitical Framework, and Economic Development (pp. 200-216)
  3. Central Asia - Environmental Geography & Population & Settlement (pp. 285-294)
  4. Central Asia - Cultural Coherence & Diversity, Geopolitical Framework, and Economic & Social Development (pp. 294-305)
Finally, we'll spend the last few minutes before the assembly creating a chart detailing the common roots of Judaism, Christianity, & Islam.

  • TODAY - Unit 2 PDPs & SJSs due on class blog by midnight
  • Wednesday, March 1 - Unit 2 Test
  • Thursday, March 2 - Unit 3 Map due
  • Monday, March 6 - "West Comes East" discussion
  • Tuesday, March 7 - "Roots of Muslim Rage" reading quiz
  • Thursday, March 9 - "Perspectives in History" packet due in class
  • Friday, March 10 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, March 15 - Unit 3 Test
  • Wednesday, March 15 - Unit 3 PDP
  • Wednesday, March 15 - Unit 3 SJS

Soc Day 25 - "Uses of Poverty" Discussion

Objective:  Define stratification as a sociological concept.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up your notes.  We'll finish up our notes on poverty before delving into our discussion of "The Uses of Poverty."  Finally, if there is any time remaining, you'll have time to work on the unit 2 vocabulary and your "Song of Stratification."

Article Discussions - Article summaries & questions are due in Schoology dropbox by 9:00 am the day BEFORE your discussion (example: Students leading the "Moving Up" discussion on Monday, 3/6 should have work posted in Schoology by 9:00am on Friday, 3/3)
  • "Uses of Poverty" - Melissa, Mark, Megan, Sam, Lauren
  • "Nickel-&-Dimed" - Alexa, Allie, Anastacia, Reba, Jason
  • "Moving Up" - Patrick, Brianna, Gabbie, Zach, Luke
  • "The Upper Class" - Fox, Camryn, Nicole, Ben
  • "Global Stratification" - Aaron, Jordan, Joel, Emily
  • TODAY - "Uses of Poverty" discussion circle
  • Wednesday, March 1 - "Nickel & Dimed" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Friday, March 3 - Songs of Stratification presentations begin
  • Friday, March 3 - "Moving Up" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Friday, March 3 - "Nickel & Dimed" discussion circle
  • Monday, March 6 - "Upper Class" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Monday, March 6 - "Moving Up" discussion circle 
  • Tuesday, March 7 - "The Upper Class" discussion circle
  • Thursday, March 9 - Completed unit 2 vocabulary due in class
  • Friday, March 10 - Sociopoly (through pd. 7 lunch)
  • Tuesday, March 14 - "Uses of Global Stratification" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Thursday, March 16 - Last day to present "Song of Stratification"
  • Friday, March 17 - Unit 2 Test

CPWC Day 25 - Geography of Southwest Asia, North Africa, & Central Asia

Objectives:  Identify challenges faced by select African states upon independence.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please upload your homework to the appropriate drop boxes in Schoology.  Then download and complete "Nile Valley WS."  After we discuss the Nile, you'll work with a partner to complete the Geography Study.   We'll take a break about halfway through class to  visit the Holocaust exhibit in the library.

  • TODAY - 19.2 rdg. notes due
  • TODAY - North Africa map due
  • Wednesday, March 1 - 22.1 rdg. notes due
  • Wednesday, March 1 - Southwest Asia map due
  • Thursday, March 2 - 22.2 rdg. notes due
  • Friday, March 3 - 22.3 rdg. notes
  • Friday, March 3 - Transcaucasia & Central Asia map due
  • Monday, March 6 - 16.2 & 16.3 rdg. notes
  • Wednesday, March 8 - Unit 3 rdg. quiz (19.2, 22.1, 22.2, 22.3, 16.2, & 16.3) -hand-written index card may be used 
  • Friday, March 10 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, March 15 - Unit 3 Test

Monday, February 27, 2017

HWC Day 24 - Africa Wrap-Up

Objectives:   Identify and dispel misperceptions about Africa.  Investigate select contemporary issues in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:  Hujumbo! To begin the week, we'll finish up "A Force More Powerful" and briefly review apartheid in South Africa before moving into our gallery walk. Before you begin observing and taking notes on the posters, please take a look at your study guide so that you know what your looking for in the posters. Finally, we'll end class with a consideration of the "Good News From Africa."

  • TODAY - Contemporary Issues Poster due at the beginning of class
  • Tuesday, February 28 - Unit 2 Test
  • Tuesday, February 28 - Unit 2 PDPs & SJSs due on class blog by midnight
  • Thursday, March 2 - Unit 3 Map due
  • Monday, March 6 - "West Comes East" discussion
  • Tuesday, March 7 - "Roots of Muslim Rage" reading quiz
  • Thursday, March 9 - "Perspectives in History" packet due in class
  • Friday, March 10 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, March 15 - Unit 3 Test
  • Wednesday, March 15 - Unit 3 PDP
  • Wednesday, March 15 - Unit 3 SJS

Soc Day 24 - Social Classes in United States

Objective:  Define stratification as a sociological concept.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up and download "Hidden Knowledge of Social Class."   Read the directions and fill out the form accordingly.  After everyone has completed the form, we'll score your results.  Then, we'll finish our class with notes and discussion on social class & poverty in the United States.

Article Discussions - Article summaries & questions are due in Schoology dropbox by 9:00 am the day BEFORE your discussion (example: Students leading the "Moving Up" discussion on Monday, 3/6 should have work posted in Schoology by 9:00am on Friday, 3/3)
  • "Uses of Poverty" - Melissa, Mark, Megan, Sam, Lauren
  • "Nickel-&-Dimed" - Alexa, Allie, Anastacia, Reba, Jason
  • "Moving Up" - Patrick, Brianna, Gabbie, Zach, Luke
  • "The Upper Class" - Fox, Camryn, Nicole, Ben
  • "Global Stratification" - Aaron, Jordan, Joel, Emily
  • TODAY - Songs of Stratification sign-up due
  • TODAY - "Use of Poverty" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Tuesday, February 28 - "Uses of Poverty" discussion circle
  • Wednesday, March 1 - "Nickel & Dimed" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Friday, March 3 - Songs of Stratification presentations begin
  • Friday, March 3 - "Moving Up" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Friday, March 3 - "Nickel & Dimed" discussion circle
  • Monday, March 6 - "Upper Class" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Monday, March 6 - "Moving Up" discussion circle 
  • Tuesday, March 7 - "The Upper Class" discussion circle
  • Thursday, March 9 - Completed unit 2 vocabulary due in class
  • Friday, March 10 - Sociopoly (through pd. 7 lunch)
  • Tuesday, March 14 - "Uses of Global Stratification" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Thursday, March 16 - Last day to present "Song of Stratification"
  • Friday, March 17 - Unit 2 Test

West Civ Day 23 - Italian City-States

IMPORTANT:  You will be attending the Holocaust speaker tomorrow during pd. 4.  If your period 3 class is not going, please let me know that you will be arriving late.  I will take attendance in the auditorium at the beginning of the assembly.

Objective:  Identify the political, cultural, social, & economic factors that led to the emergence of the Renaissance in the Italian city-states.

Task:  Good day!  Well met!  When you arrive to class, please download "Exploring the Renaissance & Reformation" to take notes during the biography presentations.   Then, we'll begin class with a brief excerpt from Boccacio's The Decameron before we watch the presentations.

  • TODAY - Italian city-state biography presentation due at the beginning of class
  • Monday, February 27 - Deadline to complete unit 1 test

CPWC Day 24 - Africa Test

Objectives:  Identify challenges faced by select African states upon independence.

Task:  Good morning!  Please clear your desks of everything except for a pencil in preparation for the test.  As you take the test, read each question carefully and select the best possible answer.  If you are unsure of the answer, try to eliminate one or two choices.  Don't spend too much time on any single question - its likely you may find clues to help you figure out the answer later in the test.  For the short answer questions, make sure that you fully answer each question with a clear thesis statement and relevant details from class activities.  Finally, before handing in your test, be sure to double check your work.

When you finish the test, please turn it in to Mrs. Friday in the back of the room.  use the remainder of class to work on the homework for unit 3.

  • TODAY - Unit 2 Test (study guide posted to Schoology)
  • Tuesday, February 28 - 19.2 rdg. notes due
  • Tuesday, February 28 - North Africa map due
  • Wednesday, March 1 - 22.1 rdg. notes due
  • Wednesday, March 1 - Southwest Asia map due
  • Thursday, March 2 - 22.2 rdg. notes due
  • Friday, March 3 - 22.3 rdg. notes
  • Friday, March 3 - Transcaucasia & Central Asia map due
  • Monday, March 6 - 16.2 & 16.3 rdg. notes
  • Wednesday, March 8 - Unit 3 rdg. quiz (19.2, 22.1, 22.2, 22.3, 16.2, & 16.3) -hand-written index card may be used 
  • Friday, March 10 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, March 15 - Unit 3 Test

Friday, February 24, 2017

HWC Day 23 - Contemporary Issues Research

Objectives:   Identify and dispel misperceptions about Africa.  Investigate select contemporary issues in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:  Hujumbo! When you arrive to class, please set about researching your topic. You have the entire class to find information to create your contemporary issues poster. If you have questions or problems, be sure to ask Mrs. Friday or Mrs. Sams. Don't forget to create a works cited list of your sources!

  • TODAY - Report to library
  • Monday, February 27 - Contemporary Issues Poster due at the beginning of class
  • Tuesday, February 28 - Unit 2 Test
  • Tuesday, February 28 - Unit 2 PDPs & SJSs due on class blog by midnight

Soc Day 23 - "What's So Great About America?"

Objective:  Define stratification as a sociological concept.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up your notes on stratification.  We'll continue our examination of the theories of class stratification.   Then, we'll spend the remainder of class discussing the American dream as presented in the D'Souza reading and the Freakonomics podcast.

Article Discussions - Article summaries & questions are due in Schoology dropbox by 9:00 am the day BEFORE your discussion (example: Students leading the "Moving Up" discussion on Monday, 3/6 should have work posted in Schoology by 9:00am on Friday, 3/3)
  • "Uses of Poverty" - Melissa, Mark, Megan, Sam, Lauren
  • "Nickel-&-Dimed" - Alexa, Allie, Anastacia, Reba, Jason
  • "Moving Up" - Patrick, Brianna, Gabbie, Zach, Luke
  • "The Upper Class" - Fox, Camryn, Nicole, Ben
  • "Global Stratification" - Aaron, Jordan, Joel, Emily
  • TODAY - Deadline for Unit 1 Test Make-Up
  • TODAY - "What's So Great About America?" due before class
  • Monday, February 27 - Songs of Stratification sign-up due
  • Monday, February 27 - "Use of Poverty" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Tuesday, February 28 - "Uses of Poverty" discussion circle
  • Wednesday, March 1 - "Nickel & Dimed" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Friday, March 3 - "Moving Up" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Friday, March 3 - "Nickel & Dimed" discussion circle
  • Monday, March 6 - "Upper Class" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Monday, March 6 - "Moving Up" discussion circle 
  • Tuesday, March 7 - "The Upper Class" discussion circle
  • Thursday, March 9 - Completed unit 2 vocabulary due in class
  • Friday, March 10 - Sociopoly (through pd. 7 lunch)
  • Tuesday, March 14 - "Uses of Global Stratification" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Thursday, March 16 - Last day to present "Song of Stratification"
  • Friday, March 17 - Unit 2 Test

West Civ Day 22 - Italian City-State Research

Objective:  Identify the political, cultural, social, & economic factors that led to the emergence of the Renaissance in the Italian city-states.

Task:  Good day!  Well met!  You will have the entire to research and create a presentation on your assigned city-state.  Please ask Mrs. Friday or Mrs. Sams if you have any difficulties.

Use library resources as well as the links below:
  • TODAY - Report directly to the library
  • Monday, February 27 - Italian city-state biography presentation due at the beginning of class
  • Monday, February 27 - Deadline to complete unit 1 test

CPWC Day 23 - Apartheid in South Africa

Objectives:  Identify challenges faced by select African states upon independence.

Task:  Hujumbo! When you arrive to class, please download "South African Anti-Apartheid Movement." We'll spend the first portion of class examining the emergence, implementation, and fall of apartheid in South Africa. Then, we'll look at select issues in Sub-Saharan Africa, including the genocide in Rwanda & Boko Haram. Finally, we'll end class with a brief review game.

  • TODAY - "Resistance, Nationalism & Independence" due in class
  • Friday, February 24 - Foundations Investigation due by 3:00
  • Monday, February 27 - Unit 2 Test (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Wednesday, February 22)
Extending Class Discussion:

Thursday, February 23, 2017

HWC Day 22 - Nationalism in Africa & Apartheid in South Africa

Objectives:   Identify and dispel misperceptions about Africa.  Consider select nationalist movements in  various paths to independence.  Explore the course, collapse, and recovery from apartheid in South Africa.

Task:  Hujumbo! When you arrive to class, please get into groups for a brief review game. Then, we'll finish our consideration of nationalist movements in Sub-Saharan Africa. Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class examining apartheid in South Africa.

  • TODAY - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past") due in class
  • Monday, February 27 - Contemporary Issues Poster due at the beginning of class
  • Tuesday, February 28 - Unit 2 Test
  • Tuesday, February 28 - Unit 2 PDPs & SJSs due on class blog by midnight
Extending Class Discussion:

Soc Day 22 - Dimensions of Stratification

Objective:  Define stratification as a sociological concept.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up your notes on stratification.  We'll continue our examination of the dimensions of social class and the theories of class stratification.  Then, I'll introduce the "Songs of Stratification" project

Article Discussions - Article summaries & questions are due in Schoology dropbox by 9:00 am the day BEFORE your discussion (example: Students leading the "Moving Up" discussion on Monday, 3/6 should have work posted in Schoology by 9:00am on Friday, 3/3)
  • "Uses of Poverty" - Melissa, Mark, Megan, Sam, Lauren
  • "Nickel-&-Dimed" - Alexa, Allie, Anastacia, Reba, Jason
  • "Moving Up" - Patrick, Brianna, Gabbie, Zach, Luke
  • "The Upper Class" - Fox, Camryn, Nicole, Ben
  • "Global Stratification" - Aaron, Jordan, Joel, Emily
  • Friday, February 24 - Deadline for Unit 1 Test Make-Up
  • Friday, February 24 - "What's So Great About America?" due before class
  • Monday, February 27 - Songs of Stratification sign-up due
  • Monday, February 27 - "Use of Poverty" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Tuesday, February 28 - "Uses of Poverty" discussion circle
  • Wednesday, March 1 - "Nickel & Dimed" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Friday, March 3 - "Moving Up" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Friday, March 3 - "Nickel & Dimed" discussion circle
  • Monday, March 6 - "Upper Class" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Monday, March 6 - "Moving Up" discussion circle 
  • Tuesday, March 7 - "The Upper Class" discussion circle
  • Thursday, March 9 - Completed unit 2 vocabulary due in class
  • Friday, March 10 - Sociopoly (through pd. 7 lunch)
  • Tuesday, March 14 - "Uses of Global Stratification" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Thursday, March 16 - Last day to present "Song of Stratification"
  • Friday, March 17 - Unit 2 Test

West Civ Day 21 - Exploring the Italian City-States

Objective:  Identify the political, cultural, social, & economic factors that led to the emergence of the Renaissance in the Italian city-states.

Task:  Good day!  Well met!  When you arrive to class please download and complete "Renaissance & Reformation Trade Activity."  Then,  we'll spend a few minutes reading through an excerpt from Boccaccio's, The Decameron to set the scene in the Italian city-states in the 14th century.  Then, you'll divide into groups to research and create a presentation on one of the Italian city-states.

Use library resources as well as the links below:
  • TODAY - Report directly to the library
  • Friday, February 24 - Report directly to the library
  • Monday, February 27 - Italian city-state biography presentation due at the beginning of class
  • Monday, February 27 - Deadline to complete unit 1 test

CPWC Day 22 - Nationalism in Sub-Saharan Africa

Objectives:   Explore the emergence and implementation of nationalist ideologies in Sub-Saharan Africa.  Identify challenges faced by select African states upon independence.

Task:  Hujumbo! When you arrive to class, please get out "Scramble for Africa." We'll spend the first few minutes of class wrapping up our consideration of imperialism in Sub-Saharan Africa. Then, we'll review "Resistance, Nationalism, & Independence." Finally, if any time remains, we'll begin our consideration of apartheid in South Africa.

  • TODAY - "Resistance, Nationalism & Independence" due in class
  • Friday, February 24 - Foundations Investigation due by 3:00
  • Monday, February 27 - Unit 2 Test (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Wednesday, February 22)
Extending Class Discussion:

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Soc Day 21 - Introduction to Stratification

Objective:  Define stratification as a sociological concept.

Task:  Good morning!  To begin class, we'll finish our discussion about "The Sneetches."  Then, we'll begin our notes on stratification.  If there is any time remaining, you'll work on your unit 2 vocabulary.

Article Discussions - Article summaries & questions are due in Schoology dropbox by 9:00 am the day BEFORE your discussion (example: Students leading the "Moving Up" discussion on Monday, 3/6 should have work posted in Schoology by 9:00am on Friday, 3/3)
  • "Uses of Poverty" - Melissa, Mark, Megan, Sam, Lauren
  • "Nickel-&-Dimed" - Alexa, Allie, Anastacia, Reba, Jason
  • "Moving Up" - Patrick, Brianna, Gabbie, Zach, Luke
  • "The Upper Class" - Fox, Camryn, Nicole, Ben
  • "Global Stratification" - Aaron, Jordan, Joel, Emily
  • Friday, February 24 - Deadline for Unit 1 Test Make-Up
  • Friday, February 24 - "What's So Great About America?" due before class
  • Monday, February 27 - "Use of Poverty" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Tuesday, February 28 - "Uses of Poverty" discussion circle
  • Wednesday, March 1 - "Nickel & Dimed" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Friday, March 3 - "Moving Up" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Friday, March 3 - "Nickel & Dimed" discussion circle
  • Monday, March 6 - "Upper Class" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Monday, March 6 - "Moving Up" discussion circle 
  • Tuesday, March 7 - "The Upper Class" discussion circle
  • Thursday, March 9 - Completed unit 2 vocabulary due in class
  • Friday, March 10 - Sociopoly (through pd. 7 lunch)
  • Tuesday, March 14 - "Uses of Global Stratification" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Friday, March 17 - Unit 2 Test

West Civ Day 20 - Introduction to the Renaissance

Objectives:  Establish a basis for studying the Renaissance.

Task:  When you arrive to class, please get out a pen or pencil to work on your short answer questions. Then, download, read, and answer questions for "Medieval View of Man." At the end of the testing window, you'll meet with a partner to answer the question below:

What is the Renaissance?
We'll use this question to establish a basis for studying the Renaissance. Specifically, we'll take notes on the five central themes of the Modern Era - classicism, humanism, secularism, materialism, & individualism. Finally, we'll finish class with a worksheet on trade at the end of the Middle Ages.


  • TODAY - Watch Crash Course "The Renaissance" BEFORE arriving to class
  • Thursday, February 23 - Report directly to the library
  • Friday, February 24 - Report directly to the library

CPWC Day 21 - Africa Map Quiz & Imperialism

Objectives:   Investigate the course and impacts of European imperialism in Africa.  Assess knowledge of the geography of Africa.

Task:  Hujumbo! When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except a pen or pencil in preparation for the map quiz. After you've finished the quiz, please work on "Resistance, Nationalism, & Independence." When everyone has finished the quiz, we'll review "Scramble for Africa" and begin our examination of nationalism in Africa.

  • TODAY - "Foundations Investigation" question 26 & 27 completion check
  • TODAY - Africa map quiz (study guide on Schoology) - Use TapQuiz Maps to review the country locations & create Quizlet flashcards to review capitals and geographic information!
  • Thursday, February 23 - "Resistance, Nationalism & Independence" due in class
  • Friday, February 24 - Foundations Investigation due by 3:00
  • Monday, February 27 - Unit 2 Test (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Wednesday, February 22)

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

HWC Day 20 - Imperialism, Nationalism, & Independence in Africa

Objectives:   Identify and dispel misperceptions about Africa.  Consider select nationalist movements in  various paths to independence.

Task:  Hujumbo! When you arrive to class, please clear your desk of everything except your i-Pad and download "Africa Geography Review" (in the Map Resources folder). We'll spend the first few minutes of class playing a game to review the map of Africa. Then, we'll reform our discussion circle to finish our examination of "Lets Consider" and to review your notes on nationalism in Africa. Finally, we'll spend

  • TODAY - African nationalist note sheet due in class
  • Wednesday, February 22 - Africa map quiz (study guide on Schoology)
  • Thursday, February 23 - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past") due in class
  • Tuesday, February 28 - Unit 2 Test
  • Tuesday, February 28 - Unit 2 PDPs & SJSs due on class blog by midnight
Extending Class Discussion:

Soc Day 20 - Introduction to Stratification

Objective:  Define stratification as a sociological concept.

Task:  Good morning!  I hope you all had a relaxing long weekend!  When you arrive to class, please pick up the paper on the front table.   Read through the article options and prioritize your preferences (1=most interested & 5=least interested) for discussion leadership.  After I collect your forms, we'll begin our exploration of stratification with a short Dr. Seuss film.

Article Discussions - Article summaries & questions are due in Schoology dropbox by 9:00 am the day BEFORE your discussion (example: Students leading the "Moving Up" discussion on Monday, 3/6 should have work posted in Schoology by 9:00am on Friday, 3/3)

  • Friday, February 24 - Deadline for Unit 1 Test Make-Up
  • Monday, February 27 - "Use of Poverty" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Tuesday, February 28 - "Uses of Poverty" discussion circle
  • Wednesday, March 1 - "Nickel & Dimed" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Friday, March 3 - "Moving Up" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Friday, March 3 - "Nickel & Dimed" discussion circle
  • Monday, March 6 - "Upper Class" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Monday, March 6 - "Moving Up" discussion circle 
  • Tuesday, March 7 - "The Upper Class" discussion circle
  • Thursday, March 9 - Completed unit 2 vocabulary due in class
  • Friday, March 10 - Sociopoly (through pd. 7 lunch)
  • Tuesday, March 14 - "Uses of Global Stratification" summary & discussion questions due in Schoology by 9:00 am
  • Friday, March 17 - Unit 2 Test

West Civ Day 19 - Unit 1 Test

Objectives:  Assess knowledge of essential content on Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, & Medieval Europe.

Task:  Hail fellow! When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except a pencil. You'll use the entire class to complete your unit 1 test.


  • TODAY - Unit 1 Test
  • Wednesday, February 22 - Watch Crash Course "The Renaissance" BEFORE arriving to class
  • Thursday, February 23 - Report directly to the library
  • Friday, February 24 - Report directly to the library
  • Friday, February 24 - Final day to complete/make-up unit 1 test

CPWC Day 20 - Imperialism in Africa

Objectives:   Investigate the course and impacts of European imperialism in Africa.  Practice using select library resources.

Task:  Hujumbo! When you arrive to class, please download and complete "CPWC Africa Capitals" (in "Africa Geography Resources"). After we review the capitals, you'll complete part I of "The Scramble for Africa." Then, we'll head down to the library for the second half to work on the "Foundations Investigation."

  • TODAY - "Foundations Investigation" question 26 & 27 completion check
  • Wednesday, February 22 - Africa map quiz (study guide on Schoology) - Use TapQuiz Maps to review the country locations & create Quizlet flashcards to review capitals and geographic information!
  • Thursday, February 23 - "Resistance, Nationalism & Independence" due in class
  • Friday, February 24 - Foundations Investigation due by 3:00
  • Monday, February 27 - Unit 2 Test (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Wednesday, February 22)

Friday, February 17, 2017

HWC Day 19 - Imperialism in Africa

Objectives:   Explore the course and consequences of imperialism in Sub-Saharan Africa.  Identify and dispel misperceptions about Africa.

Task:  Hujumbo! When you arrive to class, please get out "Scramble for Africa." We'll spend the first few minutes of class finishing our review. Then, we'll head down to the lobby for a short simulation. When we return to the classroom, we'll form a discussion circle to consider "Achievable Dreams."

  • TODAY - Part B of Africa Regional Study 
  • Tuesday, February 21 - African nationalist note sheet due in class
  • Wednesday, February 22 - Africa map quiz (study guide on Schoology)
  • Thursday, February 23 - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past") due in class
  • Tuesday, February 28 - Unit 2 Test
  • Tuesday, February 28 - Unit 2 PDPs & SJSs due on class blog by midnight
Extending Class Discussion:

Soc Day 19 - Unit 1 Test

Objective:  Examine the ways in which society impacts everyday behaviors.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except a pencil in preparation for your test.  After you've finished the test, please turn it in at the back of the room and work on "What's So Great About America?"

  • TODAY - Unit 1 Test (study guide on Schoology)
  • Friday, February 24 - "What's So Great About America?" due before class

West Civ Day 18 - Unit 1 Review

Objectives:  Review essential content on Ancient Greece, Ancient Roman, & Medieval Europe.

Task:  Hail fellow! When you arrive to class, we'll form teams for review Jeopardy. Then, after the game, you'll spend the remainder of class working on a review crossword puzzle.


  • TODAY  - Unit 1 Review Day
  • TODAY - "Using the Library" due by 11:45 pm
  • Tuesday, February 21 - Unit 1 Test

CPWC Day 19 - European Arrival in Africa

Objectives:   Detail significant accomplishments of select empires, states, & kingdoms of Ancient & Medieval Africa.  Investigate the course and impacts of European imperialism in Africa.

Task:  Hujumbo! When you arrive to class, please clear your desk of everything except a pencil and your index card in preparation for the reading quiz. After you finish the reading quiz, please turn it in at the back of the room and work on "The Scramble for Africa." When everyone has finished the quiz, we'll finish reviewing "Africa Before European Arrival" and finish our investigation of the imposition of European rule in Africa.

  • TODAY - Geography chapter 18 reading quiz (hand-written notes on one-side of 3x5 index card may be used)
  • Tuesday, February 21 - "Foundations Investigation" question 26 & 27 completion check
  • Wednesday, February 22 - Africa map quiz (study guide on Schoology) - Use TapQuiz Maps to review the country locations & create Quizlet flashcards to review capitals and geographic information!
  • Monday, February 27 - Unit 2 Test (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Wednesday, February 22)
Great States & Kingdoms in Africa 

Thursday, February 16, 2017

HWC Day 18 - From the Ancient to the Modern

Objectives: Detail significant accomplishments of select empires, states, & kingdoms of Ancient & Medieval Africa.  Explore the course and consequences of imperialism in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:  Hujumbo! We'll spend the first portion of class reviewing the ancient & medieval Africa presentations. Then, we'll review "Scramble for Africa" and begin our discussion on the status of Africa prior to and during European colonial rule.

  • TODAY - Part B of Africa Regional Study 
  • Monday, February 20 - African nationalist note sheet due in class
  • Wednesday, February 22 - Africa map quiz (study guide on Schoology)
  • Thursday, February 23 - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past") due in class
  • Tuesday, February 28 - Unit 2 Test
  • Tuesday, February 28 - Unit 2 PDPs & SJSs due on class blog by midnight
Extending class activities:

Soc Day 18 - Unit 1 Wrap-Up

Objective:  Examine the ways in which society impacts everyday behaviors.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please rejoin your groups from yesterday.  We'll spend the first portion of class debriefing "Sociable."  Then, we'll review the people and perspectives in preparation for tomorrow's test.

  • TODAY - "Soc People & Theories Review" due in class
  • TODAY - "Theoretical Perspectives Review" due in class
  • Friday, February 17 - Unit 1 Test (study guide on Schoology)

West Civ Day 17 - Using the Library

Objectives:  Identify and utilize library resources that will be useful in Western Civ.

Task:  Hail fellow! You will have the entire class to work on "Using the Library" and your timeline. Make sure to post your responses to 3A, 3B, & 3C to our class blog. If you finish early, please study for your unit 1 test.


  • TODAY - Report directly to the LIBRARY
  • TODAY - Middle Ages Timeline due by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, February 17 - Unit 1 Review Day
  • Friday, February 17 - "Using the Library" due by 11:45 pm
  • Monday, February 20 - Unit 1 Test

CPWC Day 18 - Africa Before European Arrival

Objectives:   Detail significant accomplishments of select empires, states, & kingdoms of Ancient & Medieval Africa.

Task:  Hujumbo! When you arrive to class, please upload your homework to the appropriate dropbox in Schoology. Then, complete "Introduction (Through African Eyes)." After everyone has finished reading and commenting, we'll review "Africa Before European Arrival" and explore the great civilizations of pre-modern Africa.

  • TODAY - Geography, Chapter 18, section 2 reading notes due in class
  • TODAY - "Foundations Investigation" questions 24-25 completion check
  • Thursday, February 16 - Geography, Chapter 18, section 3 reading notes due in class
  • Friday, February 17 - Geography chapter 18 reading quiz (hand-written notes on one-side of 3x5 index card may be used)
  • Tuesday, February 21 - "Foundations Investigation" question 26 & 27 completion check
  • Wednesday, February 22 - Africa map quiz (study guide on Schoology) - Use TapQuiz Maps to review the country locations & create Quizlet flashcards to review capitals and geographic information!
  • Monday, February 27 - Unit 2 Test (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Wednesday, February 22)
Great States & Kingdoms in Africa 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

HWC Day 17 - Considering the History of Africa

Objectives: Detail significant accomplishments of select empires, states, & kingdoms of Ancient & Medieval Africa.  Explore the course and consequences of imperialism in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:  Hujumbo! When you arrive to class, please join your presentation groups and share a link to your presentation with Mrs. Friday. We'll spend the first portion of class examining the ancient and medieval Africa. Then, we'll head down to the library to investigate imperialism in Africa.

  • TODAY - Ancient & Medieval Civilizations presentations due in class
  • Thursday, February 16 - Part B of Africa Regional Study ("Achievable Dreams?") due in class (START EARLY - "Whose Dream Was it Anyway?" will take you awhile.)
  • Monday, February 20 - African nationalist note sheet due in class
  • Wednesday, February 22 - Africa map quiz (study guide on Schoology)
  • Thursday, February 23 - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past") due in class
  • Tuesday, February 28 - Unit 2 Test
  • Tuesday, February 28 - Unit 2 PDPs & SJSs due on class blog by midnight
Extending class activities:

Soc Day 17 - Conflict Theory: Application

Objective:  Examine the ways in which society impacts everyday behaviors.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything in preparation for our game of "Sociable."  Refer to the board for your groups, move desks together to form a table and read through the rules and instructions for playing the game.  We'll take a few minutes to review the rules before you begin playing.  Finally, we'll end class with a discussion to connect our game to conflict theory.

  • Thursday, February 16 - "Soc People & Theories Review" due in class
  • Thursday, February 16 - "Theoretical Perspectives Review" due in class
  • Friday, February 17 - Unit 1 Test (study guide on Schoology)

West Civ Day 16 - Black Death Simulation

Objectives:  Explore the social, economic, and political conditions that resulted from the Black Death.

Task:  Good morrow! When you arrive to class, please pick a slip of paper from the pumpkin in the front of the room. Today, we'll spend our time together investigating & discussing the course and impact of the Black Death on Europe.

  • TODAY-  - Prepare for Black Death activity by reading or listening to "Black Death - Background Information" BEFORE class
  • Thursday, February 16 - Report directly to the LIBRARY
  • Thursday, February 16 - Middle Ages Timeline due by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, February 17 - Unit 1 Review Day
  • Friday, February 17 - "Using the Library" due by 11:45 pm
  • Monday, February 20 - Unit 1 Test

CPWC Day 17 - Considering African History

Objectives:   Detail significant accomplishments of select empires, states, & kingdoms of Ancient & Medieval Africa.

Task:  Hujumbo! When you arrive to class, please upload your homework to the appropriate dropbox in Schoology. We'll finish labeling your map of Africa before playing a quick game of Kahoot! Then, we'll work to dispel the statement: "Africa is the continent without history" through our examination of select documents.

  • TODAY - Geography, Chapter 18, section 2 reading notes due in class
  • TODAY - "Foundations Investigation" questions 24-25 completion check
  • Thursday, February 16 - Geography, Chapter 18, section 3 reading notes due in class
  • Friday, February 17 - Geography chapter 18 reading quiz (hand-written notes on one-side of 3x5 index card may be used)
  • Tuesday, February 21 - "Foundations Investigation" question 26 & 27 completion check
  • Wednesday, February 22 - Africa map quiz (study guide on Schoology) - Use TapQuiz Maps to review the country locations & create Quizlet flashcards to review capitals and geographic information!
  • Monday, February 27 - Unit 2 Test (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Wednesday, February 22)
Great States & Kingdoms in Africa 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

HWC Day 16 - Rdg. Quiz & Ancient & Medieval Civilizations

Objectives:  Examine & define globalization and development in the contemporary world.

Task:  Hujumbo! When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except a pen or pencil and your index card. You'll have 35 minutes to complete the reading quiz. After you've finished, please use TapQuiz maps to study your Africa map or work on your unit 2 homework. You'll use the remainder of class to finish your presentations for tomorrow.

  • TODAY  - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183
  • Wednesday, February 15 - Ancient & Medieval Civilizations presentations due in class
  • Thursday, February 16 - Part B of Africa Regional Study ("Achievable Dreams?") due in class (START EARLY - "Whose Dream Was it Anyway?" will take you awhile.)
  • Monday, February 20 - African nationalist note sheet due in class
  • Wednesday, February 22 - Africa map quiz (study guide on Schoology)
  • Thursday, February 23 - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past") due in class
  • Tuesday, February 28 - Unit 2 Test
  • Tuesday, February 28 - Unit 2 PDPs & SJSs due on class blog by midnight

Soc Day 16 - Symbolic Interactionism

Objective:  Examine the ways in which society impacts everyday behaviors.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up your unit 1 notes.  Use the reading and video in "Theoretical Perspectives: Symbolic Interactionism" to complete your notes.  Then, complete "Theoretical Perspectives: Application & Review."

  • Thursday, February 16 - "Soc People & Theories Review" due in class
  • Thursday, February 16 - "Theoretical Perspectives Review" due in class
  • Friday, February 17 - Unit 1 Test (study guide on Schoology)

West Civ Day 15 - War in the Middle Ages

Objectives:  Define the social hierarchy of the Middle Ages. Create an annotated timeline of significant events during the Middle Ages.

Task:  Good morning! You'll have the entire class period to work on your timeline. Please make sure you check the rubric before submitting your work!

  • Wednesday, February 15 - Prepare for Black Death activity by reading or listening to "Black Death - Background Information" BEFORE class
  • Thursday, February 16 - Report directly to the LIBRARY
  • Thursday, February 16 - Middle Ages Timeline due by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, February 17 - Unit 1 Review Day
  • Friday, February 17 - "Using the Library" due by 11:45 pm
  • Monday, February 20 - Unit 1 Test

CPWC Day 16 - Using the Library

"Google can bring you back 100,000 answers, librarians can bring you back the right one."  Author Neil Gaiman

Objectives:  Identify and utilize library resources necessary for HWC.

Task:  Hujumbo! When you arrive to class, please download "Foundations Investigation" and sit quietly until class begins. For the first few minutes of class, Mrs. Sams will review some tools and resources in the library. Then, you'll have the remainder of class to work on the project. Please keep the following points in mind:

  • This is NOT a group or partner activity. All work submitted should be your own!
  • Be sure to identify the CURRENT position (including country/organization) for each person in questions 1-20.
  • Listen to Mrs. Sams' presentation to complete "Using the Library..." questions 21-23.
  • Use PRINT copies of The Economist, The Week, or Christian Science Monitor to complete question 24.
  • Use ProQuest Historical Newspapers database to find a New York Times about a historic event to complete question 25.
  • Go to Watching America to complete question 26.
  • Use one of the sources linked in Schoology to find an article about a news story of international significance.

  • TODAY - Report directly to library
  • TODAY - Labeled South & East Africa map (in "Africa map packet") due in class
  • Wednesday, February 15 - Geography, Chapter 18, section 2 reading notes due in class
  • Wednesday, February 15 - "Foundations Investigation" questions 21-25 completion check
  • Thursday, February 16 - Geography, Chapter 18, section 3 reading notes due in class
  • Friday, February 17 - Geography chapter 18 reading quiz (hand-written notes on one-side of 3x5 index card may be used)
  • Tuesday, February 21 - "Foundations Investigation" question 26 & 27 completion check
  • Wednesday, February 22 - Africa map quiz (study guide on Schoology) - Use TapQuiz Maps to review the country locations & create Quizlet flashcards to review capitals and geographic information!
  • Monday, February 27 - Unit 2 Test (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Wednesday, February 22)

Monday, February 13, 2017

HWC Day 15 - Geographic & Cultural Diversity in Africa

Objectives:  Examine & define globalization and development in the contemporary world.

Task:  Hujumbo! When you arrive to class, please pick up a white board and marker and write out the 5 most important points that you've distilled from Part A of the Regional Study. We'll form a circle to discuss the homework. Then, you'll divide into teams to research and create a presentation on one of the great kingdoms, states, or empires of ancient & medieval Sub-Saharan Africa.

  • TODAY  - Africa Map due
  • TODAY - Part A of Africa Regional Study ("African Cultures: Ancient & Diverse") due in class
  • Tuesday, February 14 - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183
  • Thursday, February 16 - Part B of Africa Regional Study ("Achievable Dreams?") due in class (START EARLY - "Whose Dream Was it Anyway?" will take you awhile.)
  • Monday, February 20 - African nationalist note sheet due in class
  • Wednesday, February 22 - Africa map quiz (study guide on Schoology)
  • Thursday, February 23 - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past") due in class
  • Tuesday, February 28 - Unit 2 Test
  • Tuesday, February 28 - Unit 2 PDPs & SJSs due on class blog by midnight

Soc Day 15 - Theoretical Perspectives: Conflict Theory

Objective:  Examine the ways in which society impacts everyday behaviors.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up your unit 1 notes.  We'll spend the first portion of class taking notes on conflict theory.  Then, we'll listen to some music to apply these new ideas.

  • Friday, February 17 - Unit 1 Test (study guide on Schoology)

West Civ Day 14 - Organizing the Middle Ages

Objectives:  Define the social hierarchy of the Middle Ages. Create an annotated timeline of significant events during the Middle Ages.

Task:  Good morning! It is GREAT to finally see you again! We'll spend the first portion of class reviewing the social hierarchy of the Middle Ages. Then, you'll begin working on your Middle Ages timeline.

  • TODAY- Read "The Sword of Faith: Western Civilization During the Middle Ages" on pages 265-269 of Aspects, volume I
  • TODAY - Unit 1 PDPs due on class blog by 3:00 (see for sample & directions)
  • Wednesday, February 15 - Prepare for Black Death activity by reading or listening to "Black Death - Background Information" BEFORE class
  • Thursday, February 16 - Report directly to the LIBRARY
  • Thursday, February 16 - Middle Ages Timeline due by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, February 17 - Unit 1 Review Day
  • Friday, February 17 - "Using the Library" due by 11:45 pm
  • Monday, February 20 - Unit 1 Test

CPWC Day 15 - What Do We Know About Africa?

Objective: Label the countries, capitals, and physical features of Africa.  Consider changing portrayals of African history.

Task:  Hujumbo! When you arrive to class, please upload your homework assignments to the appropriate drop boxes in Schoology. We'll label the Central Africa map and review the crossword puzzle before watching & taking notes on "What Do We Know About Africa?"

  • TODAY - Labeled Central Africa map (in "Africa map packet") due in class
  • TODAY - Geography Chapter 18, section 1 reading notes due in class
  • Tuesday, February 14 - Report directly to library
  • Tuesday, February 14- Labeled South & East Africa map (in "Africa map packet") due in class
  • Wednesday, February 15 - Geography, Chapter 18, section 2 reading notes due in class
  • Thursday, February 16 - Geography, Chapter 18, section 3 reading notes due in class
  • Friday, February 17 - Geography chapter 18 reading quiz (hand-written notes on one-side of 3x5 index card may be used)
  • Wednesday, February 22 - Africa map quiz (study guide on Schoology) - Use TapQuiz Maps to review the country locations & create Quizlet flashcards to review capitals and geographic information!
  • Monday, February 27 - Unit 2 Test (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Wednesday, February 22)