Task: Hujumbo! When you arrive to class, please pick up a card from the front of the room. You'll work with a group to investigate the unique the unique geographic features of North Africa, Southwest Asia, Transcaucasia, & Central Asia. Please use Notability to create an annotated collage detailing the most important information in the section.
- SW Asia & N. Africa - Environmental Geography and Population & Settlement (pp. 185-200)
- SW Asia & N. Africa - Cultural Coherence & Diversity, Geopolitical Framework, and Economic Development (pp. 200-216)
- Central Asia - Environmental Geography & Population & Settlement (pp. 285-294)
- Central Asia - Cultural Coherence & Diversity, Geopolitical Framework, and Economic & Social Development (pp. 294-305)
Finally, we'll spend the last few minutes before the assembly creating a chart detailing the common roots of Judaism, Christianity, & Islam.
- TODAY - Unit 2 PDPs & SJSs due on class blog by midnight
- Wednesday, March 1 - Unit 2 Test
- Thursday, March 2 - Unit 3 Map due
- Monday, March 6 - "West Comes East" discussion
- Tuesday, March 7 - "Roots of Muslim Rage" reading quiz
- Thursday, March 9 - "Perspectives in History" packet due in class
- Friday, March 10 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
- Wednesday, March 15 - Unit 3 Test
- Wednesday, March 15 - Unit 3 PDP
- Wednesday, March 15 - Unit 3 SJS