Objectives: Examine the select historical developments in the Southwest Asia, North Africa, & Central Asia. Investigate contemporary issues in the Middle East.
Task: When you arrive to please clear your desks of everything except for a pencil. You'll have the entire class to complete your test. As you take the test, please read each question carefully and select the best possible answer. If you are unsure of the answer, try to eliminate one or two choices. Don't spend too much time on any single question - its likely you may find clues to help you figure out the answer later in the test. For the short answer questions, make sure that you fully answer the question with relevant details to show your understanding. Finally, before handing in your test, be sure to double check your work.
After you've finished the test, please work on your unit 3 homework.
- TODAY - Unit 3 Test - No short answer questions on the test!
- TODAY - Unit 3 SJS due on class blog
- Monday, March 21 - "Heritage of Europe" due in class (you will have class time on Friday, 3/18 to work on this assignment)
- Monday, March 21 - Italian Renaissance hand-out due in class
- Monday, March 21 - GDDS "Rise of ISIS"
- Tuesday, March 22 - Europe map due
- Wednesday, March 23 - "Meanwhile in Europe" summary due in Schoology by 7:00 am
- Tuesday, March 29 - Protestant Reformation due in class
- Wednesday, March 30 - Unit 4 Map Quiz
- Wednesday, March 30 - "Age of Religious Wars" discussion
- Thursday, March 31 - French Revolution
- Thursday, March 31 - GDDS "The Future of Kurdistan"
- Friday, April 1 - Nationalism & Contemporary Issues
- Tuesday, April 5 - Mid-Term Exam
- Thursday, April 7 - GDDS "International Migration"
- Thursday, April 14 - GDDS "Korean Choices"
- Thursday, April 21 - GDDS "The UNs Post 2015 Development Agenda and Leadership"
- Thursday, April 25 - GDDS "Climate Geopolitics"
- Tuesday, May 3 - GDDS "Cuba & the US"