Task: As you come into class prepare for the day's activities by getting out some blank paper and a pen or pencil. You'll use this paper to take notes as you complete the activities in "Women's Roles in China." Make sure the heading includes your name, today's date, and "Women's roles in China." On the first line, write "I. Background Notes."
Get out your computer and log in to the Moodle. Scroll down to unit 5 and click on "Women's Roles in China." This lesson includes a background essay, a scavenger hunt through the house of a 19th century merchant, propaganda posters from the 1960s & 1970s, and an audio interview with a factory worker in the 21st century. For each of these components, you will complete the activity described (using your blank paper for notes & to complete the activity) and then answer the reflection questions on the Moodle.
After you've finished the Moodle lesson, read the article on footbinding and answer the accompanying questions.
If there is any time remaining at the end of class, please work on unit 5 homework.
- Friday, November 1 - East Asia Map due in class
- Friday, November 1 - "Women's Roles in China" due
- Thursday, November 7 - East Asia reading quiz (Chapter 27, sections 1 & 3, and Chapter 29)