Free Rice

Rice up against hunger

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

HWC Day 81 - Social Stratification & the Haitian Revolution

Objective:  Examine slavery and revolution in Latin America.  Consider the social hierarchy that emerged in colonial Latin America.  Evaluate the causes, course, and results of the Haitian Revolution.

Task:    Hola! When you arrive to class, please download "Latin America Jigsaw" - we'll spend the first portion of class reviewing our map of the region.  Then, we'll briefly review your work from yesterday.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class examining the Haitian Revolution.

Upcoming due dates:
  • TODAY - Culture Food Party (You must be able to explain your food!)
  • Friday, June 2 - Latin America, Europe, & Africa Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 5 - Unit 8 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Tuesday, June 6 @ 9:15 am - HWC Final Exam 

Soc Day 80 - Children's Story

Objective:  Apply knowledge of socialization to create a children's story.

Task:  Greetings!  Today, you'll work with a partner or small group to create a story for children.

  • Friday, June 2 - Quarter 4 article review due
  • Friday, June 2 - Children's Story presentations

West Civ Day 75 - Great Game Simulation

Objective: Engage in a simulation to explore the status of the world on the eve of the 20th century.

Task:  Guten tag!  Ciao!  Today, you'll join with your team to participate in a simulation of the world in the late 19th century.

  • TODAY- Read "Great Game Background" AND your country information BEFORE class
  • Friday, June 2 - Western Civilization Cumulative Exam
  • Monday, June 5 - Western Civilization Cumulative Essay due by 3:00
Great Game Country Assignments:
  • Great Britain - Trevor, Michael
  • Italy - Olivia, Kelly, Jake
  • United States - Paul, Jason R., Taylor
  • France - Tyler, Kayla
  • Austro-Hungarian Empire - Kieran, Jason C., John M.
  • Japan - Garrett, Sabrina, Maddie
  • Germany -  Alex, Meagan, Darius
  • Russia - Brendan, Hannah
  • Ottoman Empire - John S., Keaton, Tucker

CPWC Day 78 - Slavery & Independence

Objectives:  Evaluate the impact of colonialism on the peoples of Latin America.  Describe the causes and course of the revolution in Haiti.

Task:  Hola!  When you arrive to class, please upload your reading notes to the appropriate dropbox in Schoology.  Then, download "Latin America Geography Jigsaw."  We'll spend the first few minutes of class playing a game to review the map of Latin America.  Then, we'll take a few minutes to review colonialism in Latin America.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class to begin our exploration of the revolution in Haiti.

  • TODAY - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes due
  • Thursday, June 1 - Unit 8 reading quiz
  • Friday, June 2 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, June 7 @ 7:35 am - CPWC Final Exam

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

HWC Day 80 - Slavery, Social Stratification, & Revolution

Objective:  Examine slavery and revolution in Latin America.  Consider the social hierarchy that emerged in colonial Latin America.

Task:    Hola! We'll spend the first portion of class examining slavery and the Haitian revolution.  Then, you'll work with a partner to examine images of the social stratification in Latin America.

Upcoming due dates:
  • TODAY - "Insular Empire" Reflection activity due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Culture Food Party (You must be able to explain your food!)
  • Friday, June 2 - Latin America, Europe, & Africa Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 5 - Unit 8 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Tuesday, June 6 @ 9:15 am - HWC Final Exam 

Soc Day 79 - Peer Groups, Cliques, & Crowds

Objective:  Compare and contrast the three dominant social groups in adolescence.

Task:  Greetings!  Today, we'll explore the socialization through various groupings in high school.  Specifically, you'll read about and create a Venn diagram to compare peer groups, cliques, and crowds.  Then, if you have any time remaining, you'll work on the quarter 4 article review or explore "Sociology: Discussion Starters."

  • Friday, June 2 - Quarter 4 article review due

West Civ Day 74 - Preparing for the Great Game

Objective: Consider the political changes that emerged in Europe during the modern era.  Prepare for the Great Game simulation

Task:  Guten tag!  Ciao!  Today, we'll begin class with a short video to review the significance and connections between the revolutions of modern Europe.   Then, you'll use the remainder of class to read through the Great Game Background and your country information in preparation for tomorrow's simulation.

  • Wednesday, May 31 - Read "Great Game Background" AND your country information BEFORE class
  • Friday, June 2 - Western Civilization Cumulative Exam
Great Game Country Assignments:
  • Great Britain - Trevor, Michael
  • Italy - Olivia, Kelly, Jake
  • United States - Paul, Jason R., Taylor
  • France - Tyler, Kayla
  • Austro-Hungarian Empire - Kieran, Jason C., John M.
  • Japan - Garrett, Sabrina, Maddie
  • Germany -  Alex, Meagan, Darius
  • Russia - Brendan, Hannah
  • Ottoman Empire - John S., Keaton, Tucker

CPWC Day 77 - Indigenous Peoples & Colonization

Objectives:  Compare and contrast the Aztecs and the Incas.  Consider the structure of Spanish towns during the early years of colonialism.

Task:  Hola!  When you arrive to class, please upload your reading notes to the appropriate dropbox in Schoology.  Then, open and complete "Comparing Aztecs & Incas."  After we review these indigenous peoples, we'll begin our consideration of Spanish colonization with a diagram and questions.  Finally, we'll end class reading on the various paths of independence of in Latin America.

  • TODAY - Chapter 11, section 1 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes due
  • Thursday, June 1 - Unit 8 reading quiz
  • Friday, June 2 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, June 7 @ 7:35 am - CPWC Final Exam

Friday, May 26, 2017

HWC Day 79 - Unit 7 Wrap-Up & Latin America Introduction

Objective:  Identify essential themes in the geography, history, and culture of Southeast Asia, Australia, and Oceania.   Review readings on the Maya, Aztecs, and Olmecs and the accounts of Cortez's conquests.

Task:    Hola! Its a good thing we have a long weekend coming up because we have A LOT to accomplish today!  First, we'll finish the presentations on the Stolen Generation and Easter Island.  Then, we'll summarize the main points for unit 7.  Finally, we'll discuss your work from yesterday on the indigenous peoples of Central and South America and the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs.

Upcoming due dates:
  • YESTERDAY - Unit 7 PDPs & SJSs due
  • TODAY - Research project step 4 due
  • Tuesday, May 30 - "Insular Empire" Reflection activity due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Culture Food Party (You must be able to explain your food!)
  • Friday, June 2 - Latin America, Europe, & Africa Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 5 - Unit 8 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Tuesday, June 6 @ 9:15 am - HWC Final Exam 

Soc Day 78 - Socialization Through the Mass Media

Objective:  Evaluate the argument that mass media is a tool of those in power.

Task:  Happy Friday!  Today, we'll continue our exploration of the agents of socialization focusing specifically on the role of the mass media in distributing information and construction of knowledge.  

  • YESTERDAY - "American Promise" Reflection Essay due
  • Friday, June 2 - Quarter 4 article review due

CPWC Day 76 - Latin America Introduction

Objectives:   Discuss the geography, history, & culture of Latin America.

Task:  Hola!  When you arrive to class, please upload your reading notes to the appropriate dropbox in Schoology.  Then, open and complete "The Panama Canal."  After a discussion of the significance of this structure, you'll complete an activity to practice your map reading skills.  Finally, you'll spend the remainder of class working on your Latin America map.

  • TODAY - Chapter 9, section 3 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, May 30 - Chapter 11, section 1 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes due
  • Thursday, June 1 - Unit 8 reading quiz
  • Friday, June 2 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, June 7 @ 7:35 am - CPWC Final Exam

Thursday, May 25, 2017

HWC Day 78 - Introduction to Latin America

Objective:  Consider the unique cultures of indigenous peoples in Latin America.  Compare and contrast Aztec and Spanish accounts of Cortez.

Task:    Hola! We're going to begin our examination of Latin America today.  First, you'll read ONE of the indigenous peoples articles in Schoology (be ready to share tomorrow).  Then, you'll work with a partner to read, analyze and compare "Accounts of Spanish Conquest & Colonization."  If there is any time remaining in class, please work on your research project or your "Insular Empire" reflection.

Upcoming due dates:
  • TODAY - Cumulative Asia & Oceania Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Unit 7 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Friday, May 26 - Research project step 4 due
  • Tuesday, May 30 - "Insular Empire" Reflection activity due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Culture Food Party (You must be able to explain your food!)
  • Friday, June 2 - Latin America, Europe, & Africa Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 5 - Unit 8 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Tuesday, June 6 @ 9:15 am - HWC Final Exam 

Soc Day 77 - "Three Little Pigs"

Objective:  Identify and explain agents of socialization.  Consider the manner in which children's stories help to socialize them.

Task:  Good morning!  Today, we'll continue our examination of agents of socialization with an examination of a well-known children's story.  You'll watch the Disney cartoon and read a sociological analysis of "The Three Little Pigs."  Then, you'll complete and submit the comprehension check.  If there is any time remaining, please work on your reflection essay or your article review.

  • TODAY - "American Promise" Reflection Essay
  • Friday, June 2 - Quarter 4 article review due

West Civ Day 73 - Building Up to World War I

Objective: Consider the political changes that emerged in Europe during the second half of the 19th century.

Task:  Guten tag!  Ciao!  Today, we'll continue our consideration of the political status of Europe in the second half of the 19th century.  Then, I'll introduce our Great Powers simulation.

  • TODAY - ALL PDPs due on class blog!  Failure to complete the PDP will result in assignment to period 12.
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Read "Great Game Background" AND your country information BEFORE class
  • Friday, June 2 - Western Civilization Cumulative Exam

CPWC Day 75 - Unit 7 Wrap-Up

Objectives:   Identify the unique cultural and geographic characteristics of Australia and Oceania.  Review essential content on the culture, geography, history, and current events of Southeast Asia.

Task:  G'day!  Today, we'll our review of the "Internet Journey Through Oceania."  After we review your work, we'll finish our consideration of the region with an examination of the impact of sea-level rise in Tuvalu.  Finally, we'll end class with notes to review the essential content on the region.

  • TODAY - Chapter 9, section 2 reading notes due
  • Friday, May 26 - Chapter 9, section 3 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, May 30 - Chapter 11, section 1 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes due
  • Thursday, June 1 - Unit 8 reading quiz
  • Friday, June 2 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, June 7 @ 7:35 am - CPWC Final Exam
Extending class discussion:

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

HWC Day 77 - Asia Map Quiz & Unit 7 Wrap-Up

Objective:  Evaluate the impact of imperialism and globalization on the islands of the Pacific.

Task:    G'Day, Mates!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except a pencil in preparation for your map quiz.  After your map quiz, please work on step 4 of your research project or your Insular Empire summary.  Finally, after everyone has finished the quiz, we'll share your work from Monday.

Upcoming due dates:
  • TODAY - Cumulative Asia & Oceania Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Unit 7 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Friday, May 26 - Research project step 4 due
  • Tuesday, May 30 - "Insular Empire" Reflection activity due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Culture Food Party (You must be able to explain your food!)
  • Friday, June 2 - Latin America, Europe, & Africa Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 5 - Unit 8 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Tuesday, June 6 @ 9:15 am - HWC Final Exam 

Soc Day 76 - Agents of Socialization

Objective:  Identify and explain agents of socialization.

Task:  Good morning!  Today, we'll begin our exploration of socialization with a group activity to explore the agents of socialization.

  • Thursday, May 25 - "American Promise" Reflection Essay
  • Friday, June 2 - Quarter 4 article review due

West Civ Day 72 - State-Building & the Revolutions of 1848

Objective: Consider the political changes that emerged in Europe during the second half of the 19th century.

Task:  Guten tag!  Ciao!  Today, we'll return to our examination of the emergence of the nation-states of Italy and Germany in the 19th century.  We'll also evaluate the course and impact of select revolutions of 1848.

  • Thursday, May 25 - ALL PDPs due on class blog!  Failure to complete the PDP will result in assignment to period 12.
  • Friday, June 2 - Western Civilization Cumulative Exam

CPWC Day 74 - Australia & Oceania

Objectives:   Identify the unique cultural and geographic characteristics of Australia and Oceania.

Task:  G'day!  Today, we'll continue our examination of Australia and Oceania.  First, you'll work on "Australia" and "Internet Journey Through Oceania."  After we review your work, we'll finish our consideration of the region with an examination of the impact of sea-level rise in Tuvalu.

  • TODAY - Chapter 9, section 1 reading notes due
  • Thursday, May 25 - Chapter 9, section 2 reading notes due
  • Friday, May 26 - Chapter 9, section 3 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, May 30 - Chapter 11, section 1 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes due
  • Thursday, June 1 - Unit 8 reading quiz
  • Friday, June 2 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, June 7 @ 7:35 am - CPWC Final Exam
Extending class discussion:

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

HWC Day 76 - Insular Empire

Objective:  Evaluate the impact of imperialism and globalization on the islands of the Pacific.

Task:    G'Day, Mates!  When you arrive to class, please download the "Insular Empire" Viewing Guide.  Today, we'll watch Insular Empire.  This documentary examines the US involvement in Guam and the Northern Marianas Islands.  While you watch the film, fill in the front page of the video guide.  After the film, complete one of the three activities on the back of the sheet.  If there is any time remaining, please work on you research project or your PDPs & SJSs.

Upcoming due dates:
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Cumulative Asia & Oceania Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Unit 7 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Friday, May 26 - Research project step 4 due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Culture Food Party (You must be able to explain your food!)
  • Friday, June 2 - Latin America, Europe, & Africa Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 5 - Unit 8 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Tuesday, June 6 @ 9:15 am - HWC Final Exam 

Soc Day Day 75 - Race & Ethnicity Test

Objective:  Assess knowledge and understanding of race and ethnicity in sociological terms.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please get out a pencil in preparation for your test.  You'll have the entire period to complete the assessment.  As you progress through the test, please read each question carefully and be sure to thoroughly answer all questions.  When you've finished the test, turn it in at the back of the room and work on your reflection essay or your article review.

  • TODAY - Unit 4 Test
  • Thursday, May 25 - "American Promise" Reflection Essay
  • Friday, June 2 - Quarter 4 article review due

West Civ Day 71 - Impacts of the Industrial Revolution

Objective: Evaluate the social, political, and economic changes that accompanied industrialization.

Task:  Good morning!  Today, we'll finish our examination of the Industrial Revolution with the final presentations on the social, political, and economic impacts of industrialization.

  • Thursday, May 25 - ALL PDPs due on class blog!  Failure to complete the PDP will result in assignment to period 12.
  • Friday, June 2 - Western Civilization Cumulative Exam

CPWC Day 73 - Australia & Oceania

Objectives:   Evaluate the causes, course, and consequences of the genocide in Cambodia.  Identify the unique cultural and geographic characteristics of Australia and Oceania.

Task:  G'day!  Today, we'll begin our examination of Australia and Oceania.  Specifically, we'll review the "Commonwealth" and "Australia" worksheets.  Finally, if there is any time remaining, you'll work on "Internet Journey Through Oceania."

  • Wednesday, May 24 - Chapter 9, section 1 reading notes due
  • Thursday, May 25 - Chapter 9, section 2 reading notes due
  • Friday, May 26 - Chapter 9, section 3 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, May 30 - Chapter 11, section 1 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes due
  • Thursday, June 1 - Unit 8 reading quiz
  • Friday, June 2 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, June 7 @ 7:35 am - CPWC Final Exam

Monday, May 22, 2017

HWC Day 75 - Considering Oceania & Australia

Objective:  Practice finding and evaluating reliability and relevance of research sources from the Internet.

Task:    G'Day, Mates!  As you've guessed, today we'll begin our exploration of Australia and Oceania.  However, before we begin looking at the South Pacific, I'll spend a few minutes clarifying step 4 of your research project.

Upcoming due dates:
  • Monday, May 22 - Research project step 3 due 
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Cumulative Asia & Oceania Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Unit 7 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Friday, May 26 - Research project step 4 due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Culture Food Party (You must be able to explain your food!)
  • Friday, June 2 - Latin America, Europe, & Africa Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 5 - Unit 8 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Tuesday, June 6 @ 9:15 am - HWC Final Exam 

Soc Day 74 - Unit 4 Wrap-Up

Objective:  Utilize observational skills to analyze a historical image.  

Task:  Good morning!  Today, we'll finish up our examination of race and ethnicity with an activity analyzing an image. Specifically, we'll consider the ways in which photographs shape our identity.  Finally, if any time remains, we'll review for the test.

  • Tuesday, May 23 - Unit 4 Test
  • Thursday, May 25 - "American Promise" Reflection Essay
  • Friday, June 2 - Quarter 4 article review due

CPWC Day 72 - Exploring Australia & Oceania

Objectives:   Evaluate the causes, course, and consequences of the genocide in Cambodia.  Identify the unique cultural and geographic characteristics of Australia and Oceania.

Task:  G'day!  We'll spend the first portion of class finishing our exploration of the genocide in Cambodia.  Then, we'll begin our examination of Australia and Oceania.  Specifically, we'll review the "Commonwealth" and "Australia" worksheets.

  • TODAY - Unit 7 reading quiz due at BEGINNING of class
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Chapter 9, section 1 reading notes due
  • Thursday, May 25 - Chapter 9, section 2 reading notes due
  • Friday, May 26 - Chapter 9, section 3 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, May 30 - Chapter 11, section 1 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes due
  • Thursday, June 1 - Unit 8 reading quiz
  • Friday, June 2 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, June 7 @ 7:35 am - CPWC Final Exam

Friday, May 19, 2017

HWC Day 74 - Finding & Evaluating Internet Sources

Objective:  Practice finding and evaluating reliability and relevance of research sources from the Internet.

Task:    Happy Friday!  When you arrive to the library, please find a seat in preparation for Mrs. Sams's presentation.  She'll review relevant search strategies and methods for evaluating Internet sources.  Then, you'll have the remainder of class to work on step 3 of the research project.

Upcoming due dates:
  • Monday, May 22 - Research project step 3 due 
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Cumulative Asia & Oceania Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Unit 7 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Friday, May 26 - Research project step 4 due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Culture Food Party (You must be able to explain your food!)
  • Friday, June 2 - Latin America, Europe, & Africa Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 5 - Unit 8 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Tuesday, June 6 @ 9:15 am - HWC Final Exam 

Soc Day 73 - Reflection Essay

Extending Class Discussions:  "'The Color of Law' Details How Housing Policies Created Segregation" (All Things Considered, NPR, 5/17/17)

Objective:  Apply sociological concepts to analyze the experiences of two boys as they journey through the New York education system.

Task:  Happy Friday!  As promised, you will today's class period to work on your reflection essay.  Please take some time to pull together and organize your thoughts before you start writing.  It is especially important to create a thesis statement that concisely presents your argument.  All of the details in your essay must support your thesis.  Although I have a general distaste for first person pronouns in formal writing, if you can write a stronger essay using those pronouns, please feel free to do so.  

  • Tuesday, May 23 - Unit 4 Test
  • Thursday, May 25 - "American Promise" Reflection Essay
  • Friday, June 2 - Quarter 4 article review due

West Civ Day 70 - Impacts of the Industrial Revolution

Objective: Evaluate the social, political, and economic changes that accompanied industrialization.

Task:  Happy Friday!  Today, we'll continue our exploration of the Industrial Revolution with an examination of the changes wrought in society, politics, and economics.  You'll divide up into groups to create a poster that details these changes and then present your posters to the class.

  • Monday, May 22 - No pd. 4 class
  • Thursday, May 25 - ALL PDPs due on class blog!  Failure to complete the PDP will result in assignment to period 12.
  • Friday, June 2 - Western Civilization Cumulative Exam

CPWC Day 71 - Map Quiz & Genocide in Cambodia

Objectives:   Evaluate the causes, course, and consequences of the genocide in Cambodia.

Task:  Happy Friday!  We'll begin today's class with a short quiz on the maps of Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania.  Then, you'll begin working on your reading quiz - this will be a take home quiz and MUST be handed in on Monday for credit.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class examining the genocide in Cambodia.

  • TODAY - Unit 7 map quiz
  • MONDAY - Unit 7 reading quiz due at BEGINNING of class
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Chapter 9, section 1 reading notes due
  • Thursday, May 25 - Chapter 9, section 2 reading notes due
  • Friday, May 26 - Chapter 9, section 3 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, May 30 - Chapter 11, section 1 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes due
  • Thursday, June 1 - Unit 8 reading quiz
  • Friday, June 2 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, June 7 @ 7:35 am - CPWC Final Exam

Thursday, May 18, 2017

HWC Day 73 - Genocide in Cambodia

Objective:  Define the unique cultural and historical traditions of Southeast Asia.

Task:    Namaste!  When you arrive to class, please meet up with your groups and be ready to present your topic.  We'll watch and discuss the final presentation.  Then, we'll watch select scenes from "The Killing Fields" to see a dramatic presentation of the genocide in Cambodia.

Upcoming due dates:
  • Monday, May 22 - Research project step 3 due 
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Cumulative Asia & Oceania Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Unit 7 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Friday, May 26 - Research project step 4 due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Culture Food Party (You must be able to explain your food!)
  • Friday, June 2 - Latin America, Europe, & Africa Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 5 - Unit 8 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Tuesday, June 6 @ 9:15 am - HWC Final Exam 

Soc Day 72 - American Promise Wrap-Up

Extending Class Discussions:  "'The Color of Law' Details How Housing Policies Created Segregation" (All Things Considered, NPR, 5/17/17)

Objective:  Apply sociological concepts to analyze the experiences of two boys as they journey through the New York education system.

Task:  Good morning!  Today, we'll finally see the conclusion of American Promise.  After the film, we'll take a few minutes to review the expectations for your essay.  Finally, if there is any time remaining, we'll review for Monday's test. 

  • Friday, May 19 - "American Promise" Reflection Essay
  • Monday, May 22 - Unit 4 Test
  • Friday, June 2 - Quarter 4 article review due

West Civ Day 69 - Origins of the Industrial Revolution

Objective:  Identify the factors that led to the development of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain.

Task:  Greetings!  Today, we'll continue our examination of the social, political, and economic factors that contributed to the rise of industrialization in Great Britain.  Specifically, we'll review the the DBQ you started on Tuesday.

  • Monday, May 22 - No pd. 4 class
  • Thursday, May 25 - ALL PDPs due on class blog!  Failure to complete the PDP will result in assignment to period 12.
  • Friday, June 2 - Western Civilization Cumulative Exam

CPWC Day 70 - Reading Quiz

Objectives:   Evaluate the causes, course, and consequences of the genocide in Cambodia.

Task:  Good morning! Well, lets try this again...!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except a pencil and your index card.  After you take the quiz, please turn it in at the back of the room and study for your map quiz.


  • TODAY - Unit 7 reading quiz
  • Friday, May 19 - Unit 7 map quiz
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Chapter 9, section 1 reading notes due
  • Thursday, May 25 - Chapter 9, section 2 reading notes due
  • Friday, May 26 - Chapter 9, section 3 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, May 30 - Chapter 11, section 1 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes due
  • Thursday, June 1 - Unit 8 reading quiz
  • Friday, June 2 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, June 7 @ 7:35 am - CPWC Final Exam

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

HWC Day 72 - Considering Southeast Asia

Objective:  Define the unique cultural and historical traditions of Southeast Asia.

Task:    Namaste!  When you arrive to class, please meet up with your groups and be ready to present your topic.  We'll watch and discuss the presentations.  Then, we'll watch select scenes from "The Killing Fields" to see a dramatic presentation of the genocide in Cambodia.

Upcoming due dates:
  • TODAY - Research project step 2 due
  • Monday, May 22 - Research project step 3 due 
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Cumulative Asia & Oceania Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Unit 7 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Friday, May 26 - Research project step 4 due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Culture Food Party (You must be able to explain your food!)
  • Friday, June 2 - Latin America, Europe, & Africa Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 5 - Unit 8 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Tuesday, June 6 @ 9:15 am - HWC Final Exam 

Soc Day 71 - American Promise

Objective:  Apply sociological concepts to analyze the experiences of two boys as they journey through the New York education system.

Task:  Good morning!  Today, we're going to use a documentary to apply our knowledge of gender and race in terms of the American education system.  While watching the film, please complete the guided note sheet.

  • Friday, May 19 - "American Promise" Reflection Essay
  • Monday, May 22 - Unit 4 Test
  • Friday, June 2 - Quarter 4 article review due

CPWC Day 69 - Unit 7 Reading Quiz

Objectives:   Evaluate the causes, course, and consequences of the genocide in Cambodia.

Task:  Good morning! When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except a pencil and your index card.  After you take the quiz, please turn it in at the back of the room and study for your map quiz.

  • TODAY - Unit 7 reading quiz
  • Friday, May 19 - Unit 7 map quiz
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Chapter 9, section 1 reading notes due
  • Thursday, May 25 - Chapter 9, section 2 reading notes due
  • Friday, May 26 - Chapter 9, section 3 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, May 30 - Chapter 11, section 1 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes due
  • Thursday, June 1 - Unit 8 reading quiz
  • Friday, June 2 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, June 7 @ 7:35 am - CPWC Final Exam
Extending our studies:

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

HWC Day 71 - Exploring the History & Culture of Southeast Asia

Objective:  Define the unique cultural and historical traditions of Southeast Asia.

Task:    Namaste!  When you arrive to class, please open up your cultural and geographic diversity document.  We'll spend the first few minutes of class reviewing your work and identifying themes and trends.  Then, you'll take notes on the colonialism, imperialism, and nationalism in Southeast Asia.  Finally, we'll end class with "Considering Southeast Asia."  You'll work on one topic and prepare to present your learning to the class.

Upcoming due dates:
  • Wednesday, May 17 - Research project step 2 due
  • Monday, May 22 - Research project step 3 due 
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Cumulative Asia & Oceania Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Unit 7 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Friday, May 26 - Research project step 4 due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Culture Food Party (You must be able to explain your food!)
  • Friday, June 2 - Latin America, Europe, & Africa Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 5 - Unit 8 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Tuesday, June 6 @ 9:15 am - HWC Final Exam 

Soc Day 70 - American Promise

Objective:  Apply sociological concepts to analyze the experiences of two boys as they journey through the New York education system.

Task:  Good morning!  Today, we're going to use a documentary to apply our knowledge of gender and race in terms of the American education system.  While watching the film, please complete the guided note sheet.

  • Friday, May 19 - "American Promise" Reflection Essay
  • Monday, May 22 - Unit 4 Test
  • Friday, June 2 - Quarter 4 article review due

West Civ Day 68 - Introduction to the Industrial Revolution

Objective:  Identify the factors that led to the development of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain.

Task:  Greetings!  Today, we'll focus on the social, political, and economic factors that contributed to the rise of industrialization in Great Britain.

  • Wednesday, May 17 - No pd. 4 class
  • Monday, May 22 - No pd. 4 class
  • Thursday, May 25 - ALL PDPs due on class blog!  Failure to complete the PDP will result in assignment to period 12.
  • Friday, June 2 - Western Civilization Cumulative Exam

CPWC Day 68 - Genocide in Cambodia

Objectives:   Evaluate the causes, course, and consequences of the genocide in Cambodia.

Task:  Good morning! When you arrive to class, please download "Killing Fields" viewing guide.  I'll spend the first few minutes introducing the film.  Then, we'll watch select segments of the film to explore the genocide.

  • Wednesday, May 17 - Unit 7 reading quiz
  • Friday, May 19 - Unit 7 map quiz
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Chapter 9, section 1 reading notes due
  • Thursday, May 25 - Chapter 9, section 2 reading notes due
  • Friday, May 26 - Chapter 9, section 3 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, May 30 - Chapter 11, section 1 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes due
  • Thursday, June 1 - Unit 8 reading quiz
  • Friday, June 2 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, June 7 @ 7:35 am - CPWC Final Exam
Extending our studies:

Monday, May 15, 2017

HWC Day 70 - Library Research

Objective:  Utilize periodicals to locate a database that extends our studies.  Critically read and analyze your database source.

Task:    Namaste!  When you arrive to class, please find a seat and turn your attention to the front of the library.  Then, you'll have the remainder of class to research, read, and reflect on your selected source.

Upcoming due dates:
  • Wednesday, May 17 - Research project step 2 due
  • Monday, May 22 - Research project step 3 due 
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Cumulative Asia & Oceania Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Unit 7 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Friday, May 26 - Research project step 4 due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Culture Food Party (You must be able to explain your food!)
  • Friday, June 2 - Latin America, Europe, & Africa Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 5 - Unit 8 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Tuesday, June 6 @ 9:15 am - HWC Final Exam 

Soc Day 69 - Race, Gender, & Education

Objective:  Apply sociological concepts to analyze the experiences of two boys as they journey through the New York education system.

Task:  Good morning!  Today, we're going to use a documentary to apply our knowledge of gender and race in terms of the American education system.  While watching the film, please complete the guided note sheet.

  • Friday, May 19 - "American Promise" Reflection Essay
  • Monday, May 22 - Unit 4 Test
  • Friday, June 2 - Quarter 4 article review due

CPWC Day 67 - Contemporary Issues in Southeast Asia

Objectives:   Identify the unique cultural traditions of Southeast Asia.   Discuss select contemporary issues in Southeast Asia.

Task:  Good morning! When you arrive to class, please upload your homework to the appropriate dropbox.  We'll spend the first portion of class reviewing your news stories.  Then, we'll begin our examination of the events that led up to the genocide in Cambodia.

  • TODAY - Chapter 31, section 3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, May 17 - Unit 7 reading quiz
  • Friday, May 19 - Unit 7 map quiz
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Chapter 9, section 1 reading notes due
  • Thursday, May 25 - Chapter 9, section 2 reading notes due
  • Friday, May 26 - Chapter 9, section 3 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, May 30 - Chapter 11, section 1 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes due
  • Thursday, June 1 - Unit 8 reading quiz
  • Friday, June 2 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, June 7 @ 7:35 am - CPWC Final Exam

Friday, May 12, 2017

HWC Day 67 - Introduction to Southeast Asia

Objective:  Label political and physical features of Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania.  Consider the historical, geo-political, and socio-historical impact of the spice trade.

Task:    Namaste!  When you arrive to class, please find a seat in the circle.  We'll begin our exploration of the region with a discussion on "A Taste of Adventure."  Then, you'll work independently on "Cultural & Geographic Diversity of Southeast Asia" to identify themes and trends in the region.  Finally, you'll work in small groups to complete the maps for Southeast Asia and Oceania.

Upcoming due dates:
  • TODAY  - "A Taste of Adventure" close reading due
  • TODAY - Research Project step 1 due
  • Wednesday, May 17 - Research project step 2 due
  • Monday, May 22 - Research project step 3 due 
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Cumulative Asia & Oceania Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Unit 7 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Friday, May 26 - Research project step 4 due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Culture Food Party (You must be able to explain your food!)
  • Friday, June 2 - Latin America, Europe, & Africa Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 5 - Unit 8 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Tuesday, June 6 @ 9:15 am - HWC Final Exam 

Soc Day 68 - Quarter 4 Article Review

Objective:  Apply sociological concepts to analyze a periodical article.  

Task:  Today, you'll find an article from a PRINT periodical in the library and use our sociological concepts to analyze the material.

  • TODAY - Report directly to the library
  • Friday, June 2 - Quarter 4 article review due

West Civ Day 67 - French Revolution Wrap-Up

Objective:  Evaluate the lasting impact of the French Revolution and Napoleon.

Task:  Bonjour!  We'll begin class with a brief discussion to define and review the expectations of civil discourse.  Then, we'll move the desks and conduct our discussions.

  • TODAY - Fishbowl discussions
  • Modday, May 15 - No pd. 4 class
  • Wednesday, May 17 - No pd. 4 class
  • Monday, May 22 - No pd. 4 class
  • Friday, June 2 - Western Civilization Cumulative Exam
Topics & groups for fishbowl discussions:

Were the goals of the French Revolution accomplished?  Alex, Maddie, Jason R., Darius, Olivia, Tyler, Hannah, Garrett, Michael, Meagan, Kayla

Was Napoleon a hero or a tyrant?  Brendan, Paul, Jake, Taylor, Trevor, Kelly, Keaton, John, Tucker, Kieran, Jason C.

CPWC Day 66 - Historic & Contemporary Southeast Asia

Objectives:   Identify the unique cultural traditions of Southeast Asia.  Evaluate the impact of imperialism, nationalism, & the Cold War in Southeast Asia.

Task:  Namaste!  When you arrive to class, please upload your homework to the appropriate dropbox and open up your Southeast Asia notes from yesterday.  We'll finish our notes on imperialism in Southeast Asia before you begin to delve into contemporary issues in the region.  Finally, we'll end class labeling the map of Oceania.

  • TODAY - Chapter 31, section 2 reading notes due
  • Monday, May 15 - Chapter 31, section 3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, May 17 - Unit 7 reading quiz
  • Friday, May 19 - Unit 7 map quiz
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Chapter 9, section 1 reading notes due
  • Thursday, May 25 - Chapter 9, section 2 reading notes due
  • Friday, May 26 - Chapter 9, section 3 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, May 30 - Chapter 11, section 1 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes due
  • Thursday, June 1 - Unit 8 reading quiz
  • Friday, June 2 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, June 7 @ 7:35 am - CPWC Final Exam

Thursday, May 11, 2017

HWC Day 66 - South Asia Test

Objective:  Utilize periodicals to locate an article that extends our studies.  Critically read and analyze your periodical source.

Task:    Namaste!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desk of everything except a pencil in preparation for the test.  As you work through the test, read each question carefully and select the best answer.  For the short answer questions, be sure to create a clear, concise thesis statement and use appropriate supporting details to support your position.  Finally, after you finish the test, please turn it in at the back of the room and work on your research project or "A Taste of Adventure."

Upcoming due dates:
  • TODAY - Unit 6 Test
  • TODAY - Unit 6 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Friday, May 12 - "A Taste of Adventure" close reading due
  • Friday, May 12 - Research Project step 1 due
  • Wednesday, May 17 - Research project step 2 due
  • Monday, May 22 - Research project step 3 due 
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Cumulative Asia & Oceania Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Unit 7 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Friday, May 26 - Research project step 4 due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Culture Food Party (You must be able to explain your food!)
  • Friday, June 2 - Latin America, Europe, & Africa Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 5 - Unit 8 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Tuesday, June 6 @ 9:15 am - HWC Final Exam 

Soc Day 67 - Race, Ethnicity, & Code-Switching

Objective:  Examine race & ethnicity as social constructs.  

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up your notes on race and ethnicity.  We'll finish our examination of the accommodation and conflict associated with ethnicity in America.

  • TODAY - Race & ethnicity vocabulary due
  • Thursday, May 11 - Code-switching discussion
  • Friday, May 12 - Report directly to the library
  • Thursday, May 18 - Unit 5 Test
For our class discussion:

West Civ Day 66 - Nationalism in the Early 19th Century

Objective:  Investigate the rise and rule of Napoleon Bonaparte.  Examine the ways in which Napoleon's rule contributed to the rise of nationalism across the continent.

Task:  Bonjour!  When you arrive to class, please open your  "Nationalism Worksheet."  We'll review your notes from yesterday.  Then, we'll finish the second page of notes before we begin preparation for our fishbowl discussions tomorrow.

  • Friday, May 12 - Fishbowl discussions - Were the goals of the French Revolution accomplished?  Was Napoleon a hero or a tyrant?
  • Tuesday, May 16 - No pd. 4 class
  • Thursday, May 18 - No pd. 4 class
  • Tuesday, May 23 - No pd. 4 class
  • Friday, June 2 - Western Civilization Cumulative Exam

CPWC Day 65 - Historical Developments in Southeast Asia

Objectives:  Label the physical features and political boundaries of Southeast Asia.  Identify the unique cultural traditions of Southeast Asia.

Task:  Namaste!  When you arrive to class, please upload your homework to the appropriate dropbox and open up your Southeast Asia introduction from yesterday.  We'll review the cultural realities of contemporary Southeast Asia before delving into the history of the region.   Finally, we'll end class with an activity to review the geographic and cultural diversity of Southeast Asia.

  • TODAY - Chapter 31, section 1 reading notes due
  • Friday, May 12 - Chapter 31, section 2 reading notes due
  • Monday, May 15 - Chapter 31, section 3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, May 17 - Unit 7 reading quiz
  • Friday, May 19 - Unit 7 map quiz
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Chapter 9, section 1 reading notes due
  • Thursday, May 25 - Chapter 9, section 2 reading notes due
  • Friday, May 26 - Chapter 9, section 3 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, May 30 - Chapter 11, section 1 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes due
  • Thursday, June 1 - Unit 8 reading quiz
  • Friday, June 2 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, June 7 @ 7:35 am - CPWC Final Exam

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

HWC Day 65 - Library Research

Objective:  Utilize periodicals to locate an article that extends our studies.  Critically read and analyze your periodical source.

Task:    Namaste!  When you arrive to class, please find a seat and turn your attention to the front of the library.  Mrs. Sams will briefly remind you how to utlilize NoodleTools and how to create citations.  Then, you'll have the remainder of class to research, read, and reflect on your selected source.

Upcoming due dates:
  • Thursday, May 11 - Unit 6 Test
  • Thursday, May 11 - Unit 6 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Friday, May 12 - "A Taste of Adventure" close reading due
  • Friday, May 12 - Research Project step 1 due
  • Wednesday, May 17 - Research project step 2 due
  • Monday, May 22 - Research project step 3 due 
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Cumulative Asia & Oceania Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Unit 7 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Friday, May 26 - Research project step 4 due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Culture Food Party (You must be able to explain your food!)
  • Friday, June 2 - Latin America, Europe, & Africa Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 5 - Unit 8 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Tuesday, June 6 @ 9:15 am - HWC Final Exam 

Soc Day 66 - Race & Ethnicity

Objective:  Examine race & ethnicity as social constructs.  

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up your notes on race and ethnicity.  First, we'll finish our notes and discuss the impact of genocide in world history.

  • Thursday, May 11 - Race & ethnicity vocabulary due
  • Thursday, May 11 - Code-switching discussion
  • Friday, May 12 - Report directly to the library
  • Thursday, May 18 - Unit 5 Test

West Civ Day 65 - Emergence of Nationalism

Objective:  Investigate the rise and rule of Napoleon Bonaparte.  Examine the ways in which Napoleon's rule contributed to the rise of nationalism across the continent.

Task:  Bonjour!  When you arrive to class, please download "Nationalism Worksheet" from Schoology.  We'll spend the first few minutes of class reviewing the definition of nation.  Then, you'll complete the first page of the nationalism worksheet.

  • TODAY - Napoleon's report card due
  • Tuesday, May 16 - No pd. 4 class
  • Thursday, May 18 - No pd. 4 class
  • Tuesday, May 23 - No pd. 4 class
  • Friday, June 2 - Western Civilization Cumulative Exam

CPWC Day 64 - Introduction to Southeast Asia

Objectives:  Label the physical features and political boundaries of Southeast Asia.  Identify the unique cultural traditions of Southeast Asia.

Task:  Namaste!  When you arrive to class, please upload your homework to the appropriate dropbox.  Then, we'll spend the first portion of class, labeling and coloring the map  of Southeast Asia.  Finally, we'll end class with an examination of the cultural diversity in Southeast Asia.

  • TODAY - Chapter 30, section 1 reading notes due
  • Thursday, May 11 - Chapter 31, section 1 reading notes due
  • Friday, May 12 - Chapter 31, section 2 reading notes due
  • Monday, May 15 - Chapter 31, section 3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, May 17 - Unit 7 reading quiz
  • Friday, May 19 - Unit 7 map quiz
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Chapter 9, section 1 reading notes due
  • Thursday, May 25 - Chapter 9, section 2 reading notes due
  • Friday, May 26 - Chapter 9, section 3 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, May 30 - Chapter 11, section 1 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes due
  • Thursday, June 1 - Unit 8 reading quiz
  • Friday, June 2 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, June 7 @ 7:35 am - CPWC Final Exam

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

HWC Day 64 - South Asia Wrap-Up

Objective:  Consider the current state of politics and nationalism in India.

Task:    Namaste!  When you arrive to class, please upload your political cartoon to the dropbox in Schoology.  If your cartoon is on paper, please take a photograph of your work using your i-Pad.  We'll spend the first portion of class presenting and explaining your cartoons.  Then, we'll finish up our unit with a few last details.  Finally, I'll spend the last portion of class explaining your research project.

Upcoming due dates:
  • TODAY - Political cartoon presentations
  • Wednesday, May 10 - REPORT DIRECTLY TO LIBRARY
  • Thursday, May 11 - Unit 6 Test
  • Thursday, May 11 - Unit 6 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Friday, May 12 - "A Taste of Adventure" close reading due
  • Friday, May 12 - Research Project step 1 due
  • Wednesday, May 17 - Research project step 2 due
  • Monday, May 22 - Research project step 3 due 
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Cumulative Asia & Oceania Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Unit 7 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Friday, May 26 - Research project step 4 due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Culture Food Party (You must be able to explain your food!)
  • Friday, June 2 - Latin America, Europe, & Africa Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 5 - Unit 8 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Tuesday, June 6 @ 9:15 am - HWC Final Exam 

Soc Day 66 - Defining Race & Ethnicity

Objective:  Examine race & ethnicity as social constructs.  

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download and read "Color Schemes" in preparation for our discussion.  After our discussion, we'll finish our notes on race & ethnicity.

  • Thursday, May 11 - Race & ethnicity vocabulary due
  • Friday, May 12 - Report directly to the library
  • Wednesday, May 17 - Unit 5 Test

West Civ Day 64 - Evaluating Napoleon

Our studies in the news:  "200 Years After Waterloo, Napoleon Still Divides Europe" (Morning Edition, NPR, 6/18/15)

Objective:  Evaluate the lasting political, economic, and social impact of the French Revolution.  Investigate the rise and rule of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Task:  Bonjour!  Today we'll finish up our exploration of the French Revolution and Napoleon before we delve into Napoleon's impact on the the emergence of nationalism on the continent.  If you haven't finished your French Revolution project by the end of class, you'll be assigned to period 12.

  • TODAY - French Revolution Project due
  • Wednesday, May 10 - Napoleon's report card due
  • Tuesday, May 16 - No pd. 4 class
  • Thursday, May 18 - No pd. 4 class
  • Tuesday, May 23 - No pd. 4 class
  • Friday, June 2 - Western Civilization Cumulative Exam

CPWC Day 63 - South Asia Test

Objectives:  Assess knowledge and understanding of the geography, history, culture, and contemporary issues of South Asia.

Task:  Namaste!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except a pencil in preparation for the test.  Read each question carefully and check your work before turning in your test.  After you've finished the test, please turn it in at the back of the room and work on your unit 7 homework.

  • TODAY - Unit 6 test
  • Wednesday, May 10 - Chapter 30, section 1 reading notes due
  • Thursday, May 11 - Chapter 31, section 1 reading notes due
  • Friday, May 12 - Chapter 31, section 2 reading notes due
  • Monday, May 15 - Chapter 31, section 3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, May 17 - Unit 7 reading quiz
  • Friday, May 19 - Unit 7 map quiz
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Chapter 9, section 1 reading notes due
  • Thursday, May 25 - Chapter 9, section 2 reading notes due
  • Friday, May 26 - Chapter 9, section 3 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, May 30 - Chapter 11, section 1 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, May 31 - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes due
  • Thursday, June 1 - Unit 8 reading quiz
  • Friday, June 2 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, June 7 @ 7:35 am - CPWC Final Exam

Monday, May 8, 2017

HWC Day 63 - India's Economy & the Taliban

Objective:  Consider the current state of politics and nationalism in India.

Task:    Namaste!  When you arrive to class, please grab a whiteboard and draw a diagram to show India's economy.  After our discussion circle, you'll investigate the Taliban in the past and the present.

Upcoming due dates:
  • TODAY - "India's New Economy" due in class
  • Tuesday, May 9 - Political cartoon presentations
  • Wednesday, May 10 - REPORT DIRECTLY TO LIBRARY
  • Thursday, May 11 - Unit 6 Test
  • Thursday, May 11 - Unit 6 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Friday, May 12 - "A Taste of Adventure" close reading due
  • Friday, May 12 - Research Project step 1 due
  • Wednesday, May 17 - Research project step 2 due
  • Monday, May 22 - Research project step 3 due 
  • Tuesday, May 23 - Culture Food Party (You must be able to explain your food!)
  • Wednesday, May 24 - Cumulative Asia & Oceania Map Quiz
  • Friday, May 26 - Research project step 4 due
  • Friday, June 2 - Latin America, Europe, & Africa Map Quiz
  • Tuesday, June 6 @ 9:15 am - HWC Final Exam 
Our studies in the news...

Soc Day 65 - Ethnicity in America

In the news...  "A 'Forgotten History' of How the US Government Segregated America" (Fresh Air, 5/3/17)

Objective:  Examine race & ethnicity as social constructs.  

Task:  Good morning!  We'll finish our minority group presentations and continue our notes on race and ethnicity in the United States.

  • TODAY - Minority group presentation due at the beginning of class
  • Thursday, May 11 - Race & ethnicity vocabulary due
  • Friday, May 12 - Report directly to the library
  • Wednesday, May 17 - Unit 5 Test

West Civ Day 63 - Evaluating Napoleon

Our studies in the news:  "200 Years After Waterloo, Napoleon Still Divides Europe" (Morning Edition, NPR, 6/18/15)

Objective:  Evaluate the lasting political, economic, and social impact of the French Revolution.  Investigate the rise and rule of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Task:  Bonjour!  We'll finish our  investigation into the rise and rule of Napoleon and evaluate the impact of Napoleon's reign.  Finally, you'll use the last 20 minutes of class to work on your French Revolution project.

  • Tuesday, May 9 - French Revolution Project due
  • Wednesday, May 10 - Napoleon's report card due
  • Friday, June 2 - Western Civilization Cumulative Exam

CPWC Day 62 - South Asia Wrap Up

Objectives:  Define the historic and contemporary role of the Taliban.  Consider the civil war and current events in Sri Lanka.

Task:  Namaste!  When you arrive to class, please get out your partition project and rubric.  We'll spend the first few minutes of class to share your projects.   Then, we'll review your work on the Taliban and consider the civil war in Sri Lanka.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class reviewing for your test tomorrow.

  • TODAY - Partition project due
  • Tuesday, May 9 - Unit 6 test
  • Friday, June 2 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, June 7 @ 7:35 am - CPWC Final Exam

Friday, May 5, 2017

HWC Day 62 - Nationalism & Communal Violence in India

Objective:  Consider the current state of politics and nationalism in India.

Task:    Namaste!  Happy Friday!  We'll spend the first few minutes establishing an understanding of nationalism and the history of communal violence in recent Indian history.  Then, we'll watch a  documentary on one particularly violent set of confrontations in the early 21st century.

Upcoming due dates:
  • Monday, May 8 - "India's New Economy" due in class
  • Tuesday, May 9 - Political cartoon presentations
  • Wednesday, May 10 - REPORT DIRECTLY TO LIBRARY
  • Thursday, May 11 - Unit 6 Test
  • Thursday, May 11 - Unit 6 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Tuesday, June 6 @ 9:15 am - HWC Final Exam 
Our studies in the news...

West Civ Day 62 - Evaluating Napoleon

Our studies in the news:  "200 Years After Waterloo, Napoleon Still Divides Europe" (Morning Edition, NPR, 6/18/15)

Objective:  Evaluate the lasting political, economic, and social impact of the French Revolution.  Investigate the rise and rule of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Task:  Bonjour!  We'll finish our  investigation into the rise and rule of Napoleon and evaluate the impact of Napoleon's reign.  Finally, you'll use the last 20 minutes of class to work on your French Revolution project.

  • Tuesday, May 9 - French Revolution Project due
  • Friday, June 2 - Western Civilization Cumulative Exam

CPWC Day 66 - Contemporary India

Objectives:  Explore contemporary developments in India.  Examine the positive and negative impacts of the Green Revolution.

Task:  Namaste!  When you arrive to class, please download and complete "The Green Revolution in India."  After you finish the article, pleas work on your partition project.  We'll discuss the impacts of the Green Revolution and contemporary developments.  Then, we'll watch "Seeds of Suicide" together.  Finally, you'll explore the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

  • Monday, May 8 - Partition project due
  • Tuesday, May 9 - Unit 6 test
  • Wednesday, June 7 @ 7:35 am - CPWC Final Exam

Thursday, May 4, 2017

HWC Day 61 - Independence, Partition, & Civil War

Objective:  Describe the role of the Indian National Congress and Gandhi in establishing independence for the subcontinent.  Define the impacts of partition on future developments on the subcontinent.

Task:    Namaste!  We'll begin class with the examination of the primary documents about partition.  Then, we'll review the history of Sri Lanka since independence.

Upcoming due dates:
  • TODAY - Sri Lanka Case Study due in class
  • Monday, May 8 - "India's New Economy" due in class
  • Tuesday, May 9 - Political cartoon presentations
  • Wednesday, May 10 - REPORT DIRECTLY TO LIBRARY
  • Thursday, May 11 - Unit 6 Test
  • Thursday, May 11 - Unit 6 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Tuesday, June 6 @ 9:15 am - HWC Final Exam 
News about the region:

Sri Lanka:

Soc Day 64 - Race, Ethnicity, & Identity in America

In the news...  "A 'Forgotten History' of How the US Government Segregated America" (Fresh Air, 5/3/17)

Objective:  Examine race & ethnicity as social constructs.  

Task:  Good morning!  We'll take a short break from notes and presentations and consider identity formation.  Specifically, we'll listen to a short news story and then watch the story below.  Finally, we'll end class with a discussion on identity formation.

  • TODAY - Minority group presentation due at the beginning of class
  • Thursday, May 11 - Race & ethnicity vocabulary due

West Civ Day 61 - The Rise of Napoleon

Our studies in the news:  "From Ancient Greece. Lessons on the Risk of Modern, Accidental War" (Morning Edition, NPR, 5/3/17)

Objective:  Evaluate the lasting political, economic, and social impact of the French Revolution.  Investigate the rise and rule of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Task:  Bonjour!  We'll begin class with an investigation into the rise and rule of Napoleon.  Please use the links provided to complete "Considering Napoleon."  Finally, you'll use the last 20 minutes of class to work on your French Revolution project.

  • Tuesday, May 9 - French Revolution Project due
  • Friday, June 2 - Western Civilization Cumulative Exam

CPWC Day 65 - Independence & Partition

Objectives:  Explain the significance of select events in the history of South Asia.

Task:  Namaste!  When you arrive to class, please open your notes.  We'll finish our notes on the history of South Asia and discuss your homework on the partition of India.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class working on your project on the partition of India.

  • Wednesday, May 3 - "The Partition of India" due in class (follow the directions on the SlideShow for completion)
  • Monday, May 8 - Partition project due
  • Tuesday, May 9 - Unit 6 test
  • Wednesday, June 7 @ 7:35 am - CPWC Final Exam

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

HWC Day 60 - Nationalism, Independence, & Partition

Objective:  Analyze the impact of British rule in India.   Describe the role of the Indian National Congress and Gandhi in establishing independence for the subcontinent.

Task:    Namaste!  We'll continue our examination of the history of the subcontinent with an examination of nationalism in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries.  We'll also spend time considering Gandhi's unique role in the nationalist movement.  Finally, we'll investigate the partition of the subcontinent.

Upcoming due dates:
  • TODAY - "The Partition of India, 1947 - Background Essay" reflection due on Schoology BEFORE class
  • Thursday, May 4 - Sri Lanka Case Study due in class
  • Monday, May 8 - "India's New Economy" due in class
  • Tuesday, May 9 - Fishbowl discussions - "India Changes Course" & "The Struggle for Women's Empowerment in India"
  • Wednesday, May 10 - Unit 6 Test
  • Wednesday, May 10 - Unit 6 PDPs & SJSs due
  • Tuesday, June 6 @ 9:15 am - HWC Final Exam 
Sepoy Rebellion of 1857 from Toby Mortimer on Vimeo.
Gandhi (Amritsar Massacre) from t๏Ñ’ ฬєє tєςк on Vimeo.

Soc Day 63 - Race & Ethnicity in America

Objective:  Examine race & ethnicity as social constructs.  Investigate the causes, course, and impact of genocide.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please find a seat with your presentation group.  We'll begin class with some notes on ethnicity and then you will present your information on minority groups in the United States.

  • TODAY - Minority group presentation due at the beginning of class
  • Thursday, May 4 - Race & ethnicity vocabulary due

West Civ Day 60 - Legacy Work Day

Objective:  Evaluate the lasting political, economic, and social impact of the French Revolution.

Task:  Bonjour!  As promised, you will use today's class time to work on your project.  Please make sure that you stay on task and work toward your end goa.

  • TODAY - Thesis statement and medium due as a comment on class blog
  • Tuesday, May 9 - French Revolution Project due
  • Friday, June 2 - Western Civilization Cumulative Exam

CPWC Day 64 - The Mughals, the British, & Nationalism

Objectives:  Explain the significance of select events in the history of South Asia.

Task:  Namaste!  When you arrive to class, please open your notes.  We'll continue our notes with a comparison of Islam and Hinduism and an exploration of the Mughals in India.  Then, we'll explore the impact of British rule and resistance to British rule in India.  Finally, we'll consider independence and partition.

  • Wednesday, May 3 - "The Partition of India" due in class (follow the directions on the SlideShow for completion)
  • Monday, May 8 - Partition project due
  • Tuesday, May 9 - Unit 6 test
  • Wednesday, June 7 @ 7:35 am - CPWC Final Exam

  • What were the main interests of the East India Company in the 18th and 19th centuries?
  • Humanitarian motives are based on kindness and concern for others. What humanitarian motives came to influence the British government in its attitude to India?
  • Give examples of ways in which contact with Indian society influenced the British.
  • Why did the British become increasingly arrogant towards Indians?
  • Tuesday, May 2, 2017

    HWC Day 59 - The British in India

    Objective:  Analyze the impact of British rule in India.

    Task:    Namaste!  Today, we'll continue our examination of the history of South Asia with a focus on the influence of the British in India.  First, you'll watch the a video and answer questions about the British East India Company.  Then, you'll compare and contrast two textbook accounts of British rule in India.  Finally, you'll spend the last portion of class examining Gandhi's role in the nationalist movements in India.

    Upcoming due dates:
    • Wednesday, May 3 - "The Partition of India, 1947 - Background Essay" reflection due on Schoology BEFORE class
    • Thursday, May 4 - Sri Lanka Case Study due in class
    • Monday, May 8 - "India's New Economy" due in class
    • Tuesday, May 9 - Fishbowl discussions - "India Changes Course" & "The Struggle for Women's Empowerment in India"
    • Wednesday, May 10 - Unit 6 Test
    • Tuesday, June 6 @ 9:15 am - HWC Final Exam 
  • What were the main interests of the East India Company in the 18th and 19th centuries?
  • Humanitarian motives are based on kindness and concern for others. What humanitarian motives came to influence the British government in its attitude to India?
  • Give examples of ways in which contact with Indian society influenced the British.
  • Why did the British become increasingly arrogant towards Indians?
  • Soc Day 62 - Investigating Genocide

    Objective:  Examine race & ethnicity as social constructs.  Investigate the causes, course, and impact of genocide.

    Task:  Good morning!  You'll spend today's class finishing up your investigation of genocide.

    • Wednesday, May 5 - Minority group presentation due at the beginning of class
    • Thursday, May 4 - Race & ethnicity vocabulary due
    For further investigation:

    West Civ Day 59 - Legacy of the French Revolution

    Objective:  Analyze the issues that framed the 1789-1790 debate over the new constitution and the future of France.

    Task:  Bonjour!  When you arrive to the library, please clear your desks in preparation for your comprehension check.  Then, you'll work with a partner to complete a chart comparing the different governments of the French Revolution.  Finally, you'll work on the thesis statement for your project on the French Revolution.

    • TODAY - Read & answer questions on "A Revolution, A Republic, & Terror" BEFORE arriving to class
    • Tuesday, May 9 - French Revolution Project due
    • Friday, June 2 - Western Civilization Cumulative Exam