Free Rice

Rice up against hunger

Friday, April 28, 2017

HWC Day 57 - Religions & History of South Asia

Objective:  Examine the unique religious, historic, and cultural characteristics of India.

Task:    Namaste!  When you arrive to class, please get into your groups for the religions presentations.  We'll spend the first portion of class watching your presentations on the religions of South Asia.  Then, we'll begin our notes on the history of South Asia.

Upcoming due dates:
  • Friday, April 29 - "Mughal Dynasties" reading due in class
  • Tuesday, May 2 - "The Partition of India, 1947 - Background Essay" reflection due on Schoology BEFORE class
  • Thursday, May 4 - Sri Lanka Case Study due in class
  • Monday, May 8 - "India's New Economy" due in class
  • Tuesday, May 9 - Fishbowl discussions - "India Changes Course" & "The Struggle for Women's Empowerment in India"
  • Wednesday, May 10 - Unit 6 Test
  • Tuesday, June 6 @ 9:15 am - HWC Final Exam 

Soc Day 60 - Defining Minority Groups

Objective:  Examine race & ethnicity as social constructs.  Investigate the causes, course, and impact of genocide.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up your unit 4 notes.  We'll spend the first few minutes of class on notes.  Then, I'll explain and assign your project on minorities in the United States.

  • Wednesday, May 5 - Minority group presentation due at the beginning of class
  • Thursday, May 4 - Race & ethnicity vocabulary due

West Civ Day 57 - Simulating the National Constituent Assembly

Objective:  Analyze the issues that framed the 1789-1790 debate over the new constitution and the future of France.

Task:  Bonjour!  When you arrive to the library, please report to your assigned position.  Then, if you are in one of the option groups, download the "Evaluation Form."  You'll use this sheet to take notes on the presentations.  After all the marchers and the Assembly blocs have presented their positions, you'll have the opportunity to make your own decision about France's "future."

  • TODAY - Report directly to the library
  • Friday, April 29 - Role-play - Which option to choose?
  • Monday, May 1 - Read & answer questions on "A Revolution, A Republic, & Terror" BEFORE arriving to class
  • Friday, June 2 - Western Civilization Cumulative Exam
Group Assignments for National Constituent Assembly Role Play:
  • Marchers:  Maddy, Sabrina, Brendan, Garrett, John M., Jake
  • Option 1 (Conserve the Power of the King): Michael, Taylor, Jason C., Kieran, Kayla
  • Option 2 (Create a Constitutional Monarchy): Darius, Olivia, Keaton, Tyler, Hannah
  • Option 3 (Liberate France from the Old Regime): Trevor, Meagan, John S., Tucker, Alex

Thursday, April 27, 2017

HWC Day 56 - India: Empire of the Spirit

Objective:  Examine the unique religious, historic, and cultural characteristics of India.

Task:    Namaste!  When you arrive to class, please open up and download "India-Empire of the Spirit." Please use the graphic organizer to take notes while you watch the film.  After the film, please write a concise summary of the film.  If there is time remaining, work on your religions presentations.

Upcoming due dates:
  • Friday, April 29 - "Mughal Dynasties" reading due in class
  • Tuesday, May 2 - "The Partition of India, 1947 - Background Essay" reflection due on Schoology BEFORE class
  • Thursday, May 4 - Sri Lanka Case Study due in class
  • Monday, May 8 - "India's New Economy" due in class
  • Tuesday, May 9 - Fishbowl discussions - "India Changes Course" & "The Struggle for Women's Empowerment in India"
  • Wednesday, May 10 - Unit 6 Test

Soc Day 59 - Investigating Genocide

Objective:  Examine race & ethnicity as social constructs.  Investigate the causes, course, and impact of genocide.

Task:  Good morning!  

  • Thursday, May 4 - Race & ethnicity vocabulary due

West Civ Day 56 - National Constituent Assembly

Objective:  Identify the relationship of key events and people to the fall of the Bastille.

Task:  Bonjour!  As we discussed yesterday, you'll spend today's class period preparing for Friday's role play.  If you are a member of one of the option groups, you must submit your answers and your group's speech (5-7 minutes) as a GoogleDoc by midnight tonight.  If you are a member of the marchers, you will create your individual speech (1-2 minutes) and work as a group to identify questions to ask each of the option groups.  Everyone must be ready to engage in the role play tomorrow!

  • TODAY - Read "The National Constituent Assembly & the Future of France" and "Options in Brief" BEFORE class
  • TODAY - Report directly to the library
  • Friday, April 29 - Report directly to the library
  • Friday, April 29 - Role-play - Which option to choose?
Group Assignments for National Constituent Assembly Role Play:
  • Marchers:  Maddy, Sabrina, Brendan, Garrett, John M., Jake
  • Option 1 (Conserve the Power of the King): Michael, Taylor, Jason C., Kieran, Kayla
  • Option 2 (Create a Constitutional Monarchy): Darius, Olivia, Keaton, Tyler, Hannah
  • Option 3 (Liberate France from the Old Regime): Trevor, Meagan, John S., Tucker, Alex

CPWC Day 61 - Investigating South Asia

Objectives:  Examine the unique geography and culture of the Himalayas.  Define South Asia as a cultural region.

Task:  Namaste!  When you arrive to class, please open up an complete "Himalayas."  We'll review the significance of the this geographic feature.  Then, you'll work on the South Asia Investigation with a partner.  Finally, if you have any extra time, please watch the videos about the Himalayas.

  • TODAY - Chapter 26, section 2 reading notes due 
  • Friday, April 28 - Unit 6 reading quiz
  • Monday, May 1 - South Asia Map check (You may use your completed map to complete this assessment)
  • Friday, May 5 - Unit 6 test

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

HWC Day 56 - Geography & Religion of South Asia

To learn more about monsoons in contemporary India, go to "Effects of Monsoon Season on India" (Stratfor, 7/16/12)

Objective:  Explore the physical and cultural geography of SouthAsia.

Task:    Namaste!  When you arrive to class, please open up your monsoons worksheet from yesterday.  We'll spend the first few minutes of class reviewing the geography of South Asia.  Then, we'll divide into groups to investigate and report on the religions of South Asia.

Upcoming due dates:
  • Friday, April 29 - "Mughal Dynasties" reading due in class
  • Tuesday, May 2 - "The Partition of India, 1947 - Background Essay" reflection due on Schoology BEFORE class
  • Thursday, May 4 - Sri Lanka Case Study due in class
  • Monday, May 8 - "India's New Economy" due in class
  • Tuesday, May 9 - Fishbowl discussions - "India Changes Course" & "The Struggle for Women's Empowerment in India"
  • Wednesday, May 10 - Unit 6 Test

Soc Day 58 - Race in America

Objective:  Examine race & ethnicity as social constructs.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desk of everything in preparation for our first activity.  Then, we'll discuss the audio activity and begin our notes on race.

  • Thursday, May 4 - Race & ethnicity vocabulary due

West Civ Day 56 - Causes & Consequences of the Fall of the Bastille

Objective:  Identify the relationship of key events and people to the fall of the Bastille.

Task:  Bonjour!  Today, you'll take a very short quiz to check your completion of yesterday's class work.  Then, we'll get into small groups to classify causes and consequences of the fall of the Bastille.  Finally, we'll end class with a brief explanation of your task in the library tomorrow.

  • Thursday, April 28 - Read "The National Constituent Assembly & the Future of France" and "Options in Brief" BEFORE class
  • Thursday, April 28 - Report directly to the library
  • Friday, April 29 - Report directly to the library
  • Friday, April 29 - Role-play - Which option to choose?
Group Assignments for National Constituent Assembly Role Play:
  • Marchers:  Maddy, Sabrina, Brendan, Garrett, John M., Jake
  • Option 1 (Conserve the Power of the King): Michael, Taylor, Jason C., Kieran, Kayla
  • Option 2 (Create a Constitutional Monarchy): Darius, Olivia, Keaton, Tyler, Hannah
  • Option 3 (Liberate France from the Old Regime): Trevor, Meagan, John S., Tucker, Alex

CPWC Day 60 - Geography & Religions of South Asia

To learn more about monsoons in contemporary India, go to "Effects of Monsoon Season on India" (Stratfor, 7/16/12)

Objectives:  Examine the unique geography and culture of the Himalayas.  Define South Asia as a cultural region.

Task:  Namaste!  When you arrive to class, please upload your reading notes to the appropriate dropbox in Schoology.  Then, open up and complete "Investigating Monsoons" and "Earthquakes in India."  After we review your work, we'll begin our studies of the religions of South Asia.

  • TODAY - Chapter 24, section 3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, April 26 - Chapter 26, section 1 reading notes due
  • Thursday, April 27 - Chapter 26, section 2 reading notes due 
  • Friday, April 28 - Unit 6 reading quiz
  • Monday, May 1 - South Asia Map check (You may use your completed map to complete this assessment)
  • Friday, May 5 - Unit 6 test

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

HWC Day 55 - Introduction to South Asia

Objective:  Explore the physical and cultural geography of SouthAsia.

Task:    Namaste!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks and get out a pencil in preparation for your reading quiz.  You'll have the first 30 minutes of class to complete the quiz.  Then, open and complete "Monsoon."  Finally, after all the quizzes have been collected, you'll work on "Investigating the Cultural and Physical Geography of South Asia."

Upcoming Due Dates:
  • TODAY - "Breaking Free" reading quiz
  • Friday, April 29 - "Mughal Dynasties" reading due in class
  • Tuesday, May 2 - "The Partition of India, 1947 - Background Essay" reflection due on Schoology BEFORE class
  • Thursday, May 4 - Sri Lanka Case Study due in class
  • Monday, May 8 - "India's New Economy" due in class
  • Tuesday, May 9 - Fishbowl discussions - "India Changes Course" & "The Struggle for Women's Empowerment in India"
  • Wednesday, May 10 - Unit 6 Test

Soc Day 57 - Considering Race & Gender in Social Context

Objective:  Examine race & ethnicity as social constructs.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up a blank document OR grab a blank piece of paper.  Today, we'll watch an episode of 20/20 showing how people are treated differently because of the race or gender.

  • TODAY - "When Did Jews Become White Folks?" class discussion (Critically read the article and be ready with questions and comments for the class discussion)
  • Thursday, May 4 - Race & ethnicity vocabulary due

West Civ Day 55 - The Fall of the Bastille

Objective:  Explore the social and political dynamics of France prior to 1789 during the reign of Louis XVI.  Understand the concept of social class.

Task:  Bonjour!  Today, you'll be reading and answering questions about the crisis of late 18th century France and the beginning of the French Revolution.

  • Thursday, April 28 - Read "The National Constituent Assembly & the Future of France" and "Options in Brief" BEFORE class
  • Thursday, April 28 - Report directly to the libary
  • Friday, April 29 - Role-play - Which option to choose?

CPWC Day 59 - Geography & Culture of India

Objectives:  Examine the unique geography and culture of the Himalayas.  Define South Asia as a cultural region.

Task:  Namaste!  When you arrive to class, please upload your reading notes to the appropriate dropbox in Schoology.  Then, open up and work on "Himalayas."  After you've answered all of the reading questions, please continue working on your South Asia map.  We'll spend the next portion of class reviewing your work.  Finally, we'll end class with a short travel documentary about India.

  • TODAY - Chapter 24, section 3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, April 26 - Chapter 26, section 1 reading notes due
  • Thursday, April 27 - Chapter 26, section 2 reading notes due 
  • Friday, April 28 - Unit 6 reading quiz
  • Monday, May 1 - South Asia Map check (You may use your completed map to complete this assessment)
  • Friday, May 5 - Unit 6 test

Monday, April 24, 2017

HWC Day 54 - East Asia Test

Objective:  Assess knowledge and understanding of the geography, history, culture, and contemporary issues of East Asia.

Task:    Anyoung haseyo!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except a pencil in preparation for your test.  As you work through your test, be sure to read each question carefully and select the best possible answer.  For the short answer questions, please include a clear thesis statement and supporting details that support your argument.  Before turning in your test, please check your work.  Finally, if there is time remaining class, please work on your unit 6 homework.

Upcoming Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Unit 5 Test
  • Monday, April 24 - Unit 5 SJSs & Unit 5 PDPs due on class blog
  • Tuesday, April 25 - "Breaking Free" reading quiz
  • Friday, April 29 - "Mughal Dynasties" reading due in class
  • Tuesday, May 2 - "The Partition of India, 1947 - Background Essay" reflection due on Schoology BEFORE class
  • Thursday, May 4 - Sri Lanka Case Study due in class
  • Monday, May 8 - "India's New Economy" due in class
  • Tuesday, May 9 - Fishbowl discussions - "India Changes Course" & "The Struggle for Women's Empowerment in India"
  • Wednesday, May 10 - Unit 6 Test

Soc Day 56 - Race as a Social Construct

Objective:  Examine race & ethnicity as social constructs.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please grab a whiteboard and a partner.  With your partner, please identify the main idea, supporting details and discussion questions for "When Did Jews Become White Folks?"  We'll use this article to begin our examination of race and ethnicity as sociological constructs.

  • TODAY - "When Did Jews Become White Folks?" class discussion (Critically read the article and be ready with questions and comments for the class discussion)
  • Thursday, May 4 - Race & ethnicity vocabulary due

West Civ Day 54 - Defining France's Old Regime

Objective:  Explore the social and political dynamics of France prior to 1789 during the reign of Louis XVI.  Understand the concept of social class.

Task:  Bonjour!  As soon as you arrive to class, please open up your notes on "France Under the Old Regime."  For the first few minutes of class, I'll answer any questions you have about the article.  Then, you'll take your comprehension check on Schoology.  Finally, you'll work in a small group to complete a graphic organizer to keep track of the most important details of the reading.

  • TODAY - "France Under the Old Regime" comprehension & completion check (in "French Revolution, Napoleon, & Nationalism" Schoology folder)
  • Thursday, April 28 - Read "The National Constituent Assembly & the Future of France" and "Options in Brief" BEFORE class
  • Thursday, April 28 - Report directly to the libary
  • Friday, April 29 - Role-play - Which option to choose?

CPWC Day 58 - Introducing South Asia

Objectives:  Identify and label cities, bodies of water, and physical features of South Asia.  Define South Asia as a cultural region.

Task:  Namaste!  When you arrive to class, please upload your reading notes to the appropriate dropbox in Schoology.  Then, open up and work on "South Asia Preview."  Finally, after you finish the close reading assignment, open up and begin working on the South Asia map.

  • TODAY - Chapter 24, section 1 reading notes due
  • TODAY - "South Asia Preview" due (If not completed in class, make sure to finish & submit by midnight)
  • Tuesday, April 25 - Chapter 24, section 3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, April 26 - Chapter 26, section 1 reading notes due
  • Thursday, April 27 - Chapter 26, section 2 reading notes due 
  • Friday, April 28 - Unit 6 reading quiz
  • Monday, May 1 - South Asia Map check (You may use your completed map to complete this assessment)
  • Friday, May 5 - Unit 6 test

Friday, April 21, 2017

HWC Day 55 - Comparing Historical Accounts of Events in East Asia

Objective:  Compare and contrast accounts of select events in the history of East Asia.

Task:    Anyoung haseyo!  We'll spend the first few minutes of class discussing "Korea" and the status of North Korea.  Then, we'll split up into groups to analyze accounts in history textbooks.

Upcoming Due Dates:
  • TODAY - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" & documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Monday, April 24 - Unit 5 Test
  • Monday, April 24 - Unit 5 SJSs & Unit 5 PDPs due on class blog
  • Tuesday, April 25 - "Breaking Free" reading quiz
  • Friday, April 29 - "Mughal Dynasties" reading due in class
  • Tuesday, May 2 - "The Partition of India, 1947 - Background Essay" reflection due on Schoology BEFORE class
  • Thursday, May 4 - Sri Lanka Case Study due in class
  • Monday, May 8 - "India's New Economy" due in class
  • Tuesday, May 9 - Fishbowl discussions - "India Changes Course" & "The Struggle for Women's Empowerment in India"
  • Wednesday, May 10 - Unit 6 Test

Soc Day 55 - Gender & Ageism Assessment

Objective:  Assess knowledge and understanding of "age" and "gender" as social constructs.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desk of everything except a pencil in preparation for your quiz.  As you work through the quiz, please read each question carefully and choose the best possible answer.  For the short answer questions, please make sure that you fully answer each question and provide specific details from class activities to support your argument.  Finally, before handing in your quiz, please double check all of your work.

If you finish before class is over, please watch "Gender - The Space Between" (CBS News, 3/17/2017) or begin working on the assignments for unit 4.

  • TODAY - Unit 3 test (study guide on Schoology)
  • Monday, April 24 - "When Did Jews Become White Folks?" class discussion (Critically read the article and be ready with questions and comments for the class discussion)
  • Thursday, May 4 - Race & ethnicity vocabulary due

West Civ Day 54 - Speeches from the Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment

Objective:  Present a speech representing an individual from the Scientific Revolution or Enlightenment.

Task:  Bonjour!  As soon as you arrive to class, please get out any notes needed for your presentation.  We'll spend the class period watching your speeches on the Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment.

  • TODAY - "Thinkers" biographies due at the beginning of the class
  • Monday, April 24 - "France Under the Old Regime" comprehension & completion check (in "French Revolution, Napoleon, & Nationalism" Schoology folder)
Do you want to learn more?  Consider the resources below...

CPWC Day 57 - Unit 5 Test

Objectives:  Assess knowledge and understanding of the history, culture, geography, and contemporary issues of East Asia.

Task:  Happy Friday!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except a pencil in preparation for the test.  As you work through the test, be sure to read each question carefully and to select the BEST possible answer.  Before turning in your test, please check your work.  After you've finished the test, please work on the unit 6 homework.

  • TODAY - Unit 5 test
  • Monday, April 24 - Chapter 24, section 1 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, April 25 - Chapter 24, section 3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, April 26 - Chapter 26, section 1 reading notes due
  • Thursday, April 27 - Chapter 26, section 2 reading notes due
  • Friday, April 28 - Unit 6 reading quiz
  • Friday, May 5 - Unit 6 test

Thursday, April 20, 2017

HWC Day 53 - Comparing North & South Korea

Objective:  Identify significant events in the history of Korea. Compare and contrast contemporary North and South Korea.

Task:    Anyoung haseyo!  Today, we'll continue our consideration of East Asia with a comparison of North and South Korea.  First, we'll develop a timeline of significant events in the history of the Korean peninsula.  Then, you'll research contemporary North and South Korea and complete "Defining Korea."

Upcoming Due Dates:
  • Friday, April 21 - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" & documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Monday, April 24 - Unit 5 Test
  • Monday, April 24 - Unit 5 SJSs & Unit 5 PDPs due on class blog
Extending class discussion:

Soc Day 54 - Gender & Ageism Wrap-Up

Objective:  Explore social expectations and reactions to age, aging, and gender.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please log in to Quizizz to complete the Gender Equality Quiz.  After we've finished our discussion, you'll select a post to further explore gender and/or ageism with a blog post.  Then, you'll work with other students who selected the same post to share main ideas with the class.

  • Friday, April 21 - Unit 3 test (study guide on Schoology)

West Civ Day 53 - Great Thinkers Speeches

Objective:  Present a speech representing an individual from the Scientific Revolution or Enlightenment.

Task:  Bonjour!  As soon as you arrive to class, please get out any notes needed for your presentation.  We'll spend the class period watching your speeches on the Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment.

  • TODAY - "Thinkers" biographies due at the beginning of the class
  • Friday, April 21 - Quiz on Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment
  • Monday, April 24 - "France Under the Old Regime" comprehension & completion check (in "French Revolution, Napoleon, & Nationalism" Schoology folder)
Do you want to learn more?  Consider the resources below...

CPWC Day 56 - Korea in the World

Objectives:  Compare and contrast the contemporary status of North and South Korea.

Task:  Good morning!  Today, we'll finish up our studies of East Asia with an examination of North & South Korea.  When you arrive to class, please find a partner and get a whiteboard, marker, & eraser.  Open "Reflection - Totalitarianism in North Korea" and discuss these questions with your partner.  Use the whiteboard to take notes on your discussion and be ready to share with the class.   After our class discussion, we'll use the ABC-Clio Geography database to compare North Korea and South Korea.  Finally, if there is any time remaining, we'll review for tomorrow's test.

  • Friday, April 21 - Unit 5 test
Extending class discussion:

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

HWC Day 52 - Japan Wrap-Up

Objective:  Investigate the status of contemporary Japan.

Task:    Kon'nichiwa!  When you arrive to class please open your notes on Japan.  We'll finish our notes on Japan before moving into circles for the fishbowl discussion on the Meiji Restoration.  Finally, we'll end class with a brief discussion on the challenges faced by contemporary Japan.

Upcoming Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Meiji Restoration fishbowl discussion (see explanation in Schoology) - Participant reflection & discussion questions posted to Schoology BEFORE class
  • Thursday, April 20 - Discussion "Reviving Shinto" (Christian Science Monitor, 10/5/2015)
  • Friday, April 21 - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" & documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Monday, April 24 - Unit 5 Test
  • Monday, April 24 - Unit 5 SJSs & Unit 5 PDPs due on class blog

Soc Day 53 - Considering Ageism

Objective:  Explore social expectations and reactions to age and aging.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up "Facts on Aging."  We'll spend the first few minutes of class reviewing and discussing your work.  Then, we'll split into groups to explore the problems and advantages of various age groups.  

  • Friday, April 21 - Unit 3 test (study guide on Schoology)

West Civ Day 52 - Enlightenment Research

Objective:  Research a select individual from the Scientific Revolution or Enlightenment.

Task:  Bonjour!  Today, you'll use your class time to research and create a "thumbnail sketch" of an individual from the Scientific Revolution or Enlightenment.  You'll summarize your work on a shared GoogleDoc and prepare for your performance tomorrow.

  • TODAY - Report directly to the library
  • Thursday, April 20 - "Thinkers" biographies due at the beginning of the class
  • Friday, April 21 - Quiz on Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment
  • Monday, April 24 - "France Under the Old Regime" comprehension & completion check (in "French Revolution, Napoleon, & Nationalism" Schoology folder)

CPWC Day 55 - Considering Korea

 Objectives:  Compare and contrast the contemporary status of North and South Korea.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open "Top Ten Things to Know About Korea."  We'll spend the first few minutes of class reviewing the reading.  Then, we'll watch a documentary on North Korea.

  • TODAY - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" due in class
  • Friday, April 21 - Unit 5 test
Do you want to learn more about North Korea?

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

HWC Day 51 - Japan in the World

Objective:  Investigate the status of contemporary Japan.

Task:    Kon'nichiwa!  When you arrive to class please clear your desk of everything except your index card and a pen or pencil in preparation for the reading quiz.  After everyone has finished the reading quiz, we'll finish our notes on Japan and review the "Rescript on Education."

Upcoming Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Chapter 11 reading quiz
  • Wednesday, April 19 - Meiji Restoration fishbowl discussion (see explanation in Schoology) - Participant reflection & discussion questions posted to Schoology BEFORE class
  • Thursday, April 20 - Discussion "Reviving Shinto" (Christian Science Monitor, 10/5/2015)
  • Friday, April 21 - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" & documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Monday, April 24 - Unit 5 Test
  • Monday, April 24 - Unit 5 SJSs & Unit 5 PDPs due on class blog

Soc Day 52 - Ageism

Objective:  Explore social expectations and reactions to age and aging.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download and complete "Facts on Aging."  Once everyone has finished the activity, we'll finish our unit 3 notes on ageism.  Then, we'll revisit the generational divide from unit 1 with a short audio clip "Millennials To Bear The Burden of Boomer's Social Safety Net" (Morning Edition, NPR, 3/4/2014).

  • Friday, April 21 - Unit 3 test (study guide on Schoology)

West Civ Day 51 - A New Age of Reason

Objective:  Assess knowledge of the English Civil War and Cromwell's role in history.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download "The Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment" notes.  We'll spend the first portion of class creating an overview of the period.  Finally, you'll begin research on your assigned scientist or philosopher.

  • Wednesday, April 19 - Report directly to the library
  • Thursday, April 20 - "Thinkers" biographies due at the beginning of the class
  • Friday, April 21 - Quiz on Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment

CPWC Day 54 - Understanding Japan

 Objectives:  Describe select significant events in the history of Japan.  Identify the impact of Shinto & Buddhism on the culture of Japan.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up "Rescript on Education."  We'll begin class with a group analysis of the document.  Then, we'll finish our notes on Japan.  Finally, if there is time remaining, you'll begin reading your homework assignment.

  • Wednesday, April 19 - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" due in class
  • Friday, April 21 - Unit 5 test

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

HWC Day 50 - Introduction to Japan

Objective:  Evaluate the course and results of the Cultural Revolution in China.

Task:    Kon'nichiwa!  Today we'll begin our examination of Japan with notes on the history of Japan.  Specifically, we'll consider feudal Japan, the Tokugawa Shogunate, & the Meiji Restoration.

Upcoming Due Dates:
  • Tuesday, April 18 - Chapter 11 reading quiz
  • Wednesday, April 19 - Meiji Restoration fishbowl discussion (see explanation in Schoology) - Participant reflection & discussion questions posted to Schoology BEFORE class
  • Thursday, April 20 - Discussion "Reviving Shinto" (Christian Science Monitor, 10/5/2015)
  • Friday, April 21 - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" & documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Monday, April 24 - Unit 5 Test
  • Monday, April 24 - Unit 5 SJSs & Unit 5 PDPs due on class blog

Soc Day 51 - Changing Gender Norms

Objective:  Examine & reflect on the ways that society constructs gender.

Task:  Good morning!  Today, we'll continue our studies on gender with an examination of changing gender norms in America.  Specifically, you'll watch a promotional video for a home economics class.  Then, you'll reflect on the norms that have changed and stayed the same.

  • TODAY - "The Mask You Live In" Reflection (optional extra credit)
  • Friday, April 21 - Unit 3 test (study guide on Schoology)

West Civ Day 50 - The English Civil War & Scientific Revolution

Objective:  Assess knowledge of the English Civil War and Cromwell's role in history.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download "The Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment" notes.  We'll spend the first portion of class creating an overview of the period.  Finally, you'll begin research on your assigned scientist or philosopher.

  • Wednesday, April 19 - Report directly to the library
  • Thursday, April 20 - "Thinkers" biographies due at the beginning of the class
  • Friday, April 21 - Quiz on Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment

CPWC Day 53 - A Brief History of Japan

 Objectives:  Describe select significant events in the history of Japan.  Identify the impact of Shinto & Buddhism on the culture of Japan.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please grab a whiteboard and open up your notes on Shinto & Buddhism.  On the whiteboard, write down the three most important influences of these religions in Japan.  After our discussion on the religions of Japan, you'll take notes on the history of Japan.  Finally, you'll finish the week analyzing the "Rescript on Education."

  • TODAY - Condensed History of China due in Schoology by midnight
  • TODAY - Communism in China due in class
  • Friday, April 21 - Unit 5 test

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

HWC Day 49 - Red Guards Simulation

Objective:  Evaluate the course and results of the Cultural Revolution in China.

Task:    Ni hao!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks and review the student information on the Red Guards simulation.  Before we begin, I'll answer your questions about the simulation.  Then, you'll choose an identity and we'll jump into our simulation.

Upcoming Due Dates:
  • TODAY  - Read "Red Guard Simulation" - be ready to participate in the simulation when you arrive to class!
  • Tuesday, April 18 - Chapter 11 reading quiz
  • Wednesday, April 19 - Meiji Restoration fishbowl discussion (see explanation in Schoology) - Participant reflection & discussion questions posted to Schoology BEFORE class
  • Thursday, April 20 - Discussion "Reviving Shinto" (Christian Science Monitor, 10/5/2015)
  • Friday, April 21 - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" & documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Monday, April 24 - Unit 5 Test
  • Monday, April 24 - Unit 5 SJSs & Unit 5 PDPs due on class blo

Soc Day 50 - Constructing Gender

Objective:  Examine & reflect on the ways that society constructs gender.

Task:  Good morning!  Today, we'll continue our studies on gender by finishing our examination of masculinity.  We'll end class with a discussion comparing ideals of masculinity & femininity in the United States.

  • Wednesday, April 12 - "The Mask You Live In" Reflection (optional extra credit)
  • Friday, April 21 - Unit 3 test (study guide on Schoology)

West Civ Day 49 - Absolutism vs. Constitutionalism

Objective:  Examine reactions to Stuart absolutism in England.  Consider the historic role of Oliver Cromwell.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up your Cromwell notes.  We'll finish our examination of the the English Civil War today with a discussion

Lecture 7: The English Civil War (History Guide)

  • Wednesday, April 11 - Quiz on Cromwell & English Civil War (read "Cromwell - Hero or Tyrant? OR watch the video below in preparation)

CPWC Day 52 - China Wrap-Up and Japan Introduction

 Objectives:  Examine select events in China's history.  Assess knowledge and understanding of East Asia readings.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up your notes on communism in China.  We'll form a discussion circle to review the main themes and identify the significance  of these events.  Then, you'll examine three sources on Zen Buddhism and Shinto in Japan to begin our consideration of Japan.

  • TODAY - Condensed History of China due in Schoology by midnight
  • TODAY - Communism in China due in class
  • Thursday, April 20 - Unit 5 test

Monday, April 10, 2017

HWC Day 48 - Transnationalism Quiz & Contemporary China

Objective:  Explore select events in China's history.  Identify characteristics of contemporary China.

Task:    Ni hao!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desk of everything except a pencil and your index card in preparation for your reading quiz.  After you've finished the quiz, please open up and read through "Red Guard Simulation - Student Information" in preparation for an activity tomorrow.  Once everyone has finished the quiz, we'll watch the end of "Tank Man" to examine contemporary China.

Upcoming Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Transnationalism reading quiz
  • Tuesday, April 11 - Read "Red Guard Simulation" - be ready to participate in the simulation when you arrive to class!
  • Tuesday, April 18 - Chapter 11 reading quiz
  • Wednesday, April 19 - Meiji Restoration fishbowl discussion (see explanation in Schoology) - Participant reflection & discussion questions posted to Schoology BEFORE class
  • Thursday, April 20 - Discussion "Reviving Shinto" (Christian Science Monitor, 10/5/2015)
  • Friday, April 21 - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" & documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Monday, April 24 - Unit 5 Test
  • Monday, April 24 - Unit 5 SJSs & Unit 5 PDPs due on class blog

Soc Day 49 - Examining Masculinity

Objective:  Examine & reflect on the ways that society constructs gender.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up "The Mask You Live In."  We'll spend the first portion of class watching one last segment of the documentary.  Then, you'll work on "Considering Constructions of Masculinity."  

  • Wednesday, April 12 - "The Mask You Live In" Reflection (optional extra credit)

West Civ Day 48 - Representative Government in England

Objective:  Examine reactions to Stuart absolutism in England.  Consider the historic role of Oliver Cromwell.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up your Cromwell notes.  We'll spend a few minutes reviewing your notes before jumping back into the film.  Then, we'll continue taking notes on the Puritan Revolution in England.

Lecture 7: The English Civil War (History Guide)

  • Wednesday, April 11 - Quiz on Cromwell & English Civil War (read "Cromwell - Hero or Tyrant? OR watch the video below in preparation)

CPWC Day 51 - Communism in China

 Objectives:  Examine select events in China's history.  Assess knowledge and understanding of East Asia readings.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except a pencil and your index card in preparation for the reading quiz.  After you've finished the reading quiz, please turn it in at the back of the room and work on Case Study: Communism in China.  Next, we'll review the viewing guide from Friday and you'll use the remainder of class to investigate communism in China.

  • TODAY - Unit 5 reading quiz (27.1, 27.3, 28.2, 29.1, 29.2 - two-sided index card may be used)
  • TODAY - Condensed History of China due in Schoology by midnight
  • Tuesday, April 11 - Communism in China due in class
  • Thursday, April 20 - Unit 5 test

Friday, April 7, 2017

HWC Day 47 - Communism in China

Objective:  Explore select events in China's history.  Identify central tenets of religions and philosophies of East Asia.

Task:    Ni hao!  When you arrive to class, please pick up a white board and marker.  We'll spend the first few minutes of class identifying themes in the development of communism in China.  Then, we'll form a discussion circle to consider communism in China and Mao's role in history.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class looking at the events at Tiananmen Square in 1989.

Upcoming Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Communism in China - Complete "Case Study: Communism in China" and read "Mao: Liberator or Oppressor?" need to be completed BEFORE class in preparation for discussion
  • Monday, April 10 - Transnationalism reading quiz
  • Tuesday, April 18 - Chapter 11 reading quiz
  • Wednesday, April 19 - Meiji Restoration fishbowl discussion (see explanation in Schoology) - Participant reflection & discussion questions posted to Schoology BEFORE class
  • Thursday, April 20 - Discussion "Reviving Shinto" (Christian Science Monitor, 10/5/2015)
  • Friday, April 21 - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" & documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Monday, April 24 - Unit 5 Test
  • Monday, April 24 - Unit 5 SJSs & Unit 5 PDPs due on class blog

Soc Day 48 - "The Mask You Live In"

Objective:  Examine & reflect on the ways that society constructs gender.

Task:  Happy Friday!  Up to this point, our studies of gender have largely focused on women and femininity.  Today, we'll shift our focus to the pressures associated with masculinity.  While you watch the documentary, please complete the viewing guide.

  • TODAY- Gendered Products chart & reflection due in class

West Civ Day 47 - The Puritan Revolution

Objective:  Examine reactions to Stuart absolutism in England.  Consider the historic role of Oliver Cromwell.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up your Cromwell notes.  We'll spend the first few minutes of class reviewing the origins of the revolution.  Then, we'll continue taking notes on the Puritan Revolution in England.

Lecture 7: The English Civil War (History Guide)

  • Tuesday, April 11 - Quiz on Cromwell & the English Civil War

CPWC Day 50 - Exploring the History of China

 Objectives:  Examine select events in China's history.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please upload your reading notes to the appropriate dropbox in Schoology.  Then, download and complete "China Under Siege."  We'll continue our examination of China's history by completing Condensed History.  Finally, we'll end class with an overview of China's transition from empire to state.

  • TODAY - Chapter 29, section 2 reading notes due in class
  • TODAY - East Asia map due by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, April 10 - Unit 5 reading quiz (27.1, 27.3, 28.2, 29.1, 29.2 - two-sided index card may be used)
  • Monday, April 10 - Condensed History of China due in Schoology by midnight
  • Thursday, April 20 - Unit 5 test

Thursday, April 6, 2017

HWC Day 46 - Boxer Discussion & China History Review

Objective:  Explore select events in China's history.  Identify central tenets of religions and philosophies of East Asia.

Task:    Ni hao!  When you arrive to class, please open up your religions of China Venn diagram.  We'll spend the first few minutes finishing our notes on Confucianism and Daoism.  Then, you'll participate in a short activity to assess your knowledge and understanding of the history of China.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class either participating in or observing the discussion on the Boxer Rebellion.

Upcoming Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Boxer Rebellion fishbowl discussion (see explanation in Schoology) - Participant reflection & discussion questions posted to Schoology BEFORE class
  • Friday, April 7 - Communism in China - Complete "Case Study: Communism in China" and read "Mao: Liberator or Oppressor?" need to be completed BEFORE class in preparation for discussion
  • Monday, April 10 - Transnationalism reading quiz
  • Tuesday, April 18 - Chapter 11 reading quiz
  • Wednesday, April 19 - Meiji Restoration fishbowl discussion (see explanation in Schoology) - Participant reflection & discussion questions posted to Schoology BEFORE class
  • Thursday, April 20 - Discussion "Reviving Shinto" (Christian Science Monitor, 10/5/2015)
  • Friday, April 21 - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" & documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Monday, April 24 - Unit 5 Test
  • Monday, April 24 - Unit 5 SJSs & Unit 5 PDPs due on class blog

Soc Day 47 - Gender Disparity

Objective:  Examine & reflect on the ways that society constructs gender.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up your notes on gender.  We'll finish our notes on gender and discuss the various ways in which society reinforces gender norms and the ways in which gender norms have been changing.

  • Friday, April 7 - Gendered Products chart & reflection due in class

CPWC Day 49 - Religion & History in China

 Objectives:  Investigate the historic and cultural significance of the Silk Road.  Examine select events in China's history.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please upload your reading notes to the appropriate dropbox in Schoology.  Then, open up your Silk Road activity.  We'll spend the first few minutes of class reviewing your work.  Then, you'll complete "Who Was Confucius" and we'll finish reviewing your Venn diagram comparing the Three Teachings.  Finally, you'll use the last portion of class to complete "Condensed History of China."

  • TODAY  - Chapter 29, section 1 reading notes due in class
  • Friday, April 7 - Chapter 29, section 2 reading notes due in class
  • Friday, April 7 - East Asia map due by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, April 8 - Unit 5 reading quiz (27.1, 27.3, 28.2, 29.1, 29.2 - two-sided index card may be used)
  • Thursday, April 20 - Unit 5 test

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

HWC Day 45 - Religions & History of China

Objective:  Explore select events in China's history.  Identify central tenets of religions and philosophies of East Asia.

Task:    Ni hao!  Today, we'll continue our exploration of the history of China and begin our consideration of the religions of East Asia.  We'll spend the first portion of class reviewing the VoiceThread on the history of China.  Then, we'll discuss the origins of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism in China.

Upcoming Due Dates:
  • Thursday, April 6 - Boxer Rebellion fishbowl discussion (see explanation in Schoology) - Participant reflection & discussion questions posted to Schoology BEFORE class
  • Friday, April 7 - Communism in China - Complete "Case Study: Communism in China" and read "Mao: Liberator or Oppressor?" need to be completed BEFORE class in preparation for discussion
  • Monday, April 10 - Transnationalism reading quiz
  • Tuesday, April 18 - Chapter 11 reading quiz
  • Wednesday, April 19 - Meiji Restoration fishbowl discussion (see explanation in Schoology) - Participant reflection & discussion questions posted to Schoology BEFORE class
  • Thursday, April 20 - Discussion "Reviving Shinto" (Christian Science Monitor, 10/5/2015)
  • Friday, April 21 - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" & documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Monday, April 24 - Unit 5 Test
  • Monday, April 24 - Unit 5 SJSs & Unit 5 PDPs due on class blog

Soc Day 46 - Gender Socialization

Objective:  Examine & reflect on the ways that society constructs gender.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up your notes on gender.  We'll continue our discussion and examination of gender socialization.  If there is any time remaining, you'll work on your gendered products chart.

  • TODAY - Miss Representation Reflection (optional extra credit for quarter 3)
  • Friday, April 7 - Gendered Products chart & reflection due in class
For further consideration:  You may want to check out this outdated test gender role test, BEM Sex Role Inventory.  This survey, created in 1971, is based on traditional sex roles & stereotypes.  This could be used as a primary document to demonstrate changing cultural perceptions of gender.

West Civ Day 46 - Cromwell & the English Revolution

Objective:  Examine reactions to Stuart absolutism in England.  Consider the historic role of Oliver Cromwell.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up your Cromwell notes.  We'll spend the first few minutes of class reviewing the origins of the revolution.  Then, we'll continue taking notes on the Puritan Revolution in England.

Lecture 7: The English Civil War (History Guide)

  • TODAY - Absolutism crossword due in class
  • Monday, April 10 - Quiz on Cromwell & the English Civil War

CPWC Day 48 - Exploring the History of China

 Objectives:  Investigate the historic and cultural significance of the Silk Road.  Examine select events in China's history.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please upload your reading notes to the appropriate dropbox in Schoology.  Then, download  "Exploring the Silk Road. "  We'll watch the video together and then you'll use the Chromebooks to complete the directed research activity.  After you've finished the Silk Road, you'll work with a partner to complete "Condensed History of China."  Finally, we'll end class with a review of the religions of China.

  • TODAY - Chapter 27, section 3 reading notes due in class
  • Wednesday, April 5 - Chapter 28, section 2 reading notes due in class
  • Thursday, April 6 - Chapter 29, section 1 reading notes due in class
  • Friday, April 7 - Chapter 29, section 2 reading notes due in class
  • Friday, April 7 - East Asia map due by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, April 8 - Unit 5 reading quiz (27.1, 27.3, 28.2, 29.1, 29.2 - two-sided index card may be used)
  • Thursday, April 20 - Unit 5 test

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

HWC Day 44 - History of China

Objective:  Explore select events in China's history.

Task:    Ni hao!  Today, we're going to explore select events in the history of China.  First, you'll complete "Exploring the Silk Road."  After you've finished the worksheet, please write a concise summary explaining the significance of the Silk Road in the history and development of China.  Submit the summary to the provided dropbox in Schoology.  Then, review the VoiceThread to identify trends in themes in the history of China.  Finally, use the remainder of class to read "China's Interesting Times."

Upcoming Due Dates:
  • TODAY - East Asia map due
  • Thursday, April 6 - Boxer Rebellion fishbowl discussion (see explanation in Schoology) - Participant reflection & discussion questions posted to Schoology BEFORE class
  • Friday, April 7 - Communism in China - Complete "Case Study: Communism in China" and read "Mao: Liberator or Oppressor?" need to be completed BEFORE class in preparation for discussion
  • Monday, April 10 - Transnationalism reading quiz
  • Tuesday, April 18 - Chapter 11 reading quiz
  • Wednesday, April 19 - Meiji Restoration fishbowl discussion (see explanation in Schoology) - Participant reflection & discussion questions posted to Schoology BEFORE class
  • Thursday, April 20 - Discussion "Reviving Shinto" (Christian Science Monitor, 10/5/2015)
  • Friday, April 21 - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" & documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Monday, April 24 - Unit 5 Test
  • Monday, April 24 - Unit 5 SJSs & Unit 5 PDPs due on class blog

Soc Day 45 - Gendered Marketing

Objective:  Examine & reflect on the ways that society constructs gender.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up "Gendered Media & Gendered Products."  Watch the clip from Ellen and then read through the links about the impact of gender marketing.  Finally, begin working on the chart identifying and analyzing gendered products.


  • Wednesday, April 5 - Miss Representation Reflection (optional extra credit for quarter 3)
  • Friday, April 7 - Gendered Products chart & reflection due in class

West Civ Day 45 - Cromwell & the Puritan Revolution in England

Objective:  Examine reactions to Stuart absolutism in England.  Consider the historic role of Oliver Cromwell.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download the "Cromwell viewing guide."  You'll use this resource to take notes while viewing this classic film about the Puritan Revolution in England.

Lecture 7: The English Civil War (History Guide)


  • Wednesday, April 5 - Absolutism crossword due in class
  • Monday, April 10 - Quiz on Cromwell & the English Civil War

CPWC Day 47 - China Inside Out & East Asia Map

 Objectives:  Examine the changes in contemporary China.  Label geographic & political features of East Asia.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please upload your reading notes to the appropriate dropbox in Schoology.  Then, download  "China Inside Out" viewing guide.  As you watch the film, please take notes in the upper section.  After the film, use your notes to create a concise summary of the changes in China and China's role in the international community.  After you've submitted your work, please use the remainder of class to work on your East Asia map.  If you finish early, please work on your next set of reading notes.

  • TODAY - Chapter 27, section 3 reading notes due in class
  • Wednesday, April 5 - Chapter 28, section 2 reading notes due in class
  • Thursday, April 6 - Chapter 29, section 1 reading notes due in class
  • Friday, April 7 - Chapter 29, section 2 reading notes due in class
  • Friday, April 7 - East Asia map due by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, April 8 - Unit 5 reading quiz (27.1, 27.3, 28.2, 29.1, 29.2 - two-sided index card may be used)
  • Thursday, April 20 - Unit 5 test

Monday, April 3, 2017

HWC Day 43 - Introduction to East Asia

Objective: Assess knowledge of the geography of Europe.  Explore select events in China's history.

Task:     Good afternoon! When you arrive to class, please get out a pen or pencil in preparation for your Europe map quiz.  After you've finished the quiz, pleas pick a topic from Mrs. Friday.  You'll be responsible for researching and posting a summary of your topic to the collaborative VoiceThread.

Directions for VoiceThread:  First, go to "Considering China" in the History of East Asia folder in unit 5 of Schoology to find the VoiceThread.   Use the resources provided on your page of the VoiceThread to learn about the historical and cultural significance of your topic.  Then, summarize the significance as a comment on the appropriate page of the VoiceThread.  (Please note:  In order to access and comment on our collaborative VoiceThread, you must sign-up for a free account using your SV student account.  If you don't have the VoiceThread app, you'll need to use the Chromebooks to access and comment to our collaborative VoiceThread.)

Upcoming Due Dates:
  • TODAY - Europe map quiz
  • Tuesday, April 4 - East Asia map due
  • Thursday, April 6 - Boxer Rebellion fishbowl discussion (see explanation in Schoology) - Participant reflection & discussion questions posted to Schoology BEFORE class
  • Friday, April 7 - Communism in China - Complete "Case Study: Communism in China" and read "Mao: Liberator or Oppressor?" need to be completed BEFORE class in preparation for discussion
  • Monday, April 10 - Transnationalism reading quiz
  • Tuesday, April 18 - Chapter 11 reading quiz
  • Wednesday, April 19 - Meiji Restoration fishbowl discussion (see explanation in Schoology) - Participant reflection & discussion questions posted to Schoology BEFORE class
  • Thursday, April 20 - Discussion "Reviving Shinto" (Christian Science Monitor, 10/5/2015)
  • Friday, April 21 - "Top 10 Things to Know About Korea" & documentary discussion - post reflection before class
  • Monday, April 24 - Unit 5 Test
  • Monday, April 24 - Unit 5 SJSs & Unit 5 PDPs due on class blog

Soc Day 44 - Social Construction of Gender

Objective:  Examine & reflect on the ways that society constructs gender.

Task:  Good morning!  Today, we'll continue our examination of the social construction of gender.  When you arrive to class, get out a piece of scratch paper and create a T-chart identifying characteristics associated with masculinity and femininity.  We'll get into small groups to compare and discuss the lists.  Then, we'll continue our notes with factors that contribute to gender socialization.

West Civ Day 44 - Absolutism Wrap-Up

Objective:  Review the various manifestations of absolutism in Europe.

Task:  Bonjour!  When you arrive to class, please find a partner.  You'll work with your partner to complete a review of the age of absolutism.  Then, we'll briefly examine the roots of the English Civil War in preparation for our examination of the role of Oliver Cromwell.

Lecture 7: The English Civil War (History Guide)

CPWC Day 46 - Introduction to East Asia

 Objectives:  Compare the United States & China.  Explore the religions & philosophies of East Asia.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please upload your reading notes to the appropriate dropbox in Schoology.  Then, download and complete "China or US?"  We'll begin this unit exploring the similarities and differences between the United States & Chia.  Then, you'll watch a short video and take notes on the religions of China. Finally, you'll use the remainder of class to work on the East Asia map.

  • TODAY - Chapter 27, section 1 reading notes due in class
  • Tuesday, April 4 - Chapter 27, section 3 reading notes due in class
  • Wednesday, April 5 - Chapter 28, section 2 reading notes due in class
  • Thursday, April 6 - Chapter 29, section 1 reading notes due in class
  • Friday, April 7 - Chapter 29, section 2 reading notes due in class
  • Friday, April 7 - East Asia map due by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, April 8 - Unit 5 reading quiz (27.1, 27.3, 28.2, 29.1, 29.2 - two-sided index card may be used)
  • Thursday, April 20 - Unit 5 test