Purpose: Assess knowledge and understanding of the geography, history, culture, and contemporary issues of East Asia.
Task: Yeoboseyo! When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except for a pencil in preparation for the test. Please read each question carefully and check your work before turning your test in at the back of the room. When you've finished the exam, please turn it in at the back of the room and work on your research project or your unit 5 homework.
- Monday, November 21 - Unit 5 Test
- Friday, November 18 - Unit 5 SJSs due on class blog
- Monday, November 21 - Thesis due on class blog by 3:00 pm
- Tuesday, November 22 - Peer review of thesis statement due on class blog by 3:00 pm
- Tuesday, November 29 - "Breaking Free" reflection post due BEFORE class
- Thursday, December 1 - "Mughal Dynasties" reading due in class
- Thursday, December 1 - Note cards due to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 pm
- Friday, December 2 - "The Partition of India, 1947 - Background Essay" reflection due on Schoology before class
- Monday, December 5 - Sri Lanka Case Study due BEFORE class
- Wednesday, December 7 - Outline due in GoogleDocs by 3:00 pm (Be sure to give your peer reviewer and Mrs. Friday the ability to comment)
- Thursday, December 8 - "India's New Economy" due in class
- Friday, December 9 - Peer review due on outline by 3:00 pm
- Monday, December 12 - Fishbowl discussions - "India Changes Course" & "The Struggle for Women's Empowerment in India"
- Thursday, December 15 - First draft due in GoogleDocs by7:30 am (Be sure to give your peer reviewer and Mrs. Friday the ability to edit)
- Friday, December 16 - Unit 6 Test
- Friday, December 16 - Peer review of first draft due by 3:00 pm
- Friday, December 16 - Unit 6 SJS due on class blog
- Thursday, December 22 - Final draft due by 3:00 pm (Must be submitted as a PDF to Schoology dropbox)