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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

CPWC Day 3 - Basics of Geography

*Be sure to have the Socrative App installed on your I-Pad BEFORE class tomorrow.

Objective: Explore the perspectives and portrayals of spatial relationships.  Establish a process for studying maps.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please get out your human bingo sheet, "Maps of Scale," and "Dreaming Upside Down."  We'll spend the first few minutes of class pulling together these seemingly disparate activities to establish a basis for exploring world cultures.  Then, we'll review some basic geographic terms and locations.  Finally, we'll create our own cultural regions map to end class.

  • TODAY - Parent Information (GoogleForm via Schoology) and email to Mrs. Friday due by 11:59 pm
  • Thursday, September 1 - Geography chapter 1, section 1 reading notes due by the beginning of class
  • Tuesday, September 6 - Geography chapter 1, section 2 reading notes due by the beginning of class

HWC Day 3 - GGS Discussion, Culture, & Collaboration

Objectives: Define the characteristics and elements of culture. Analyze and critique the arguments presented in Guns, Germs, & Steel.  Collaborate to create a presentation on essential social science concepts.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download "What is Culture? (notes)" from Schoology.  We'll consider both the characteristics and elements of culture.  Then, we'll form a circle to discuss Guns, Germs, & Steel.  Finally, you'll have the remainder of class to work on your Primer presentations.

  • TODAY - Bring all GGS materials to class (text, reviews,  & reading notes)
  • TODAY - Parent information (via GoogleForm in Schoology) & email to Mrs. Friday by 11:59 pm
  • Thursday, September 1 - GGS reading quiz (1 side of 3x5 index card permitted)
  • Tuesday, September 6 - Primer presentations due in class
  • Tuesday, September 6 - PDP, PDC, SJS selections  (only 3 per unit)
  • Wednesday, September 7 - "Becoming Human" discussion (watch interactive video on a computer (runs on Flash) or read the transcript)
  • Thursday, September 8 - Globalization & Diversity chapter 1 reading quiz (1 side of 3x 5 index card permitted)
  • Monday, September 12 - Imperialism discussion (complete Venn diagram and chart in preparation for our discussion)
  • Wednesday, September 14 - Unit 1 Test (study guide will be posted on or before Friday, September 9)

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

CPWC Day 2 - Understanding Spatial Relationships

Objective: Explore the perspectives and portrayals of spatial relationships.  Establish a process for studying maps.

Task:  Happy Tuesday!  When you arrive to please open up, read, and answer the questions about "Dreaming Upside-Down."  Then, we'll go on a short excursion to explore perspective and spatial relationships.  When we return to class, we'll begin to pull together the activities from class today.  If there is any time remaining, we'll begin reading notes for chapter 1.

  • TODAY - Student Information (GoogleForm via Schoology) due by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, August 31 - Parent Information (GoogleForm via Schoology) and email to Mrs. Friday due by 11:59 pm
  • Thursday, September 1 - Geography chapter 1, section 1 reading notes due by the beginning of class
  • Tuesday, September 6 - Geography chapter 1, section 2 reading notes due by the beginning of class

HWC Day 2 - Critical Thinking & Collaboration

Objectives: Identify the characteristics of critical thinking and collaboration.  Collaborate to create a presentation on essential social science concepts.

Task:  Happy Tuesday!  When you arrive to class, please get out your i-Pad and DRAW the characteristics of a critical thinker.  We'll spend the first portion of class discussing the process of critical thinking.  Then, we'll define collaboration and discuss the costs and benefits of collaboration.  Finally, you'll spend the remainder of class working with your partner to create your Primer presentation.

  • TODAY - Hand-written Primer reading notes due in class
  • TODAY- Student Information form due by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, August 31 - Bring all GGS materials to class (text, reviews,  & reading notes)
  • Wednesday, August 31 - Parent information (via GoogleForm in Schoology) & email to Mrs. Friday by 11:59 pm
  • Thursday, September 1 - GGS reading quiz (1 side of 3x5 index card permitted)

Monday, August 29, 2016

CPWC Day 1 - Welcome!

"The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you."  B.B. King

Welcome to CP World Cultures!  In this class we'll explore the history, geography, and contemporary issues of our world.  I encourage you to follow the news and identify connections to class content.  To succeed in CPWC, it is essential that you establish effective, consistent work and study habits.  If you find yourself confused or overwhelmed, please don't hesitate to see or email me.

Objective:  Introduce class procedures and expectations.  Begin to develop class rapport.

Task:  Greetings!  Today we'll get through the usual first day activities, including attendance, seating assignments, class rules & expectations, and book distribution, as quickly as possible.  Then, we'll get to the fun stuff!  We'll all get to know each other a bit with human bingo and then establish individual and class goals.


  • Tuesday, August 30 - Student Information (GoogleForm via Schoology) due by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, August 31 - Parent Information (GoogleForm via Schoology) and email to Mrs. Friday due by 11:59 pm
  • Thursday, September 1 - Geography chapter 1, section 1 reading notes due by the beginning of class
  • Tuesday, September 6 - Geography chapter 1, section 2 reading notes due by the beginning of class

HWC Day 1 - Welcome!

"We are not makers of history.  We are made by history."  Martin Luther King, Jr.

In Honors World Cultures we'll explore the history, geography, & contemporary issues that shape our world.  I encourage you to seek connections between our studies and current news stories and your other courses.  To succeed in HWC, it is essential to establish effective, consistent work and study habits.  If, at any point, you find yourself confused or overwhelmed please don't hesitate to speak with me.

Objectives:  Introduce class procedures and expectations.  Assess knowledge of current global issues.

Task:  Good morning!  Welcome to this reading and writing intensive course!  After all the time and effort you've put in so far, its exciting to finally begin our journey together.  We'll spend the first few minutes of class reviewing class procedures and sign-out your textbooks, Globalization & Diversity and Civilization Primer.   Then, I'll assign the first step in your first group project.

Finally, we'll spend the last 30 minutes of class taking the current events quiz.  When you've finished the quiz, please begin reading and taking notes on your section of the Primer and/or read the GGS reviews (available via Schoology).

Before you leave class, be sure to turn in your rubrics and reading notes on the Great Decisions readings.

Please finish your Primer reading notes for tomorrow and the GGS reviews for Wednesday.


  • TODAY - GGS & GDBB blog comments due by 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday, August 30 - Hand-written Primer reading notes due in class
  • Tuesday, August 30 - Student Information form due by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, August 31 - Bring all GGS materials to class (text, reviews,  & reading notes)
  • Wednesday, August 31 - Parent information (via GoogleForm in Schoology) & email to Mrs. Friday by 11:59 pm
  • Thursday, September 1 - GGS reading quiz (1 side of 3x5 index card permitted)