Free Rice

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Friday, January 30, 2015

HWC Day 5 - GGS Quiz & Culture

Objectives:  Critically examine the arguments presented in Guns, Germs, & Steel.  Define the characteristics and elements of culture.

Task:  Happy Friday!  You'll spend the first portion of class taking your Guns, Germs, & Steel quiz on the Moodle.  You have 40 minutes to complete the quiz, including a 10 minute window to reference your notes and the book reviews summary sheet (not the actual reviews or the text).

After you've finished the quiz, please get out a new sheet of paper to take notes from the Moodle.  Open "Characteristics & Elements of Culture" and copy the notes for your notebook.  It will be helpful to add your own thoughts to these notes.  If there is any time remaining in class, work on the "Foundations Investigation," the Primer presentation, or your chapter 1 reading notes.


  • TODAY - Guns, Germs, & Steel reading quiz
  • Monday, February 2 - Primer presentations 
  • Monday, February 2 - Foundations Investigation due (reminders HWC Day 2 post)
  • Tuesday, February 3 - Watch and evaluate "Man & His Culture" (below) BEFORE class
  • Wednesday, February 4 - Globalization & Diversity chapter 1 reading quiz (reading notes may be used)
  • Thursday, February 5 -  Primer vocabulary quiz
  • Tuesday, February 10 - Unit 1 Test (study guide will be posted on the Moodle on or before Wednesday, February 4)

Man & His Culture
Consider:  This video clip is 60 years old.  What aspects of this video are outdated?  What aspects of the video are still relevant?

Soc Day 5 - A Country of "Victims"?

Objective:  Examine the ways in which society impacts everyday behaviors. Research the lives and major contributions of select sociologists.

Task:  Happy Friday!  We'll spend the first portion of class watching "The Blame Game" - an "expose" on the alleged victimization mentality of Americans.  You'll take notes and answer questions while watching the video.  

After the video, you'll finish posting your audio summaries to the "Pioneers of Sociology" VoiceThread.  Please use the link I sent to you yesterday and, when asked, allow access to microphone to record.   If you are creating a text post (thesis statement & essential vocabulary), please make sure these are brief.  Do NOT type your entire audio post.

If there is any time remaining, please work on your unit 1 vocabulary or read "Grown Up Digital." 

  • Monday, January 30 - Pioneers posts due BEFORE class - Bring headphones or earbuds to class!
  • Monday, February 2 - Unit 1 Vocabulary due
  • Wednesday, February 4 - "Grown Up Digital" Reading Quiz & Discussion

CPWC Day 5 - Foundations Investigation

Objective:  Identify and utilize library sources for CPWC.

Task:  As you come into class, please pick up the "Foundations Investigation" from the podium.  After I assign your research topic for question 24, we'll head down to the library for instruction from Mrs. Sams.

As you complete the  "Foundations Investigation" please consider:
  • All work should be your OWN - this is NOT a collaborative activity and answers should be provided in your own words!
  • Be sure to read and follow directions.  If anything is unclear, ask or e-mail Mrs. Friday.
  • Responses to questions 24 to 26 must be posted in NoodleTools and shared with Mrs. Friday.
    • Dropbox - "CPWC Foundations Investigation (Spring 15)"
  • For question 24, you will find and evaluate a news story and a reference source about one of the following current events topics:
    1. Ebola in West Africa - Lucas, Haley, Zach, Ciarra, Caitlynn
    2. Conflict in Ukraine - Naiomy, Josh, Emily, Will, Nate
    3. US-Cuba Relations - Kenner, Autumn, Jordan, Emalee, James K.
    4. ISIS (aka ISIL and Islamic State) - Ally, Jon M., Kayla, Jon R., Abigail
    5. Taliban - James H., Crystal, Nick, Molly, Sam
    6. Boko Haram - Chelsea, Dylon, Brook, Geoff
  • You must use a PRINT copy of The EconomistTimeThe Week, or Christian Science Monitor for question 25.  It may be useful to complete these questions in class OR to check out the periodicals to work on at home.
  • You must use the New York Times database (Proquest - Historical Newspapers) to complete question 26.   If you don't finish this question in class, be sure one of the database password bookmarks with you.
  • To complete the chart for question 27, go to
  • Monday, February 2 - Foundations Investigation progress check
  • Monday, February 2 - Geography chapter 1 reading quiz (notes may be used)
  • Wednesday, February 4 - Unit 1 Quiz
  • Thursday, February 5 - Foundations Investigation due by 3:00
  • Monday, February 9 - Unit 1 Test

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Model UN - Preparing for MUN at Lehigh (Part II)

Its been a long time since we've met!  By this point, you should have a good understanding of the manner in which your country participates at the UN and in the international community.  Also, you should be familiar with the goals and agenda of your committee. (Please go to Model UN - Preparing for MUN at Lehigh if you need a refresher.)

For our next step, we'll to begin writing resolutions.

  1. Find an issue that your country would address on your committee.  If you are having difficulties, it might be useful to examine the speeches and voting record of your country.
  2. Identify the way that your country would address this issue.  In other words, what is the solution are you proposing?
  3. Begin constructing your resolution.  As with so many other government documents, resolutions are not written in "plain English" but instead follow a formal format.  Heading, preambulatory clauses, and operative clauses.
Resources for Resolution Writing:
  • Model UN Made Easy: How to Write a Resolution - A detailed overview of the process and format for MUN resolutions.
  • WIMUN Guide to Writing an Awesome Resolution - A good, concise summary to writing resolutions.  Keep in mind, our resolutions must be completed (and copied) BEFORE we leave SVHS.  Thus, leave the "Sponsors" section of the header blank.  At MUN, you will try to recruit other countries to sponsor your resolution.
  • Resolutions - A formal, detailed description of the purpose and format for MUN resolutions from UNA-USA.

Please bring a completed resolution to our next meeting.  Also, signed field trip permission slips are due by Thursday, February 12.

HWC Day 4 - Academic Integrity & Historical Periodization

Objectives:  Trace the development of humanity from the origins of man to the 21st century.  Critically examine the arguments presented in Guns, Germs, & Steel.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please work with a partner to identify the 10 most important points from the Becoming Human documentary.  We'll use these points as a starting point for our notes on historical periodization.  Next, we'll take a few minutes to organize your notebooks before splitting into groups to define "academic integrity."  Finally, for the last portion of class, we'll discuss and answer questions about Guns, Germs, & Steel in preparation for tomorrow's quiz.

  • TODAY - Watch & take notes on Becoming Human interactive video before class
  • TODAY - Bring GGS, reading notes & questions, and completed book reviews to class
  • TODAY - Book covers, binder & 10 dividers in class for organization
  • Friday, January 30 - Guns, Germs, & Steel reading quiz
  • Monday, February 2 - Primer presentations 
  • Monday, February 2 - Foundations Investigation due (reminders HWC Day 2 post)
  • Tuesday, February 3 - Watch and evaluate "Man & His Culture" (below) BEFORE class
  • Wednesday, February 4 - Globalization & Diversity chapter 1 reading quiz (reading notes may be used)
  • Thursday, February 5 -  Primer vocabulary quiz
  • Tuesday, February 10 - Unit 1 Test (study guide will be posted on the Moodle on or before Wednesday, February 4)
Resources for class activities:
"Skull Fossil Offers New Clues on Human Journey from Africa" (New York Times, 1/28/2015)

"The Great Leap Forward" Jared Diamond

"Chronological Constructs" from Bridging World History,  Unit 1- Maps, Time, and World History, Annenberg Foundation.

Man & His Culture
Consider:  This video clip is 60 years old.  What aspects of this video are outdated?  What aspects of the video are still relevant?

Soc Day 4 - Foundations of Sociology

Objective:  Examine the ways in which society impacts everyday behaviors. Research the lives and major contributions of select sociologists.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please pick up and complete the social sciences worksheet.  Then, we'll form a discussion circle to consider "What is Sociology?"  After our conversation, we'll begin the introductory notes on sociology.  Finally, you'll use the last portion of class to record your summary on VoiceThread.

  • TODAY- Parent Information Sheet & email due
  • Thursday, January 29 - "What is Sociology?" discussion
  • Friday, January 30 - Pioneers posts due BEFORE class - bring headphones or earbuds to class!
  • Monday, February 2 - Unit 1 Vocabulary due
  • Wednesday, February 4 - "Grown Up Digital" Reading Quiz & Discussion

CPWC Day 4 - Geography Skills & Basics of Culture

 Objective:   Establish strategies for taking successful reading notes.  Identify and label oceans, continents, and cultural regions on a world map.

Task:  When you arrive to class, please pick up the map skills packet on the podium and get out your chapter 1, section 2 reading notes.   Work on the packet while Mrs. Bonenberger and I check your homework.

After the homework check, we'll set up your notebooks with your dividers and the unit summaries.  At this point, you should have the following papers in your notebook:
  • Regulations (before unit 1)
  • Course Overview (before unit 1)
  • Reading strategies (before unit 1)
  • "Importance of Geography"
  • "Dreaming Upside Down"
  • Map skills packet
  • Cultural regions map
Next, we'll begin our examination of culture with some guided notes.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class labeling major cultural regions on a world map.

  • TODAY  - Book cover, binder and 8 dividers due in class
  • TODAY - Geography chapter 1, section 2 notes due in class
  • Monday, February 2 - Geography chapter 1 reading quiz (notes may be used)
  • Wednesday, February 4 - Unit 1 Quiz
  • Thursday, February 5 - Foundations Investigation due by 3:00
  • Monday, February 9 - Unit 1 Test
Using SQ4R to take effective reading notes:

A short YouTube video on how to take better notes in class: 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

HWC Day 3 - Critical Thinking, Collaboration, & Presentation Creation

Objectives:  Identify the characteristics of collaboration and a critical thinker.  Define history and the social sciences as they will be utilized in HWC.

Task:  As you arrive to class, please get out a piece of paper for note-taking.  We'll spend the first portion of class considering the process and importance of critical thinking.  Also, as we begin our first collaborative project, we'll discuss the ethics of learning and the differences between collaboration, cooperation, and copying.

You'll spend the remainder of class with your collaborative group creating your presentation.  Please remember:

  1. While you're working in your groups, I'll come around to check for the completion of your Primer notes.
  2. Be sure to share both the GooglePresentation and GoogleDoc script with Mrs. Friday.  For the title, follow the naming format described on the project description.
  3. The GooglePresentation will be shared with your classmates to be used as a study tool.  Where necessary, include details in the notes section of your Presentation. 
  4. For Monday's presentation, please use notecards (not paper) to support your presentation.
  5. This is the only class time you'll have to work on this project.  Anything not completed today must be completed on your own time.

  • TODAY  - Hand-written Primer reading notes due in class
  • TODAY - Parent Information Sheet (form on Moodle) & email contact due to Mrs. Friday
  • Thursday, January 29 - Watch & take notes on Becoming Human interactive video before class
  • Thursday, January 29 - Bring GGS, reading notes & questions, and completed book reviews to class
  • Thursday, January 29 - Book covers, binder & 10 dividers in class for organization
  • Friday, January 30 - Guns, Germs, & Steel reading quiz
  • Monday, February 2 - Primer presentations 
  • Monday, February 2 - Foundations Investigation due (reminders HWC Day 2 post) 

Soc Day 3 - Pioneers of Sociology

Objective:  Utilize library databases and select web resources to research the biography and contributions of select sociologists.

Task:  Today, we'll begin our exploration of sociology with research on some of the pioneers in the field.  We'll be heading to the library and you'll have the majority of class to research your individual (see assignments at the bottom of this post). As you investigate your sociologist, focus on:

  1. Relevant biographical information (ex. When & where did he/she live?  What were the political/social/economic conditions that contributed to his/her perspective?)
  2. Contributions to the field (ex. Essential concepts and ideas that shaped sociology)
This is your only class time to work on this research.  You should use AT LEAST 2 different sources to gather information.  Cite your sources in NoodleTools and share with my "Soc Pioneers Sources" dropbox.  Tomorrow, you'll be record your audio summary on VoiceThread.

If you finish early, please read "What is Sociology?" in preparation for tomorrow's discussion or work on your unit 1 vocabulary.

The databases, specifically Gale Biography in Context, will be useful for this project.  In addition, you may want to check out the following websites:

  • TODAY- Parent Information Sheet & email due
  • Thursday, January 29 - "What is Sociology?" discussion
  • Friday, January 30 - Pioneers posts due BEFORE class - bring headphones or earbuds to class!
  • Monday, February 2 - Unit 1 Vocabulary due
"Pioneers of Sociology" assignments

  1. Auguste Comte - Brian 
  2. Harriet Martineau - Mark
  3. Herbert Spencer - Hope
  4. Karl Marx - Rowan
  5. Emile Durkheim - Brendan
  6. Max Weber - James
  7. W.E.B. DuBois - Sean
  8. Charles Cooley - Keenan
  9. Ferdinand Tonnies - Liz
  10. C. Wright Mills - Eugenie
  11. Jane Addams - Bridget

CPWC Day 3 - Show What You Know, Reading Strategies, & Geography Skills

Objective:  Assess existing knowledge of geography and culture by completing a pre-test.  Establish strategies for taking successful reading notes.  Identify and label oceans, continents, and cultural regions on a world map.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please find your seat, get out your homework, and check the board for homework reminders. While Mrs. Bonenberger checks homework completion, I'll explain the criteria for the "Sunny Day Chart."

Then, we're going to spend the next portion of class alternately working on two separate activities:
  1. Half of the class will complete a "Show What You Know" activity on the Moodle.   This is NOT a graded assignment BUT it will provide valuable information that I'll use to plan course activities.
  2. Half of the class will read and answer questions on "Dreaming Upside Down."  Then, you'll review the reading strategies hand-out.
If you finish either activity early, please work on your chapter 1, section 2 reading notes.

After all computers have been returned, we'll spend a few minutes reviewing reading strategies.

Finally, if any time remains, we'll begin labeling cultural regions on a world map.

  • TODAY - Geography chapter 1, section 1 reading notes due in class
  • TODAY - Parent Information Sheet (GoogleForm via Moodle) & email contact to Mrs. Friday due
  • Thursday,  January 29 - Book cover, binder and 8 dividers due in class
  • Thursday, January 29 - Geography chapter 1, section 2 notes due in class
  • Monday, February 2 - Geography chapter 1 reading quiz (notes may be used)
  • Tuesday, February 3 - Unit 1 Quiz
  • Thursday, February 5 - Foundations Investigation due by 3:00
  • Friday, February 6 - Unit 1 Test

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

CPWC Day 2 - Introduction to Geography

Shortened Class - 2 Hour Delay

Objective:  Review strategies for reading and taking notes. Discuss the importance of geography.

Task:  Welcome back!  When you arrive to class, please pick up "The Importance of Geography" worksheet from the podium.  Please spend the first few minutes of our abbreviated class reading the article and answering the questions on the back.  We'll use this document to practice reading strategies that will be useful in completing your textbook reading notes.

  • TODAY - Student Information Sheet (GoogleForm via Moodle)
  • Wednesday, January 28 - Geography chapter 1, section 1 reading notes due in class
  • Wednesday, January 28 - Parent Information Sheet (GoogleForm via Moodle) & email contact to Mrs. Friday due
  • Thursday,  January 29 - Book cover, binder and 8 dividers due in class
  • Thursday, January 29 - Geography chapter 1, section 2 notes due in class
  • Monday, February 2 - Geography chapter 1 reading quiz (notes may be used)
  • Tuesday, February 3 - Unit 1 Quiz
  • Thursday, February 5 - Foundations Investigation due by 3:00
  • Friday, February 6 - Unit 1 Test

Monday, January 26, 2015

HWC Day 2 - Foundations Investigation

Objectives:  Identify and utilize library resources necessary to complete activities in HWC.

Task:  As you come into class, please pick up the map and the packet from the podium.   After a brief explanation of the "Foundations Investigation" we'll head down to the library for some instruction from Mrs. Sams.   Then, you'll have the remainder of class to work on your project.

As you complete the  "Foundations Investigation" please consider:
  • All work should be your OWN - this is NOT a collaborative activity and answers should be provided in your own words!
  • Use your Globalization & Diversity textbooks to identify the cultural regions for part II.
  • You must use PRINT copies of History Today and Current History to complete questions 42 & 43.  These responses will be posted as comments on the class blog (
  • Use NoodleTools to complete your citation and summary for question 44.  Submit to the "HWC Foundations Investigation (Spring 15)" dropbox.
Also, please remember that you will have the majority of class on Tuesday to work on your Primer presentations.  Anything not finished in class will need to be completed on your own time.

  • TODAY - Student Information Sheet (form on Moodle) due by 3:00
  • Wednesday, January 28  - Hand-written Primer reading notes due in class
  • Wednesday, January 28 - Parent Information Sheet (form on Moodle) & email contact due to Mrs. Friday
  • Thursday, January 29 - Bring GGS, reading notes & questions, and completed book reviews to class
  • Thursday, January 29 - Book covers, binder & 10 dividers in class for organization
  • Friday, January 30 - Guns, Germs, & Steel reading quiz
  • Monday, February 2 - Primer presentations 
  • Monday, February 2 - Foundations Investigation due

Soc Day 2 - Pioneers Research

Shortened Class - 2 Hour Delay

"It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at one's self through the eyes of others, of measuring one's soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity."  W.E.B. DuBois

Objective:  Investigate the manner in which society impacts the individual.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please get out a computer and go to the AW80B blog.  We'll spend a few minutes creating your VoiceThread account.  Use your SV student email address to create your account.  If you would like to add a school appropriate image or photo as your icon, select the "Identities" option on the account dropdown menu.  Next, we'll discuss the 20 statements activity from Friday and, if there is any time remaining, we'll evaluate the quote above.

  • TODAY - Student Information Sheet due
  • Wednesday, January 28 - Parent Information Sheet & email due
  • Thursday, January 29 - "What is Sociology?" discussion
  • Friday, January 30 - Pioneers posts due BEFORE class - bring headphones or earbuds to class!
  • Monday, February 2 - Unit 1 Vocabulary due
"Pioneers of Sociology" assignments
  1. Auguste Comte - Brian 
  2. Harriet Martineau - Mark
  3. Herbert Spencer - Hope
  4. Karl Marx - Rowan
  5. Emile Durkheim
  6. Max Weber - James
  7. W.E.B. DuBois - Sean
  8. Charles Cooley - Keenan
  9. Ferdinand Tonnies - Liz
  10. C. Wright Mills - Eugenie
  11. Jane Addams - Bridget

Friday, January 23, 2015

HWC Day 1 - Welcome!

"Strength does not come from physical capacity.  It comes from an indomitable will." 
- Mohandas Gandhi

Welcome to Honors World Cultures!  In this class we'll explore the history, geography, and contemporary issues of our world.  I encourage you to follow the news and to identify connections with other subject areas.  In order to succeed in HWC, it is essential that you establish effective, consistent work and study habits.  However, if you find yourself confused or overwhelmed please don't hesitate to see or e-mail me. 

Objectives:  Introduce class procedures and expectations.  Assess knowledge of current global issues.

Task:  I commend you for choosing to take this reading and writing intensive course!  Although it may seem that you've been preparing for HWC for a long time, we've finally arrived at our first day of class. Today, we'll read through the class rules and procedures, join the class Moodle ( and sign out the textbooks, Globalization & Diversity and Civilization Primer.

I'll collect your rubric and reading notes on The World is Flat and the rubric for your Guns, Germs, & Steel blog comments.  Then, I'll assign the first step in your first group project.

Finally, we'll spend the last 30 minutes of class taking the current events quiz.  When you've finished the quiz, please begin reading and taking notes on the GGS reviews.  Please finish reading these reviews for homework.

  • Monday, January 26 - Student Information Sheet (form on Moodle) due by 3:00
  • Tuesday, January 27  - Hand-written Primer reading notes due in class
  • Tuesday, January 27 - Parent Information Sheet (form on Moodle) & email contact due to Mrs. Friday
  • Wednesday, January 28 - Bring GGS, reading notes & questions, and completed book reviews to class
  • Wednesday, January 29 - Book covers, binder & 10 dividers in class for organization
  • Thursday, January 29 - Primer presentations 
  • Friday, January 30 - Guns, Germs, & Steel reading quiz

Soc Day 1 - Welcome!

"It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at one's self through the eyes of others, of measuring one's soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity."  W.E.B. DuBois

Objective:  Establish class rules and expectations and build class rapport.  Investigate the manner in which society impacts the individual.

Task:  Welcome to sociology class!  Today we'll begin with the usual first day of class activities including attendance, seating assignments, and a review of class rules and expectations. We'll also spend some time with an introduction to some of the class resources such as the textbook, the class Moodle, and GoogleApps.  Then, we'll begin our investigation of sociology with a questionnaire and discussion.  Finally, I'll explain your first project on the pioneers of sociology.

  • Monday, January 26 - Student Information Sheet due
  • Tuesday, January 27 - Parent Information Sheet & email due
  • Tuesday, January 27 - "What is Sociology?" discussion
  • Wednesday, January 28 - Pioneers posts due BEFORE class - bring headphones or earbuds to class!
  • Thursday, January 29 - Unit 1 Vocabulary due

CPWC Day 1 - Welcome!

"If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday." Pearl S. Buck

Welcome to CP World Cultures!  In this class we'll explore the history, geography, and contemporary issues of our world.  I encourage you to follow the news and to identify connections with other subject areas.  In order to succeed in CPWC, it is essential that you establish effective, consistent work and study habits.  However, if you find yourself confused or overwhelmed please don't hesitate to see or e-mail me. 

Objective:  Introduce class procedures and expectations and begin to develop class rapport.

Task:  Today, we'll begin with the usual first day activities including attendance, seating assignments, and a review of class rules and expectations.  I'll introduce class resources such as this blog, the Moodle, and GoogleApps.  You'll also sign out your textbook.   Finally, you'll participate in human bingo as an ice breaker activity.

  • Monday, January 26 - Student Information Sheet (GoogleForm via Moodle)
  • Tuesday, January 27 - Geography chapter 1, section 1 reading notes due in class
  • Tuesday, January 27 - Parent Information Sheet (GoogleForm via Moodle) & email contact to Mrs. Friday due
  • Wednesday,  January 28 - Book cover, binder and 8 dividers due in class
  • Wednesday, January 28 - Geography chapter 1, section 2 notes due in class
  • Thursday, January 29 - Geography chapter 1 reading quiz (notes may be used)
  • Monday, February 2 - Unit 1 Quiz
  • Friday, February 6 - Unit 1 Test

Friday, January 16, 2015

CPWC Day 84 - Final Exam Review

Objective:  Identify important trends in Latin American culture & history.  Review content for final exam.

Task:   Good morning!  Even though its our last day of class, there are a number of things that we need to accomplish.  First, we'll review key content from our Latin America unit.  Then, we'll spend the last portion of class reviewing for the final exam with your crossword puzzle and a game of "Jeopardy!"

It was a pleasure to work with you this semester!

  • TODAY - Crossword Review Due 
  • TODAY - All missed work MUST be completed by 3:00
  • Tuesday, January 20 - Pd. 3/4 Final Exams at 11:15 am (Study Guide distributed 1/5)
  • Wednesday, January 21 - Pd. 6-9 Final Exams at 7:35 am (Study Guide distributed 1/5)
  • Wednesday, January 21 - Current Events Extra Credit due
CPWC Current Events - Extra Credit Opportunity (due by 3:00 pm on Wednesday, January 21)
Use one or more of the news sources below to find recent news articles relating to topics we've studied in quarter 2.  Create citations and annotations in NoodleTools.  The annotation MUST include a summary AND an explanation of how the article relates to our studies.  Share your work with the "CPWC Quarter 2 Extra Credit" dropbox.

Each citation/annotation is worth up to 5 points and you may complete up to 3 per unit (East Asia; South Asia; Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania; Latin America).

HWC Day 85 - Final Exam Review

Objective:  Identify important trends in Latin American culture & history.  Review content for final exam.

Task:   Good morning!  Even though its our last day of class, there are a number of things that we need to accomplish.  First, I'll return your research papers and we'll take a few minutes to discuss your work.  After I re-collect your papers, we'll review key content from our Latin America unit.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class reviewing for the final exam with your crossword puzzle and a game of "Jeopardy!"

It was a pleasure to work with you this semester!

  • TODAY - Crossword Puzzle due
  • Tuesday, January 20 - 7:35 am HWC Final Exam 
  • Wednesday, January 21 - HWC Extra Credit due

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

CPWC Day 83 - Latin America in the 20th Century

Objective:  Examine the course of independence and nationalist movements in Latin America.

Task:  When you arrive to class, please get out a pen or a pencil and clear your desk.  We'll spend the first portion of class taking the map quiz.  When you are done, please turn it in at the back of the room & pick up the reading.  After you've finished the article, summarize in a concise paragraph.  If you finish early, please work on your crossword puzzle.

When everyone has finished the quiz, we'll consider Latin America in the 20th century.
  • TODAY - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes due
  • TODAY - Reading quiz (9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 11.1, 11.2 - reading notes may be used)
  • Thursday, January 15 - Cumulative map quiz
  • Friday, January 16 - Crossword Review Due 
  • Friday, January 16 - All missed work MUST be completed by 3:00
  • Tuesday, January 20 - Pd. 3/4 Final Exams at 11:15 am (Study Guide distributed 1/5)
  • Wednesday, January 21 - Pd. 6-9 Final Exams at 7:35 am (Study Guide distributed 1/5)
  • Wednesday, January 21 - Current Events Extra Credit due
CPWC Current Events - Extra Credit Opportunity (due by 3:00 pm on Wednesday, January 21)
Use one or more of the news sources below to find recent news articles relating to topics we've studied in quarter 2.  Create citations and annotations in NoodleTools.  The annotation MUST include a summary AND an explanation of how the article relates to our studies.  Share your work with the "CPWC Quarter 2 Extra Credit" dropbox.

Each citation/annotation is worth up to 5 points and you may complete up to 3 per unit (East Asia; South Asia; Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania; Latin America).

HWC Day 84 - Latin America Wrap-Up

Objective:  Concisely present research in an interesting, engaging manner.  Provide constructive, critical feedback to classmates.
Task:   When you arrive to class, please get out some paper in preparation for the presentations.  We'll spend the first portion of class. You'll be taking notes to provide constructive feedback to your assigned classmates.  Your notes should include the following:
  • 3 strengths
  • 2 insightful, relevant questions
  • 1 area of improvement
After the presentations, we'll get out the computers out to email your feedback.  Please make sure to CC me on all emails.

We'll spend the remainder of class reviewing slavery & revolution in Latin America and the contemporary issues videos.

  • TODAY - Contemporary Latin America summaries due in class (see email from 1/8)
  • Friday, January 16 - Crossword Puzzle due
  • Tuesday, January 20 - 7:35 am HWC Final Exam
  • Wednesday, January 21 - HWC Extra Credit due

CPWC Day 82 - Independence Movements in Latin America

Objective:  Examine the course of independence and nationalist movements in Latin America.

Task:  When you arrive to class, please get out your reading notes and a pencil in preparation for the reading quiz.  I'll check your 11.2 reading notes before distributing your reading quiz.  After you've finished the reading quiz, please turn it in the back of the room and pick up the reading on Latin American independence movements.  Read the article and answer the questions.  If you finish early, please work on your crossword puzzle.

When everyone has finished the quiz, we'll discuss independence movements in Latin America.

  • TODAY - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes due
  • TODAY - Reading quiz (9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 11.1, 11.2 - reading notes may be used)
  • Thursday, January 15 - Cumulative map quiz
  • Friday, January 16 - Crossword Review Due 
  • Friday, January 16 - All missed work MUST be completed by 3:00
  • Tuesday, January 20 - Pd. 3/4 Final Exams at 11:15 am (Study Guide distributed 1/5)
  • Wednesday, January 21 - Pd. 6-9 Final Exams at 7:35 am (Study Guide distributed 1/5)
  • Wednesday, January 21 at 3:00 - Extra Credit due (see below)

CPWC Current Events - Extra Credit Opportunity (due by 3:00 pm on Wednesday, January 21)
Use one or more of the news sources below to find recent news articles relating to topics we've studied in quarter 2.  Create citations and annotations in NoodleTools.  The annotation MUST include a summary AND an explanation of how the article relates to our studies.  Share your work with the "CPWC Quarter 2 Extra Credit" dropbox.

Each citation/annotation is worth up to 5 points and you may complete up to 3 per unit (East Asia; South Asia; Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania; Latin America).

HWC Day 83 - Cumulative Map Quiz

Objective:  Concisely present research in an interesting, engaging manner.  Provide constructive, critical feedback to classmates.

Task:   When you arrive to class, please clear your desk and get out a pen or pencil.  We'll spend the first portion of class completing the cumulative map quiz.  When you've finished the quiz, turn it in at the back of the room and pick up the crossword review.

After everyone has finished the quiz, please get out a blank piece of paper.  You'll be taking notes to provide constructive feedback to your assigned classmates.  Your notes should include the following:
  • 3 strengths
  • 2 insightful, relevant questions
  • 1 area of improvement
After the presentations, we'll get out the computers out to email your feedback.  Please make sure to CC me on all emails.

  • TODAY - R&R Presentation due in class
  • Tuesday, January 13 - Presentation peer review feedback due by 3:00
  • Wednesday, January 14 - Cumulative map quiz (Europe, Africa, & Latin America) - study guide on the Moodle
  • Thursday, January 15 - Contemporary Latin America summaries due in class (see email from 1/8)
  • Friday, January 16 - Crossword Puzzle due
  • Tuesday, January 20 - 7:35 am HWC Final Exam
  • Wednesday, January 21 - Extra Credit Due

Monday, January 12, 2015

CPWC Day 81 - Latin America Map Quiz

Objective: Assess knowledge and understanding of Latin America geography.  Consider the course and consequences of the Haitian Revolution.

Task:  Good morning!  We are rapidly approaching the end of the course.  Please make sure you've finished all incomplete work by Friday.  Today, we'll spend the first portion of class taking your Latin America map quiz. When you've finished the quiz, please turn it in at the back of the room and pick up the review crossword.  Work on the crossword until everyone else has finished the quiz.  After everyone has finished the quiz, we'll review the Latin America colonialism and the Haitian Revolution.

  • TODAY  - Latin America map quiz
  • Tuesday, January 13 - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, January 14 - Reading quiz (9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 11.1, 11.2 - reading notes may be used)
  • Thursday, January 15 - Cumulative map quiz
  • Friday, January 16 - Crossword Review Due 
  • Friday, January 16 - All missed work MUST be completed by 3:00
  • Tuesday, January 20 - Pd. 3/4 Final Exams at 11:15 am (Study Guide distributed 1/5)
  • Wednesday, January 21 - Pd. 6-9 Final Exams at 7:35 am (Study Guide distributed 1/5)
  • Wednesday, January 21 at 3:00 - Extra Credit due (see below)

CPWC Current Events - Extra Credit Opportunity (due by 3:00 pm on Wednesday, January 21)
Use one or more of the news sources below to find recent news articles relating to topics we've studied in quarter 2.  Create citations and annotations in NoodleTools.  The annotation MUST include a summary AND an explanation of how the article relates to our studies.  Share your work with the "CPWC Quarter 2 Extra Credit" dropbox.

Each citation/annotation is worth up to 5 points and you may complete up to 3 per unit (East Asia; South Asia; Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania; Latin America).

HWC Day 82 - Research Presentations

Objective:  Concisely present research in an interesting, engaging manner.  Provide constructive, critical feedback to classmates.

Task: Happy Monday!  Its hard to believe this will be our last Monday together as a class!  Today, we'll spend the class viewing your presentations.  Before we begin, please get out a blank piece of paper.  You'll be taking notes to provide constructive feedback to your assigned classmates.  Your notes should include the following:

  • 3 strengths
  • 2 insightful, relevant questions
  • 1 area of improvement
After the presentations, we'll get out the computers out to email your feedback.  Please make sure to CC me on all emails.

  • TODAY - R&R Presentation due in class
  • Tuesday, January 13 - Presentation peer review feedback due by 3:00
  • Wednesday, January 14 - Cumulative map quiz (Europe, Africa, & Latin America) - study guide on the Moodle
  • Thursday, January 15 - Contemporary Latin America summaries due in class (see email from 1/8)
  • Tuesday, January 20 - 7:35 am HWC Final Exam
  • Wednesday, January 21 - Extra Credit Due

Friday, January 9, 2015

CPWC Day 80 - Haitian Revolution

Objective: Consider the course and consequences of the Haitian Revolution.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please get out your homework.  Then, we'll spend the majority of class considering and answering questions about Toussaint L'Ouverture and the Haitian Revolution.  Finally, you'll use the remainder of class to complete the worksheet packet from yesterday (pd. 3-4) or playing the map games to review for Monday's map quiz (pd. 6-9).

  • TODAY -  Chapter 11, section 1 reading notes due
  • Monday, January 12 - Latin America map quiz
  • Tuesday, January 13 - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, January 14 - Reading quiz (9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 11.1, 11.2 - reading notes may be used)
  • Thursday, January 15 - Cumulative map quiz
  • Tuesday, January 20 - Pd. 3/4 Final Exams at 11:15 am (Study Guide distributed 1/5)
  • Wednesday, January 21 - Pd. 6-9 Final Exams at 7:35 am (Study Guide distributed 1/5)
  • Wednesday, January 21 at 3:00 - Extra Credit due (see below)

CPWC Current Events - Extra Credit Opportunity (due by 3:00 pm on Wednesday, January 21)
Use one or more of the news sources below to find recent news articles relating to topics we've studied in quarter 2.  Create citations and annotations in NoodleTools.  The annotation MUST include a summary AND an explanation of how the article relates to our studies.  Share your work with the "CPWC Quarter 2 Extra Credit" dropbox.

Each citation/annotation is worth up to 5 points and you may complete up to 3 per unit (East Asia; South Asia; Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania; Latin America).

HWC Day 81 - Slavery & Revolution in Latin America

Objective:  Investigate the course and consequences of colonization in Latin America.  Evaluate the impact of slavery on the culture, economy, and government of Latin America.

Task: Good morning!  You'll spend the first portion of class completing your reading quiz.   After you finish the quiz, please pick up the "Slavery and Revolution in Latin America" worksheet.  Use the links below (also linked on the Moodle) to answer the questions.  For the first section, customize the table to find the information for questions 1 & 2.  Use the timeline tab for questions 3-5.   Use the maps link below to answer questions 6 & 7.  

After you've finished the investigation, please work on your research presentation for Monday.

  • TODAY - Reading Quiz (G&D chapter 4 & chapter 5 pp. 128-143)
  • Monday, January 12 - R&R Presentation due in class
  • Wednesday, January 14 - Cumulative map quiz (Europe, Africa, & Latin America) - study guide on the Moodle
  • Thursday, January 15 - Contemporary Latin America summaries due in class (see email from 1/8)
  • Tuesday, January 20 - 7:35 am HWC Final Exam
  • Wednesday, January 21 - Extra Credit Due
Links for "Slavery and Revolution in Latin America"
Part I: The Atlantic Slave Trade

Thursday, January 8, 2015

CPWC Day 79 - Colonization of Latin America

Objective: Review the physical and political features of Latin America.  Explore the culture and influence of indigenous populations in Latin America.

Pd. 3-4 Task:  When you arrive to class, please pick up the packet and worksheet from the podium.  We'll spend our abbreviated class looking at the colonization of Latin America.

Pd. 6-9 Task:  When you arrive to class, please pick up the packet and worksheet from the podium.  After we review the packet, we'll spend some time looking at the expansion of the Spanish Empire and the Catholic Church.  Then, we'll play a game to review the Latin America map.  Finally, we'll get out the computers to investigate slavery in latin America.

  • TODAY - Chapter 9, section 3 reading notes due
  • Friday, January 9 - Chapter 11, section 1 reading notes due
  • Monday, January 12 - Latin America map quiz
  • Tuesday, January 13 - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, January 14 - Reading quiz (9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 11.1, 11.2 - reading notes may be used)
  • Thursday, January 15 - Cumulative map quiz
  • Tuesday, January 20 - Pd. 3/4 Final Exams at 11:15 am (Study Guide distributed 1/5)
  • Wednesday, January 21 - Pd. 6-9 Final Exams at 7:35 am (Study Guide distributed 1/5)
  • Wednesday, January 21 at 3:00 - Extra Credit due (see below)

CPWC Current Events - Extra Credit Opportunity (due by 3:00 pm on Wednesday, January 21)
Use one or more of the news sources below to find recent news articles relating to topics we've studied in quarter 2.  Create citations and annotations in NoodleTools.  The annotation MUST include a summary AND an explanation of how the article relates to our studies.  Share your work with the "CPWC Quarter 2 Extra Credit" dropbox.

Each citation/annotation is worth up to 5 points and you may complete up to 3 per unit (East Asia; South Asia; Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania; Latin America).

HWC Day 80 - Social Class in Latin America

Objective: Explore the culture and influence of indigenous populations in Latin America.  Investigate the course and consequences of colonization in Latin America.

Task:  Due to the 2 hour delay, we're going to postpone the reading quiz until tomorrow.  Please get your a computer and go to "Castas"  Read the summary and examine the images.  What do these comments and images reflect about Spanish attitudes and life in colonial Latin America?  Post your response as a comment on the class blog.

  • Friday, January 9 - Reading Quiz (G&D chapter 4 & chapter 5 pp. 128-143)
  • Monday, January 12 - R&R Presentation due in class
  • Wednesday, January 14 - Cumulative map quiz (Europe, Africa, & Latin America)
  • Tuesday, January 20 - 7:35 am HWC Final Exam
  • Wednesday, January 21 - Extra Credit Due

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

CPWC Day 78 - Colonization of Latin America

Objective: Review the physical and political features of Latin America.  Explore the culture and influence of indigenous populations in Latin America.

Task:  When you arrive to class, please pick up and complete the Panama Canal worksheet.  I'll check your homework while you answer the Panama Canal questions.  Next, you'll compare the Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class examining the colonization of Latin America.

  • TODAY - Chapter 9, section 2 reading notes due
  • Thursday, January 8 - Chapter 9, section 3 reading notes due
  • Friday, January 9 - Chapter 11, section 1 reading notes due
  • Monday, January 12 - Latin America map quiz
  • Tuesday, January 13 - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, January 14 - Reading quiz (9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 11.1, 11.2 - reading notes may be used)
  • Thursday, January 15 - Cumulative map quiz
  • Tuesday, January 20 - Pd. 3/4 Final Exams at 11:15 am (Study Guide distributed 1/5)
  • Wednesday, January 21 - Pd. 6-9 Final Exams at 7:35 am (Study Guide distributed 1/5)
  • Wednesday, January 21 at 3:00 - Extra Credit due (see below)

CPWC Current Events - Extra Credit Opportunity (due by 3:00 pm on Wednesday, January 21)
Use one or more of the news sources below to find recent news articles relating to topics we've studied in quarter 2.  Create citations and annotations in NoodleTools.  The annotation MUST include a summary AND an explanation of how the article relates to our studies.  Share your work with the "CPWC Quarter 2 Extra Credit" dropbox.

Each citation/annotation is worth up to 5 points and you may complete up to 3 per unit (East Asia; South Asia; Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania; Latin America).

HWC Day 79 - Colonization of Latin America

Objective: Explore the culture and influence of indigenous populations in Latin America.  Investigate the course and consequences of colonization in Latin America.

Task:  When you arrive to class, please pick up and complete the Panama Canal worksheet.  After reviewing the Panama canal, we'll finish our review of the Incas.  Then, you'll clear your desks for a map review game.  Finally, we'll use the last portion of class investigating patterns of colonization and the complex social hierarchy that emerged in colonial Latin America.

  • TODAY - R&R Final Draft due by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, January 8 - Reading Quiz (G&D chapter 4 & chapter 5 pp. 128-143)
  • Monday, January 12 - R&R Presentation due in class
  • Wednesday, January 14 - Cumulative map quiz (Europe, Africa, & Latin America)
  • Tuesday, January 20 - 7:35 am HWC Final Exam
  • Wednesday, January 21 - Extra Credit Due
Class in Colonial Latin America:
Go to "Castas"  Read the summary and examine the images.  What do these comments and images reflect about Spanish attitudes and life in colonial Latin America?  Post you response as a comment on the class blog