Objective: Examine the major cities in China to develop an understanding of Chinese culture.
Task: Happy Halloween! For the first part of class, you'll look at Hong Kong. While you're reading about Hong Kong, we'll check your homework. Then, you'll watch a video about the culture and history of China. While you're watching the travelogue, you'll take notes on a video guide. Focus on the unique qualities of each locale and list at least 3 points for each city on the video guide.
- TODAY - Chapter 27, Section 1 reading notes due in class
- Monday, November 3 - Chapter 27, Section 3 reading notes due in class
- Monday, November 3 - "Silk Road" (links below and on the Moodle) due by 3:00 pm
- Tuesday, November 4 - Chapter 28, Section 2 reading notes due in class
- Wednesday, November 5 - Chapter 29, Section 1 reading notes due in class
- Thursday, November 6 - Chapter 29, Section 2 reading notes due in class
- Thursday, November 6 - Silk Road Extra Credit due
- Monday, November 10 - Unit 4 reading quiz (27.1, 27.3, 28.2, 29.1, & 29.2 - reading notes may be used)
- Friday, November 14 - Unit 5 Test
Links for Silk Road activity (also available via Moodle):
- Part I - Defining the Silk Road - If you have trouble accessing this website, please use the PDF on the Moodle.
- Part II - Buddhism on the Silk Road
- Part III - Exploring the Silk Road
- Extra Credit - Silk Road Podcasts (due Thursday, November 6)