Free Rice

Rice up against hunger

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

HWC Day 61 - Investigating Non-Violent Resistance

NHS Pasta for Pennies donations collections are happening NOW!  All donations benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  If you are willing and able, please consider donating to this worthy cause!

Objective:  Evaluate the interpretation of historical events and sources.

Task:  As you come into class, please get out your reading notes on the "Countdown" reading.  You'll have a few minutes to discuss the article and then you'll take the reading quiz.  After you've finished the reading quiz, please turn it in at the front of the room and pick up the packet.  Read the two accounts of British rule in India and compare the sources on the Venn diagram.  We'll discuss the complex, sometimes contradictory, historiography of India.  Finally, we'll end class with an examination of Gandhi's implementation of non-violent civil disobedience as a way of resisting British rule.

  • TODAY - Research sources set #1 due in class
  • Tuesday, April 29 - South Asia regional study part D
  • Wednesday, April 30 - "Countdown" reading quiz
  • Wednesday, April 30 -  South Asia regional study parts B & E
  • Thursday, May 1 - South Asia regional study part A
  • Monday, May 5 - Research sources set #2 due in class
  • Tuesday, May 6 - South Asia current events discussion 
  • Tuesday, May 6 - Thesis statement due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, May 7 - Unit 6 Test
  • Thursday, May 8 - Thesis peer comments due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, May 12 - Notecards due in class
  • Monday, May 19 - Completed GoogleDoc outline due by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, May 21 - Outline peer comments due in GoogleDoc by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, May 22 - Unit 7 Test
  • Thursday, May 29 - Essay Draft due in class
  • Friday, May 30 - Draft peer reviews due by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, June 5 - Essay final draft due by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, June 6 - Unit 8 Test
  • Monday, June 9 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 9 - Research presentations due in class
  • Friday, June 13 - Final Exam

Soc Day 20 - Social Class in America

Objective:  Analyze the impact of stratification and social class on society.

Task:  Today we'll finish our examination of social class with discussions about the working class and global stratification.  We'll also spend some time reviewing your notes from yesterday.  Finally, we'll watch the video clip below and debate whether this portrayal of social class in America is still relevant in 2014.

  • TODAY - Summary & discussion questions for "The Uses of Global Poverty" due on Moodle by 3:00 pm
  • TODAY - Article discussion for "The Uses of Global Poverty"
  • Thursday, May 1 - Quiz on Stratification and Social Class in America (study guide on Moodle)
  • Monday, May 5 - "Songs of Stratification" due in class

Social Class in America (1957)

CPWC Day 62 - History of South Asia (cont.)

Objective:  Examine the religious and philosophical traditions that have shaped the cultures of South Asia.  Investigate select major developments in the history of South Asia.

Task:  Good morning!  As you come to class, please get out your reading notes and a pencil in preparation for your reading quiz.  After you finish the quiz, please it turn it in at the front of the room and pick up the primary sources check.  Once you've completed the sources check, take the quiz and your notebook to the back of the room.  I'll check for the completion of your history notes.  While you're waiting for your classmates to finish, please work on "India's Sacred Cow" or your unit 6 study guide.

We'll spend the next portion of class finishing our examination of religions of South Asia with notes on Sikhism.   We'll also spend some time delving into your history notes from yesterday.

  • TODAY - Reading quiz on all of chapter 24 & chapter 26 (sections 1 & 2 only)
  • Thursday, May 1 - "India's Sacred Cow" reading due (see directions below)
  • Wednesday, May 7 - Unit 6 Test (study guide distributed 4/29)
Directions for close reading "India's Sacred Cow:"
A.  While reading:
  1. Circle key terms
  2. Underline claims
  3. Highlight evidence
  4. ? next to points you don't understand
  5. ! next to points you want to learn more about
  6. * next to points that connect to other learning
B.  After reading, answer the questions AND write a "response" either agreeing or disagreeing with Harris' assertions.

Resources for class activities:
Indus Valley Civilization

Mughal Rule in India (History Channel)

Warrior Empire: The Mughals (1/5) by xSilverPhinx

The British East India Company (University of Air, 1965)

  1. What were the main interests of the East India Company in the 18th and 19th centuries?
  2. Humanitarian motives are based on kindness and concern for others. What humanitarian motives came to influence the British government in its attitude to India?
  3. Give examples of ways in which contact with Indian society influenced the British.
  4. Why did the British become increasingly arrogant towards Indians?

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

HWC Day 60 - Soul of India

NHS Pasta for Pennies donations collections are happening NOW!  All donations benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  If you are willing and able, please consider donating to this worthy cause!

Objective:  Examine the religious and philosophical traditions that have shaped the cultures of South Asia.  Evaluate the interpretation of historical events and sources.

Task:  Unfortunately, I will not be in class today.  Please hand in your sources rubric - if you've not yet shared your Diigo or Flipboard links, I'll show you how to do this tomorrow.  Then, we'll continue our exploration of South Asia.  As you watch the documentary, please take detailed notes and write down any questions that arise.  At the end, you'll write a reflection about what you've seen.  For the remainder of class, please work on your research project and/or other world cultures materials.

  • TODAY - Research sources set #1 due in class
  • Tuesday, April 29 - South Asia regional study part D
  • Wednesday, April 30 - "Countdown" reading quiz
  • Wednesday, April 30 -  South Asia regional study parts B & E
  • Thursday, May 1 - South Asia regional study part A
  • Monday, May 5 - Research sources set #2 due in class
  • Tuesday, May 6 - South Asia current events discussion 
  • Tuesday, May 6 - Thesis statement due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, May 7 - Unit 6 Test
  • Thursday, May 8 - Thesis peer comments due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, May 12 - Notecards due in class
  • Monday, May 19 - Completed GoogleDoc outline due by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, May 21 - Outline peer comments due in GoogleDoc by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, May 22 - Unit 7 Test
  • Thursday, May 29 - Essay Draft due in class
  • Friday, May 30 - Draft peer reviews due by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, June 5 - Essay final draft due by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, June 6 - Unit 8 Test
  • Monday, June 9 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 9 - Research presentations due in class
  • Friday, June 13 - Final Exam

Soc Day 19 - Examining Social Class

Objective:  Analyze the impact of stratification and social class on society.

Task:  Today, we'll continue our examination of poverty and social class in America.  First, you'll receive the project description for "Songs of Stratification."  Then, you'll get out the computers and log onto the Moodle.  First, open the unit 2 notes and finish the notes on social class and global stratification (stop at "End of Part I").  Then, complete "Examining Social Class & Poverty in America."  After you've finished these activities, please post a reflection to the "Social Class & Poverty - Reflection" discussion forum.  If there is any time remaining, you may work on your study guide, songs of stratification, or your senior project.

  • Wednesday, April 30 - Article discussion for "Moving Up from the Working Class"
  • Wednesday, April 30 - Article discussion for "The Uses of Global Poverty"
  • Thursday, May 1 - Class stratification quiz (study guide on Moodle)
  • Monday, May 4 - Songs of Stratification presentation (be sure to fill in GoogleSpreadsheet with information ASAP)

CPWC Day 61 - History of South Asia

Objective:  Examine the religious and philosophical traditions that have shaped the cultures of South Asia.  Investigate select major developments in the history of South Asia.

Task:  Once again, we have a very busy day ahead of us.  First, you'll use select primary sources on Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism to answer questions about these traditions.  You will be quizzed on this material tomorrow.  

After you've finished the packet, you'll receive the study guide for the unit 6 test and get out the computer to log onto the Moodle.   Open "South Asia Condensed History" and record these notes in your notebook.  Tomorrow, I will check your notebook to see that these notes are completed.  

If there is any time remaining in class, please study for tomorrow's reading quiz, read "India's Sacred Cow," or work on the unit 6 study guide. 

  • Wednesday, April 30 - Reading quiz on all of chapter 24 & chapter 26 (sections 1 & 2 only)
  • Thursday, May 1 - "India's Sacred Cow" reading due (see directions below)
  • Wednesday, May 7 - Unit 6 Test (study guide distributed TODAY)
Directions for close reading "India's Sacred Cow:"
A.  While reading:
  1. Circle key terms
  2. Underline claims
  3. Highlight evidence
  4. ? next to points you don't understand
  5. ! next to points you want to learn more about
  6. * next to points that connect to other learning
B.  After reading, answer the questions AND write a "response" either agreeing or disagreeing with Harris' assertions.

Monday, April 28, 2014

HWC Day 59 - History of South Asia (Part III)

NHS Pasta for Pennies donations collections are happening NOW!  All donations benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  If you are willing and able, please consider donating to this worthy cause!

Objective:  Examine the religious and philosophical traditions that have shaped the cultures of South Asia.  Evaluate the interpretation of historical events and sources.

Task:  Good afternoon!  As you arrive to class, please get out your tablet, log on to the Moodle, and complete the "South Asia Religions Review."  Use this "quiz" to check your knowledge and understanding of the religions of South Asia.  Next, we'll take a few minutes to discuss the significance of  "India's Sacred Cow."   Finally, we'll finish class with notes on Mughal Empire and the British in India.

  • TODAY - "Sacred Cow" reading discussion
  • Tuesday, April 29 - Research sources set #1 due in class
  • Tuesday, April 29 - South Asia regional study part D
  • Wednesday, April 30 - "Countdown" reading quiz
  • Wednesday, April 30 -  South Asia regional study parts B & E
  • Thursday, May 1 - South Asia regional study part A
  • Monday, May 5 - Research sources set #2 due in class
  • Tuesday, May 6 - South Asia current events discussion 
  • Tuesday, May 6 - Thesis statement due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, May 7 - Unit 6 Test
  • Thursday, May 8 - Thesis peer comments due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, May 12 - Notecards due in class
  • Monday, May 19 - Completed GoogleDoc outline due by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, May 21 - Outline peer comments due in GoogleDoc by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, May 22 - Unit 7 Test
  • Thursday, May 29 - Essay Draft due in class
  • Friday, May 30 - Draft peer reviews due by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, June 5 - Essay final draft due by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, June 6 - Unit 8 Test
  • Monday, June 9 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 9 - Research presentations due in class
  • Friday, June 13 - Final Exam

Soc Day 18 - The Working Class (cont.)

Objective:  Analyze the impact of stratification and social class on society.

Task:  Good morning!  We'll begin class with a discussion about our activity from Friday.  Next, we'll get into a circle to discuss "Nickel-&-Dimed" and "Moving Up From the Working Class."   Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class taking notes on the middle and upper class.

  • TODAY -  Article discussion for "Nickel-&-Dimed"
  • TODAY - Article discussion for "Moving Up From the Working Class"
  • TODAY - Article discussion for "The US Upper Class"
  • Monday, April 28 - Summary & discussion questions for "The Uses of Global Poverty" due on Moodle by 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday, April 29 - Article discussion for "The Uses of Global Poverty"
  • Thursday, May 1 - Class stratification quiz (study guide on Moodle)
  • Monday, May 4 - Songs of Stratification presentation
Resources for class discussion:

Class Dismissed: How TV Frames the Working Class

CPWC Day 60 - Religions of South Asia (Part II)

Objective:  Examine the religious and philosophical traditions that have shaped the cultures of South Asia.  

Task:  Good morning!  Today, we'll begin class with a quick review of Hinduism and a video clip about the significance of the cow in India.  Then, we'll finish our notes on the religions founded in India.  For the last portion of class, you'll use the links on the Moodle to delve further into Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and/or Sikhism.

  • TODAY  Reading notes on chapter 26, section 1 due in class
  • Monday, April 28 - Reading notes on chapter 26, section 2 due in class
  • Wednesday, April 30 - Reading quiz on all of chapter 24 & chapter 26 (sections 1 & 2 only)
  • Thursday, May 1 - "India's Sacred Cow" reading due (see directions below)
  • Wednesday, May 7 - Unit 5 Test
Directions for close reading "India's Sacred Cow:"
A.  While reading:
  1. Circle key terms
  2. Underline claims
  3. Highlight evidence
  4. ? next to points you don't understand
  5. ! next to points you want to learn more about
  6. * next to points that connect to other learning
B.  After reading, answer the questions AND write a "response" either agreeing or disagreeing with Harris' assertions

Friday, April 25, 2014

HWC Day 58 - History of South Asia (Part II)

NHS Pasta for Pennies donations collections are happening NOW!  All donations benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  If you are willing and able, please consider donating to this worthy cause!

Objective:  Examine the religious and philosophical traditions that have shaped the cultures of South Asia.  Use library and Internet resources to gather research.

Task:  Happy Friday!  We'll begin class with a quick map review game.  Then, we'll continue lecture notes on the history of South Asia.   Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class in the library gathering research for the final project.

  • TODAY - Chronology & connections IDs (page 2) due in class 
  • TODAY - HQ Peer comments due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, April 28 - "Sacred Cow" reading discussion
  • Tuesday, April 29 - Research sources set #1 due in class
  • Tuesday, April 29 - South Asia regional study part D
  • Wednesday, April 30 - "Countdown" reading quiz
  • Wednesday, April 30 -  South Asia regional study parts B & E
  • Thursday, May 1 - South Asia regional study part A
  • Monday, May 5 - Research sources set #2 due in class
  • Tuesday, May 6 - South Asia current events discussion 
  • Tuesday, May 6 - Thesis statement due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, May 7 - Unit 6 Test
  • Thursday, May 8 - Thesis peer comments due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, May 12 - Notecards due in class
  • Monday, May 19 - Completed GoogleDoc outline due by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, May 21 - Outline peer comments due in GoogleDoc by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, May 22 - Unit 7 Test
  • Thursday, May 29 - Essay Draft due in class
  • Friday, May 30 - Draft peer reviews due by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, June 5 - Essay final draft due by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, June 6 - Unit 8 Test
  • Monday, June 9 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 9 - Research presentations due in class
  • Friday, June 13 - Final Exam
Resources for class discussions:

Soc Day 17 - The Working Poor & the Working Class

Objective:  Analyze the impact of stratification and social class on society.

Task:  Happy Friday!  When you arrive to class, please get out your computer and log onto the Moodle.  Go to "The Uses of Poverty" post and respond to this discussion.  Your response should include evidence of reflection on the topic.  After you've finished your post, please take a few minutes to read the summaries for "Nickel-and-Dimed" and "Moving Up."  Before jumping into the discussions, we'll spend a few minutes taking notes on welfare, the working class, and the middle class.  Finally, for the last portion of class, you'll work with partners or in groups to investigate the realities of poverty.  Use the Living Wage Calculator to determine your living expenses.

  • TODAY -  Article discussion for "Nickel-&-Dimed"
  • TODAY - Article discussion for "Moving Up From the Working Class"
  • Monday, April 28 - Article discussion for "The US Upper Class"
  • Monday, April 28 - Summary & discussion questions for "The Uses of Global Poverty" due on Moodle by 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday, April 29 - Article discussion for "The Uses of Global Poverty"
Resources for class discussion:
Class Dismissed: How TV Frames the Working Class

NBC News Video (November 2012)

CPWC Day 59 - Religions & Geography of South Asia

Objective:  Examine the religious and philosophical traditions that have shaped the cultures of South Asia.  Investigate the physical features of South Asia.

Task:   Happy Friday!  Today, we'll start class with a packet on the Himalayas, monsoons, and earthquakes in South Asia.  If you finish early, please get out your computer and use the links on the Moodle to learn more about Hinduism.  After we've reviewed the packet, we'll continue our notes on the religions of South Asia.  Finally, you'll spend the last portion of class reading "India's Sacred Cow."

Directions for close reading "India's Sacred Cow:"
A.  While reading:
  1. Circle key terms
  2. Underline claims
  3. Highlight evidence
  4. ? next to points you don't understand
  5. ! next to points you want to learn more about
  6. * next to points that connect to other learning
B.  After reading, answer the questions AND write a "response" either agreeing or disagreeing with Harris' assertions

  • TODAY  Reading notes on chapter 26, section 1 due in class
  • Monday, April 28 - Reading notes on chapter 26, section 2 due in class
  • Wednesday, April 30 - Reading quiz on all of chapter 24 & chapter 26 (sections 1 & 2 only)
  • Thursday, May 1 - "India's Sacred Cow" reading due
  • Wednesday, May 7 - Unit 5 Test
Do you want to learn more about Hinduism?

Thursday, April 24, 2014

HWC Day 57 - History of South Asia

NHS Pasta for Pennies donations collections are happening NOW!  All donations benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  If you are willing and able, please consider donating to this worthy cause!

Objective:  Examine the religious and philosophical traditions that have shaped the cultures of South Asia.  Use library and Internet resources to gather research.

Task:  We have another busy day ahead of us.  You'll spend the first few minutes of class completing a reading quiz on "Breaking Free."  Then, I'll provide lecture notes on the history of South Asia.   Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class in the library gathering research for the final project.

  • TODAY - "Breaking Free" reading quiz
  • Friday, April 25 - Chronology & connections IDs (page 2) due in class 
  • Friday, April 25 - HQ Peer comments due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, April 28 - "Sacred Cow" reading discussion
  • Tuesday, April 29 - Research sources set #1 due in class
  • Tuesday, April 29 - South Asia regional study part D
  • Wednesday, April 30 - "Countdown" reading quiz
  • Wednesday, April 30 -  South Asia regional study parts B & E
  • Thursday, May 1 - South Asia regional study part A
  • Monday, May 5 - Research sources set #2 due in class
  • Tuesday, May 6 - South Asia current events discussion 
  • Tuesday, May 6 - Thesis statement due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, May 7 - Unit 6 Test
  • Thursday, May 8 - Thesis peer comments due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, May 12 - Notecards due in class
  • Monday, May 19 - Completed GoogleDoc outline due by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, May 21 - Outline peer comments due in GoogleDoc by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, May 22 - Unit 7 Test
  • Thursday, May 29 - Essay Draft due in class
  • Friday, May 30 - Draft peer reviews due by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, June 5 - Essay final draft due by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, June 6 - Unit 8 Test
  • Monday, June 9 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 9 - Research presentations due in class
  • Friday, June 13 - Final Exam
Resources for class discussions:

Soc Day 16 - Poverty in the US

Objective:  Analyze the impact of stratification and social class on society.

Task:  Good morning!  We'll begin class with notes on stratification and poverty.  Then, you'll get out the computers and take a "quiz" on poverty in the US.  We'll spend the next portion of class in a discussion circle about poverty.  Finally, for the last portion of class, you'll work with partners or in groups to investigate the realities of poverty.  Use the Living Wage Calculator to determine your living expenses.

  • TODAY - Article discussion for "Uses of Poverty: The Poor Pay All"
  • TODAY - Summary & discussion questions for "Nickel-&-Dimed" and "Moving Up from the Working Class" due on Moodle by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, April 25 - Article discussion for "Nickel-&-Dimed"
  • Friday, April 25 - Article discussion for "Moving Up From the Working Class"
  • Monday, April 28 - Article discussion for "The US Upper Class"
  • Monday, April 28 - Summary & discussion questions for "The Uses of Global Poverty" due on Moodle by 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday, April 29 - Article discussion for "The Uses of Global Poverty"
Interested in learning more about poverty, welfare, and food stamps?

Resources for class discussion:
From PBS NewsHour (November, 2011)

From NBC News NOW (February 2013)

NBC News: Brian Williams Hosts "Poverty in America" at the Newseum (January 2014)

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

CPWC Day 58 - Religions and Geography of South Asia

Objective:  Examine the religious and philosophical traditions that have shaped the cultures of South Asia.  Investigate the physical features of South Asia.

Task:   As you get settled into your desk, please get out a blank piece of paper for notes and your chapter 24, section 3 reading notes.  Then, get out a blank piece of paper in preparation for notes.  While we check your homework, please take a few minutes to "read" the image below.  Record your observations on your notes.  Before we interpret the image, we'll spend a few minutes reviewing the states of South Asia.  We'll also label the physical map of the region.  Next, we'll  use the image below as a foundation for our discussion and notes on the religions of South Asia.   Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class completing some worksheets on the geography of South Asia.

  • TODAY Reading notes on chapter 24, section 3 due in class
  • Friday, April 25 - Reading notes on chapter 26, section 1 due in class
  • Monday, April 28 - Reading notes on chapter 26, section 2 due in class
  • Wednesday, April 30 - Reading quiz on all of chapter 24 & chapter 26 (sections 1 & 2 only)
  • Wednesday, May 7 - Unit 5 Test
Shiva: Lord of the Dance
Was this artifact stolen?  Consider the often under-discussed issue of artifact smuggling and museum culpability.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

HWC Day 56 - Religions of South Asia

NHS Pasta for Pennies donations collections are happening NOW!  All donations benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  If you are willing and able, please consider donating to this worthy cause!

Objective:  Examine the religious and philosophical traditions that have shaped the cultures of South Asia.  Use library and Internet resources to gather research.

Task:  Good afternoon!  Today's class will be split into two distinct sections.  For the first portion of class, you'll use the tablets to gather information on the religions of South Asia.  Once you've logged onto your tablet, go to the Moodle and open "South Asia Religions."  Use the resources on this page to take notes on the religions of South Asia (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism,  & Sikhism) and diffused religions to South Asia (Islam & Christianity).  

You'll spend the second half of class in the library researching for you final project.  Please be sure to use your time wisely and ask Ms. Sams if you need any help.

  • TODAY  - Bring headphones to class!
  • TODAY - Historical Question due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, April 24 - "Breaking Free" reading quiz
  • Friday, April 25 - Chronology & connections IDs (page 2) due in class 
  • Friday, April 25 - HQ Peer comments due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, April 28 - "Sacred Cow" reading discussion
  • Tuesday, April 29 - Research sources set #1 due in class
  • Tuesday, April 29 - South Asia regional study part D
  • Wednesday, April 30 - "Countdown" reading quiz
  • Wednesday, April 30 -  South Asia regional study parts B & E
  • Thursday, May 1 - South Asia regional study part A
  • Monday, May 5 - Research sources set #2 due in class
  • Tuesday, May 6 - South Asia current events discussion 
  • Tuesday, May 6 - Thesis statement due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, May 7 - Unit 6 Test
  • Thursday, May 8 - Thesis peer comments due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, May 12 - Notecards due in class
  • Monday, May 19 - Completed GoogleDoc outline due by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, May 21 - Outline peer comments due in GoogleDoc by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, May 22 - Unit 7 Test
  • Thursday, May 29 - Essay Draft due in class
  • Friday, May 30 - Draft peer reviews due by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, June 5 - Essay final draft due by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, June 6 - Unit 8 Test
  • Monday, June 9 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 9 - Research presentations due in class
  • Friday, June 13 - Final Exam

Soc Day 15 - Equality in America?

Objective:  Analyze the impact of stratification and social class on American society.

Task:  Today, we'll continue our examination of stratification with a focus on American society.  You'll watch a documentary, "A Place at the Table: Struggles for Equality in America," detailing the stories eight young people.  As you watch the documentary, please answer the questions on the video guide.  Be sure to use evidence from the film to support your answers.  After you've completed the video guide, please hand it in.  You may use the remainder of class time to work on your discussion circles.

  • TODAY - Summary & discussion questions for "Uses of Poverty" due on Moodle by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, April 24 - Article discussion for "Uses of Poverty: The Poor Pay All"
  • Thursday, April 24 - Summary & discussion questions for "Nickel-&-Dimed" and "Moving Up from the Working Class" due on Moodle by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, April 25 - Article discussion for "Nickel-&-Dimed"
  • Friday, April 25 - Article discussion for "Moving Up From the Working Class"
  • Monday, April 28 - Article discussion for "The US Upper Class"
  • Monday, April 28 - Summary & discussion questions for "The Uses of Global Poverty" due on Moodle by 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday, April 29 - Article discussion for "The Uses of Global Poverty"

CPWC Day 57 - Introduction to India

Objective:  Describe the unique geography, culture, history, and society of India.

Task:   Good morning!  As you arrive to class, please get out your homework from last night.  We'll spend a few minutes checking for homework completion before reviewing the vocabulary terms.  Next, you'll receive the viewing guide for "India: Land of Spirit & Mystique."  While watching the film, please complete the video guide.  At the conclusion of the video, you'll construct a thesis and write a one paragraph summary of the video.  Please underline your thesis.  If there is time remaining at the end of class, you may color your South Asia political map OR work on your reading notes for tomorrow.

  • TODAY -  Pre-viewing vocabulary due at BEGINNING of class
  • TODAY - Reading notes on chapter 24, section 2 due in class
  • Thursday, April 24 - Reading notes on chapter 24, section 3 due in class
  • Friday, April 25 - Reading notes on chapter 26, section 1 due in class
  • Monday, April 28 - Reading notes on chapter 26, section 2 due in class
  • Wednesday, April 30 - Reading quiz on all of chapter 24 & chapter 26 (sections 1 & 2 only)
  • Wednesday, May 7 - Unit 5 Test

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

HWC Day 55 - South Asia Geography & Developing Historical Questions

NHS Pasta for Pennies donations collections are happening NOW!  All donations benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  If you are willing and able, please consider donating to this worthy cause!

Objective:  Identify and label countries, cities, bodies of water, and major geographic features of South Asia.  Define the process of developing an historical argument.

Task:  Welcome Back!  I hope you all had an enjoyable, relaxing break.  Now its time to get back to work!  We'll begin class with a brief review of your South Asia map and part C of the regional study.  Then, you'll use the tablets to access the Moodle.  Use the "South Asia Geography Workshop" PDF to explore the geography of South Asia.  As you examine the maps, consider what these maps teach us about the geography, culture, and society of South Asia.  Post your reflection as a comment to the "South Asia Geography" blog post on our class blog.  Finally, I'll spend the last portion of class instructing you on the creation of a historical question and collecting research materials.

  • TODAY - South Asia map due in class
  • TODAY - South Asia regional study part C
  • Wednesday, April 23 - Bring headphones to class!
  • Wednesday, April 23 - Historical Question due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, April 24 - "Breaking Free" reading quiz
  • Friday, April 25 - Chronology & connections IDs (page 2) due in class 
  • Friday, April 25 - HQ Peer comments due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, April 28 - "Sacred Cow" reading discussion
  • Tuesday, April 29 - Research sources set #1 due in class
  • Tuesday, April 29 - South Asia regional study part D
  • Wednesday, April 30 - "Countdown" reading quiz
  • Wednesday, April 30 -  South Asia regional study parts B & E
  • Thursday, May 1 - South Asia regional study part A
  • Monday, May 5 - Research sources set #2 due in class
  • Tuesday, May 6 - South Asia current events discussion 
  • Tuesday, May 6 - Thesis statement due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, May 7 - Unit 6 Test
  • Thursday, May 8 - Thesis peer comments due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, May 12 - Notecards due in class
  • Monday, May 19 - Completed GoogleDoc outline due by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, May 21 - Outline peer comments due in GoogleDoc by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, May 22 - Unit 7 Test
  • Thursday, May 29 - Essay Draft due in class
  • Friday, May 30 - Draft peer reviews due by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, June 5 - Essay final draft due by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, June 6 - Unit 8 Test
  • Monday, June 9 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 9 - Research presentations due in class
  • Friday, June 13 - Final Exam

Soc Day 14 - Introduction to Stratification

Objective:  Analyze the impact of stratification and social class on society.

Task:  Welcome back!  I hope you all had an enjoyable, relaxing break.  Now we need to buckle down for the home stretch!  To begin, I'll distribute and explain the article discussion assignments.  Then, we'll watch and analyze Dr. Seuss's The Sneetches.  Finally, we'll spend the remainder of class taking notes on stratification.  If there is any time remaining, I'll also return your unit 1 tests.

  • Wednesday, April 23 - Summary & discussion questions for "Uses of Poverty" due on Moodle by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, April 24 - Article discussion for "Uses of Poverty: The Poor Pay All"
  • Thursday, April 24 - Summary & discussion questions for "Nickel-&-Dimed" and "Moving Up from the Working Class" due on Moodle by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, April 25 - Article discussion for "Nickel-&-Dimed"
  • Friday, April 25 - Article discussion for "Moving Up From the Working Class"
  • Monday, April 28 - Article discussion for "The US Upper Class"
  • Monday, April 28 - Summary & discussion questions for "The Uses of Global Poverty" due on Moodle by 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday, April 29 - Article discussion for "The Uses of Global Poverty"

CPWC Day 56 - South Asia Geography

Objective:  Evaluate the geography of South Asia.   Analyze the relationship between population density and arable land.

Task:   Welcome back!  I hope you all had a relaxing, enjoyable holiday break.  Now we need to get back to business!  Today, we'll focus on the geography of South Asia.  To start, you'll investigate monsoons, tectonic plates, and population characteristics of South Asia.  After we review the worksheets, we'll spend some class time labeling and coloring the South Asia map.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class with a demonstration on arable land and population density.  If there is any time remaining in class, you may work on your reading notes or the vocabulary sheet for tomorrow. 

  • TODAY - Reading notes on chapter 24, section 1 due in class
  • Wednesday, April 23 - Pre-viewing vocabulary due at BEGINNING of class
  • Wednesday, April 23 - Reading notes on chapter 24, section 2 due in class
  • Thursday, April 24 - Reading notes on chapter 24, section 3 due in class
  • Friday, April 25 - Reading notes on chapter 26, section 1 due in class
  • Monday, April 28 - Reading notes on chapter 26, section 2 due in class
  • Wednesday, April 30 - Reading quiz on all of chapter 24 & chapter 26 (sections 1 & 2 only)
  • Wednesday, May 7 - Unit 5 Test
In The News:  "25 Years Later, Tiananmen Still No Less Taboo for China's Censors" (CNN, 4/16/14)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

HWC Day 54 - East Asia Test

Objectives:   Assess knowledge and understanding of geography, culture, and history of East Asia.

Task:  As you come into class, please pick up the South Asia hand-outs on the sideboard.  Then, find a desk that is between two empty desks.  You'll spend the duration of class taking the unit 5 test.  If you finish before the end of class, please work on your research project OR on the unit 6 homework.

Please note:  The South Asia Regional Study is on the Moodle and all readings have been shared via GoogleDrive.

  • TODAY - Unit 5 Test 
  • Tuesday, April 22 - South Asia map due in class
  • Tuesday, April 22 - South Asia regional study part C
  • Wednesday, April 23 - Bring headphones to class!
  • Wednesday, April 23 - Historical Question due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, April 24 - "Breaking Free" reading quiz
  • Friday, April 25 - Chronology & connections IDs (page 2) due in class 
  • Friday, April 25 - HQ Peer comments due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, April 28 - "Sacred Cow" reading discussion
  • Tuesday, April 29 - Research sources set #1 due in class
  • Tuesday, April 29 - South Asia regional study part D
  • Wednesday, April 30 - "Countdown" reading quiz
  • Wednesday, April 30 -  South Asia regional study parts B & E
  • Thursday, May 1 - South Asia regional study part A
  • Monday, May 5 - Research sources set #2 due in class
  • Tuesday, May 6 - South Asia current events discussion 
  • Tuesday, May 6 - Thesis statement due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, May 7 - Unit 6 Test
  • Thursday, May 8 - Thesis peer comments due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, May 12 - Notecards due in class
  • Monday, May 19 - Completed GoogleDoc outline due by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, May 21 - Outline peer comments due in GoogleDoc by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, May 22 - Unit 7 Test
  • Thursday, May 29 - Essay Draft due in class
  • Friday, May 30 - Draft peer reviews due by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, June 5 - Essay final draft due by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, June 6 - Unit 8 Test
  • Monday, June 9 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 9 - Research presentations due in class
  • Friday, June 13 - Final Exam

Soc Day 13 - Considering the American Dream & Stratification

Objective:  Evaluate the role of social structure and agency in stratification.

Task:  Happy Wednesday!  As you come into class, please move the desks into a circle.  Then, get out your computer and log onto the Moodle.  Go to the "What's So Great About America?" discussion posts and read what your classmates have posted.  We'll spend the first portion of class discussing the article and its implications for our studies.  Finally, we'll finish class with a game illustrating the competition between the proletariat and bourgeoisie.

Have a safe, happy Easter break!


  • TODAY - "What's So Great About America?" discussion
  • Thursday, April 24 - Social stratification vocabulary due in class

CPWC Day 55 - Review & Sesame Street

Objective: Review terms and ideas from units 1 through 5. 

Task: We will begin class by playing World Cultures Bingo. We will then watch about 45 minutes of a film that documents the production of Sesame Street programs for children in other countries. With the time remaining in class, I will distribute your Unit 5 Tests for you to review

  • Tuesday, April 22 - Reading notes on chapter 24, section 1 due in class
  • Wednesday, April 23 - Reading notes on chapter 24, section 2 due in class
  • Thursday, April 24 - Reading notes on chapter 24, section 3 due in class
  • Friday, April 25 - Reading notes on chapter 26, section 1 due in class
  • Monday, April 28 - Reading notes on chapter 26, section 2 due in class
  • Wednesday, April 30 - Reading quiz on all of chapter 24 & chapter 26 (sections 1 & 2 only)
  • Wednesday, May 7 - Unit 5 Test

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

HWC Day 53 - East Asia Review

Objectives: Review geography, cultural characteristics, history, and politics of the countries of East Asia.  Describe the requirements for the research project.

Task: At the beginning of class, you'll turn in your reflection essays.   Next, we'll play a game of review Jeopardy to prepare for tomorrow's unit test.  For the remainder of class, Mrs. Friday will introduce and explain your research project.   After we've sufficiently discussed the project, you'll select your research topic.  You'll use the remaining class time to begin your research, study for your unit test, or work on FCGP. 

  • Wednesday, April 16 - Unit 5 Test 
  • Wednesday, April 23 - Historical Question due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, April 25 - HQ Peer comments due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday, April 29 - Research sources set #1 due in class
  • Monday, May 5 - Research sources set #2 due in class
  • Tuesday, May 6 - Thesis statement due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, May 7 - Unit 6 Test
  • Thursday, May 8 - Thesis peer comments due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, May 12 - Notecards due in class
  • Monday, May 19 - Completed GoogleDoc outline due by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, May 21 - Outline peer comments due in GoogleDoc by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, May 22 - Unit 7 Test
  • Thursday, May 29 - Essay Draft due in class
  • Friday, May 30 - Draft peer reviews due by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, June 5 - Essay final draft due by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, June 6 - Unit 8 Test
  • Monday, June 9 - Cumulative Map Quiz
  • Monday, June 9 - Research presentations due in class
  • Friday, June 13 - Final Exam

Soc Day 12 - Statistics & Sociology Trivia

Objective:  Develop the ability to interpret the results of opinion polls.  Evaluate the role of social structure and agency in stratification.

Task:  Today, we'll start class by listening t "Why Men Outnumber Women Attending Business Schools" (NPR, 4/9/14).  While you listen, you'll practice developing discussion question.  Then, we'll to take some time to investigate the creation and use of statistics in sociology.  Next, we'll break up into teams to play an open-book, open-notebook trivia review game.  Finally, if there is any time remaining, you can work on your discussion questions and reflections to the Moodle.

  • TODAY - "What's So Great About America?" discussion questions & reflections due on Moodle by 4:00 pm
  • Wednesday, April 16 - "What's So Great About America?" discussion
  • Thursday, April 24 - Social stratification vocabulary due in class
To learn more about statistics in public opinion research, check out the Pew Research Center.

CPWC Day 54 - Unit 5 Test

Objective: Assess knowledge and understanding of the geography, culture, politics, history, and contemporary status of East Asia. 

Task: Please clear your desks and prepare to take your East Asia Test. You will have the entirety of the block to complete the test. When you have finished, please take out your textbooks and begin working on your reading assignment and notes on South Asia. 

  • Tuesday, April 22 - Reading notes on chapter 24, section 1 due in class
  • Wednesday, April 23 - Reading notes on chapter 24, section 2 due in class
  • Thursday, April 24 - Reading notes on chapter 24, section 3 due in class
  • Friday, April 25 - Reading notes on chapter 26, section 1 due in class
  • Monday, April 28 - Reading notes on chapter 26, section 2 due in class
  • Wednesday, April 30 - Reading quiz on all of chapter 24 & chapter 26 (sections 1 & 2 only)
  • Wednesday, May 7 - Unit 5 Test

Monday, April 14, 2014

HWC Day 52 - Considering Korea in World History

Objective: Evaluate the role of Korea in world history and examine the contemporary status of North Korea. 

Task:  We will begin class by reviewing the article you read over the weekend. You will be making remarks about each of the ten things at different posters around the room. We will then watch the much anticipated documentary Inside North Korea. 

  • Tuesday, April 15 - Short Answers for Unit Test DUE
  • Wednesday, April 16 - Unit 5 Test

Soc Day 11 - Unit 1 Test

Objective:  Assess knowledge and understanding of unit 1 content.

Task:  Good morning!  For the first few minutes of class, you'll have the opportunity to review your notes and ask any final questions.  Then, you'll have the remainder of class to complete the unit 1 test.  When you finish the test, please complete and turn in the article preference survey.  Then, if there is still time remaining in class, you can work on the unit 2 vocabulary and/or read "What's So Great About America?"

  • TODAY - Unit 1 Test (study guide posted on Moodle)
  • Tuesday, April 15 - "What's So Great About America?" discussion questions & reflections due on Moodle by 4:00 pm
  • Wednesday, April 16 - "What's So Great About America?" discussion
  • Thursday, April 24 - Social class vocabulary due in class

CPWC Day 53 - East Asia Wrap-Up

Objective: Review characteristics of culture, the geography, history and politics of East Asia. 

Task: We will begin class by working in pairs to answer reading questions about Korea. Then we will break up into teams and review for tomorrow's unit test on East Asia. 

  • Tuesday, April 15 - Unit 5 Test

Friday, April 11, 2014

HWC Day 51 - Korea in World History

NHS Pasta for Pennies donations collections are happening NOW!  All donations benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  If you are willing and able, please consider donating to this worthy cause!

Objective: Compare and contrast the geographic, economic, political and social characteristics of North and South Korea. Evaluate the role of Korea in world history. 

Task: Today we will look at the history of Korean peninsula, the emergence of  the two separate nations of North and South Korea, the traits they share, and their differences. You will be working at different resource stations to learn about the two countries geography, government, economics, and social organization. I will also be distributing your take home short answer questions for your unit test.

  • Monday, April 14 - Top Ten Things to Know About Korea due 
  • TuesdayApril 15 Test Essays due (distributed in class on Friday)
  • Wednesday, April 16 - Unit 5 Test

Soc Day 10 - Applying Our Knowledge

Objectives:  Investigate the lives and ideas of the pioneers of sociology.  Examine the ways society impacts everyday behavior.

Task: Happy Friday!  Please hand in your Blame Game notes and reflections as you come into class.  Today we'll review concepts and content from unit 1.  First, you'll split into four groups to explore theoretical perspectives on religion, education, government, and economy.  Next, we'll listen to some music to delve into concepts such as class conflict, social facts, charismatic authority, the veil, and double consciousness.  Finally, we'll end class with a TED Talk about the impact of technology on social connections.

  • TODAY  - Blame Game viewing guide & reflection questions
  • TODAY - Pioneers of Sociology reflection posts due on VoiceThread by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, April 14 - Unit 1 Test (study guide posted on Moodle)
  • Tuesday, April 15 - "What's So Great About America?" discussion questions & reflections due on Moodle by 4:00 pm
  • Wednesday, April 16 - "What's So Great About America?" discussion

CPWC Day 52 - Korea in World History

Objectives: Compare the response of China and Japan to Western imperialism in Asia. Evaluate the role of Korea in world history.

Task: We will begin class by reviewing the economic, political, and social differences between China and Japan.  We'll document these differences and a few shared similarities on a Venn Diagram. Then, you'll complete a viewing guide while you watch the documentary Inside North Korea. For homework, you will write a one paragraph reflection on North Korea.

  • Monday, April 14 - Reflection paragraph on Inside North Korea due
  • Tuesday, April 15 - Unit 5 Tests

Thursday, April 10, 2014

HWC Day 50 - Comparing China & Japan

NHS Pasta for Pennies donations collections are happening NOW!  All donations benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  If you are willing and able, please consider donating to this worthy cause!

Objectives: Continue to examine the social, political, and economic changes in Japan.  Identify similarities and differences between China and Japan in their response to the West.

Task: To start class, you'll break into groups to debate the Meiji Restoration readings. You will have five minutes as a group to come up with a concise opening statement that summarizes the reading and your views. You will then have some time to compile your evidence and points that support this opening statement and you will take turns presenting them to your classmates. This will be a respectful organized exchange of ideas and discussion. After each point of evidence is presented the other group will have an opportunity to respond or ask questions. With the time we have left in class we will be looking at primary source documents to compare and contrast the different responses of China and Japan in confronting western influence in Asia. We will finish this activity by getting into groups and creating a Venn Diagram. 

  • TODAY - Meiji Restoration readings due 
  • Monday, April 14 - Top Ten Things to Know About Korea due 
  • TuesdayApril 15 Test Essays due (distributed in class on Friday)
  • Wednesday, April 16 - Unit 5 Test

Soc Day 9 - "The Blame Game"

Objective: Examine the ways society impacts individual behavior.  Consider societal patterns and individual prerogatives.

Task:  As you come into class, please get out your reading for today.  Spend the first few minutes of class discussing and reviewing the article.  Then, you'll take the reading quiz.  After everyone has finished the reading quiz, you'll watch The Blame Game and use your knowledge of sociology to analyze the argument.

  • TODAY - "The Echo Becomes the Net Generation" (Grown Up Digital excerpt) 
  • Friday, April 11 - Blame Game viewing guide & reflection questions
  • Friday, April 11 - Pioneers of Sociology reflection posts due on VoiceThread by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, April 14 - Unit 1 Test (study guide posted on Moodle)
  • Tuesday, April 15 - "What's So Great About America?" discussion questions & reflections due on Moodle by 4:00 pm
  • Wednesday, April 16 - "What's So Great About America?" discussion