Objective: Evaluate the interpretation of historical events and sources.
Task: As you come into class, please get out your reading notes on the "Countdown" reading. You'll have a few minutes to discuss the article and then you'll take the reading quiz. After you've finished the reading quiz, please turn it in at the front of the room and pick up the packet. Read the two accounts of British rule in India and compare the sources on the Venn diagram. We'll discuss the complex, sometimes contradictory, historiography of India. Finally, we'll end class with an examination of Gandhi's implementation of non-violent civil disobedience as a way of resisting British rule.
- TODAY - Research sources set #1 due in class
- Tuesday, April 29 - South Asia regional study part D
- Wednesday, April 30 - "Countdown" reading quiz
- Wednesday, April 30 - South Asia regional study parts B & E
- Thursday, May 1 - South Asia regional study part A
- Monday, May 5 - Research sources set #2 due in class
- Tuesday, May 6 - South Asia current events discussion
- Tuesday, May 6 - Thesis statement due on class blog by 3:00 pm
- Wednesday, May 7 - Unit 6 Test
- Thursday, May 8 - Thesis peer comments due on class blog by 3:00 pm
- Monday, May 12 - Notecards due in class
- Monday, May 19 - Completed GoogleDoc outline due by 3:00 pm
- Wednesday, May 21 - Outline peer comments due in GoogleDoc by 3:00 pm
- Thursday, May 22 - Unit 7 Test
- Thursday, May 29 - Essay Draft due in class
- Friday, May 30 - Draft peer reviews due by 3:00 pm
- Thursday, June 5 - Essay final draft due by 3:00 pm
- Friday, June 6 - Unit 8 Test
- Monday, June 9 - Cumulative Map Quiz
- Monday, June 9 - Research presentations due in class
- Friday, June 13 - Final Exam