Free Rice

Rice up against hunger

Friday, September 30, 2016

CPWC Day 23 - Africa Test

Objective:  Assess knowledge and understanding of geography, history, & culture of Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task: Happy Friday!  Please clear your desks of everything except for a pencil in preparation for the test.  As you take the test, please read each question carefully and select the best possible answer.  If you are unsure of the answer, try to eliminate one or two choices.  Don't spend too much time on any single question - its likely you may find clues to help you figure out the answer later in the test.  For the short answer questions, make sure that you fully answer each question with a clear thesis statement and relevant details from class activities.  Finally, before handing in your test, be sure to double check your work.

When you finish the test, please turn it in to Mrs. Friday in the back of the room .  Use the remainder of class to work on the homework for unit 3.

  • TODAY - Unit 2 Test
  • Monday,  October 3 - 19.2 rdg. notes due 
  • Monday,  October 3 - North Africa map due 
  • Tuesday, October 4 - 22.1 rdg. notes due 
  • Tuesday, October 4  - Southwest Asia map due
  • Wednesday, October 5 - 22.2 rdg. notes due 
  • Wednesday, October 5- Transcaucasia & Central Asia map due 
  • Thursday, October 6 - 22.3 rdg. notes due 
  • Friday, October 7 - 16.2 & 16.3 rdg. notes due 
  • Tuesday, October 11 - Unit 3 rdg. quiz (19.2, 22.1, 22.2, 22.3, 16.2, & 16.3) - hand-written index card may be used
  • Thursday, March 12 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Monday, October 17 - Unit 3 Test

HWC Day 23 - Africa Test

Objective:   Assess knowledge and understanding of the geography, history, & culture of Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:  Happy Friday!  Please clear your desks of everything except for a pencil in preparation for the test.  As you take the test, please read each question carefully and select the best possible answer.  If you are unsure of the answer, try to eliminate one or two choices.  Don't spend too much time on any single question - its likely you may find clues to help you figure out the answer later in the test.  For the short answer questions, make sure that you fully answer each question with a clear thesis statement and relevant details from class activities.  Finally, before handing in your test, be sure to double check your work.

When you finish the test, please turn it in to Mrs. Friday in the back of the room .  Use the remainder of class to work on the homework for unit 3.

  • TODAY - Unit 2 Test
  • TODAY - Unit 2 SJS due on class blog
  • Monday, October 3 - "West Comes East" reflection due on class blog by 7:30 am
  • Monday, October 3 - Unit 3 map "due"
  • Tuesday, October 4 - Watch "HWC3 - Zoroastrianism" BEFORE class
  • Thursday, October 6 - Regional Study Part VI "Women in Islam" due in class
  • Friday, October 7 - Unit 3 Regional Study, Part II "Orientalism" due in class
  • Tuesday, October 11 - "Roots of Muslim Rage" rdg. quiz
  • Wednesday, October 12 - Perspectives in History packet due in class - START THIS EARLY!
  • Thursday, October 13 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Friday, October 14 - Regional Study Part III "Comparing Saudi Arabia & Iran"
  • Friday, October 14 - Unit 3 PDP due on class blog
  • Monday, October 17  - Regional Study Parts IV "Transcaucasia" & Part V "Contemporary Issues" due 
  • Monday, October 17 - Unit 3 PDC due on class blog
  • Tuesday, October 18- Unit 3 Test
  • Tuesday, October 18 - Unit 3 SJS due on class blog

Thursday, September 29, 2016

CPWC Day 22 - Africa Wrap-Up

*Bring your textbook to class TOMORROW!*

Objective:  Investigate the course and fall of apartheid in South Africa.  Evaluate select contemporary issues in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task: Good morning!  We'll begin class with a short quiz on your homework.  Then, we'll review apartheid in South Africa before moving into our examination of contemporary issues in Africa. Finally, we'll spend the remainder of the class reviewing for tomorrow's test.

  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 Test
  • Monday,  October 3 - 19.2 rdg. notes due 
  • Monday,  October 3 - North Africa map due 
  • Tuesday, October 4 - 22.1 rdg. notes due 
  • Tuesday, October 4  - Southwest Asia map due
  • Wednesday, October 5 - 22.2 rdg. notes due 
  • Wednesday, October 5- Transcaucasia & Central Asia map due 
  • Thursday, October 6 - 22.3 rdg. notes due 
  • Friday, October 7 - 16.2 & 16.3 rdg. notes due 
  • Tuesday, October 11 - Unit 3 rdg. quiz (19.2, 22.1, 22.2, 22.3, 16.2, & 16.3) - hand-written index card may be used
  • Thursday, March 12 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Monday, October 17 - Unit 3 Test

HWC Day 22 - Africa Wrap-Up

Objective:   Examine the historiography of the Mau Mau rebellion.  Consider select contemporary issues in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:  Good morning!  We'll begin class with a consideration the Mau Mau revolt in Kenya.  Then, you'll have the opportunity to share your posters with the class.  Finally, we'll finish class with a short review in preparation for tomorrow's test.

  • TODAY - Contemporary Issues poster due in class
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 Test
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 SJS due on class blog
  • Monday, October 3 - "West Comes East" reflection due on class blog by 7:30 am
  • Monday, October 3 - Unit 3 map "due"
  • Tuesday, October 4 - Watch "HWC3 - Zoroastrianism" BEFORE class
  • Thursday, October 6 - Regional Study Part VI "Women in Islam" due in class
  • Friday, October 7 - Unit 3 Regional Study, Part II "Orientalism" due in class
  • Tuesday, October 11 - "Roots of Muslim Rage" rdg. quiz
  • Wednesday, October 12 - Perspectives in History packet due in class - START THIS EARLY!
  • Thursday, October 13 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Friday, October 14 - Regional Study Part III "Comparing Saudi Arabia & Iran"
  • Friday, October 14 - Unit 3 PDP due on class blog
  • Monday, October 17  - Regional Study Parts IV "Transcaucasia" & Part V "Contemporary Issues" due 
  • Monday, October 17 - Unit 3 PDC due on class blog
  • Tuesday, October 18- Unit 3 Test
  • Tuesday, October 18 - Unit 3 SJS due on class blog

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

CPWC Day 21 - Nationalism & Apartheid

Objective:  Describe the various paths to independence is Sub-Saharan Africa.  Evaluate the impact of select nationalist movements before, during, and after independence.  Investigate the course and fall of apartheid in South Africa.

Task: Good morning!  We'll begin class with a short review game.  Then, we'll watch a documentary about apartheid in South Africa.  Finally, if there is any time remaining, you'll begin your homework.

  • Thursday, September 29 - Watch & take notes on ONE of the sources below BEFORE class
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 Test (study guide will be posted to Schoology on or before Monday, September 26)
Sources About Africa:

HWC Day 21 - Nationalism, Independence, & Apartheid

Objective:   Discuss various paths to independence in Sub-Saharan Africa.  Explore select nationalist ideologies in Sub-Saharan Africa.  Evaluate the rise and fall of apartheid in South Africa.

Task:  Good morning!  First, we'll finish our review of African nationalists.  Then, we'll consider the Mau Mau revolt in Kenya before examining apartheid in South Africa.

  • TODAY - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past")
  • TODAY - Unit  2 PDCs due on class blog
  • Thursday, September 29 - Contemporary Issues Poster due in class
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 Test
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 SJS due on class blog

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

CPWC Day 20 - Nationalism & Independence in Africa

Objective:  Describe the various paths to independence is Sub-Saharan Africa.  Evaluate the impact of select nationalist movements before, during, and after independence.

Task: Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please watch ONE of the videos about nationalism in Africa.  While you watch, take notes on the main ideas of the video.  After everyone's finished the videos, we'll review "Resistance, Nationalism, & Independence."  Finally, we'll use the remainder of class to begin our discussion of South Africa.

  • TODAY - "Resistance, Nationalism, & Independence" packet due in class
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 Test (study guide will be posted to Schoology on or before Monday, September 26)


HWC Day 20 - Nationalism & Independence in Sub-Saharan Africa

Objective:  Evaluate the impact of imperialism in Sub-Saharan Africa.  Discuss various paths to independence in Sub-Saharan Africa.  Explore select nationalist ideologies in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:  Good morning!  Please download "Let's Consider" when you arrive to class.  We'll begin our discussions on nationalism with a short discussion on the historiography of Africa and the agency of Africans.  Then, we'll split into groups to examine, compare, & contrast the select nationalist ideologies.  Finally, we'll end class with a short segment from the "Uganda Rising" documentary.

  • TODAY - African Nationalist note sheet due in class
  • Wednesday, September 28 - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past")
  • Wednesday, September 28 - Unit  2 PDCs due on class blog
  • Thursday, September 29 - Contemporary Issues Poster due in class
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 Test
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 SJS due on class blog

Monday, September 26, 2016

CPWC Day 19 - Imperialism & Independence

Objective:  Describe the various paths to independence is Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task: Good morning!  Please clear your desk and get out a pen or pencil in preparation for your map quiz.  After you've completed the quiz, please turn it in at the back of the room and work on "Resistance, Nationalism, & Independence"  When everyone's finished the quiz, we'll review the imperialism DBQ and  "Uganda Rising."

  • TODAY - Africa map quiz (study guide will be posted to Schoology on or before Tuesday, September 20) Use TapQuiz Maps to review the country locations!
  • Tuesday, September 27 - "Resistance, Nationalism, & Independence" packet due in class
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 Test (study guide will be posted to Schoology on or before Monday, September 26)

HWC Day 19 - Africa Map Quiz & Independence in Africa

Objective:  Explore the course and consequences of European imperialism in Sub-Saharan Africa.  Evaluate the impact of imperialism in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:  Good morning!  Please clear your desks and get out a pen or pencil in preparation for your map quiz.  After you've finished the quiz, please turn it in at the back of the room and work on your African nationalists note sheet or your contemporary issues project.  When everyone's finished with the quiz, we'll work through part 3 of the Scramble for Africa.  Finally, we'll diagram "Whose Dream Was it Anyway?"

  • TODAY - Africa map quiz
  • Monday, September 26 - Unit 2 PDPs due on class blog
  • Tuesday, September 27 - African Nationalist note sheet due in class
  • Wednesday, September 28 - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past")
  • Wednesday, September 28 - Unit  2 PDCs due on class blog
  • Thursday, September 29 - Contemporary Issues Poster due in class
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 Test
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 SJS due on class blog

Friday, September 23, 2016

CPWC Day 18 - Imperialism & Independence in Africa

Objective:  Investigate the course and consequences of European imperialism.

Task: Happy Friday!  When you arrive to class, please get out your index card and a pencil in preparation for the reading quiz.  After you've completed the quiz, please turn it in at the back of the room and work on "DBQ - Imperialism in Africa."  Then, we'll review questions 1-12 on "Scramble for Africa" and the imperialism DBQ.  Finally, we'll end class with a segment from "Uganda Rising."

  • TODAY - Geography Chapter 18 reading quiz (one-sided, hand-written 3x5 index card may be used on quiz)
  • Monday, September 26 - Africa map quiz (study guide will be posted to Schoology on or before Tuesday, September 20) Use TapQuiz Maps to review the country locations!
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 Test (study guide will be posted to Schoology on or before Monday, September 26)

HWC Day 18 - Imperialism & Independence in Africa

Objective:  Discuss the contributions of great kingdoms and states of Sub-Saharan Africa.  Explore the course and consequences of European imperialism in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:  Happy Friday!  We'll spend the first portion of class selecting topics for your contemporary issues in Africa posters.  Then, we'll begin our exploration of various paths towards independence in Africa.  Finally, we'll end class with your reading quiz.

  • TODAY - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183
  • Monday, September 26 - Africa map quiz
  • Monday, September 26 - Unit 2 PDPs due on class blog
  • Tuesday, September 27 - African Nationalist note sheet due in class
  • Wednesday, September 28 - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past")
  • Wednesday, September 28 - Unit  2 PDCs due on class blog
  • Thursday, September 29 - Contemporary Issues Poster due in class
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 Test
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 SJS due on class blog

Thursday, September 22, 2016

CPWC Day 17 - Imperialism in Africa

Objective:  Investigate the course and consequences of European imperialism.

Task: Hamjambo!  When you arrive to class, please pick up the capitals matching paper on the front table.  After a short review, we'll continue our examination of imperialism in Africa with the Scramble for Africa.

  • TODAY - "Introduction" Reflection due by 3:00 (In-class assignment from Monday, 9/19)
  • Friday, September 23 - Geography Chapter 18 reading quiz (one-sided, hand-written 3x5 index card may be used on quiz)
  • Monday, September 26 - Africa map quiz (study guide will be posted to Schoology on or before Tuesday, September 20) Use TapQuiz Maps to review the country locations!
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 Test (study guide will be posted to Schoology on or before Monday, September 26)

HWC Day 17 - Imperialism in Africa

Objective:  Discuss the contributions of great kingdoms and states of Sub-Saharan Africa.  Explore the course and consequences of European imperialism in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:  Hamjambo!  We'll begin class with a game to review the geography & capitals of Africa.  Then, we'll practice thesis writing as we conclude our studies of ancient and medieval Africa. After you finish "The Scramble for Africa."  Finally, we'll use the remainder of class time to diagram the arguments presented in "Whose Dream Was it Anyway?" and "The Danger of a Single Story."

  • TODAY - Part B of Africa Regional Study ("Achievable Dreams?" due in class - START EARLY!!!
  • Friday, September 23 - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183
  • Monday, September 26 - Africa map quiz
  • Monday, September 26 - Unit 2 PDPs due on class blog
  • Tuesday, September 27 - African Nationalist note sheet due in class
  • Wednesday, September 28 - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past")
  • Wednesday, September 28 - Unit  2 PDCs due on class blog
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 Test
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 SJS due on class blog

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

CPWC Day 16 - Africa Before & During European Imperialism

Objective:  Evaluate the achievements of the African empires, kingdoms, & cities before the arrival of the Europeans.  Investigate the course and consequences of European imperialism.

Task: Hamjambo!  When you arrive to class, please submit your completed chapter 18, section 3 reading notes to the appropriate dropbox in Schoology.  We'll spend the first portion of class debriefing the "Africa Before European Arrival" DBQ.  Then, we'll begin our exploration of European imperialism in Africa.

  • TODAY  - Geography Chapter 18, section 3 reading notes due at the beginning of class
  • Thursday, September 22 - "Introduction" Reflection due by 3:00 (In-class assignment from Monday, 9/19)
  • Friday, September 23 - Geography Chapter 18 reading quiz (one-sided, hand-written 3x5 index card may be used on quiz)
  • Monday, September 26 - Africa map quiz (study guide will be posted to Schoology on or before Tuesday, September 20) Use TapQuiz Maps to review the country locations!
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 Test (study guide will be posted to Schoology on or before Monday, September 26)

HWC Day 16 - Imperialism in Africa

Objective:  Discuss the contributions of great kingdoms and states of Sub-Saharan Africa.  Explore the course and consequences of European imperialism in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:  Hamjambo!  We'll immediately begin class with your presentations on the ancient and medieval empires and kingdoms of Sub-Saharan Africa.  Then, we'll take a brief trip to the library to explore an interactive map showing the course of imperialism in Africa.  You'll also read a short article on British imperialism in Africa.  Finally, we'll use the remainder of class time to diagram the arguments presented in "Whose Dream Was it Anyway?" and "The Danger of a Single Story."

  • TODAY - Part B of Africa Regional Study ("Achievable Dreams?" due in class - START EARLY!!!
  • Friday, September 23 - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183
  • Monday, September 26 - Africa map quiz
  • Monday, September 26 - Unit 2 PDPs due on class blog
  • Tuesday, September 27 - African Nationalist note sheet due in class
  • Wednesday, September 28 - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past")
  • Wednesday, September 28 - Unit  2 PDCs due on class blog
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 Test
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 SJS due on class blog

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

CPWC Day 15 - Exploring Ancient & Medieval Africa

Objective: Label the countries, capitals, and physical features of Africa.  Investigate ancient and medieval history of Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task: Hamjambo!  When you arrive to class, please submit your  completed South & East Africa map to the appropriate dropbox in Schoology.  Then, clear your desks of everything except for a pen or pencil and a piece of paper.  We'll spend the first portion of class reviewing your unit 1 test.  Next, we'll continue to disprove the myth that Africa is the "continent without history."  Specifically, we'll complete the DBQ and summarize our learning thus far.

  • TODAY - Geography Chapter 18, section 2 reading notes due at the beginning of class
  • Wednesday, September 21 - Geography Chapter 18, section 3 reading notes due at the beginning of class
  • Thursday, September 22 - "Introduction" Reflection due by 3:00 (In-class assignment from Monday, 9/19)
  • Friday, September 23 - Geography Chapter 18 reading quiz (one-sided, hand-written 3x5 index card may be used on quiz)
  • Monday, September 26 - Africa map quiz (study guide will be posted to Schoology on or before Tuesday, September 20) Use TapQuiz Maps to review the country locations!
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 Test (study guide will be posted to Schoology on or before Monday, September 26)
Great States & Kingdoms in Africa 

HWC Day 15 - Great States, Empires, & Kingdoms of Africa

Objective: Reflect on the culture and geography of Sub-Saharan Africa.  Investigate select great kingdoms and states of Africa.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything from your desks except a blank piece of paper and a pen or pencil.  We'll spend the first portion of class reviewing your unit 1 test.  Then, you'll spend much of the remainder of class creating your presentations on the great empires, states, & kingdoms of ancient and medieval Africa.

  • Wednesday, September 21 - Part B of Africa Regional Study ("Achievable Dreams?" due in class - START EARLY!!!
  • Friday, September 23 - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183
  • Monday, September 26 - Africa map quiz
  • Monday, September 26 - Unit 2 PDPs due on class blog
  • Tuesday, September 27 - African Nationalist note sheet due in class
  • Wednesday, September 28 - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past")
  • Wednesday, September 28 - Unit  2 PDCs due on class blog
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 Test
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 SJS due on class blog

Monday, September 19, 2016

CPWC Day 14 - Geography & History of Africa

Objective: Label the countries, capitals, and physical features of Africa.  Investigate ancient and medieval history of Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task: Hamjambo!  When you arrive to class, please submit your  completed South & East Africa map to the appropriate dropbox in Schoology.  Then, read "Introduction" and post a brief reflection to the Schoology discussion.   If you finish your post early, please play TapQuiz maps to review your maps of Central & West Africa.  After everyone's finished, we'll finish labeling our map of Africa.  Then, we'll begin our exploration of the history of Africa with a DBQ about Africa before European arrival.

  • TODAY - Labeled South & East Africa map (in packet) due at the beginning of class)
  • Tuesday, September 20 - Geography Chapter 18, section 2 reading notes due at the beginning of class
  • Wednesday, September 21 - Geography Chapter 18, section 3 reading notes due at the beginning of class
  • Friday, September 23 - Geography Chapter 18 reading quiz (one-sided, hand-written 3x5 index card may be used on quiz)
  • Monday, September 26 - Africa map quiz (study guide will be posted to Schoology on or before Tuesday, September 20) Use TapQuiz Maps to review the country locations!
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 Test (study guide will be posted to Schoology on or before Monday, September 26)

HWC Day 14 - Exploring the Early History of Africa

Objective: Reflect on the culture and geography of Sub-Saharan Africa.  Investigate select great kingdoms and states of Africa.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please pick up a playing card from the front table.  We'll spend the first few minutes of class playing a game to review the map of Africa.  Then, you'll head back to your seats and we'll your posts on Schoology.   Finally, we'll divide into groups to research select kingdoms, empires, & states of Africa.

  • TODAY - Part A of Africa Regional Study ("African Cultures: Ancient & Diverse") due in class
  • Wednesday, September 21 - Part B of Africa Regional Study ("Achievable Dreams?" due in class - START EARLY!!!
  • Friday, September 23 - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183
  • Monday, September 26 - Africa map quiz
  • Monday, September 26 - Unit 2 PDPs due on class blog
  • Tuesday, September 27 - African Nationalist note sheet due in class
  • Wednesday, September 28 - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past")
  • Wednesday, September 28 - Unit  2 PDCs due on class blog
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 Test
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 SJS due on class blog
Extending class activities:

HWC Day 14 - Exploring the Early History of Africa

Objective: Reflect on the culture and geography of Sub-Saharan Africa.  Investigate select great kingdoms and states of Africa.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please pick up a playing card from the front table.  We'll spend the first few minutes of class playing a game to review the map of Africa.  Then, you'll head back to your seats and we'll your posts on Schoology.   Finally, we'll divide into groups to research select kingdoms, empires, & states of Africa.

  • TODAY - Part A of Africa Regional Study ("African Cultures: Ancient & Diverse") due in class
  • Wednesday, September 21 - Part B of Africa Regional Study ("Achievable Dreams?" due in class - START EARLY!!!
  • Friday, September 23 - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183
  • Monday, September 26 - Africa map quiz
  • Monday, September 26 - Unit 2 PDPs due on class blog
  • Tuesday, September 27 - African Nationalist note sheet due in class
  • Wednesday, September 28 - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past")
  • Wednesday, September 28 - Unit  2 PDCs due on class blog
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 Test
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 SJS due on class blog
Extending class activities:

Friday, September 16, 2016

CPWC Day 13 - Defining Africa

Objective: Label the countries, capitals, and physical features of Africa.  Identify and dispel misconceptions about Africa.

Task: Hamjambo!  When you arrive to class, please submit your  completed Central Africa map to the appropriate dropbox in Schoology.  We'll begin class with a short quiz on the "Globalization & Development Stations."  After you've turned in the assessment, please read "Drawing Conclusions" in preparation for our next activity.  Before moving on, we'll label and color Central Africa on our large map.  Finally, you'll engage in an activity to investigate the cliche that "Africans are the peoples without a history."

  • TODAY - Globalization & Development Stations Assessment
  • TODAY - Labeled Central Africa map (in packet) due at the beginning of class
  • Monday, Septebmer 19 - Labeled South & East Africa map (in packet) due at the beginning of class)
  • Tuesday, September 20 - Geography Chapter 18, section 2 reading notes due at the beginning of class
  • Wednesday, September 21 - Geography Chapter 18, section 3 reading notes due at the beginning of class
  • Friday, September 23 - Geography Chapter 18 reading quiz (one-sided, hand-written 3x5 index card may be used on quiz)
  • Monday, September 26 - Africa map quiz (study guide will be posted to Schoology on or before Tuesday, September 20) Use TapQuiz Maps to review the country locations!
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 Test (study guide will be posted to Schoology on or before Monday, September 26)

HWC Day 13 - Introduction to Africa

Objective: Assess knowledge and understanding of unit 1 content. 

Task:  Happy Friday!  When you arrive to class, please play the "Think You Know Africa?" quiz at the beginning of class.  After everyone has finished the quiz, we'll watch "What Do We Know About Africa?" before forming a discussion circle to discuss the misperceptions of Africa.

  • TODAY - Africa Map due
  • TODAY - Discussion "Five Myths About Africa" - reflection posts due by 7:35 am
  • Monday, September 19 - Part A of Africa Regional Study ("African Cultures: Ancient & Diverse") due in class
  • Wednesday, September 21 - Part B of Africa Regional Study ("Achievable Dreams?" due in class - START EARLY!!!
  • Friday, September 23 - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183
  • Monday, September 26 - Africa map quiz
  • Monday, September 26 - Unit 2 PDPs due on class blog
  • Tuesday, September 27 - African Nationalist note sheet due in class
  • Wednesday, September 28 - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past")
  • Wednesday, September 28 - Unit  2 PDCs due on class blog
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 Test
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 SJS due on class blog

Thursday, September 15, 2016

CPWC Day 12 - Introduction to Africa

Objective: Label the countries, capitals, and physical features of Africa.  Identify and dispel misconceptions about Africa.

Task: Hamjambo!  Since this is the first time you're submitting homework through Schoology, we'll spend the first few minutes of class going over the procedures for using the Schoology dropbox.  Then,  you'll use your map packet to begin labeling the large map of Africa.  Next, we'll watch a short film identifying some of the myths and misconceptions of African geography, history, and culture.

  • TODAY -  Labeled Western Africa map (in packet) due at the beginning of class
  • TODAY - Geography Chapter 18, section 1 reading notes due at the beginning of class
  • Friday, September 16 - Globalization & Development Stations Assessment
  • Friday, September 16 - Labeled Central Africa map (in packet) due at the beginning of class
  • Monday, Septebmer 19 - Labeled South & East Africa map (in packet) due at the beginning of class)
  • Tuesday, September 20 - Geography Chapter 18, section 2 reading notes due at the beginning of class
  • Wednesday, September 21 - Geography Chapter 18, section 3 reading notes due at the beginning of class
  • Friday, September 23 - Geography Chapter 18 reading quiz (one-sided, hand-written 3x5 index card may be used on quiz)
  • Monday, September 26 - Africa map quiz (study guide will be posted to Schoology on or before Tuesday, September 20) Use TapQuiz Maps to review the country locations!
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 Test (study guide will be posted to Schoology on or before Monday, September 26)

HWC Day 12 - Unit 1 Test

Objective: Assess knowledge and understanding of unit 1 content. 

Task:  Good morning!  Please clear your desks of everything except for a pencil in preparation for the test.  As you take the test, please read each question carefully and select the best possible answer.  If you are unsure of the answer, try to eliminate one or two choices.  Don't spend too much time on any single question - its likely you may find clues to help you figure out the answer later in the test.  For the short answer questions, make sure that you fully answer each question with a clear thesis statement and relevant details from class activities.  Finally, before handing in your test, be sure to double check your work.

When you finish the test, please turn it in to Mrs. Friday in the back of the room .  Use the remainder of class to work on the homework for unit 2.

  • TODAY - Unit 1 Test (study guide will be posted on or before Friday, September 9)
  • Friday, September 16 - Africa Map due
  • Friday, September 16 - Discussion "Five Myths About Africa" - reflection posts due by 7:35 am
  • Monday, September 19 - Part A of Africa Regional Study ("African Cultures: Ancient & Diverse") due in class
  • Wednesday, September 21 - Part B of Africa Regional Study ("Achievable Dreams?" due in class - START EARLY!!!
  • Friday, September 23 - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183
  • Monday, September 26 - Africa map quiz
  • Monday, September 26 - Unit 2 PDPs due on class blog
  • Tuesday, September 27 - African Nationalist note sheet due in class
  • Wednesday, September 28 - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past")
  • Wednesday, September 28 - Unit  2 PDCs due on class blog
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 Test
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 SJS due on class blog

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

CPWC Day 11 - Unit 1 Test

Objective: Assess knowledge and understanding of unit 1 content.

Task: Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please pick up the Africa map packet OR download the Africa map packet from Schoology.  I'll explain your homework assignments for unit 2 and check for textbooks.  I'll also answer any final questions before distributing your tests and answer sheet.

As you take the test, please read each question carefully and select the best possible answer.  If you are unsure of the answer, try to eliminate one or two choices.  Don't spend too much time on any single question - its likely you may find clues to help you figure out the answer later in the test.  For the short answer questions, make sure that you fully answer each question with relevant details from class activities.  Finally, before handing in your test, be sure to double check your work.

When you finish the test, please turn it in to Mrs. Friday in the back of the room .  Use the remainder of class to work on the homework for unit 2.

  • TODAY - Unit 1 test (study guide posted to Schoology)
  • Thursday, September 15 -  Labeled Western Africa map (in packet) due at the beginning of class
  • Thursday, September 15 - Geography Chapter 18, section 1 reading notes due at the beginning of class
  • Friday, September 16 - Globalization & Development Stations Assessment
  • Friday, September 16 - Labeled Central Africa map (in packet) due at the beginning of class
  • Monday, Septebmer 19 - Labeled South & East Africa map (in packet) due at the beginning of class)
  • Tuesday, September 20 - Geography Chapter 18, section 2 reading notes due at the beginning of class
  • Wednesday, September 21 - Geography Chapter 18, section 3 reading notes due at the beginning of class
  • Friday, September 23 - Geography Chapter 18 reading quiz (one-sided, hand-written 3x5 index card may be used on quiz)
  • Monday, September 26 - Africa map quiz (study guide will be posted to Schoology on or before Tuesday, September 20) Use TapQuiz Maps to review the country locations!
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 Test (study guide will be posted to Schoology on or before Monday, September 26)

HWC Day 11 - Unit 1 Wrap-Up

Objective: Identify characteristics of contemporary global society.  

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class please read "If You Shouldn't Call It The Third World, What Should You Call It?"(NPR, 1/4/2015).  As you read, consider how you may use the ideas presented in this piece to respond to your first short answer question.  After a brief discussion, you'll finish your investigation of global issues from yesterday.  Finally, we'll spend any remaining time reviewing for tomorrow's test.

  • Thursday, September 15 - Unit 1 Test (study guide will be posted on or before Friday, September 9)
  • Friday, September 16 - Africa Map due
  • Friday, September 16 - Discussion "Five Myths About Africa" - reflection posts due by 7:35 am
  • Monday, September 19 - Part A of Africa Regional Study ("African Cultures: Ancient & Diverse") due in class
  • Wednesday, September 21 - Part B of Africa Regional Study ("Achievable Dreams?" due in class - START EARLY!!!
  • Friday, September 23 - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183
  • Monday, September 26 - Africa map quiz
  • Monday, September 26 - Unit 2 PDPs due on class blog
  • Tuesday, September 27 - African Nationalist note sheet due in class
  • Wednesday, September 28 - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past")
  • Wednesday, September 28 - Unit  2 PDCs due on class blog
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 Test
  • Friday, September 30 - Unit 2 SJS due on class blog
Extending Class Discussion:

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

CPWC Day 10 - Unit 1 Wrap-Up

*Bring your textbook to class tomorrow - 5 points!*

Objective: Explore globalization and development in the contemporary world.

Task: When you arrive to class, please grab a white board and open up your study guide.  On the white board, please write down three concepts that you feel need to be reviewed today.  Then, we'll spend the next portion of class reviewing globalization and development.  We'll also watch a music video depicting one perspective of the contemporary world.  Finally, if there is any time remaining, we'll review for tomorrow's test.

  • Wednesday, September 14 - Unit 1 test (study guide posted to Schoology)
  • Friday, September 16 - Globalization & Development Stations Assessment

CPWC Day 10 - Unit 1 Wrap-Up

*Bring your textbook to class tomorrow - 5 points!*

Objective: Explore globalization and development in the contemporary world.

Task: When you arrive to class, please grab a white board and open up your study guide.  On the white board, please write down three concepts that you feel need to be reviewed today.  Then, we'll spend the next portion of class reviewing globalization and development.  We'll also watch a music video depicting one perspective of the contemporary world.  Finally, if there is any time remaining, we'll review for tomorrow's test.

  • Wednesday, September 14 - Unit 1 test (study guide posted to Schoology)
  • Friday, September 16 - Globalization & Development Stations Assessment

HWC Day 10 - From Modernity to Mass Globalization

Objective: Define the "modern" period.  Identify justifications & implications of imperialism in the 19th & 20th centuries.

Task:  When you arrive to class, please download the PDP/PDC rubric and fill it out with your assigned documents.  Submit the completed rubric to the dropbox in Schoology.  We'll finish our examination of imperialism and define modernity.  Then, you'll begin your examination of the contemporary world with the globalization & development stations activity.

  • TODAY - Unit 1 PDCs due on class blog by 3:00 pm (Go to spreadsheet for assignments & see format criteria on class blog)
  • Thursday, September 15 - Unit 1 Test (study guide will be posted on or before Friday, September 9)

Monday, September 12, 2016

CPWC Day 9 - Globalization & Development

Objective: Explore globalization and development in the contemporary world.

Task: Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please get a white board an marker.  On the board, explain how scaling works as we examine time and space.  After a brief review, you'll get back into your groups to complete the stations activities.

  • Wednesday, September 14 - Unit 1 test (study guide posted to Schoology)

HWC Day 9 - Reviewing the Big Eras & Defining the Modern Period

Objective:  Explore the difficulties and justifications for periodization in history.  Define the "modern" period.  Identify justifications & implications of imperialism in the 19th & 20th centuries.

Task:  We'll begin class with an activity to review the Big Eras.  Then, we'll define the "modern" period and consider the implications of imperialism.

  • TODAY - Imperialism discussion (complete Venn diagram and chart in preparation for our discussion)
  • TODAY - Unit 1 PDPs due on class blog by 3:00 pm (Go to spreadsheet for assignments & see format criteria on class blog)
  • Tuesday, September 13 - Unit 1 PDCs due on class blog by 3:00 pm (Go to spreadsheet for assignments & see format criteria on class blog)
  • Wednesday, September 14 - Unit 1 Test (study guide will be posted on or before Friday, September 9)

Friday, September 9, 2016

CPWC Day 8 - Historical Developments & Globalized Society

Objective: Assess knowledge and understanding of geography and culture.  Explore problems associated with historical periodization.

Task: Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except for a pen or pencil.  You'll spend the first portion of class completing the unit 1 quiz.  After you finish the quiz, please turn it in at the back of the room and begin working through your unit 1 test study guide. After everyone has finished the quiz, you'll engage in an activity to demonstrate some of the problems of historical periodization.  Finally, you'll spend the last 20 minutes of class working in your first "Globalization & Development" station.

  • TODAY - Unit 1 quiz (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Tuesday, 9/6)
  • Wednesday, September 14 - Unit 1 test (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Friday, 9/9)

HWC Day 8 - Periodization, Imagined Communities, & Document Analysis

Objective:  Explore the difficulties and justifications for periodization in history.  Trace the developments of humanity from the dawn of man to the present. Consider the epistemology of community.

Task:  Happy Friday!  When you arrive to class, please read the excerpts from Benedict Anderson's Imagined Communities to define "social construct."  We'll add this terminology to our vernacular as we finish our examination of the Big Eras.  Finally, to end our week together, we'll discuss the Yalta Conference and I'll model document analysis in preparation for your Primary Document Posts.

  • TODAY - "Yalta Conference" discussion (come prepared with highlighted & annotated text)
  • TODAY - Foundations Investigation due by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, September 12 - Imperialism discussion (complete Venn diagram and chart in preparation for our discussion)
  • Monday, September 12 - Unit 1 PDPs due on class blog by 3:00 pm (Go to spreadsheet for assignments & see format criteria on class blog)
  • Tuesday, September 13 - Unit 1 PDCs due on class blog by 3:00 pm (Go to spreadsheet for assignments & see format criteria on class blog)
  • Wednesday, September 14 - Unit 1 Test (study guide will be posted on or before Friday, September 9)

Thursday, September 8, 2016

CPWC Day 7 - Transfer of Culture

Objective: Identify and discuss the characteristics of culture.  Explore the transfer of culture.

Task: Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please take a few minutes to review your notes on the elements of culture.  We'll begin class with a short activity to review the characteristics and elements of culture.  Then, we'll finish our unit 1 notes with a discussion about the manners in which culture is transferred across time and space.  Finally, we'll end class with an activity in which you'll apply your knowledge of the elements of culture.

  • TODAY - Read "Collective Learning" BEFORE class
  • Friday, September 9 - Unit 1 quiz (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Tuesday, 9/6)
  • Wednesday, September 14 - Unit 1 test (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Friday, 9/9)

HWC Day 7 - Periodization & Social Sciences Review

Objective:  Explore the difficulties and justifications for periodization in history.  Trace the developments of humanity from the dawn of man to the present.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except for a pen or pencil and your index card.  You'll use the first 30 minutes of class to complete your G&D chapter 1 reading quiz.  After you finish the quiz, please continue working on your "Big Era" project.  Finally, we'll end class with a game to review essential content from the Primer presentations.

  • TODAY - Globalization & Diversity chapter 1 reading quiz (1 side of 3x 5 index card permitted)
  • TODAY - Foundations Investigation due by 3:00 pm for extra credit
  • Friday, September 9 - "Yalta Conference" discussion (come prepared with highlighted & annotated text)
  • Friday, September 9 - Foundations Investigation due by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, September 12 - Imperialism discussion (complete Venn diagram and chart in preparation for our discussion)
  • Monday, September 12 - Unit 1 PDPs due on class blog by 3:00 pm (Go to spreadsheet for assignments & see format criteria on class blog)
  • Wednesday, September 14 - Unit 1 Test (study guide will be posted on or before Friday, September 9)

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

CPWC Day 6 - Elements of Culture

Objective: Identify and discuss the characteristics of culture.

Task: Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please get out "What Difference Does Language Make?"  I'll answer any questions and then you'll take a quick quiz to check for homework completion.  Then, you'll work with your group for a quick review before moving on to notes on the elements of culture.  Finally, we'll end class with an activity to apply your knowledge of the characteristics and elements of culture.

  • TODAY - Read "What Difference Does Language Make?" BEFORE class
  • Thursday, September 8 - Read "Collective Learning" BEFORE class
  • Friday, September 9 - Unit 1 quiz (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Tuesday, 9/6)
  • Wednesday, September 14 - Unit 1 test (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Friday, 9/9)

HWC Day 6 - Social Sciences & Historical Periodization

Objective:   Define history and the social sciences as they will be applied in HWC.  Explore the difficulties and justifications for periodization in history.

Task:  When you arrive to class, please work with your partner to create visual a illustrating the relationship between religion, philosophy, & science.  After a brief discussion, we'll finish the remainder of the Primer presentations.  Then, we'll discuss human evolution as presented in Becoming Human.  Finally, we'll use the "World History for Us All" website to explore the "Big Eras" and  historical periodization.

  • TODAY  - "Becoming Human" discussion (watch interactive video on a computer (runs on Flash) or read the transcript)
  • Thursday, September 8 - Globalization & Diversity chapter 1 reading quiz (1 side of 3x 5 index card permitted)
  • Thursday, September 8 - Foundations Investigation due by 3:00 pm for extra credit
  • Friday, September 9 - "Yalta Conference" discussion (come prepared with highlighted & annotated text)
  • Friday, September 9 - Foundations Investigation due by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, September 12 - Imperialism discussion (complete Venn diagram and chart in preparation for our discussion)
  • Monday, September 12 - Unit 1 PDPs due on class blog by 3:00 pm (Go to spreadsheet for assignments & see format criteria on class blog)
  • Wednesday, September 14 - Unit 1 Test (study guide will be posted on or before Friday, September 9)

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

CPWC Day 5 - What is Culture?

Objective: Identify and discuss the characteristics of culture.

Task:  Good morning!  We'll begin class with a quick game to review geography.  Then, we'll begin our notes on culture.  Finally, we'll end class with a discussion of "100% American."

  • TODAY - Geography chapter 1, section 2 reading notes due by the beginning of class
  • Tuesday, September 6 - Read and answer questions for "100% American" BEFORE class - be prepared to discuss
  • Wednesday, September 7 - Read "What Difference Does Language Make?" BEFORE class
  • Thursday, September 8 - Read "Collective Learning" BEFORE class
  • Friday, September 9 - Unit 1 quiz (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Tuesday, 9/6)
  • Wednesday, September 14 - Unit 1 test (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Friday, 9/9)

HWC Day 5 - Culture, Primary Document Analysis, & Periodization

Objective:    Apply knowledge of elements of culture.  Define history and the social sciences as they will be applied in HWC.  Explore the difficulties and justifications for periodization in history.

Task:  When you arrive to class, please pick up a card.  You'll spend the first portion of class working with a partner to identify the elements of culture in a provided image. After you finish your image analysis, please work on "Considering Periodization" (in unit 1 of Schoology).   

After everyone has finished the quiz, I'll explain the Primary Document Posts, Primary Document Comments, and Scholarly Journal Summaries that you'll complete throughout the duration of the course.  You'll post these assignments to our class blog.  The rubrics and PDFs of/links to the primary documents are posted in Schoology in the "HWC Primary Documents" folder.  Further, I've shared the Spreadsheet, "HWC PDP, PDC, & SJS Analysis - Fall 2016" with you via GoogleDrive.

Then, we'll finish class with the Primer presentations.


  • TODAY - Primer presentations due in class
  • TODAY - PDP, PDC, SJS selections  (only 3 per unit)
  • Wednesday, September 7 - "Becoming Human" discussion (watch interactive video on a computer (runs on Flash) or read the transcript)
  • Thursday, September 8 - Globalization & Diversity chapter 1 reading quiz (1 side of 3x 5 index card permitted)
  • Friday, September 9 - "Yalta Conference" discussion (come prepared with highlighted & annotated text)
  • Friday, September 9 - Foundations Investigation due by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, September 12 - Imperialism discussion (complete Venn diagram and chart in preparation for our discussion)
  • Wednesday, September 14 - Unit 1 Test (study guide will be posted on or before Friday, September 9)

Thursday, September 1, 2016

CPWC Day 4 - Geography & Culture

Objective: Explore the perspectives and portrayals of spatial relationships.  Establish a process for studying maps.

Task:  Good morning!  Please get out your reading notes when you arrive to class.  I'll answer any questions before you take a quick assessment to check your understanding of the text.  When you finish the assessment, please read and respond to "100% American."  Then, we'll finish labeling "Using Latitude and Longitude."  Finally, we'll begin our examination of culture.

  • TODAY - Geography chapter 1, section 1 reading notes due by the beginning of class
  • Tuesday, September 6 - Geography chapter 1, section 2 reading notes due by the beginning of class
  • Tuesday, September 6 - Read and answer questions for "100% American" BEFORE class - be prepared to discuss
  • Friday, September 9 - Unit 1 quiz (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Tuesday, 9/6)
  • Wednesday, September 14 - Unit 1 test (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Friday, 9/9)

HWC Day 4 - GGS Quiz & Using the Library

"Google can bring you back 100,000 answers, librarians can bring you back the right one."  Author Neil Gaiman

Objectives: Assess knowledge and understanding of the arguments presented in  Guns, Germs, & Steel.  Identify and utilize library resources necessary in HWC.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please get out your index card in preparation for your quiz.  You'll have 30 minutes to complete your quiz.  Then, we'll head down to the library and Mrs. Sams will review some skills for using library resources.  Finally, you'll use the remainder of class to work on your "Foundations Investigation."

  • TODAY - GGS reading quiz (1 side of 3x5 index card permitted)
  • Tuesday, September 6 - Primer presentations due in class
  • Tuesday, September 6 - PDP, PDC, SJS selections  (only 3 per unit)
  • Wednesday, September 7 - "Becoming Human" discussion (watch interactive video on a computer (runs on Flash) or read the transcript)
  • Thursday, September 8 - Globalization & Diversity chapter 1 reading quiz (1 side of 3x 5 index card permitted)
  • Friday, September 9 - Foundations Investigation due by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, September 12 - Imperialism discussion (complete Venn diagram and chart in preparation for our discussion)
  • Wednesday, September 14 - Unit 1 Test (study guide will be posted on or before Friday, September 9)