Free Rice

Rice up against hunger

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

HWC Day 86 - Final Exam Review

Objective:  Review essential course content in preparation for the final exam.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please get out your crossword puzzle.  After we go over the answers to the puzzles we'll play some games to review for your final exam.

  • TODAY - Final Exam Crossword Puzzle due in class
  • TODAY - Unit 8 SJS due
  • Friday, June 10 - Final Exam (9:15-10:45 am)

CPWC Day 84 - Final Exam Review

IMPORTANT:  Any tests or quizzes that have not been completed by TODAY will become zeroes.  Please make arrangements with me ASAP to complete any missed work.

Objective:  Review essential course content in preparation for the final exam.

Task:   Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please get out your crossword.  We'll spend the first portion of class reviewing the crossword.  Then, you'll divide into teams to play review Jeopardy!

  • TODAY - Final Exam Crossword Puzzle due in class
  • Thursday, June 9 - Final Exams (7:35-9:05 am)

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

HWC Day 85 - International Relations Simulation

Objective:  Apply knowledge and skills developed in HWC in a simulation of international relations.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please return to your country and prepare for a continuation of our simulation.  Finally, we'll debrief the activity and identify the ways in which this relates to our class content.

  • Wednesday, June 8 - Final Exam Crossword Puzzle due in class
  • Wednesday, June 8 - Unit 8 SJS due
  • Friday, June 10 - Final Exam (9:15-10:45 am)

Soc Day 85 - Socialization in Adolescence

Objective:  Consider the ways in which peer groups contribute to socialization.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please get out your "Mean Girls" viewing questions.  We'll continue our sociological analysis of the film.

Media Day 80 - "Generation Like"

Objective: Examine the role of the media in consumer culture.

Task:  Happy Monday!  When you arrive to class, please get out your notes on Generation Like.  We'll finish the documentary and debate the validity of the arguments presented by the film-makers.

CPWC Day 83 - Latin America Wrap-Up

IMPORTANT:  Any tests or quizzes that have not been completed by Wednesday, June 8 will become zeroes.  Please make arrangements with me ASAP to complete any missed work.

Objective:  Investigate the path to independence in of select Latin American countries.  Describe the status of Latin America in the 20th & 21st centuries.

Task:   Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up "Latin American People Win Independence."  We'll spend the first few minutes reviewing the reading before shifting to our examination of military rule during the twentieth century.

  • Wednesday, June 8 - Final Exam Crossword Puzzle due in class
  • Thursday, June 9 - Final Exams (7:35-9:05 am)

"Argentina's 'Dirty War'" (60 Minutes, 2/14/2015)

Monday, June 6, 2016

HWC Day 84 - International Relations Simulation

Objective:  Apply knowledge and skills developed in HWC in a simulation of international relations.

Task:  Happy Monday!  When you arrive to class, please move the desks into six groups in preparation for our simulation.  We'll briefly review the background information before jumping into our simulation.  You'll participate in this simulation IN CLASS over the next two days - please refrain from "diplomacy" and "espionage" outside of class.

  • TODAY - Read Background Information BEFORE class
  • TODAY - Unit 8 PDC due
  • Wednesday, June 8 - Final Exam Crossword Puzzle due in class
  • Wednesday, June 8 - Unit 8 SJS due
  • Friday, June 10 - Final Exam (9:15-10:45 am)

Soc Day 84 - Socialization in Adolescence

Objective:  Consider the ways in which peer groups contribute to socialization.

Task:  Happy Monday!  When you arrive to class, please read "Peer Groups, Cliques, & Crowds."  After a brief discussion, you'll download the "Mean Girls" viewing questions in preparation for a critical viewing of the film

Media Day 79 - Consumer Culture in the Digital Age

Objective: Examine the role of the media in consumer culture.

Task:  Happy Monday!  When you arrive to class, please read the Generation Like background essay.  After everyone's had a chance to read the essay, we'll conduct a brief discussion before viewing the documentary.

CPWC Day 82 - Independence and Conflict in Latin America

IMPORTANT:  Any tests or quizzes that have not been completed by Wednesday, June 8 will become zeroes.  Please make arrangements with me ASAP to complete any missed work.

Objective:  Investigate the path to independence in of select Latin American countries.

Task:   Happy Monday!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except for a pencil and your index card in preparation for the reading quiz.  After you turn the quiz in at the back of the room, please go into Schoology to complete "Legacy of General Pinochet."  When everyone has finished the quiz, we'll discuss select independence movements in Latin America.

  • TODAY - Unit 8 reading quiz (9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 11.1, & 11.2)
  • TODAY - Senior Final Exams (7:48-9:14 am)
  • Wednesday, June 8 - Final Exam Crossword Puzzle due in class
  • Thursday, June 9 - Final Exams (7:35-9:05 am)

Friday, June 3, 2016

HWC Day 83 - Africa, Europe, & Latin America Map Quiz

Objective:  Assess knowledge of world map.

Task: Good afternoon! When you arrive to class, please get out a pen or pencil in preparation for the map quiz.  After you finish the quiz, please turn it in at the back of the room and pick up the crossword puzzle.  Read the Background Information for the International Relations Simulation in preparation for Monday's activities.  Finally, after everyone has finished the quiz, please work on the crossword puzzle.

  • TODAY  - Cumulative Map Quiz (Africa, Europe, & Latin America)
  • Monday, June 6  - Read Background Information BEFOER class
  • Monday, June 6 - Unit 8 PDC due
  • Wednesday, June 8 - Final Exam Crossword Puzzle due in class
  • Wednesday, June 8 - Unit 8 SJS due
  • Friday, June 10 - Final Exam (9:15-10:45 am)

Soc Day 83 - Sociology of the Three Little Pigs

IMPORTANT:  Seniors must have all work finished by Friday, June 3.  

Objective:  Consider the sociological impact of children's stories.

Task:  Good morning!  We'll begin class with a cartoon of the Three Little Pigs.  Then, you'll read a sociological explanation of the three little pigs and fill out a comprehension check.

Media Day 78 - Portrayals of Race in the Media

IMPORTANT:  Seniors must have all work finished by TODAY.  

Objective: Examine the role of the media in the perpetuation and construction of racial, religious, and ethnic stereotypes.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download "Idris Elba: Speech on Diversity in the Media" viewing guide.   Then answer questions while you watch the speech.  Submit your work before leaving class.

Due Date:
  • TODAY  - "From Russia With Love" close reading & reflection due

CPWC Day 81 - Cumulative Map Quiz

IMPORTANT:  Any tests or quizzes that have not been completed by Wednesday, June 8 will become zeroes.  Please make arrangements with me ASAP to complete any missed work.

Objective:  Assess knowledge of the world map.  Investigate the path to independence in of select Latin American countries.

Task:   Happy Friday!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except a pen or pencil in preparation for your map quiz.  After you finish the quiz, please turn it in at the back of the room and pick up the final exam crossword puzzle.  Then, finish reading "Latin American Peoples Win Independence."  Finally, after you've finished your work on Latin American independence, work on the final exam crossword puzzle.

  • TODAY - Cumulative map quiz
  • Monday, June 6 - Unit 8 reading quiz (9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 11.1, & 11.2)
  • Monday, June 6 - Senior Final Exams (7:48-9:14 am)
  • Wednesday, June 8 - Final Exam Crossword Puzzle due in class
  • Thursday, June 9 - Final Exams (7:35-9:05 am)

Thursday, June 2, 2016

HWC Day 82 - Contemporary Latin America

Objective:  Describe colonialism and independence in Latin America.

Task: Good afternoon! When you arrive to class, please get out your index card in preparation for the reading quiz.  After the reading quiz, we'll finish the presentations from yesterday and discuss neoliberalism.  Finally, we'll end class with an examination of contemporary issues in Latin America.

  • TODAY - Contemporary Issues in Latin America summary due by 8:00 am
  • TODAY - Unit 8 PDP due
  • Friday, June 3 - Cumulative Map Quiz (Africa, Europe, & Latin America)
  • Monday, June 6 - Unit 8 PDC due
  • Wednesday, June 8 - Unit 8 SJS due
  • Friday, June 10 - Final Exam (9:15-10:45 am)

Soc Day 82 - Race & Ethnicity Wrap-Up

IMPORTANT:  Seniors must have all work finished by Friday, June 3.  

Objective:  Examine race & ethnicity as a sociological construct.

Task:  Good morning!  We'll finalize our notes on assimilation.  Then, we'll wrap up our examination of race and ethnicity with a visual analysis activity.

  • ASAP - Submit "American Promise" viewing guide

Media Day 77 - Introduction to Race in the Media

IMPORTANT:  Seniors must have all work finished by Friday, June 3.  

Objective: Examine the role of the media in the perpetuation and construction of racial, religious, and ethnic stereotypes.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please read "Ferguson Reports Raise Questions On Media Criminalization of Blacks" (al-Jazeera America, 8/14/2014).  If you finish early, please work on the media assignment or "From Russia With Love."  After everyone has finished the article, we'll establish a context for talking about race and ethnictity in the media.

Due Date:
  • TODAY - What is the Role of Social Media in Elections? due by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, June 3 - "From Russia With Love" close reading & reflection due

CPWC Day 80 - Independence in Latin America

IMPORTANT:  Any tests or quizzes that have not been completed by Wednesday, June 8 will become zeroes.  Please make arrangements with me ASAP to complete any missed work.

Objective:  Investigate the various paths to independence in Latin America.  Apply knowledge of human rights to contemporary issues.

Task:   Good morning!  We'll spend the first few minutes of class revisiting human rights.  Then, we'll review the second part of Spanish Towns in the Americas.  Finally, you'll read about nationalism and independence in select Latin American states.

  • Friday, June 3 - Cumulative map quiz
  • Monday, June 6 - Unit 8 reading quiz (9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 11.1, & 11.2)
  • Monday, June 6 - Senior Final Exams (7:48-9:14 am)
  • Thursday, June 9 - Final Exams (7:35-9:05 am)

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

HWC Day 81 - Colonialism to Independence

Objective:  Describe the process of colonialism and independence in Latin America.

Task: Good afternoon! Today, we'll explore the process of colonialism & moves toward independence in select Latin American countries.  As a group, you'll research and create a summary of the colonial history and path toward independence in Mexico, Cuba, Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, or Bolivia.  You'll gather your research into a CONCISE GoogleSlides presentation and share your information with the class.

  • TOMORROW - Neoliberalism reading quiz (moved due to locker clean-out)
  • Thursday, June 2 - Contemporary Issues in Latin America summary due by 8:00 am
  • Thursday, June 2 - Unit 8 PDP due
  • Friday, June 3 - Cumulative Map Quiz (Africa, Europe, & Latin America)
  • Monday, June 6 - Unit 8 PDC due
  • Wednesday, June 8 - Unit 8 SJS due
  • Friday, June 10 - Final Exam (9:15-10:45 am)

Soc Day 81 - Code-Switching

IMPORTANT:  Seniors must have all work finished by Friday, June 3.  

Objective:  Examine race & ethnicity as a sociological construct.

Task:  Good morning!  We'll begin class with a short Key & Peele sketch.  Then, you'll reflect on code-switching in sociological terms.

  • ASAP - Submit "American Promise" viewing guide
For Class Discussion:

Media Day 76 - Politics Wrap-Up

IMPORTANT:  Seniors must have all work finished by Friday, June 3.  

Objective: Discuss the role of the media in the American political process.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please respond to the following question in your Media Studies journal:  What role should the media play in elections?  After you've had a chance to consider and reflect on this question, we'll discuss the relationship between media and politics.  Finally, we'll wrap-up the unit with an article on RT and the 2016 election.

Due Date:
  • TODAY - "From Russia With Love" close reading & reflection due
  • Thursday, June 2 - What is the Role of Social Media in Elections? due by 3:00 pm

CPWC Day 79 - Colonization & Independence in Latin America

IMPORTANT:  Any tests or quizzes that have not been completed by Wednesday, June 8 will become zeroes.  Please make arrangements with me ASAP to complete any missed work.

Objective:  Consider the status of Latin America prior to European incursion.  Discuss the process by which European powers conquered Latin America.

Task:   Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please upload your reading notes to the appropriate Schoology dropbox.  Then, open up "Comparing Aztecs & Incas" (from last week).  We'll finish our review of indigenous cultures in Latin America.  Then, we'll look at the process by which Spain conquered Latin America.  Finally, if there is any time remaining, we'll review maroons & the Haitian Revolution.

  • TODAY - 11.2 reading notes due in class
  • Friday, June 3 - Cumulative map quiz
  • Monday, June 6 - Unit 8 reading quiz (9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 11.1, & 11.2)
  • Monday, June 6 - Senior Final Exams (7:48-9:14 am)
  • Thursday, June 9 - Final Exams (7:35-9:05 am)