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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

CPWC Day 25 - Comparing Monotheistic Faiths

Objective:  Identify geographic and cultural characteristics of the Arab world.  Describe the similarities and differences between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Pd. 3-4 Task:  When you arrive to class, please get out your homework and a blank piece of paper.  Please write your name and todays date on the paper.  Use your "Heirs of Abraham" article to summarize your knowledge of the monotheistic religions.
  • Paragraph 1 – Introduction w/ thesis.  This paragraph should also address the similarities between all three religions.
  • Paragraph 2 – Judaism
  • Paragraph 3 – Christianity
  • Paragraph 4 – Islam
  • Paragraph 5 – Conclusion (significance of these faiths in history & the contemporary world)

When you've finished, please turn your paper in on the front cart.  We'll spend the next few minutes labeling Central Asia on your large map.  Next, you'll get out your computer and use the "Geography Notes" file on the Moodle to complete the geography packet.  If you finish early, please use the map games on the Moodle to review for your quiz.

Pd. 6-9 Task:  When you arrive to class, please get out a blank piece of paper.  Write your name and today's date on the paper.  Use your "Heirs of Abraham" article to summarize your knowledge of the monotheistic religions.  When you've finished, please turn your summary in on the front cart and pick up the capitals review.  After we've checked the capitals, you'll complete a video guide while watching "Inside Mecca."

  • TODAY  - Central Asia map due in class
  • TODAY - Chapter 22, Section 3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, October 1 - Chapter 16, Section 2 reading notes due
  • Thursday, October 2 - Chapter 16, Section 3 reading notes due
  • Friday, October 3 - Reading quiz (16.2, 16.3, 19.2, and chapter 22)
  • Monday, October 6 - Map quiz on North Africa, Southwest Asia, & Central Asia
  • Thursday, October 9 - Unit 3 Test

HWC Day 25 - Comparing Monotheistic Faiths

Objective:   Investigate the development and similarities of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.  Assess knowledge and understanding of "Roots of Muslim Rage."

Task:  Good morning!  Please take the first few minutes of class to review "Roots of Muslim Rage."  I'll answer any last minute questions before you take the quiz.  When you've finished, please get out "Heirs of Abraham" and read while your waiting for your classmates to finish.  After everyone has finished reading the article, we'll discuss the similarities and differences between the monotheistic faiths.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class choosing responsibilities for the "West Comes East" discussion tomorrow.
  • TODAY - "Roots of Muslim Rage" reading quiz
  • Thursday, October 2 - "West Comes East" discussion
  • Thursday, October 2 - Part IV of Regional Study due in class
  • Friday, October 3 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Monday, October 6 -Part II of Regional Study due in class
  • Tuesday, October 7 - G&D chapter 10 reading quiz
  • Wednesday, October 8 - Perspectives in History charts due
  • Thursday, October 9 - Unit 3 Test
  • Wednesday, October 15 - PSAT administration

Monday, September 29, 2014

CPWC Day 24 - Monotheism in the Middle East

Objective:  Identify geographic and cultural characteristics of the Arab world.  Describe the similarities and differences between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Task:  Good morning!  As you come into class, please pick up "Islamic Contributions to World Civilization" from the cart in the front of the room.  Get out your Southwest Asia map and chapter 22, section 2 reading notes.  While I'm checking your homework, please work on the packet.  After I've checked your homework, you'll pick up some colored pencils so we can label the Southwest Asia portion of your large map.  Next, I'll return your "Heirs of Abraham" article and we'll create a class vocabulary list.  We'll also use the Venn diagram to compare and contrast the three major monotheistic religions.

  • TODAY - "Heirs of Abraham" close reading activity due BEFORE homeroom for improved grade
  • TODAY - Southwest Asia map due in class
  • TODAY - Chapter 22, Section 2 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, September 30 - Central Asia map due in class
  • Tuesday, September 30 - Chapter 22, Section 3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, October 1 - Chapter 16, Section 2 reading notes due
  • Thursday, October 2 - Chapter 16, Section 3 reading notes due
  • Friday, October 3 - Reading quiz (16.2, 16.3, 19.2, and chapter 22)
  • Monday, October 6 - Map quiz on North Africa, Southwest Asia, & Central Asia
  • Thursday, October 9 - Unit 3 Test

HWC Day 24 - Rise of Monotheism

Objective:  Examine the effect of geography, resources, and early history of Southwest Asia, Central Asia, and North Africa.  Investigate the development and similarities of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Task:  Today, we'll spend the first few minutes of class finishing your posts to the VoiceThread.  Then, we'll begin our exploration of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.  Finally, for the last portion of class, you'll use your answers from part III of the Regional Study to write a reflection about monotheism.

Geography Stations Procedures:
  1. Read through the questions that apply to your station.  
  2. Divide up the provided sources and work together to answer the questions.
  3. Appoint one group member to post an audio comment to the Middle East Geography VoiceThread. (Each person needs to make at least ONE comment to the VoiceThread.)
  4. Review entire VoiceThread to ensure understanding of Middle East geography.  
  • TODAY - Parr III of Regional Study due
  • Tuesday, September 30 - "Roots of Muslim Rage" reading quiz
  • Wednesday, October 1 - "West Comes East" discussion
  • Thursday, October 2 - Perspectives in History charts due
  • Thursday, October 2 - Part IV of Regional Study due in class
  • Friday, October 3 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Monday, October 6 -Part II of Regional Study due in class
  • Tuesday, October 7 - G&D chapter 10 reading quiz
  • Thursday, October 9 - Unit 3 Test
  • Wednesday, October 15 - PSAT administration

Friday, September 26, 2014

CPWC Day 23 - Cultural Diversity & Current Events

Objective:  Identify geographic and cultural characteristics of the Arab world.  Investigate current events in North Africa.

Task:  Happy Friday!  As you come into class, please pick up the worksheets on the front cart.  When you get to your desk, get out your reading notes on 19.2 and 22.1 and your North Africa map.  While I check homework, please complete the worksheets.  After reviewing the worksheets, you'll pick up colored pencils and a regional map in preparation for our map activity.  Finally, we'll use resources from the on-line textbook to investigate the history and significance of the Suez Canal.

  • TODAY - North Africa map due in class
  • TODAY - Chapter 22, Section 1 reading notes due
  • Monday, September 29 - "Heirs of Abraham" close reading activity due BEFORE homeroom for improved grade
  • Monday, September 29 - Southwest Asia map due in class
  • Monday, September 29 - Chapter 22, Section 2 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, September 30 - Central Asia map due in class
  • Tuesday, September 30 - Chapter 22, Section 3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, October 1 - Chapter 16, Section 2 reading notes due
  • Thursday, October 2 - Chapter 16, Section 3 reading notes due
  • Friday, October 3 - Reading quiz (16.2, 16.3, 19.2, and chapter 22)
  • Monday, October 6 - Map quiz on North Africa, Southwest Asia, & Central Asia
  • Thursday, October 9 - Unit 3 Test

HWC Day 23 - Geography & Culture in the Middle East

Objective:  Examine the effect of geography, resources, and early history of Southwest Asia, Central Asia, and North Africa.

Task:  Happy Friday!  We'll begin class with a brief review of the Armenian genocide.  Then, you'll take some notes on the emergence of monotheism.  Finally, you'll use provided resources and the Internet to investigate the geography, resources, and early history of Southwest Asia.

Geography Stations Procedures:
  1. Read through the questions that apply to your station.  
  2. Divide up the provided sources and work together to answer the questions.
  3. Appoint one group member to post an audio comment to the Middle East Geography VoiceThread. (Each person needs to make at least ONE comment to the VoiceThread.)
  4. Review entire VoiceThread to ensure understanding of Middle East geography.  
  • TODAY - Part I of Regional Study due
  • Monday, September 29 - Parr III of Regional Study due
  • Tuesday, September 30 - "Roots of Muslim Rage" reading quiz
  • Wednesday, October 1 - "West Comes East" discussion
  • Thursday, October 2 - Perspectives in History charts due
  • Thursday, October 2 - Part IV of Regional Study due in class
  • Friday, October 3 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Monday, October 6 -Part II of Regional Study due in class
  • Tuesday, October 7 - G&D chapter 10 reading quiz
  • Wednesday, October 8 - Part III of Regional Study due in class
  • Thursday, October 9 - Unit 3 Test
  • Wednesday, October 15 - PSAT administration

Thursday, September 25, 2014

CPWC Day 22 - Considering the Arab World

Objective:  Identify geographic and cultural characteristics of the Arab world.  Describe the similarities and differences of the Abrahamic religions.

Task:  Good morning!  To start class, you'll complete a viewing guide while watching a brief film on the Arab world.  After the video, you'll begin our examination of the Abrahamic religions.  While reading "Heirs of Abraham," you'll utilize the close reading strategies below:

  1. Highlight key ideas
  2. Circle vocabulary terms
  3. Write a ? next to any points that you don't understand
  4. Put a * & an explanation next to any points that connect to previous learning
After you've finished the close reading activity, you may work with another student who has completed the reading to complete the Venn diagram.

If you finish your work early, please use the extra time to work ahead on your unit 3 homework.

  • TODAY - Chapter 19, Section 2 reading notes due
  • Friday, September 26 - North Africa map due in class
  • Friday, September 26 - Chapter 22, Section 1 reading notes due
  • Monday, September 29 - Southwest Asia map due in class
  • Monday, September 29 - Chapter 22, Section 2 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, September 30 - Central Asia map due in class
  • Tuesday, September 30 - Chapter 22, Section 3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, October 1 - Chapter 16, Section 2 reading notes due
  • Thursday, October 2 - Chapter 16, Section 3 reading notes due
  • Friday, October 3 - Reading quiz (16.2, 16.3, 19.2, and chapter 22)
  • Monday, October 6 - Map quiz on North Africa, Southwest Asia, & Central Asia
  • Thursday, October 9 - Unit 3 Test

HWC Day 22 - Armenian Genocide

Objective:  Investigate the Armenian genocide.

Task:  Good morning!  Today, we'll focus on the genocide in Armenia.  We'll begin class with a short documentary on the causes, course, and consequences of the genocide in Armenia.  While you watch the video, you'll complete a video guide.  Next, you'll work on Part I of the Unit 3 Regional Study.  If you finish early, please work on the other unit 3 homework.

  • TODAY - Unit 3 Map
  • Friday, September 26 - Part I of Regional Study Quiz(you will have time in class to work on this Thursday)
  • Tuesday, September 30 - "Roots of Muslim Rage" reading quiz
  • Wednesday, October 1 - "West Comes East" discussion
  • Thursday, October 2 - Perspectives in History charts due
  • Thursday, October 2 - Part IV of Regional Study due in class
  • Friday, October 3 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Monday, October 6 -Part II of Regional Study due in class
  • Tuesday, October 7 - G&D chapter 10 reading quiz
  • Wednesday, October 8 - Part III of Regional Study due in class
  • Thursday, October 9 - Unit 3 Test
  • Wednesday, October 15 - PSAT administration

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

CPWC Day 21 - Unit 2 Test

Objective:  Assess knowledge and understanding of the geography, history, and culture of Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:  When you arrive to class, please get out your planner and a pen or pencil.  I'll explain the homework assignments for unit 3 before distributing the  test.  You'll have the entire class period to complete your test.  Please be sure to check your work before turning in your test.  If you finish early, you can beginning working on the homework assignments for unit 3.

  • Thursday, September 25 - Chapter 19, Section 2 reading notes due
  • Friday, September 26 - North Africa map due in class
  • Friday, September 26 - Chapter 22, Section 1 reading notes due
  • Monday, September 29 - Southwest Asia map due in class
  • Monday, September 29 - Chapter 22, Section 2 reading notes due
  • Tuesday, September 30 - Central Asia map due in class
  • Tuesday, September 30 - Chapter 22, Section 3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, October 1 - Chapter 16, Section 2 reading notes due
  • Thursday, October 2 - Chapter 16, Section 3 reading notes due
  • Friday, October 3 - Reading quiz (16.2, 16.3, 19.2, and chapter 22)
  • Monday, October 6 - Map quiz on North Africa, Southwest Asia, & Central Asia
  • Thursday, October 9 - Unit 3 Test

HWC Day 21 - Unit 2 Test

Objective:  Assess knowledge and understanding of the geography, history, and culture of Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks and get out a pencil in preparation for the test.  You'll have the entire class period to complete your test.  Read each question carefully.  For the short answer questions, make sure that your thesis statement clearly and concisely answers the question and that you provide details from class activities to demonstrate your understanding.  Please be sure to check your work before turning in your test.  If you finish early, you can beginning working on the homework assignments for unit 3.

  • TODAY - Unit 2 Test (study guide posted on Moodle)
  • Thursday, September 25 - Unit 3 Map
  • Friday, September 26 - Part I of Regional Study Quiz(you will have time in class to work on this Thursday)
  • Tuesday, September 30 - "Roots of Muslim Rage" reading quiz
  • Wednesday, October 1 - "West Comes East" discussion
  • Thursday, October 2 - Perspectives in History charts due
  • Thursday, October 2 - Part IV of Regional Study due in class
  • Friday, October 3 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Monday, October 6 -Part II of Regional Study due in class
  • Tuesday, October 7 - G&D chapter 10 reading quiz
  • Wednesday, October 8 - Part III of Regional Study due in class
  • Thursday, October 9 - Unit 3 Test
  • Wednesday, October 15 - PSAT administration

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

CPWC Day 20 - Contemporary Issues in Africa

Objectives:   Investigate apartheid in South Africa.  Examine contemporary issues in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:   As you come into class, please get out your apartheid review from yesterday.  We'll spend the first portion of class discussing the apartheid system and the legacy of apartheid in South Africa.  Then, we'll take some time to consider the genocide in Rwanda, Boko Haram in Nigeria, conflict minerals, and al-Shabaab.  Finally, if there is any time remaining, we'll work through the study guide.

  • Wednesday, September 24 - Unit 2 Test
"Ghosts of Rwanda" (Frontline, PBS) (We watched 49:28-53:52 in class)

HWC Day 20 - Contemporary Issues in Africa

Objectives:   Explore contemporary political, social, and economic issues in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:  We have a very large task before us today!  To start class, you'll pick up materials for unit 3.  Then, we'll split into groups to organize the summaries for the genocide in Rwanda and the Ebola outbreak.  After the presentations, we'll continue our examination of contemporary Africa with a review of Somalia, Congo, and Zimbabwe.

  • TODAY - Summaries for "Ghosts of Rwanda" (Program Excerpts 1, 2, 3, 4) OR "Ebola Outbreak" and "Ebola Outbreak: How the Virus Spread"  due IN CLASS
  • Wednesday, September 24 - Unit 2 Test (study guide posted on Moodle)
  • Thursday, September 25 - Unit 3 Map
  • Friday, September 26 - Part I of Regional Study Quiz(you will have time in class to work on this Thursday)
  • Tuesday, September 30 - "Roots of Muslim Rage" reading quiz
  • Wednesday, October 1 - "West Comes East" discussion
  • Thursday, October 2 - Perspectives in History charts due
  • Thursday, October 2 - Part IV of Regional Study due in class
  • Friday, October 3 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Tuesday, October 7 - G&D chapter 10 reading quiz
  • Wednesday, October 8 - Parts II & III of Regional Study due in class
  • Friday, October10 - Unit 3 Test

Monday, September 22, 2014

CPWC Day 19 - Nationalism & Apartheid

Objectives:  Evaluate the emergence and impact of nationalism in Africa.  Investigate apartheid in South Africa.

Task:   Good morning!  Today we'll finish our examination of nationalism as a force in contemporary Africa.  Then, you'll work with a partner to take notes on  and answer questions about apartheid in South Africa.  Finally, I'll return your map quizzes at the end of class.

  • Wednesday, September 24 - Unit 2 Test

HWC Day 19 - Nationalism & Apartheid

Objectives:  Evaluate the impact of select nationalist leaders in Sub-Saharan Africa.  Explain the development, implementation, and collapse of apartheid in South Africa.

Task:  Good morning!  We'll begin class with a brief homework check before forming a discussion circle to finish our review of nationalism and apartheid.  Then, we'll watch a segment of "A Force More Powerful" to illustrate the influence of non-violent resistance in the struggle against apartheid.  Finally, we'll end class with a review of the current status of Somalia. 


Friday, September 19, 2014

CPWC Day 18 - Map Quiz & Nationalism

Would you like to use your smartphone or tablet to help you study for maps?  Check out my "Apps for Maps" post for a list of FREE map review apps.

Objectives: Assess knowledge and understanding of Africa map.  Evaluate the emergence and impact of nationalism in Africa.

Task:   Happy Friday!  We'll begin today's class with your map quiz.  Please clear everything from your desks except for a pen or pencil.  After you've finished the quiz, please turn it in at the back of the room and get out your nationalism packet from yesterday.  We'll spend the last portion of class reviewing nationalism in Sub-Saharan Africa.

  • TODAY  - Africa Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, September 24 - Unit 2 Test
In the News:

HWC Day 18 - Nationalism & Independence

Would you like to use your smartphone or tablet to help you study for maps?  Check out my "Apps for Maps" post for a list of FREE map review apps.

Objectives:  Examine the status of Africa during European incursion (1850-1910).  Evaluate the impact of select nationalist leaders in Sub-Saharan Africa.  Explain the development, implementation, and collapse of apartheid in South Africa.

Task:   Happy Friday! We'll begin today's class with your G&D reading quiz.  Please clear everything from your desk except for a pen or pencil and your reading notes.  Once everyone has finished the quiz, we'll form a discussion circle to to continue our examination of nationalism in Africa.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class considering the apartheid in South Africa.


Thursday, September 18, 2014

CPWC Day 17 - Imperialism, Nationalism, & Independence in Africa

Would you like to use your smartphone or tablet to help you study for maps?  Check out my "Apps for Maps" post for a list of FREE map review apps.

Objectives: Examine the legacies of imperialism in Africa.  Explain the development, implementation, and collapse of apartheid in South Africa.

Task:   Good morning! Today, we'll review parts I & II of the "Scramble for Africa" to begin class.  Then, we'll watch a select segment from Uganda Rising before delving into the emergence of nationalism and the struggle for independence.  Specifically, you'll use select readings and maps to investigate the complicated path from colonial status.  Finally, we'll end class with a map review in preparation for tomorrow's map quiz.

  • TODAY - "Scramble for Africa" parts I & II
  • Friday, September 19 - Africa Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, September 24 - Unit 2 Test

HWC Day 17 - Imperialism, Nationalism & Independence

Would you like to use your smartphone or tablet to help you study for maps?  Check out my "Apps for Maps" post for a list of FREE map review apps.

Objectives:  Examine the status of Africa during European incursion (1850-1910).  Identify key events and justifications for European imperialism in Africa.

Task:   Good morning!  We'll begin today's class with a review of your unit 1 test.  Then, we'll spend a few minutes discussing "Scramble for Africa" before watching a select excerpt from Uganda Rising.   Next, you'll work with partners to review your notes about Nkrumah, Fanon, & Nyerere.  As a whole class, we'll identify the main ideas from each reading along with similarities and differences between these three nationalist leaders.

  • TODAY - Part C of Africa Regional Study due IN CLASS
  • Friday, September 19 - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183 (reading notes may be used)
  • Monday, September 22 - Parts D-F of Africa Regional Study due IN CLASS
  • Wednesday, September 24 - Unit 2 Test
For further consideration:
"Faces of Africa: Mwalimu - Julius Nyerere" (CCTV, 1/7/2013)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

CPWC Day 16 - Imperialism in Africa

Would you like to use your smartphone or tablet to help you study for maps?  Check out my "Apps for Maps" post for a list of FREE map review apps.

Objectives:  Identify and dispel misconceptions about Sub-Saharan Africa.  Examine select kingdoms and empires in Sub-Saharan Africa prior to 1850.

Task:   Please get out your chapter 18 reading notes and a pencil in preparation for the reading quiz.  You'll spend the first portion of class taking the reading quiz.  When you've finished the quiz, please turn in your work and pick up the Africa capitals review.  After the quiz we'll check your capitals review before we begin an examination of European influence in Africa during the Age of Imperialism.  You'll spend the remainder of class working on the "Scramble for Africa." 

  • TODAY - Geography chapter 18 reading quiz (notes may be used)
  • Thursday, September 18 - "Scramble for Africa" parts I & II
  • Friday, September 19 - Africa Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, September 24 - Unit 2 Test

HWC Day 16 - Imperialism in Africa

Would you like to use your smartphone or tablet to help you study for maps?  Check out my "Apps for Maps" post for a list of FREE map review apps.

Objectives:  Assess knowledge of the geography of Sub-Saharan Africa.  Examine select kingdoms and empires in Sub-Saharan Africa prior to 1850.  Evaluate the impact and influence of European imperialism on Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:   Good morning!  Please clear your desks and get out a pen or pencil in preparation for the map quiz.  When you finish the quiz, please turn it in on the cart in the front of the room and pick up the "Scramble for Africa" activity and a computer from the computer cart.  After everyone's finished the quiz, we'll review the documents from yesterday before we continue on with our investigation of imperialism in Africa.

  • TODAY - Africa map quiz
  • Thursday, September 18 - Part C of Africa Regional Study due IN CLASS
  • Friday, September 19 - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183 (reading notes may be used)
  • Monday, September 22 - Parts D-F of Africa Regional Study due IN CLASS
  • Wednesday, September 24 - Unit 2 Test

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

CPWC Day 15 - Africa Map Review & Africa's History

Would you like to use your smartphone or tablet to help you study for maps?  Check out my "Apps for Maps" post for a list of FREE map review apps.

Objectives:  Identify and dispel misconceptions about Sub-Saharan Africa.  Examine select kingdoms and empires in Sub-Saharan Africa prior to 1850.

Task:   When you arrive to class, please get out your large Africa map and your chapter 18, section 3 reading notes.  While I'm checking your homework, please study your map in preparation for a map review game.  You'll spend the first portion of class completing a map hunt.  Then, we'll discuss and review your DBQ from yesterday to develop a characterization of Sub-Saharan Africa.

  • TODAY - Chapter 18, section 2 reading notes due
  • TODAY - Labeled South and East Africa political & physical map
  • Tuesday, September 16 - Chapter 18, section 3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, September 17 - Geography chapter 18 reading quiz (notes may be used)
  • Friday, September 19 - Africa Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, September 24 - Unit 2 Test

HWC Day 15 - Considering Africa's History

Would you like to use your smartphone or tablet to help you study for maps?  Check out my "Apps for Maps" post for a list of FREE map review apps.

Objectives:  Identify and dispel misconceptions about Sub-Saharan Africa.  Examine select kingdoms and empires in Sub-Saharan Africa prior to 1850.  Evaluate the impact and influence of European imperialism on Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:   When you arrive to class, please get out your map hunt sheet from last week and a pen or pencil.  Stow your books under your desk.  We'll spend the first portion of class reviewing the physical geography of Africa.  Then, you'll examine some primary documents to develop a clearer understanding of Sub-Saharan Africa prior to 1850.  


  • TODAY - African nationalist readings & notes due in class
  • Wednesday, September 17 - Africa map quiz
  • Thursday, September 18 - Part C of Africa Regional Study due IN CLASS
  • Friday, September 19 - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183 (reading notes may be used)
  • Monday, September 22 - Parts D-F of Africa Regional Study due IN CLASS
  • Wednesday, September 24 - Unit 2 Test

Monday, September 15, 2014

CPWC Day 14 - Great States & Kingdoms in Sub-Saharan Africa

Would you like to use your smartphone or tablet to help you study for maps?  Check out my "Apps for Maps" post for a list of FREE map review apps.

Objectives:  Identify and dispel misconceptions about Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:   When you arrive to class, please get out your Africa map packet and your chapter 18, section 2 reading notes.  While I'm checking your homework, please pick up some colored pencils and a marker and get out ready to finish labeling your large Africa map.  We'll spend the next portion of class completing the southern and eastern portions of your map.  Next, we'll explore the status of Africa prior to 1850.  Finally, if time remains at the end of class, I'll return and we'll review your unit 1 test.

  • TODAY - Chapter 18, section 2 reading notes due
  • TODAY - Labeled South and East Africa political & physical map
  • Tuesday, September 16 - Chapter 18, section 3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, September 17 - Geography chapter 18 reading quiz (notes may be used)
  • Friday, September 19 - Africa Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, September 24 - Unit 2 Test
Great States & Kingdoms in Africa

Great Zimbabwe

Kingdom of Aksum

HWC Day 14 - Considering "Africa" (Part II)

Would you like to use your smartphone or tablet to help you study for maps?  Check out my "Apps for Maps" post for a list of FREE map review apps.

Objectives:  Reflect on culture and geography of Sub-Saharan Africa.   Identify and dispel misconceptions about Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:   When you arrive to class, please pick up an index card from the cart in front of the room.  Write down the five most important ideas/points from the Crowder reading, the Baldauf article, and the Adichie speech.  Once you've finished your index card, hand it in at the computer cart, get out your computer and join with your "Five Myths" group.  We'll form a discussion circle to review and consider the social constructs that shape our perceptions of "Africa."  We'll spend the next portion of class examining the status of Africa prior to 1850.  Finally, we'll spend the last few minutes of class reviewing the map of Africa with a song. 


  • TODAY - Part B of Africa Regional Study due IN CLASS
  • Tuesday, September 16 - African nationalist readings & notes due in class
  • Wednesday, September 17 - Africa map quiz
  • Thursday, September 18 - Part C of Africa Regional Study due IN CLASS
  • Friday, September 19 - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183 (reading notes may be used)
  • Monday, September 22 - Parts D-F of Africa Regional Study due IN CLASS
  • Wednesday, September 24 - Unit 2 Test

Friday, September 12, 2014

CPWC Day 13 - "What Do We Know About Africa?"

Would you like to use your smartphone or tablet to help you study for maps?  Check out my "Apps for Maps" post for a list of FREE map review apps.

Objectives:  Label the countries, cities, and bodies of water in Sub-Saharan Africa. Identify and dispel misconceptions about Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:   When you arrive to class, please get out your Africa map packet and your chapter 18, section 1 reading notes.  While I'm checking your homework, please pick up some colored pencils and a marker and get out and review your "Introduction" from yesterday.  We'll spend the next portion of class completing the Central Africa portion of your map.  Then, we'll continue our exploration of the inaccurate portrayals of Africa with "What Do We Know About Africa?"  Finally, to wrap up the week, you'll complete a 3-2-1 exit ticket. 

  • TODAY - Chapter 18, section 1 reading notes due
  • TODAY - Labeled Central Africa political & physical map
  • Monday, September 15 - Chapter 18, section 2 reading notes due
  • Monday, September 15 - Labeled South and East Africa political & physical map
  • Tuesday, September 16 - Chapter 18, section 3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, September 17 - Geography chapter 18 reading quiz (notes may be used)
  • Friday, September 19 - Africa Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, September 24 - Unit 2 Test

HWC Day 13 - Considering "Africa"

Would you like to use your smartphone or tablet to help you study for maps?  Check out my "Apps for Maps" post for a list of FREE map review apps.

Objectives:  Identify the countries, cities, and bodies of water in Sub-Saharan Africa.  Reflect on culture and geography of Sub-Saharan Africa.   Identify and dispel misconceptions about Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:   We'll begin today's class watching "What Do We Know About Africa?"  After the video, you'll present on your assigned section of "Five Myths About Africa."  We'll also discuss your blog comments on the geographic and cultural diversity of Africa.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class reviewing the map of Africa.


  • TODAY - Part A of Africa Regional Study (post reflection as a comment to class blog BEFORE CLASS)
  • Monday, September 15 - Part B of Africa Regional Study due IN CLASS
  • Tuesday, September 16 - African nationalist readings & notes due in class
  • Wednesday, September 17 - Africa map quiz
  • Thursday, September 18 - Part C of Africa Regional Study due IN CLASS
  • Friday, September 19 - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183 (reading notes may be used)
  • Monday, September 22 - Parts D-F of Africa Regional Study due IN CLASS
  • Wednesday, September 24 - Unit 2 Test

Thursday, September 11, 2014

CPWC Day 12 - Introduction to Sub-Saharan Africa

Would you like to use your smartphone or tablet to help you study for maps?  Check out my "Apps for Maps" post for a list of FREE map review apps.

Objectives:  Label the countries, cities, and bodies of water in Sub-Saharan Africa. Identify and dispel misconceptions about Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:   When you arrive to class, please get out your West Africa map and your large Africa map.  After I check for homework completion, we'll spend the first portion of class labeling and coloring the countries of West Africa on your large map.  Then, we'll refer to our "Strategic Reading" notes to discuss the purpose of reading and the process for successful highlighting.  Finally, we'll use highlighters to read a brief introduction to Africa.  

  1. While you read, use a highlighter to identify important ideas and details.  Use your pen to take notes and to mark anything that you don't understand.
  2. After you read, write down the main idea (1 sentence) and 5 supporting details.  Also, create two discussion questions based on the reading.

  • TODAY - Africa map outline on tracing paper due IN CLASS
  • TODAY - Labeled West Africa political & physical map 
  • Friday, September 12 - Chapter 18, section 1 reading notes due
  • Friday, September 12 - Labeled Central Africa political & physical map
  • Monday, September 15 - Chapter 18, section 2 reading notes due
  • Monday, September 15 - Labeled South and East Africa political & physical map
  • Tuesday, September 16 - Chapter 18, section 3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, September 17 - Geography chapter 18 reading quiz (notes may be used)
  • Friday, September 19 - Africa Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, September 24 - Unit 2 Test

HWC Day 12 - What do we know about Africa?

Would you like to use your smartphone or tablet to help you study for maps?  Check out my "Apps for Maps" post for a list of FREE map review apps.

Objectives:  Identify the countries, cities, and bodies of water in Sub-Saharan Africa.  Reflect on culture and geography of Sub-Saharan Africa.   Identify and dispel misconceptions about Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:   We'll begin today's class with a brief game to review the capitals of Sub-Saharan Africa.  With a partner, match up the capital with the correct country.  After we've reviewed the capitals, we'll count off in fives to examine "Five Myths About Africa" (Baldauf, Christian Science Monitor, 8/6/2011).  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class watching "What Do We Know About Africa?"


  • TODAY - Africa map due
  • Friday, September 12 - Part A of Africa Regional Study (post reflection as a comment to class blog BEFORE CLASS)
  • Monday, September 15 - Part B of Africa Regional Study due IN CLASS
  • Tuesday, September 16 - African nationalist readings & notes due in class
  • Wednesday, September 17 - Africa map quiz
  • Thursday, September 18 - Part C of Africa Regional Study due IN CLASS
  • Friday, September 19 - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183 (reading notes may be used)
  • Monday, September 22 - Parts D-F of Africa Regional Study due IN CLASS
  • Wednesday, September 24 - Unit 2 Test

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

CPWC Day 11 - Unit 1 Test

Objectives: Assess knowledge and understanding of unit 1 concepts and skills.

Task:  As you come into class, please clear your desks and get out a pencil in preparation for your test.   I'll answer any final questions before distributing the unit 1 test.  Please make sure to read through the test carefully and to check your work.  After you've finished the test, please turn it in at the back of the room.  Use the remainder of class to work on your homework for the Africa unit.

  • TODAY  - Unit 1 Test
  • Thursday, September 11 - Africa map outline on tracing paper due IN CLASS
  • Thursday, September 11 - Labeled West Africa political & physical map 
  • Friday, September 12 - Chapter 18, section 1 reading notes due
  • Friday, September 12 - Labeled Central Africa political & physical map
  • Monday, September 15 - Chapter 18, section 2 reading notes due
  • Monday, September 15 - Labeled South and East Africa political & physical map
  • Tuesday, September 16 - Chapter 18, section 3 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, September 17 - Geography chapter 18 reading quiz (notes may be used)
  • Friday, September 19 - Africa Map Quiz
  • Wednesday, September 24 - Unit 2 Test

HWC Day 11 - Unit 1 Test

Objectives:  Assess knowledge and understanding of unit 1 concepts and skills.

Task:   As you come into class, please clear your desks and get out a pencil in preparation for your test.   I'll answer any final questions before distributing the unit 1 test.  Please make sure to read through the test carefully and to check your work.  After you've finished the test, please turn it in at the back of the room.  Use the remainder of class to work on your homework for the Africa unit.


  • TODAY - Unit 1 Test
  • Thursday, September 11 - Africa map due
  • Friday, September 12 - Part A of Africa Regional Study (post reflection as a comment to class blog BEFORE CLASS)
  • Monday, September 15 - Part B of Africa Regional Study due IN CLASS
  • Tuesday, September 16 - African nationalist readings & notes due in class
  • Wednesday, September 17 - Africa map quiz
  • Thursday, September 18 - Part C of Africa Regional Study due IN CLASS
  • Friday, September 19 - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183 (reading notes may be used)
  • Monday, September 22 - Parts D-F of Africa Regional Study due IN CLASS
  • Wednesday, September 24 - Unit 2 Test

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

CPWC Day 10 - Globalization, Development, & Review

Objectives: Explore, analyze, and compare factors of globalization and interdependence.  Review unit 1 concepts and skills in preparation for tomorrow's test.

Task:  As you arrive to class, please get out your globalization and development packet to answer the following questions:

  1. What is interdependence?  What factors prohibit or facilitate interdependence?
  2. What is a developed nation?  What is a developing nation?
  3. What are some problems that require international cooperation?
After you've had the opportunity to reflect on these questions, we'll discuss the complexity and controversy surrounding globalization and development.  Next, we'll watch a music video to explore the influence of the United States (and Western culture) in contemporary society.  Finally, if there is any time remaining, we'll review for tomorrow's test.

  • Wednesday, September 10  - Unit 1 Test
  • Thursday, September 11 - Unit 1 notebook due IN CLASS
  • Thursday, September 11 - Africa map outline on tracing paper due IN CLASS

HWC Day 10 - Imperialism, Development, & the Contemporary World

Objectives:  Trace the development of history from the origins of man to the 21st century.  Consider the justifications for and implications of imperialism in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Task:   As you come into class, please get out your colonialism and materialism materials along with your notes.  We'll begin class with a discussion about the modern era, colonialism, & imperialism.  Then, we'll finish our periodization notes.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class examining the contemporary status of the world.


  • TODAY - Come to class ready to discuss "Ayiti" and one of the "Globalization & Development" videos (linked on Moodle)
  • Wednesday, September 10 - Unit 1 Test
  • Thursday, September 11 - Africa map due
  • Friday, September 12 - Part A of Africa Regional Study (post reflection as a comment to class blog BEFORE CLASS)
  • Monday, September 15 - Part B of Africa Regional Study due IN CLASS
  • Tuesday, September 16 - African nationalist readings & notes due in class
  • Wednesday, September 17 - Africa map quiz
  • Thursday, September 18 - Part C of Africa Regional Study due IN CLASS
  • Friday, September 19 - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183 (reading notes may be used)
  • Monday, September 22 - Parts D-F of Africa Regional Study due IN CLASS
  • Wednesday, September 24 - Unit 2 Test

Monday, September 8, 2014

CPWC Day 9 - Globalization & Development (Part II)

Objectives: Explore, analyze, and compare factors of globalization and interdependence.

Task:   Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please get out "100% American" and review the article.  While you review the article, I'll return your reading quiz and your culture quiz from last week.  We'll spend a few minutes discussing these assessments.  Then, we'll return to and finish the stations activity that we began on Friday.

  • Wednesday, September 10  - Unit 1 Test
  • Thursday, September 11 - Unit 1 notebook due IN CLASS
  • Thursday, September 11 - Africa map outline on tracing paper due IN CLASS

HWC Day 9 - Historiography and Imperialism

Objectives:  Trace the development of history from the origins of man to the 21st century.  Consider the justifications for and implications of imperialism in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Task:   Good morning!  As you come into class, please get out your computer in preparation for the Primer vocabulary quiz.  You'll have 25 minutes to complete the quiz.  After you finish the quiz, please use the study guide on the Moodle to begin reviewing for your unit test on Wednesday or begin labeling your Africa map.  Once everyone has completed the quiz, we'll continue with our examination of periodization in history.  Specifically, we'll consider the historical meaning of "modern" and the implications of imperialism.


  • TODAY Primer vocabulary quiz
  • TODAY - "Colonialism vs. Imperialism" and "Imperialism Chart" due in class (both in GoogleDrive)
  • Tuesday, September 9 - Come to class ready to discuss "Ayiti" and one of the "Globalization & Development" videos (linked on Moodle)
  • Wednesday, September 10 - Unit 1 Test
Resource - Bridging World History: Agricultural and Urban Revolutions (Annenberg Foundation)

Crash Course: Imperialism

Friday, September 5, 2014

CPWC Day 8 - Globalization & Development

Objectives: Explore, analyze, and compare factors of globalization and interdependence.

Task:   Happy Friday!  We'll begin class with your quiz.  After you've finished the quiz, please turn it in on the front cart and pick up the study guide for your unit 1 test.  Work on the study guide while you're waiting for your classmates.

Following the quiz, we'll spend the remainder of class working on the "Globalization and Development" stations.

  • TODAY - Unit 1 quiz
  • Wednesday, September 10 - Unit 1 Test
  • Thursday, September 11 - Unit 1 notebook due IN CLASS

HWC Day 8 - Historical Periodization

Objectives:  Trace the development of history from the origins of man to the 21st century.

Task:   Happy Friday!  At the beginning of class, I'll answer questions about your reading homework.  Then, you'll spend the next portion of class taking your reading quiz.  After the quiz, please get out your computer, go into your GoogleDrive, and begin working on "Colonialism vs. Imperialism."  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class notes on historical periodization


  • TODAY  - Globalization & Diversity chapter 1 reading quiz
  • Monday, September 8 - Primer vocabulary quiz
  • Monday, September 8 - "Colonialism vs. Imperialism" and "Imperialism Chart" due in class (both in GoogleDrive)
  • Tuesday, September 9 - Come to class ready to discuss "Ayiti" and one of the "Globalization & Development" videos (linked on Moodle)
  • Wednesday, September 10 - Unit 1 Test

Thursday, September 4, 2014

CPWC Day 7 - Defining Culture (Part II)

Objectives:  Establish a basis for studying culture. Define the elements of culture.

Task:   When you arrive to class, please get out your "Foundations Investigation" and take a few minutes to review your notes from yesterday.  We'll spend the next few minutes reviewing geography and culture.  Then, we'll finish our notes on the elements of culture.  Finally, we'll review the elements of culture with an activity demonstrating the integration of culture.

  • TODAY - Foundations Investigation due by 3:00 (see reminders at AW80B CPWC Day 4)
  • Friday, September 5 - Unit 1 quiz
  • Tuesday, September 9 - Unit 1 notebook due IN CLASS
  • Wednesday, September 10 - Unit 1 Test
Extending Class Discussions:

HWC Day 7 - Defining the Social Sciences & Historical Periodization

Objectives:  Define history and the social sciences as they will be utilized in HWC.  Trace the development of history from the origins of man to the 21st century.

Task:   When you arrive to class, please get out your "Foundations Investigation."  Today, we'll begin class with a brief review of geography, culture, and government.  Then, we'll spend the next portion of class watching the final three Primer presentations.  After the presentations, we'll discuss the theory of humanity presented in "Becoming Human."  To end class, we'll begin our notes on the periodization of history.


  • TODAY  - Watch & take notes on "Becoming Human" interactive documentary BEFORE class begins
  • TODAY - Foundations Investigation due by 3:00 (see reminders at AW80B HWC Day 4)
  • Friday, September 5 - Globalization & Diversity chapter 1 reading quiz
  • Monday, September 8 - Primer vocabulary quiz
  • Wednesday, September 10 - Unit 1 Test
Extending class discussions:
"Chronological Constructs" from Bridging World History,  Unit 1- Maps, Time, and World History, Annenberg Foundation.

Political implications of map creation:
Christina Sterbenz "The Most Popular Map of the World is Highly Misleading" (Business Insider, 12/12/13)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

CPWC Day 6 - Defining Culture

Objectives:  Check knowledge and understanding of chapter 1 of Geography.  Establish a basis for studying culture.

Task:  As you come into class please get out your reading notes in preparation for the chapter 1 reading quiz.  Before I distribute the quiz, you'll have the opportunity to ask any last questions about the reading.  After you've finished the quiz, please quietly turn it in on the cart at the front of the room and pick up "What is Culture?" and "100% American."  As you wait for your classmates to finish, please use a highlighter to read these two documents.

After everyone has completed the quiz, we'll take a few minutes to discuss reading strategically.  Then, we'll begin notes on the characteristics and elements and culture.

  • TODAY - Geography chapter 1 reading quiz (reading notes may be used)
  • Thursday, September 4 - Foundations Investigation due by 3:00 (see reminders at AW80B CPWC Day 4)
  • Friday, September 5 - Unit 1 quiz
  • Tuesday, September 9 - Unit 1 notebook due IN CLASS
  • Wednesday, September 10 - Unit 1 Test

HWC Day 6 - Defining the Social Sciences & Culture

Objectives:  Define history and the social sciences as they will be utilized in HWC.  Establish a basis for studying culture by defining the seven elements of culture.

Task:   Today, we'll spend the first portion of class watching three of the Primer presentations.  First, you'll need to share your GoogleDoc script and GooglePresentation with me so I can distribute to the class.  You also need to get out and hand in your rubric.  As you watch the presentations, please take notes on the main ideas and write down questions for the presenters.  We are under time constraints, so please don't try to write down everything - you will have access to the presentations to review at your leisure.  After the presentations, we'll continue with notes on the elements of culture.  To end class, you'll examine a dollar bill to demonstrate the integration of culture.


  • TODAY  - Primer presentations due at beginning of class
  • TODAY - Watch & take notes on "Man & His Culture" (HWC Day 5) BEFORE class begins.  Be ready to discuss!
  • Thursday, September 4 - Watch & take notes on "Becoming Human" interactive documentary BEFORE class begins
  • Thursday, September 4 - Foundations Investigation due by 3:00 (see reminders at AW80B HWC Day 4)
  • Friday, September 5 - Globalization & Diversity chapter 1 reading quiz
  • Monday, September 8 - Primer vocabulary quiz
  • Wednesday, September 10 - Unit 1 Test

Political implications of map creation:
Christina Sterbenz "The Most Popular Map of the World is Highly Misleading" (Business Insider, 12/12/13)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

CPWC Day 5 - Using Maps & Themes of Geography

Objectives:  Review reading notes to check for understanding.  Compare and contrast types of map projections.  Analyze uses of map projections.

Task:  As you come into class please pick up the "course overview" and "Strategic Reading" hand-outs from the front of the room.  Take the first few minutes to organize your notebook.
  • Put the 8 dividers into your notebook
  • In FRONT of the FIRST divider, attach "Classroom Rules & Regulations," "Course Overview," and "Strategic Reading."
  • BEHIND the FIRST divider (unit 1), attach the papers we've completed for unit 1:
    • Human Bingo 
    • "Dreaming Upside Down"
    • "Lines of Latitude & Longitude"
    • "Reading Latitude & Longitude"
    • Cultural Regions Map
    • Foundations Investigation
    • Chapter 1 Reading Notes
As you organize your binder,  we'll check for homework completion.  Then, we'll spend some time reviewing your chapter 1 reading notes in preparation for tomorrow's quiz.  We'll also discuss "Dreaming Upside Down."  Next, we'll finish labeling and coloring the cultural regions map.  Finally, you'll use the remainder of class to work on your "Foundations Investigation."

  • TODAY - Binder and 8 dividers due in class
  • Tuesday, September 2 - Geography chapter 1, section 2 reading notes due in class
  • Wednesday, September 3 - Geography chapter 1 reading quiz (reading notes may be used)
  • Thursday, September 4 - Foundations Investigation due by 3:00 (see reminders at AW80B CPWC Day 4)
  • Friday, September 5 - Unit 1 quiz
  • Tuesday, September 9 - Unit 1 notebook due IN CLASS
  • Wednesday, September 10 - Unit 1 Test

HWC Day 5 - Origins & Collaboration

Objectives:  Define history and the social sciences as they will be utilized in HWC.  Trace the development of humanity from the origins of man to the 21st century.

Task:   Good morning!  As you come into class, please pick up the "Course Overview" from the cart in the front of the room.  Use the "Course Overview" as the table of contents for your notebook. We'll spend the first few minutes of class taking notes on the characteristics and elements of culture.  Finally, for the remainder of class, you'll work collaboratively on your Primer presentations.

  • TODAY - Binder & 10 dividers in class for organization
  • Wednesday, September 3 - Primer presentations due at beginning of class
  • Wednesday, September 3 - Watch & take notes on "Man & His Culture" (below) BEFORE class begins.  Be ready to discuss!
  • Thursday, September 4 - Watch & take notes on "Becoming Human" interactive documentary BEFORE class begins
  • Thursday, September 4 - Foundations Investigation due by 3:00 (see reminders at AW80B HWC Day 4)
  • Friday, September 5 - Globalization & Diversity chapter 1 reading quiz
  • Monday, September 8 - Primer vocabulary quiz
  • Wednesday, September 10 - Unit 1 Test

Resources for class activities:
"Chronological Constructs" from Bridging World History,  Unit 1- Maps, Time, and World History, Annenberg Foundation.

Man & His Culture
Consider:  This video clip is 60 years old.  What aspects of this video are outdated?  What aspects of the video are still relevant?