Pd. 3-4: Today you'll be attending the holiday concert in the auditorium. There is a study guide for the Asia, Australia, & Oceania on the Moodle.
Map Review Links:
Australia & Oceania - http://lizardpoint.com/geography/oceania-quiz.php
Asia - http://lizardpoint.com/geography/asia-quiz.php
Pd. 6-9 Objective: Assess knowledge and understanding of Asia, Australia, & Oceania maps. Examine the cultures and geography of Australia.
Task: We'll begin class with the map quiz. When you've finished the quiz, you'll complete worksheets on the geography of Australia. Finally, you'll spend the last portion of class watching a travel video on Australia.
- Friday, January 3 (pd. 3-4 only) - Asia, Australia, & Oceania map quiz
- Friday, January 10 - Latin America, Europe, & Africa map quiz
- January 16 & 17 - Semester 1 Final Exams