Free Rice

Rice up against hunger

Friday, October 30, 2015

CPWC Day 42 - Europe Wrap-Up

Objective:   Investigate the course and impact of the French Revolution.  Review the characteristics of modern Europe.

Task:  Happy Friday!  When you arrive to class, please open up your French Revolution video guide.  We'll spend the first portion of class considering the French Revolution.  Then, you'll download the "CPWC Europe Summary Notes" and we'll review the main ideas from the unit.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class reviewing for the final exam.

  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam

HWC Day 40 - Europe Wrap-Up

Objective: Review the significant developments in modern and contemporary Europe.

Task: Happy Friday!  When you arrive to class, please download "HWC Europe Summary Notes."  We'll spend the first portion of class considering the developments of modern Europe.  Then, we'll play Jeopardy to review for the mid-term exam.

  • TODAY - Unit 4 map quiz (study guide on Schoology)
  • TODAY - Last day to make-up missing work from quarter 1
  • Friday, October 30 - Unit 4 SJSs due on class blog by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Rwanda extra credit due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam (study guide posted on Schoology on Friday, 10/23)
Extending Class Discussion:

Thursday, October 29, 2015

CPWC Day 41 - French Revolution

IMPORTANT - We are approaching the end of the quarter.  All work MUST be completed by 
TODAY (10/29) - any missing assignments not completed by that time will become a zero.

Objective:   Assess knowledge of the geography of Europe.  Investigate the course and impact of the French Revolution.

Task:  Buongiomo!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks and get out a pen or pencil in preparation for the map quiz.  When you've finished the quiz, please turn it in at the back of the room.  Use the ABC-Clio World History: Modern database to define the terms on the French Revolution video guide.  If you finish before everyone has completed the quiz, please work on your mid-term exam study guide.  After the map quiz, we'll consider the French Revolution.

  • TODAY - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • TODAY - Last day to make-up missing work from quarter 1
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam

HWC Day 39 - French Revolution

IMPORTANT - We are rapidly approaching the end of the quarter.  All work MUST be completed by TODAY (10/29) - any missing assignments not completed by that time will become a zero.

Objective: Assess knowledge of geographic features of Europe.  Investigate the causes, course, and consequences of the French Revolution.

Task: Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks and get out a pen or pencil in preparation for your map quiz.  After you've finished the quiz, please turn it in at the back of the room and work on your mid-term exam study guide.  Next, we'll watch and take notes on a video on the French Revolution.


  • TODAY - Unit 4 map quiz (study guide on Schoology)
  • TODAY - Last day to make-up missing work from quarter 1
  • Friday, October 30 - Unit 4 SJSs due on class blog by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Rwanda extra credit due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam (study guide posted on Schoology on Friday, 10/23)
Extending class discussion:

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

CPWC Day 40 - Absolutism & Revolution

IMPORTANT - We are approaching the end of the quarter.  All work MUST be completed by TOMORROW (10/29) - any missing assignments not completed by that time will become a zero.

Objective:   Define absolutism and identify the manner in which it was applied in Europe during the Age of Absolutism.  Investigate the course and impact of the French Revolution.

Task:  Buongiomo!  When you arrive to class, please pull up your "Age of Absolutism" worksheet from yesterday.  We'll spend the first portion of class reviewing the worksheet and identifying the economic, social, political, and cultural impact of absolutism.  Then, you'll use "The Enlightenment" slideshow to complete a comprehension quiz on the era.  Finally, we'll end class with an introduction to the French Revolution.

  • TODAY - Chapters 12 & 14 reading quiz (index card may be used)
  • Thursday, October 29 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Thursday, October 29 - Last day to make-up missing work from quarter 1
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam

HWC Day 38 - Absolutism & the Columbian Exchange

IMPORTANT - We are rapidly approaching the end of the quarter.  All work MUST be completed by TOMORROW (10/29) - any missing assignments not completed by that time will become a zero.

Objective:  Discuss changes that led to the emergence of early modern Europe.  Explain the contributions and accomplishments of the Age of Absolutism and Enlightenment.

Task:  Hola!  When you arrive to class, please pull up your Protestant reformation packet.  We'll spend the first few minutes finishing up our discussion before considering the Columbian Exchange.  Then, you'll complete a crossword puzzle to learn about the Enlightenment and Absolutism.  Finally, if any time remains, we'll begin our examination of the French Revolution.

  • TODAY  - Unit 4 PDCs due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, October 29 - Unit 4 map quiz (study guide on Schoology)
  • Thursday, October 29 - Last day to make-up missing work from quarter 1
  • Friday, October 30 - Unit 4 SJSs due on class blog by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Rwanda extra credit due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam (study guide posted on Schoology on Friday, 10/23)
Extending class discussion:

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

CPWC Day 39 - Absolutism

IMPORTANT - We are approaching the end of the quarter.  All work MUST be completed by  Thursday (10/29) - any missing assignments not completed by that time will become a zero.

Objective:   Evaluate the impact of the Scientific Revolution and the Columbian Exchange.  Identify the characteristics of absolute monarchies in Europe.

Task:  Hola!  When you arrive to class please get out your index card and a pencil in preparation for the reading quiz.  After you've finished the quiz, please turn it in at the back of the room.  Then, work on "Absolute Monarchs in Europe."  Once everyone has finished the quiz, we'll review Machiavelli, the Columbian Exchange, and the Scientific Revolution.

  • TODAY - Chapters 12 & 14 reading quiz (index card may be used)
  • Thursday, October 29 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Thursday, October 29 - Last day to make-up missing work from quarter 1
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam
Extending Class Discussion:

Monday, October 26, 2015

CPWC Day 38 - Columbian Exchange & Scientific Revolution

IMPORTANT - We are approaching the end of the quarter.  All work MUST be completed by next Thursday (10/29) - any missing assignments not completed by that time will become a zero.

Objective:  Identify similarities and differences between the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance (Protestant Reformation).  Evaluate the impact of the Scientific Revolution and the Columbian Exchange.

Task:  Guten tag!  We'll begin class with a review of the Protestant Reformation.  Then, I'll check your homework while you play a game to review the geography of Europe.  Next, we'll consider the impact of the Columbian Exchange and the Scientific Revolution.

  • TODAY - Chapter 14, Case Study reading notes due in class
  • Tuesday, October 27 - Chapters 12 & 14 reading quiz (index card may be used)
  • Thursday, October 29 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Thursday, October 29 - Last day to make-up missing work from quarter 1
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam
Extending Class Discussion:

HWC Day 37 - Protestant Reformation

IMPORTANT - We are rapidly approaching the end of the quarter.  All work MUST be completed by next Thursday (10/29) - any missing assignments not completed by that time will become a zero.

Objective:  Discuss changes that led to the emergence of early modern Europe.  Identify the characteristics of the Italian Renaissance.  Evaluate the factors that led to the emergence of the Protestant Reformation.

Task:  Hej!  When you arrive to class, please get out your Italian Renaissance packet and Protestant Reformation packet.  We'll spend the first portion of class reviewing the Renaissance and compare the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance.  Then, we'll take a break to review the geography of Europe.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class considering the Columbian Exchange.

  • TODAY - Protestant Reformation packet due in class
  • TODAY - Unit 4 PDPs due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday, October 27 - No HWC class due to assembly
  • Wednesday, October 28 - "Workshop of a New Society" due in class
  • Wednesday, October 28 - Unit 4 PDCs due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, October 29 - Unit 4 map quiz (study guide on Schoology)
  • Thursday, October 29 - Last day to make-up missing work from quarter 1
  • Friday, October 30 - Unit 4 SJSs due on class blog by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Rwanda extra credit due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam (study guide posted on Schoology on Friday, 10/23)
Extending class discussion:

Friday, October 23, 2015

CPWC Day 37 - The Protestant Reformation

IMPORTANT - We are approaching the end of the quarter.  All work MUST be completed by next Thursday (10/29) - any missing assignments not completed by that time will become a zero.

Objective:  Examine the emergence of the Renaissance in Europe.  Identify similarities and differences between the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance (Protestant Reformation).

Task:  Greetings!  When you arrive to class, please download and work on "the importance of the printing press.  After I've checked homework, we'll take some time to label the large map of Europe.  finally, we'll finis our examination of the Protestant Reformation.

  • TODAY  - Chapter 14, section 2 reading notes due in class
  • TODAY - "Why Renaissance? Why Florence?" Rdg. Activity due by midnight (Most of you should finish this activity in class on Wednesday, 10/21)
  • Monday, October 26 - Chapter 14, Case Study reading notes due in class
  • Tuesday, October 27 - Chapters 12 & 14 reading quiz (index card may be used)
  • Thursday, October 29 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Thursday, October 29 - Last day to make-up missing work from quarter 1
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam

HWC Day 36 - Italian Renaissance

IMPORTANT - We are rapidly approaching the end of the quarter.  All work MUST be completed by next Thursday (10/29) - any missing assignments not completed by that time will become a zero.

Objective:  Discuss changes that led to the emergence of early modern Europe.  Identify the characteristics of the Italian Renaissance.  Evaluate the factors that led to the emergence of the Protestant Reformation.

Task:  Guten tag!  We'll begin class with an activity to review the Italian Renaissance.  Then, we'll watch a short video clip on the emergence of a money economy.  Finally, I'll provide some background information on the Protestant Reformation.

  • TODAY - Italian Renaissance due in class
  • Monday, October 26 - Protestant Reformation packet due in class
  • Monday, October 26 - Unit 4 PDPs due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday, October 27 - No HWC class due to assembly
  • Wednesday, October 28 - "Workshop of a New Society" due in class
  • Wednesday, October 28 - Unit 4 PDCs due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, October 29 - Unit 4 map quiz (study guide on Schoology)
  • Thursday, October 29 - Last day to make-up missing work from quarter 1
  • Friday, October 30 - Unit 4 SJSs due on class blog by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Rwanda extra credit due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam (study guide posted on Schoology on Friday, 10/23)
Extending class discussion:

Thursday, October 22, 2015

CPWC Day 36 - The Protestant Reformation

IMPORTANT - We are approaching the end of the quarter.  All work MUST be completed by next Thursday (10/29) - any missing assignments not completed by that time will become a zero.

Objective:  Examine the emergence of the Renaissance in Europe.  Identify similarities and differences between the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance (Protestant Reformation).

Task:  Greetings!  When you arrive to class, please download and work on "Roman Catholicism & Divided Faith" while I check your homework.  We'll spend a few minutes reviewing the unique qualities of the Italian Renaissance before reviewing "Roman Catholicism & Divided Faith."  Next, we'll watch a video and complete a video guide on the Protestant Reformation.  If there is any time left in class, you'll have time to work on "Why Renaissance? Why Florence?" and/or your other homework assignments.

  • TODAY - Former Soviet Republics map (from packet) due in class
  • TODAY - Chapter 14, section 1 reading notes due in class
  • Friday, October 23 - Chapter 14, section 2 reading notes due in class
  • Friday, October 23 - "Why Renaissance? Why Florence?" Rdg. Activity due by midnight (Most of you should finish this activity in class on Wednesday, 10/21)
  • Monday, October 26 - Chapter 14, Case Study reading notes due in class
  • Tuesday, October 27 - Chapters 12 & 14 reading quiz (index card may be used)
  • Thursday, October 29 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Thursday, October 29 - Last day to make-up missing work from quarter 1
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam

HWC Day 35 - Defining Modern Europe

IMPORTANT - We are rapidly approaching the end of the quarter.  All work MUST be completed by next Thursday (10/29) - any missing assignments not completed by that time will become a zero.

Objective:  Review the geography of Europe.  Discuss changes that led to the emergence of early modern Europe.

Task:  Bonjour!  We'll begin class with a review of the "Heritage of Europe."  Then, you'll get up to review the geography of Europe before we form a discussion circle for a seminar on "Meanwhile in Europe."  If there is any time remaining in class, we'll watch a short video segment on the development of a money economy in Europe.

  • TODAY - "Meanwhile in Europe" discussion (please post your summary & discussion questions by 7:30 am)
  • Friday, October 23 - Italian Renaissance due in class
  • Monday, October 26 - Protestant Reformation packet due in class
  • Monday, October 26 - Unit 4 PDPs due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday, October 27 - No HWC class due to assembly
  • Wednesday, October 28 - "Workshop of a New Society" due in class
  • Wednesday, October 28 - Unit 4 PDCs due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, October 29 - Unit 4 map quiz (study guide on Schoology)
  • Thursday, October 29 - Last day to make-up missing work from quarter 1
  • Friday, October 30 - Unit 4 SJSs due on class blog by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Rwanda extra credit due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam (study guide posted on Schoology on Friday, 10/23)
Extending class discussions:

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

CPWC Day 35 - The Italian Renaissance in Florence

IMPORTANT - We are approaching the end of the quarter.  All work MUST be completed by next Thursday (10/29) - any missing assignments not completed by that time will become a zero.

Objective:  Discuss the ancient and medieval traditions of Western Europe.  Examine the emergence of the Renaissance in Europe.

Task:  Greetings!  When you arrive to class, please download "Why Renaissance? Why Florence? Guided Reading."  While I'm checking your homework, please define the terms on the first page.  After I've finished checking homework, we'll take some time to review "Heritage of Europe."  Specifically, we'll define the Roman Empire, the influence of Christianity, the Middle Ages, and the Black Death.  Then, you'll spend the remainder of class completing the "Why Renaissance? Why Florence" close reading activity.

  • TODAY - Eastern Europe map (from packet) due in class
  • TODAY - Chapter 12, section 3 reading notes due in class
  • Thursday, October 22 - Former Soviet Republics map (from packet) due in class
  • Thursday, October 22 - Chapter 14, section 1 reading notes due in class
  • Friday, October 23 - Chapter 14, section 2 reading notes due in class
  • Friday, October 23 - "Why Renaissance? Why Florence?" Rdg. Activity due by midnight (Most of you should finish this activity in class on Wednesday, 10/21)
  • Monday, October 26 - Chapter 14, Case Study reading notes due in class
  • Tuesday, October 27 - Chapters 12 & 14 reading quiz (index card may be used)
  • Thursday, October 29 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Thursday, October 29 - Last day to make-up missing work from quarter 1
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam
Extending class discussion:

HWC Day 34 - Introduction to Europe

IMPORTANT - We are rapidly approaching the end of the quarter.  All work MUST be completed by next Thursday (10/29) - any missing assignments not completed by that time will become a zero.

Objective:  Review the capitals of Europe.  Investigate the social, political, and economic status of Europe prior to the Modern period.

Task:  Bonjour!  We'll begin class with a quick Kahoot to review the capitals and geography of Europe.  Then, you'll use the remainder of class to investigate the ancient and medieval history of Europe.  After you finish the "Heritage of Europe," please work on "Meanwhile in Europe" and/or the Italian Renaissance.

  • TODAY - Europe map due
  • Thursday, October 22 - "Meanwhile in Europe" discussion 
  • Friday, October 23 - Italian Renaissance due in class
  • Monday, October 26 - Protestant Reformation packet due in class
  • Monday, October 26 - Unit 4 PDPs due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday, October 27 - "Workshop of a New Society" due in class
  • Wednesday, October 28 - Unit 4 PDCs due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, October 29 - Unit 4 map quiz (study guide on Schoology)
  • Thursday, October 29 - Last day to make-up missing work from quarter 1
  • Friday, October 30 - Unit 4 SJSs due on class blog by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Rwanda extra credit due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam (study guide posted on Schoology on Friday, 10/23)
Resources for Class Activities:

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

CPWC Day 34 - Origins of Europe

IMPORTANT - We are approaching the end of the quarter.  All work MUST be completed by next Friday - any missing assignments not completed by that time will become a zero.

Objective:  Investigate the ancient and medieval traditions of Western Europe.

Task:  Bonjour!  When you arrive to class, please download and work on  "Ancient Times" & "Feudalism" while I come around to check your homework.  After we discuss the worksheet, you'll spend the rest of class investigating ancient and medieval Europe.

  • TODAY  - Western Europe map (from packet) due in class
  • TODAY - Chapter 12, section 1 reading notes due in class
  • Wednesday, October 21 - Eastern Europe map (from packet) due in class
  • Wednesday, October 21 - Chapter 12, section 3 reading notes due in class
  • Thursday, October 22 - Former Soviet Republics map (from packet) due in class
  • Thursday, October 22 - Chapter 14, section 1 reading notes due in class
  • Friday, October 23 - Chapter 14, section 2 reading notes due in class
  • Monday, October 26 - Chapter 14, Case Study reading notes due in class
  • Tuesday, October 27 - Chapters 12 & 14 reading quiz (index card may be used)
  • Thursday, October 29 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam

HWC Day 33 - Unit 3 Test

IMPORTANT - We are approaching the end of the quarter.  All work MUST be completed by next Friday - any missing assignments not completed by that time will become a zero.

Objective:  Assess knowledge and understanding of the geography, history, culture, and contemporary issues of North Africa, Southwest Asia, Transcaucasia, and Central Asia.

Task:  After a quick review of homework and due dates, I'll distribute your unit 3 test.  As you take the test, please read each question carefully and select the best possible answer.  If you are unsure of the answer, try to eliminate one or two choices.  Don't spend too much time on any single question - its likely you may find clues to help you figure out the answer later in the test.  For the short answer questions, make sure that you fully answer the question with relevant details to show your understanding.  Finally, before handing in your test, be sure to double check your work.

You'll have the duration of the period to complete the exam.  If you need more time, you may come during period 12 TODAY to complete the short answer questions.  However, the objective portion of the exam must be completed in class.

  • TODAY  - Unit 3 Test (study guide posted on Schoology as "Unit 3 Test Study Hints")
  • Tuesday, October 20 - Unit 3 SJS's due on class blog by 11:59 pm - ANOTHER new date!!!!
  • Wednesday, October 21 - Europe map due
  • Thursday, October 22 - "Meanwhile in Europe" discussion 
  • Friday, October 23 - Italian Renaissance due in class
  • Monday, October 26 - Protestant Reformation packet due in class
  • Tuesday, October 27 - "Workshop of a New Society" due in class
  • Monday, November 2 - Rwanda extra credit due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam

Monday, October 19, 2015

CPWC Day 33 - Unit 3 Test

Objective:  Assess knowledge of geography, culture, history, and contemporary issues in North Africa, Southwest Asia, Central Asia, & Transcaucasia.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please pick up the map packet from the side table. Then, clear your desk and get out a pencil in preparation for your test.

After a quick review of homework and due dates, I'll distribute your unit 3 test.  As you take the test, please read each question carefully and select the best possible answer.  If you are unsure of the answer, try to eliminate one or two choices.  Don't spend too much time on any single question - its likely you may find clues to help you figure out the answer later in the test.  For the short answer questions, make sure that you fully answer the question with relevant details to show your understanding.  Finally, before handing in your test, be sure to double check your work.

You'll have the duration of the period to complete the exam.  If you need more time, you may come during period 12 TODAY to complete the short answer questions.  However, the objective portion of the exam must be completed in class.

  • TODAY - Unit 3 Test
  • Tuesday, October 20 - Western Europe map (from packet) due in class
  • Tuesday, October 20 - Chapter 12, section 1 reading notes due in class
  • Wednesday, October 21 - Eastern Europe map (from packet) due in class
  • Wednesday, October 21 - Chapter 12, section 3 reading notes due in class
  • Thursday, October 22 - Former Soviet Republics map (from packet) due in class
  • Thursday, October 22 - Chapter 14, section 1 reading notes due in class
  • Friday, October 23 - Chapter 14, section 2 reading notes due in class
  • Monday, October 26 - Chapter 14, Case Study reading notes due in class
  • Tuesday, October 27 - Chapters 12 & 14 reading quiz (index card may be used)
  • Thursday, October 29 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam

HWC Day 32 - Middle East Wrap-Up

Objective:  Trace historical developments in North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia.  Identify trends in the contemporary Middle East, Central Asia, & Transcaucasia.

Task:  Good morning!  We'll begin class with a brief lecture on the sources of Islamic law.  Then, each group will have the opportunity to present on the contemporary issues.  Finally, if there is time remaining in class, we'll review for tomorrow's test.

  • TODAY - Part V (Contemporary Issues) of Regional Study submission due at 7:45 am (5 bonus points for submission on or before 11:59 pm on Saturday, October 17)
  • Tuesday, October 20 - Unit 3 Test (study guide posted on Schoology as "Unit 3 Test Study Hints")
  • Tuesday, October 20 - Unit 3 SJS's due on class blog by 11:59 pm - ANOTHER new date!!!!
  • Wednesday, October 21 - Europe map due
  • Thursday, October 22 - "Meanwhile in Europe" discussion 
  • Friday, October 23 - Italian Renaissance due in class
  • Monday, October 26 - Protestant Reformation packet due in class
  • Tuesday, October 27 - "Workshop of a New Society" due in class
  • Monday, November 2 - Rwanda extra credit due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam
Extending class discussion:

Friday, October 16, 2015

CPWC Day 32 - Nationalism, Conflict, & Contemporary Issues

Objective:  Identify significant events en the historical development of the Middle East.  Evaluate the impact of the Ottoman Empire and imperialism in the Middle East

Task:  Happy Friday!  When you arrive to class, please pull up your history notes.  To begin class, we'll finish up with our notes on the region.  Then, we'll review contemporary issues including oil and water in the Middle East, the status of women in Islam, and the disappearing Aral Sea.  Finally, if there is time remaining, we'll review for Monday's unit 3 test.

  • TODAY - "Considering Contemporary Issues" due BEFORE class
  • Monday, October 19 - Unit 3 Test (study guide posted to Schoology as "Mideast Test Study Guide") - NEW DATE!!!
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam
Resources for Class Discussion:

HWC Day 31 - Nationalism & Conflict in the Middle East

Objective:  Trace historical developments in North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia.

Task:  Happy Friday!  When you arrive to class, please get out your unit 3 history notes.  We'll spend the first portion considering nationalism and conflict in the Middle East.  Then, you'll work with your groups to finish your investigation.  Finally, we'll end class with a short discussion on the sources of Islamic law.

  • TODAY - Part III of Regional Study (Comparing Saudi Arabia & Iran) due in class - ANOTHER new date!!!
  • Monday, October 19 - Part V (Contemporary Issues) of Regional Study submission due at 7:45 am (5 bonus points for submission on or before 11:59 pm on Saturday, October 17)
  • Tuesday, October 20 - Unit 3 Test (study guide posted on Schoology as "Unit 3 Test Study Hints") - ANOTHER new date!!!!
  • Tuesday, October 20 - Unit 3 SJS's due on class blog by 11:59 pm - ANOTHER new date!!!!
  • Monday, November 2 - Rwanda extra credit due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam
Extending class discussion:

Thursday, October 15, 2015

CPWC Day 31 - Middle East in the Modern Era

Objective:  Identify significant events en the historical development of the Middle East.  Evaluate the impact of the Ottoman Empire and imperialism in the Middle East

Pd. 3-4 Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please pull up "Ottomans, Genocide, & Turkey" in Schoology.  To begin, we'll review the Ottomans & the Armenian genocide.  Then, we'll finish our notes on the region.  Finally, you'll use the last portion of class to complete "Contemporary Issues."

Pd. 6-9 Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please get out a pen or pencil in preparation for the map quiz.  We'll spend the first portion of class completing the quiz.  When you finish the quiz, please turn it in to the teacher and work on "Considering Contemporary Issues."  Once everyone has finished the quiz, we'll consider the contributions and significance of the Ottoman Empire.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class looking at the Armenian genocide.

  • TODAY - pd. 3-4 class moved to room 302 due to PSATs; pd. 6-9 will remain in room 303
  • TODAY - Unit 3 map quiz (study guide posted on Schoology as "Map Quiz Study Guide")
  • Thursday, October 15 - "Ottomans, Genocide, & Turkey" due in class
  • Friday, October 16 - "Considering Contemporary Issues" due BEFORE class
  • Monday, October 19 - Unit 3 Test (study guide posted to Schoology as "Mideast Test Study Guide") - NEW DATE!!!
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam

HWC Day 30 - Considering the Modern Period

Objective:  Trace historical developments in North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia.

Task:  Good morning!   When you arrive to class, please pull up your unit 3 history notes.  We'll continue our notes on the Middle East.  Then, we'll spend the next portion of class reviewing the political cartoons from last week.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class considering the Arab-Israeli conflict and discuss the "Perspectives in History" packet.

  • TODAY  - "Perspectives in History" charts due in class (submit reflections by 8:00 pm October, 14) - ANOTHER new date!!!
  • Friday, October 16 - Part III of Regional Study (Comparing Saudi Arabia & Iran) due in class - ANOTHER new date!!!
  • Monday, October 19 - Part V (Contemporary Issues) of Regional Study submission due at 7:45 am (5 bonus points for submission on or before 11:59 pm on Saturday, October 17)
  • Tuesday, October 20 - Unit 3 Test (study guide posted on Schoology as "Unit 3 Test Study Hints") - ANOTHER new date!!!!
  • Tuesday, October 20 - Unit 3 SJS's due on class blog by 11:59 pm - ANOTHER new date!!!!
  • Monday, November 2 - Rwanda extra credit due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam
Extending Class Discussions:

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

CPWC Day 30 - A Condensed History...

Objective:  Identify significant events en the historical development of the Middle East.  Assess knowledge of the geographic features of North Africa, Southwest Asia, Transcaucasia, & Central Asia.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks and get out a pen or pencil in preparation for your map quiz.  After you finish the map quiz, please turn it in to Mrs. Friday and begin "Ottomans, Genocide, & Turkey" in Schoology.  Once everyone has finished the quiz, we'll continue our notes on the history of the region.

  • TODAY - pd. 3-4 class moved to room 302 due to PSATs; pd. 6-9 will remain in room 303
  • TODAY - Unit 3 map quiz (study guide posted on Schoology as "Map Quiz Study Guide")
  • Thursday, October 15 - "Ottomans, Genocide, & Turkey" due in class
  • Friday, October 16 - "Considering Contemporary Issues" due BEFORE class
  • Monday, October 19 - Unit 3 Test (study guide posted to Schoology as "Mideast Test Study Guide") - NEW DATE!!!
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

CPWC Day 29 - A Brief, History of the Region

Objective:  Investigate the cultural traditions of Islam.   Identify the geographic and cultural characteristics that define the Arab World.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks and get out a pencil and your index card in preparation for your reading quiz.  We'll spend the first portion of class on the reading quiz.  After you've finished the reading quiz, please turn it in at the back of the room and pick up the geography crossword puzzle.  Use your notes and resources to complete the crossword review.  Once everyone has finished the quiz, we'll take notes on the history of North Africa, Southwest Asia, Trasncaucasia, & Central Asia (PDF on Schoology).

  • TODAY  - Unit 3 reading quiz (two-sided note card may be used)
  • Wednesday, October 14 - pd. 3-4 class moved to room 302 due to PSATs; pd. 6-9 will remain in room 303
  • Wednesday, October 14 - Unit 3 map quiz (study guide posted on Schoology as "Map Quiz Study Guide")
  • Friday, October 16 - "Considering Contemporary Issues" due BEFORE class
  • Monday, October 19 - Unit 3 Test (study guide posted to Schoology as "Mideast Test Study Guide") - NEW DATE!!!
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam

HWC Day 29 - A Very Condensed History...

Objective:  Trace historical developments in North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia. Identify central teachings of Judaism, Christianity, & Islam.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please clear off your desk in preparation for the reading quiz.  After you've finished the quiz, please work on "Perspectives in History."  After everyone finishes the quiz, you'll take notes on select, significant events in the history of North Africa, Southwest Asia, Transcaucasia, & Central Asia (pdf in Schoology - "HWC Unit 3 History Notes").   Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class reviewing the political cartoons from last week.

  • TODAY   - "Roots of Muslim Rage" reading quiz - new date!!!
  • Wednesday, October 14 - PSAT administration - no HWC class; students NOT taking the test should report to the cafeteria for study hall
  • Wednesday, October 14 - Unit 3 PDCs due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, October 15 - "Perspectives in History" charts due in class (submit reflections by 8:00 pm October, 14) - ANOTHER new date!!!
  • Friday, October 16 - Part III of Regional Study (Comparing Saudi Arabia & Iran) due in class - ANOTHER new date!!!
  • Monday, October 19 - Part V (Contemporary Issues) of Regional Study submission due at 7:45 am (5 bonus points for submission on or before 11:59 pm on Saturday, October 17)
  • Monday, October 19 - Part IV (Transcaucasia) due in class  - ANOTHER new date!!!
  • Tuesday, October 20 - Unit 3 Test (study guide posted on Schoology as "Unit 3 Test Study Hints") - ANOTHER new date!!!!
  • Tuesday, October 20 - Unit 3 SJS's due on class blog by 11:59 pm - ANOTHER new date!!!!
  • Monday, November 2 - Rwanda extra credit due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam

Friday, October 9, 2015

CPWC Day 28 - Sectarianism & Geography

Objective:  Investigate the cultural traditions of Islam.   Identify the geographic and cultural characteristics that define the Arab World.

Task:  Happy Friday!  When you arrive to class, please open up your "Heirs of Abraham" summary sheet.  We'll spend the first portion of class comparing the monotheistic religions.  Then, we'll listen to and take notes on "The Origins of the Sunni-Shiite Split." Next, I'll return and we'll discuss your unit 2 tests.  Finally, for the last portion of class, you'll work on the geography summary sheets while I check your homework.

  • TODAY -  Chapter 16, sections 2 & 3 reading notes due in class
  • TODAY - "Heirs of Abraham" close reading due by Schoology by 11:59 pm (most students will complete this assignment during class on Monday, 10/5)
  • Tuesday, October 13 - Unit 3 reading quiz (two-sided note card may be used)
  • Wednesday, October 14 - pd. 3-4 class moved to room 302 due to PSATs; pd. 6-9 will remain in room 303
  • Wednesday, October 14 - Unit 3 map quiz (study guide posted on Schoology)
  • Friday, October 16 - Unit 3 Test (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Monday, October 12)
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam

HWC Day 28 - Map Quiz & Chronology

Objective:  Trace historical developments in North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia. Identify central teachings of Judaism, Christianity, & Islam.

Task:  Happy Friday!  When you arrive to class, please clear off your desk in preparation for the reading quiz.  After you've finished the quiz, please work on "Roots of Muslim Rage" or the "Perspectives in History."  After everyone finishes the quiz, we'll take a look at the unit 2 tests and spend a few minutes reviewing central concepts.  Then, we'll play a round of Kahoot! to review the monotheistic religions.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class taking notes on the history of the region.

  • TODAY  - Unit 3 Map Quiz (study hints posted on Schoology) - new date!!!
  • TODAY - Unit 3 PDPs due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday, October 13 - "Roots of Muslim Rage" reading quiz - new date!!!
  • Wednesday, October 14 - PSAT administration - no HWC class
  • Wednesday, October 14 - Unit 3 PDCs due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, October 15 - "Perspectives in History" charts due in class (submit reflections by 8:00 pm October, 14) - ANOTHER new date!!!
  • Friday, October 16 - Part III of Regional Study (Comparing Saudi Arabia & Iran) due in class - ANOTHER new date!!!
  • Monday, October 19 - Part IV (Transcaucasia) and Part V (Contemporary Issues) of Regional Study due in class - ANOTHER new date!!!
  • Tuesday, October 20 - Unit 3 Test (study guide posted on Schoology on or before Monday, October 12) - ANOTHER new date!!!!
  • Tuesday, October 20 - Unit 3 SJS's due on class blog by 11:59 pm - ANOTHER new date!!!!
  • Monday, November 2 - Rwanda extra credit due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam

Thursday, October 8, 2015

CPWC Day 27 - Geography & Religion in the Middle East

Objective:  Investigate the cultural traditions of Islam.   Identify the geographic and cultural characteristics that define the Arab World.

Task:  When you arrive to class, please download "The Country That Isn't" and complete the worksheet while I check your homework.  After we discuss the Kurds, you'll work with a partner to label the large unit 3 map and use our "Heirs of Abraham" note sheet to review central tenets of Judaism, Christianity, & Islam.  Finally, we'll spend the remainder of class finishing the geography summary sheets.

  • YESTERDAY  - Chapter 22, section 2 reading notes due in class
  • YESTERDAY - Labeled Transcaucasia & Central Asia map (from packet) due in class
  • TODAY - Chapter 22, section 3 reading notes due
  • Friday, October 9 - Chapter 16, sections 2 & 3 reading notes due in class
  • Friday, October 9 - "Heirs of Abraham" close reading due by Schoology by 11:59 pm (most students will complete this assignment during class on Monday, 10/5)
  • Tuesday, October 13 - Unit 3 reading quiz (two-sided note card may be used)
  • Wednesday, October 14 - Unit 3 map quiz (study guide posted on Schoology)
  • Friday, October 16 - Unit 3 Test (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Monday, October 12)
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam
Extending Class Discussion:

HWC Day 27 - Geography, Religions, & History in the Middle East

Objective:  Trace historical developments in North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia. Identify central teachings of Judaism, Christianity, & Islam.

Task:  As you arrive to class, please pick up the crossword puzzle from the front cart.  Use the Geography ThingLinks below to complete the puzzle.  If you finish early, review for the map quiz and/or work on the "Perspectives in History" charts.  Next, we'll spend a few minutes considering the Abrahamic religions before we form a circle to discuss "West Comes East."  Finally, we'll end class with a brief Quizlet review for tomorrow's map quiz.

  • TODAY  - Part II of Regional Study (Orientalism) due in class
  • Friday, October 9 - Unit 3 Map Quiz (study hints posted on Schoology) - new date!!!
  • Friday, October 9 - Unit 3 PDPs due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday, October 13 - "Roots of Muslim Rage" reading quiz - new date!!!
  • Wednesday, October 14 - "Perspectives in History" charts due in class (submit reflections by 8:00 pm October, 12) - new date!!!
  • Wednesday, October 14 - Unit 3 PDCs due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, October 15 - Part III of Regional Study (Comparing Saudi Arabia & Iran) due in class - new date!!!
  • Friday, October 15 - Part IV (Transcaucasia) and Part V (Contemporary Issues) of Regional Study due in class - new date!!!
  • Monday, October 19 - Unit 3 Test (study guide posted on Schoology on or before Monday, October 12) - new date!!!!
  • Monday, October 19 - Unit 3 SJS's due on class blog by 11:59 pm - new date!!!!
  • Monday, November 2 - Rwanda extra credit due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam
Resources for Class Activities:

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

CPWC Day 26 - Inside Mecca & Geography of the Middle East

Objective:  Investigate the cultural traditions of Islam.   Identify the geographic and cultural characteristics that define the Arab World.

Task:  When you arrive to class, please download "Inside Mecca."  We'll read through the directions and then you'll answer each question while you watch the documentary.  After the documentary, you must submit your work to be graded.  Finally, you'll use the remainder of class to complete the geography packet.

  • TODAY  - Chapter 22, section 2 reading notes due in class
  • TODAY - Labeled Transcaucasia & Central Asia map (from packet) due in class
  • Thursday, October 8 - Chapter 22, section 3 reading notes due
  • Friday, October 9 - Chapter 16, sections 2 & 3 reading notes due in class
  • Friday, October 9 - "Heirs of Abraham" close reading due by Schoology by 11:59 pm (most students will complete this assignment during class on Monday, 10/5)
  • Tuesday, October 13 - Unit 3 reading quiz (two-sided note card may be used)
  • Wednesday, October 14 - Unit 3 map quiz (study guide posted on Schoology on or before Thursday, October 8)
  • Friday, October 16 - Unit 3 Test (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Monday, October 12)
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam

HWC Day 26 - Sectarianism & the Ottoman Empire

Objective:  Trace historical developments in North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia.

Task:  Good morning!  Today you'll be working in groups to investigate the Sunni-Shia split, the Ottoman Empire, the Safavid Empire, and the Great Game.   First, you'll complete "Sunni-Shia Divide" while listening to "The Origins of the Sunni-Shiite Split."  Then, you'll work in groups to interpret three political cartoons using your knowledge from "West Meets East."  Finally, you'll have the remainder of class to complete parts I and II of the Regional Study.

  • TODAY - Part I of Regional Study (Armenian Genocide) due in class
  • Thursday, October 8 - Part II of Regional Study (Orientalism) due in class
  • Friday, October 9 - Unit 3 Map Quiz (study hints posted on Schoology) - new date!!!
  • Friday, October 9 - Unit 3 PDPs due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday, October 13 - "Roots of Muslim Rage" reading quiz - new date!!!
  • Wednesday, October 14 - "Perspectives in History" charts due in class (submit reflections by 8:00 pm October, 12) - new date!!!
  • Wednesday, October 14 - Unit 3 PDCs due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, October 15 - Part III of Regional Study (Comparing Saudi Arabia & Iran) due in class - new date!!!
  • Friday, October 15 - Part IV (Transcaucasia) and Part V (Contemporary Issues) of Regional Study due in class - new date!!!
  • Monday, October 19 - Unit 3 Test (study guide posted on Schoology on or before Monday, October 12) - new date!!!!
  • Monday, October 19 - Unit 3 SJS's due on class blog by 11:59 pm - new date!!!!
  • Monday, November 2 - Rwanda extra credit due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

CPWC Day 25 - Monotheism & Geography

Objective:  Identify the geographic and cultural characteristics that define the Arab World.  Describe the similarities and differences of the monotheistic religions.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, continue reading "Heirs of Abraham."  After you've finished and submitted the reading, please go into Schoology and download "CPWC Unit 3 Geography Summary Sheets."  Use "CPWC Unit 3 Geography Information" to complete this packet. You may use a computer to access the informational PDF it it works better for you.  Finally, we'll use the last portion of class to review the Abrahamic religions.

  • TODAY  - Chapter 22, section 1 reading notes due in class
  • TODAY - Labeled Southwest Asia map (from packet) due in class
  • Wednesday, October 7 - Chapter 22, section 2 reading notes due in class
  • Wednesday, October 7 - Labeled Transcaucasia & Central Asia map (from packet) due in class
  • Thursday, October 8 - Chapter 22, section 3 reading notes due
  • Friday, October 9 - Chapter 16, sections 2 & 3 reading notes due in class
  • Friday, October 9 - "Heirs of Abraham" close reading due by Schoology by 11:59 pm (most students will complete this assignment during class on Monday, 10/5)
  • Tuesday, October 13 - Unit 3 reading quiz (two-sided note card may be used)
  • Wednesday, October 14 - Unit 3 map quiz (study guide posted on Schoology on or before Thursday, October 8)
  • Friday, October 16 - Unit 3 Test (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Monday, October 12)
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam

HWC Day 25 - Geography & History of Middle East

Objective:  Examine the effect of geography on the history, culture, and development of North Africa, Southwest Asia, Central Asia, & Transcaucasia.  Trace historical developments in North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please rejoin your geography group from yesterday.  As a group, please identify the three MOST important details about the geography of the region - mark these as a NEW point on your ThingLink.  Then, we'll continue our exploration of monotheism with an examination of the origins of Judaism, Christianity, & Islam and begin a timeline of significant events in the history of the region.  Finally, we'll spend the remainder of class in a discussion circle to examine "West Comes East."

  • TODAY - "West Comes East" discussion (summary & 2 discussion questions posted to Schoology discussion thread by 7:00 am)
  • Wednesday, October 7 -Part I of Regional Study (Armenian Genocide) due in class
  • Thursday, October 8 - Unit 3 Map Quiz (study hints posted on Schoology)
  • Thursday, October 8 - Part II of Regional Study (Orientalism) due in class
  • Friday, October 9 - "Roots of Muslim Rage" reading quiz
  • Friday, October 9 - Unit 3 PDPs due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday, October 13 - "Perspectives in History" charts due in class (submit reflections by 8:00 pm October, 12)
  • Wednesday, October 14 - Unit 3 PDCs due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, October 14 - Part III of Regional Study (Comparing Saudi Arabia & Iran) due in class
  • Thursday, October 15 - Part IV (Transcaucasia) and Part V (Contemporary Issues) of Regional Study due in class
  • Friday, October 16 - Unit 3 Test (study guide posted on Schoology on or before Monday, October 12)
  • Friday, October 16 - Unit 3 SJS's due on class blog by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Rwanda extra credit due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam

Monday, October 5, 2015

CPWC Day 24 - Introduction to North Africa, Southwest Asia, Transcaucasia, & Central Asia

Objective:  Identify the geographic and cultural characteristics that define the Arab World.  Describe the similarities and differences of the monotheistic religions.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please download the "Nile River" worksheet and work on it while I check your homework.  After we review the worksheet, we'll split into groups to "read" the music video below.  Specifically, we'll examine the words and visuals for insight into the contemporary Middle East.  Finally, for the last portion of class, you'll use the close reading strategies below to read "Heirs of Abraham:"
  1. Highlight key ideas
  2. Circle vocabulary terms
  3. Write a ? next to any points that you don't understand
  4. Put a star and an explanation next to any points that connect to previous learning
After you've finished the close reading activity, you may work with another student who has completed the reading to fill in the Venn diagram.  Yy

If you finish your work early, please use the extra time to work on your unit 3 homework.

  • TODAY  - Chapter 19, section 2 reading notes due in class
  • TODAY - Labeled North Africa map (from packet) due in class
  • Tuesday, October 6 - Chapter 22, section 1 reading notes due in class
  • Tuesday, October 6 - Labeled Southwest Asia map (from packet) due in class
  • Wednesday, October 7 - Chapter 22, section 2 reading notes due in class
  • Wednesday, October 7 - Labeled Transcaucasia & Central Asia map (from packet) due in class
  • Thursday, October 8 - Chapter 22, section 3 reading notes due
  • Friday, October 9 - Chapter 16, sections 2 & 3 reading notes due in class
  • Friday, October 9 - "Heirs of Abraham" close reading due by Schoology by 11:59 pm (most students will complete this assignment during class on Monday, 10/5)
  • Tuesday, October 13 - Unit 3 reading quiz (two-sided note card may be used)
  • Wednesday, October 14 - Unit 3 map quiz (study guide posted on Schoology on or before Thursday, October 8)
  • Friday, October 16 - Unit 3 Test (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Monday, October 12)
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam

HWC Day 24 - Investigating North Africa, Southwest Asia, Transcaucasia, and Central Asia

Objective:  Examine the effect of geography on the history, culture, and development of North Africa, Southwest Asia, Central Asia, & Transcaucasia.

Task:  When you arrive to class, please get out your i-Pads and play "Things in the Middle East" - we'll start class with a friendly competition to see who knows this new map the best!  Then, we'll begin our notes on the emergence of monotheism with the Zoroastrianism video on Schoology and a flow chart detailing the origins of Judaism, Christianity, & Islam.

Finally, we'll split into groups to investigate the unique geographic features of North Africa & Southwest Asia and Central Asia, & Transcaucasia.  You'll use Thinglink and the provided username/password to create an annotated image to detail the geography of the region.

  1. SW Asia & N. Africa - Environmental Geography and Population & Settlement (pp. 185-200)
  2. SW Asia & N. Africa - Cultural Coherence & Diversity, Geopolitical Framework, and Economic & Social Development (pp. 200-216)
  3. Central Asia - Environmental Geography and Population & Settlement (pp. 285-294)
  4. Central Asia - Cultural Coherence & Diversity, Geopolitical Framework, and Economic & Social Development (pp. 294-305)

  • TODAY - Unit 3 map due
  • Tuesday, October 6 - "West Comes East" discussion (summary & 2 discussion questions posted to Schoology discussion thread by 7:00 am)
  • Wednesday, October 7 -Part I of Regional Study (Armenian Genocide) due in class
  • Thursday, October 8 - Unit 3 Map Quiz (study hints posted on Schoology)
  • Thursday, October 8 - Part II of Regional Study (Orientalism) due in class
  • Friday, October 9 - "Roots of Muslim Rage" reading quiz
  • Friday, October 9 - Unit 3 PDPs due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday, October 13 - "Perspectives in History" charts due in class (submit reflections by 8:00 pm October, 12)
  • Wednesday, October 14 - Unit 3 PDCs due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, October 14 - Part III of Regional Study (Comparing Saudi Arabia & Iran) due in class
  • Thursday, October 15 - Part IV (Transcaucasia) and Part V (Contemporary Issues) of Regional Study due in class
  • Friday, October 16 - Unit 3 Test (study guide posted on Schoology on or before Monday, October 12)
  • Friday, October 16 - Unit 3 SJS's due on class blog by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Rwanda extra credit due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam
Resources for Class Activities:
For Further Information...

Friday, October 2, 2015

CPWC Day 23 - Africa Test

Objective:   Describe the implementation and collapse of apartheid in South Africa.  Examine select contemporary issues in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:  When you arrive to class, please pick up the map packet from the side table.  Then, clear your desks and get out a pencil in preparation for the test.

After a quick review of homework and due dates, I'll distribute your unit 2 test.  As you take the test, please read each question carefully and select the best possible answer.  If you are unsure of the answer, try to eliminate one or two choices.  Don't spend too much time on any single question - its likely you may find clues to help you figure out the answer later in the test.  For the short answer questions, make sure that you fully answer the question with relevant details to show your understanding.  Finally, before handing in your test, be sure to double check your work.

You'll have the duration of the period to complete the exam.  If you need more time, you may come during period 12 TODAY to complete the short answer questions.  However, the objective portion of the exam must be completed in class.

  • TODAY - Unit 2 Test (study guide available in Schoology)
  • Monday, October 5 - Chapter 19, section 2 reading notes due in class
  • Monday, October 5 - Labeled North Africa map (from packet) due in class
  • Tuesday, October 6 - Chapter 22, section 1 reading notes due in class
  • Tuesday, October 6 - Labeled Southwest Asia map (from packet) due in class
  • Wednesday, October 7 - Chapter 22, section 2 reading notes due in class
  • Wednesday, October 7 - Labeled Transcaucasia & Central Asia map (from packet) due in class
  • Thursday, October 8 - Chapter 22, section 3 reading notes due
  • Friday, October 9 - Chapter 16, sections 2 & 3 reading notes due in class
  • Tuesday, October 13 - Unit 3 reading quiz (two-sided note card may be used)
  • Wednesday, October 14 - Unit 3 map quiz (study guide posted on Schoology on or before Thursday, October 8)
  • Friday, October 16 - Unit 3 Test (study guide posted to Schoology on or before Monday, October 12)
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam

HWC Day 23 - Africa Test

Objectives:  Identify and dispel misconceptions about Africa.  Investigate and discuss the status of select African states.

Task:  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks and get out a pencil in preparation for the test.

After a quick review of homework and due dates, I'll distribute your unit 1 test.  As you take the test, please read each question carefully and select the best possible answer.  If you are unsure of the answer, try to eliminate one or two choices.  Don't spend too much time on any single question - its likely you may find clues to help you figure out the answer later in the test.  For the short answer questions, make sure that you fully answer the question with relevant details to show your understanding.  Finally, before handing in your test, be sure to double check your work.

You'll have the duration of the period to complete the exam.  If you need more time, you may come during period 12 TODAY to complete the short answer questions.  However, the objective portion of the exam must be completed in class.

  • TODAY - Unit 2 Test (study guide posted on Schoology)
  • TODAY - SJSs due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, October 5 - Unit 3 map due
  • Tuesday, October 6 - "West Comes East" discussion (summary & 2 discussion questions posted to Schoology discussion thread by 7:00 am)
  • Wednesday, October 7 -Part I of Regional Study (Armenian Genocide) due in class
  • Thursday, October 8 - Unit 3 Map Quiz (study hints posted on Schoology)
  • Thursday, October 8 - Part II of Regional Study (Orientalism) due in class
  • Friday, October 9 - "Roots of Muslim Rage" reading quiz
  • Friday, October 9 - Unit 3 PDPs due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday, October 13 - "Perspectives in History" charts due in class (submit reflections by 8:00 pm October, 12)
  • Wednesday, October 14 - Unit 3 PDCs due on class blog by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, October 14 - Part III of Regional Study (Comparing Saudi Arabia & Iran) due in class
  • Thursday, October 15 - Part IV (Transcaucasia) and Part V (Contemporary Issues) of Regional Study due in class
  • Friday, October 16 - Unit 3 Test (study guide posted on Schoology on or before Monday, October 12)
  • Friday, October 16 - Unit 3 SJS's due on class blog by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Rwanda extra credit due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam

Thursday, October 1, 2015

CPWC Day 22 - Apartheid & Issues in Contemporary Africa

Objective:   Describe the implementation and collapse of apartheid in South Africa.  Examine select contemporary issues in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:  When you arrive to class, please get out the South Africa apartheid viewing guide and read through the questions at the end.  We'll spend the first portion of class examining apartheid.  Then, we'll consider select issues in contemporary Africa.  Finally, we'll spend the remainder of class reviewing for tomorrow's test.

  • Friday, October 2 - Unit 2 Test (study guide available in Schoology)
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam
Extending class discussion:

HWC Day 22 - Contemporary Africa

Objectives:  Identify and dispel misconceptions about Africa.  Investigate and discuss the status of select African states.

Task:  When you arrive to class, please get ready to share your research on contemporary issues in Africa.  After we've discussed al-Shabab, Boko Haram, civil war, and genocide, we'll identify some of the positive developments in Africa.  Finally, if time remains, we'll review for the unit 2 test.

  • TODAY - Unit 2 PDCs due by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, October 2 - Unit 2 Test (study guide posted on Schoology)
  • Friday, October 2 - SJSs due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Rwanda extra credit due by 11:59 pm
  • Monday, November 2 - Mid-Term Exam
"Map: China's Stereotypes of Africa, from 'Chaotic Somalia' to 'Awesome' Gambia" by Warner Brown (Foreign Policy, 9/30/2015)