Free Rice

Rice up against hunger

Monday, February 29, 2016

HWC Day 21 - Sub-Saharan Africa Wrap-Up

Objectives:  Identify and dispel misconceptions about Africa.  Describe the impact of apartheid on historical and contemporary developments in South Africa.  Explore select contemporary issues in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please open up regional study part III.  We'll begin class with a review of apartheid in South Africa.  Then, we'll spend the last portion of class exploring select issues in contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa.

  • Wednesday, March 2 - Unit 2 Test
  • Wednesday, March 2 - Unit 2 SJS due on class blog
  • Thursday, March 3 - "West Comes East" reflection due on class blog by 11:30 am
  • Thursday, March 3 - Unit 3 map "due"
  • Friday, March 4 - Unit 3 Regional Study, Part I (Armenian Genocide) due in class
  • Monday, March 7 - Unit 3 Regional Study, Part II (Orientalism) due in class
  • Tuesday, March 8 - "Roots of Muslim Rage" rdg. quiz
  • Wednesday, March 9 - Perspectives in History packet due in class - START THIS EARLY!
  • Thursday, March 10 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Friday, March 11 - Regional Study Part III (Comparing Saudi Arabia & Iran)
  • Friday, March 11 - Unit 3 PDP due on class blog
  • Monday, March 14 - Regional Study Parts IV (Transcaucasia) & Part V (Contemporary Issues) due 
  • Monday, March 14 - Unit 3 PDC due on class blog
  • Tuesday, March 15 - Unit 3 Test
  • Tuesday, March 15 - Unit 3 SJS due on class blog
Extending Class Discussion:

Soc Day 21 - Unit 1 Wrap-Up

Objective:  Examine the ways in which society impacts everyday behaviors.

Task:  Good morning!  We'll begin class with a discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of symbolic interactionism.  Then, we'll spend the remainder of class applying the three theoretical perspectives to "School."

  • Wednesday, March 2 - Unit 1 Test (study guide on Schoology)
  • Friday, March 4 - "What's So Great About America?" discussion (reflection & discussion questions due on discussion thread by 7:30 am)
Sources for further exploration:

Media Day 20 - Defining Types Communication

Objective: Investigate various methods and tools of communication.

Task:  Good morning!  Today, we're going to create a chart to define and compare various types of communication and channels. Then, if there is time, you'll begin your "Why We Communicate" Project.

Resources for Class Activities:  "Different Types of Communications & Channels."

Due Dates:
  • Wednesday, March 2 - "Why We Communicate" presentations due in class

CPWC Day 21 - Unit 2 Wrap-Up

Objective:  Identify & dispel misconceptions about Africa.  Evaluate the impact nationalism in Africa.  Describe the impact, fall, and lasting repercussions of apartheid in South Africa.

Task:   Happy Monday!  We'll begin with an examination of the emergence of resistance to European rule and nationalism in Sub-Saharan Africa with  "Resistance, Nationalism, & Independence."  Then, we'll watch a video on and take notes on apartheid in South Africa.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class discussion some topical issues in Sub-Saharan Africa.

  • TODAY - HR PSA Due in Schoology Dropbox by 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday, March 1 - Unit 2 Test
  • Wednesday, March 2 - 19.2 rdg. notes due by 8:00 am
  • Wednesday, March 2 - North Africa map due by 8:00 am
  • Thursday, March 3 - 22.1 rdg. notes due by 8:00 am
  • Thursday, March 3 - Southwest Asia map due by 8:00 am
  • Friday, March 4 - 22.2 rdg. notes due by 8:00 am
  • Friday, March 4 - Transcaucasia & Central Asia map due by 8:00 am
  • Monday, March 7 - 22.3 rdg. notes due by 8:00 am
  • Tuesday, March 8 - 16.2 & 16.3 rdg. notes due by 8:00 am
  • Wednesday, March 9 - Unit 3 rdg. quiz (19.2, 22.1, 22.2, 22.3, 16.2, & 16.3) - hand-written index card may be used
  • Friday, March 11 - Unit 3 Map Quiz
  • Tuesday, March 15 - Unit 3 Test

Friday, February 26, 2016

HWC Day 20 - Nationalism & Apartheid

Objectives:  Identify and dispel misconceptions about Africa. Examine the ideas and contributions of select nationalists in Africa.

Task:  Happy Friday!  We'll begin class with a discussion of the contributions of Nyerere, Fanon, & Nkrumah.  Then, we'll delve into apartheid in South Africa.

  • TODAY- Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past")
  • TODAY - Unit 2 PDCs due on class blog
  • Wednesday, March 2 - Unit 2 Test
  • Wednesday, March 2  - Unit 2 SJS due on class blog

Soc Day 20 - Theoretical Perspectives: Symbolic Interactionism

Objective:  Examine the ways in which society impacts everyday behaviors.

Task:  Happy Friday!  Today, we'll begin class with a short clip to reinforce conflict theory.  Then, we'll spend the remainder of class examining symbolic interactionism.

  • Wednesday, March 2 - Unit 1 Test (study guide on Schoology)

Media Day 19 - Considering Communication

Objective: Investigate various methods and tools of communication.

Task:  Happy Friday!  When you arrive to class, please download "What is Communication?"  After you discuss with your partners, you'll participate an activity to investigate the difference between one-way and two-way communication.

Resources for Class Activities:  "Different Types of Communications & Channels."

CWPC Day 20 - Nationalism, Independence, & Apartheid

Objective:  Identify & dispel misconceptions about Africa.  Evaluate the nationalism in Africa.

Task:   Happy Friday!  When you arrive to class, please take a picture of your Human Rights PSA and submit it to the appropriate Schoology dropbox.  After I've collected your work and returned your reading quizzes, we'll finish our investigation of imperialism in Africa with "Colonialism in 10 Minutes."  Then, we'll examine the emergence of resistance to European rule and nationalism in Sub-Saharan Africa with  "Resistance, Nationalism, & Independence."

  • TODAY - HR PSA Due in Schoology Dropbox by 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday, March 1 - Unit 2 Test

Thursday, February 25, 2016

HWC Day 19 - Nationalism in Africa

Objectives:  Identify and dispel misconceptions about Africa. Examine the ideas and contributions of select nationalists in Africa.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please READ "Nations and National Identity" OR SKIM "American Anthropological Association Statement on 'Race'"  When you've finished, please download "Kenya & the Mau Mau."  After a brief discussion, you'll read and discuss half of this document in a small group.  Then, we'll review the historical significance of the Mau Mau before delving into the contributions of Nyerere, Fanon, & Nkrumah.

  • TODAY- Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past")
  • Friday, February 26 - Unit 2 PDCs due on class blog
  • Wednesday, March 2 - Unit 2 Test
  • Wednesday, March 2  - Unit 2 SJS due on class blog

Soc Day 19 - Application: Conflict Theory

Objective:  Examine the ways in which society impacts everyday behaviors.

Task:  When  you arrive to class, please answer the questions below.  Once everyone has had an opportunity to reflect, we'll debrief from yesterday's game.  Finally, we'll end class with a reflection on the "How does 'Sociable' relate to conflict theory?" discussion thread.

  • Wednesday, March 2 - Unit 1 Test (study guide on Schoology)

Media Day 18 - Quiz 1

Objective: Assess knowledge of media and persuasive techniques.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks of everything except for a pen or pencil.  You'll have the entire class to work on your quiz.  If you finish early, please read and take notes on "Different Types of Communications & Channels."

  • TODAY - Unit 1 Quiz (study guide on Schoology on or before Friday, February 19)

CPWC Day 19 - Africa Map Quiz & Nationalism

Objective:  Identify & dispel misconceptions about Africa.  Assess knowledge and understanding of the geography of Africa.   Investigate the European expansion into Africa.

Task:   Good morning!   When you arrive to class, please get out a pen or pencil and clear your desk in preparation for the map quiz.  You'll spend the first portion of class completing the map quiz.  After you've checked your work, please hand in your quiz at the back of the room.  Work on "Resistance, Nationalism, & Independence."  Finally, we'll end class with a review of  "Scramble for Africa."

  • TODAY - HR PSA Benchmark #3 - Draft due to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, February 25 - Africa map quiz
  • Friday, February 26 - HR PSA Due in Schoology Dropbox by 3:00 pmf
  • Tuesday, March 1 - Unit 2 Test

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

HWC Day 18 - Imperialism & Nationalism in Sub=Saharan Africa

Objectives:  Identify and dispel misconceptions about Africa.  Evaluate the course and consequences of European imperialism in Africa.

Task:  Good afternoon!  We'll begin class with a review of the "Scramble for Africa."  Then, we'll begin our investigation of nationalism in Sub-Saharan Africa with an exploration of the Mau-Mau uprising in Kenya.

  • TODAY - African Nationalist Note Sheet due in class
  • TODAY - Scramble for Africa due in class
  • Thursday, February 25 - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past")
  • Friday, February 26 - Unit 2 PDCs due on class blog
  • Tuesday, March 1 - Unit 2 Test
  • Tuesday, March 1 - Unit 2 SJS due on class blog
Extending class discussions:

Soc Day 18 - Application: Conflict Theory

Objective:  Examine the ways in which society impacts everyday behaviors.

Task:  We'll begin class with a brief review of conflict theory.  Then, you'll play a game to simulate the impact of social structure, luck, & effort in determining one's social position.

  • Tuesday, March 1 - Unit 1 Test (study guide on Schoology)

Media Day 17 - Reviewing Media Basics

Objective:  Investigate the ways in which the media constructs messages.  Identify target audiences and persuasive techniques used by media.

Task:  Good morning!  Our goal for today is to review our studies thus far.  First, when you arrive to class, please post to the "What Have You Learned So Far?" discussion thread in Schoology.  Then, we'll discuss the 5 key concepts of media studies and review the differences between broadsheets and tabloids.  Finally, we'll play a game of Kahoot! to review vocabulary and persuasive techniques.

  • Thursday, February 25 - Unit 1 Quiz (study guide on Schoology on or before Friday, February 19)

CPWC Day 18 - Imperialism in Africa

Objective:  Identify & dispel misconceptions about Africa.  Explore the contributions of great African empires and kingdoms.  Investigate the European expansion into Africa.

Task:   Good morning!   We'll begin class with a game to review the map of Africa.  Then, we'll revisit the DBQ from yesterday and summarize the status of Africa prior to European encroachment. Finally, you'll investigate European expansion into Africa with "Scramble for Africa."

  • TODAY - HR PSA Benchmark #3 - Draft due to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, February 25 - Africa map quiz
  • Friday, February 26 - HR PSA Due in Schoology Dropbox by 3:00 pmf
  • Tuesday, March 1 - Unit 2 Test

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

HWC Day 17 - Considering Africa

Objectives:  Investigate the great kingdoms and civilizations of Africa.  Identify and dispel misconceptions about Africa.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desk of everything except for a pen or pencil.  You'll have the first 30 minutes of class to complete your reading quiz.  When you finish, please work on "The Scramble for Africa" (you'll need a computer to complete part II).  Then, we'll finish our discussion on part B of the Africa Regional Study.

  • TODAY - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183
  • TODAY - Unit 2 PDPs due on class blog
  • Wednesday, February 24 - African Nationalist Note Sheet due in class
  • Thursday, February 25 - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past")
  • Friday, February 26 - Unit 2 PDCs due on class blog
  • Tuesday, March 1 - Unit 2 Test
  • Tuesday, March 1 - Unit 2 SJS due on class blog
Extending Class Discussion:

Race as a Social Construct:

Soc Day 17 - Theoretical Perspectives: Conflict Theory

Objective:  Examine the ways in which society impacts everyday behaviors.

Task:  Good morning!  Today, we'll finish our notes on conflict theory.  Then, we'll listen to some music to and interpret some music in terms of functionalism and conflict theory.

  • Tuesday, March 1 - Unit 1 Test (study guide on Schoology)


Media Day 16 - Presenting Persuasion

Objective:  Investigate the ways in which the media constructs messages.  Identify target audiences and persuasive techniques used by media.

Task:  Good morning! Today, we'll watch the last projects on persuasion in the media.  After all of the presentations, you'll finish your entry in your journal entitled "Its Important to Identify Persuasive Techniques Because..."   If there is time remaining at the end of class, we'll take some time to review the 7 key concepts of media studies.

  • TODAY - "Persuasion in Media Collage" presentations
  • Wednesday, February 24 - Unit 1 Quiz (study guide on Schoology on or before Friday, February 19)
Extending class activities:

CPWC Day 17 - History of Africa

Objective:  Identify & dispel misconceptions about Africa.  Explore the contributions of great African empires and kingdoms.

Task:   Good morning!   We'll spend the first portion finishing our geography review from yesterday.  Then, we'll review and discuss the "Africa Before European Arrival" DBQ and consider the influence of Mansa Musa and the Mali empire.  Finally, we'll end class with a game to review the capitals and geographic features of Africa.

  • TODAY - HR PSA Benchmark #3 - Draft due to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, February 25 - Africa map quiz
  • Friday, February 26 - HR PSA Due in Schoology Dropbox by 3:00 pmf
  • Monday, February 29 - Unit 2 Test
Extending class activities:

Monday, February 22, 2016

HWC Day 16 - Let's Consider Africa

Our Studies in the News:  "Ugandan President Wins 5th Term in Election Held Under 'Intimidating Atmosphere'" (NPR, 2/20/2016)

Objectives:  Investigate the great kingdoms and civilizations of Africa.  Identify and dispel misconceptions about Africa.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desk of everything except for a blank piece of paper and a pen or pencil.  We'll spend the first portion of class reviewing the unit 1 test.  Then, you'll finish presentations on the great kingdoms of Africa.  Finally, we'll end class with a discussion circle to discuss part B of the Africa Regional Study.

  • TODAY  - Part B of Africa Regional Study ("Achievable Dreams?") due in class - START THIS EARLY!!!
  • Tuesday, February 23 - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183
  • Tuesday, February 23 - Unit 2 PDPs due on class blog
  • Wednesday, February 24 - African Nationalist Note Sheet due in class
  • Thursday, February 25 - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past")
  • Friday, February 26 - Unit 2 PDCs due on class blog
  • Monday, February 29 - Unit 2 Test
  • Monday, February 29 - Unit 2 SJS due on class blog
Extending Class Discussion:

Race as a Social Construct:

Soc Day 16 - Theoretical Perspectives: Conflict Theory

Objective:  Examine the ways in which society impacts everyday behaviors.

Task:  Good morning!  We'll begin class with another quick review of functionalism before we delve into conflict perspective.  We'll watch the video below and then work through our notes on conflict theory.

  • TODAY - "Grown-Up Digital" close reading due by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, February 26 - Unit 1 Test (study guide on Schoology)

Media Day 15 - Presenting Persuasion

Objective:  Investigate the ways in which the media constructs messages.  Identify target audiences and persuasive techniques used by media.

Task:  Good morning! Today, you'll present your projects on persuasion in the media.  After all of the presentations, you'll create an entry in your journal entitled "Its Important to Identify Persuasive Techniques Because..."   If there is time remaining at the end of class, we'll take some time to review the 7 key concepts of media studies.

  • TODAY - "Persuasion in Media Collage" presentations
  • Wednesday, February 24 - Unit 1 Quiz (study guide on Schoology on or before Friday, February 19)
Extending class activities:

CPWC Day 16 - Reading Quiz & History of Africa

Objective:  Identify & dispel misconceptions about Africa.  Explore the contributions of great African empires and kingdoms.

Task:   Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desk of everything except a pencil and your index card.  We'll spend the first portion of class taking the reading quiz.  After you finish the quiz, please turn it in at the back of the room and work on "DBQ - Africa Before Europeans" (located in Schoology).  Once everyone has finished the quiz, we'll play a game to review the map of Africa.  Finally, we'll end class with a discussion of the DBQ.

  • TODAY - Reading Quiz - Chapter 18 (index card may be used)
  • Tuesday, February 23 - HR PSA Benchmark #3 - Draft due to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, February 25 - Africa map quiz
  • Friday, February 26 - HR PSA Due in Schoology Dropbox by 3:00 pmf
  • Monday, February 29 - Unit 2 Test

Friday, February 19, 2016

HWC Day 15 - Africa Map Quiz & History Presentations

Test your knowledge of the news:

Objectives:  Reflect on the culture and geography of Sub-Saharan Africa.  Investigate the great kingdoms and civilizations of Africa.  Assess knowledge of Africa map.

Task:  Happy Friday!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks and get out a pen or pencil in preparation for the map quiz.  You'll have the first 30 minutes of class to complete the quiz.  If you finish early, please work on your unit 2 homework.  After everyone has finished the quiz, we'll watch the presentations on the history of Africa.

  • TODAY - Africa map quiz (study guide on Schoology)
  • Monday, February 22 - Part B of Africa Regional Study ("Achievable Dreams?") due in class - START THIS EARLY!!!
  • Tuesday, February 23 - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183
  • Tuesday, February 23 - Unit 2 PDPs due on class blog
  • Wednesday, February 24 - African Nationalist Note Sheet due in class
  • Thursday, February 25 - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past")
  • Friday, February 26 - Unit 2 PDCs due on class blog
  • Monday, February 29 - Unit 2 Test
  • Monday, February 29 - Unit 2 SJS due on class blog
Topics Under Consideration:
  • Axum (Aksum) Empire (c. 100 - 900 CE) - Ben, Sam, Katie
  • Kingdom of Ghana (c. 830 - 1235 CE) - Amanda, Kate, Steven
  • Mali Empire (c. 1230 - 1600 CE) - Garrett, Joel, Ethan B.
  • Songhai Empire (c. 1375 - 1591) - Reba, Kaleigh
  • Ethiopian Empire (c. 1137 - 1975) - Sam, Kylee, Nicole
  • Benin Empire (c. 900s-1500s) - Quinn, Erik
  • Great Zimbabwe (c. 1000 -1500) - Shannon, Jos, Bailey
  • Kongo Kingdom (c. 1400 - 1575) - Chris, Tommy, Ethan S.

Media Day 14 - Presenting Persuasion

Objective:  Investigate the ways in which the media constructs messages.  Identify target audiences and persuasive techniques used by media.

Task:  Happy Friday!  Today, you'll present your projects on persuasion in the media.  At the end of class, you'll have the opportunity to consider the "science" of perusasion.

  • TODAY - "Persuasion in Media Collage" presentations
  • Tuesday, February 23 - Unit 1 Quiz (study guide on Schoology on or before Friday, February 19)
Watch the video below and then answer the questions that follow:

  1. Define the argument presented by the creator of this video.
  2. What are the implications for our studies of the media?

Soc Day 15 - Application: Functionalism

Objective:  Examine the ways in which society impacts everyday behaviors.

Task:  Happy Friday!  Today, we'll apply our knowledge of the functionalist perspective.  First, we'll discuss your institution analysis from yesterday.  Then, we'll examine an excerpt from Charlie Chaplin's "Modern Times."  Critically observe the clip so that you can explain the scenes as a functionalist.

  • Monday, February 22 - "Grown-Up Digital" close reading due by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, February 26 - Unit 1 Test (study guide on Schoology)

President Bill Clinton on Interdependence (Functionalism)

CPWC Day 15 - Human Rights Wrap-Up & History of Africa

Objective:  Explore human rights in the contemporary world.  Label a political map of Africa.  Identify & dispel misconceptions about Africa.

Task: Happy Friday!  We've had a short but productive week!   When you arrive to class, please upload your homework to the appropriate dropbox in Schoology.  Then, open up your UDHR Notes. We'll briefly review the different sections of the UDHR.  Then, if you haven't done so already, you'll post a reflection post to the last page of our VoiceThread.   Finally, we'll spend the remainder of class examining the history of Africa.

  • TODAY - Chapter 18, section 3 reading notes due in Schoology (must be submitted by 8:00 am for credit)
  • TODAY - HR PSA Benchmark #2 - Outline or plan due to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, February 22 - Reading Quiz - Chapter 18 (index card may be used)
  • Tuesday, February 23 - HR PSA Benchmark #3 - Draft due to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, February 25 - Africa map quiz
  • Friday, February 26 - HR PSA Due in Schoology Dropbox by 3:00 pmf
  • Monday, February 29 - Unit 2 Test

Thursday, February 18, 2016

HWC Day 14 - Exploring the History of Africa

Objectives:  Reflect on the culture and geography of Sub-Saharan Africa.  Investigate the great kingdoms and civilizations of Africa.

Task:  When you arrive to class, please go to Kahoot!  We'll spend the first portion of class playing a game to review the capitals of Africa.  Then, we'll review yesterday's DBQ and Part A of the Regional Study.  Finally, you'll divide into groups to investigate one of the great kingdoms or civilizations of Africa.  You'll compile your research using Educreations Whiteboard, ShowMe!, Keynote, or GooglePresentations.

  • TODAY - Part A of Africa Regional Study ("African Cultures: Ancient & Diverse") due in class
  • Friday, February 19 - Africa map quiz (study guide on Schoology)
  • Monday, February 22 - Part B of Africa Regional Study ("Achievable Dreams?") due in class - START THIS EARLY!!!
  • Tuesday, February 23 - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183
  • Tuesday, February 23 - Unit 2 PDPs due on class blog
  • Wednesday, February 24 - African Nationalist Note Sheet due in class
  • Thursday, February 25 - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past")
  • Friday, February 26 - Unit 2 PDCs due on class blog
  • Monday, February 29 - Unit 2 Test
  • Monday, February 29 - Unit 2 SJS due on class blog
Topics Under Consideration:
  • Axum (Aksum) Empire (c. 100 - 900 CE) - Ben, Sam, Katie
  • Kingdom of Ghana (c. 830 - 1235 CE) - Amanda, Kate, Steven
  • Mali Empire (c. 1230 - 1600 CE) - Garrett, Joel, Ethan B.
  • Songhai Empire (c. 1375 - 1591) - Reba, Kaleigh
  • Ethiopian Empire (c. 1137 - 1975) - Sam, Kylee, Nicole
  • Benin Empire (c. 900s-1500s) - Quinn, Erik
  • Great Zimbabwe (c. 1000 -1500) - Shannon, Jos, Bailey
  • Kongo Kingdom (c. 1400 - 1575) - Chris, Tommy, Ethan S.

Extending class activities:

Soc Day 14 - Theoretical Perspectives: Functionalism

Objective:  Examine the ways in which society impacts everyday behaviors.

Task:  Good morning!  We'll begin class with a quick review of the sociological imagination.  Then, we'll take notes on and discuss functionalism.

  • Monday, February 22 - "Grown-Up Digital" close reading due by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, February 26 - Unit 1 Test (study guide on Schoology)

Media Day 13 - The Art of Persuasion

Objective:  Investigate the ways in which the media constructs messages.  Identify target audiences and persuasive techniques used by media.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please open up "Graphic Overview - Media Literacy."  We'll spend the first portion of class identifying and defining course vocabulary.  Then, you'll work on your "Identifying Persuasive Techniques" project.

  • Thursday, February 18 - "Persuasion in Media Collage" presentations
  • Tuesday, February 23 - Unit 1 Quiz (study guide on Schoology on or before Friday, February 19)

CPWC Day 14 - Mapping Africa & Human Rights

Objective:  Explore human rights in the contemporary world.  Label a political map of Africa.  Identify & dispel misconceptions about Africa.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please upload your homework to the appropriate dropbox in Schoology.  To begin class, we'll finish watching "What Do We Know About Africa?"   Then, after you finish labeling your map of Africa, you'll use your headphones to listen to the posts on our VoiceThread.  While listening, please complete the "UDHR Note Outline."  Finally, after you've completed your notes, please post a reflection to the final page of the VoiceThread.

  • TODAY - Bring headphones or earbuds to class!
  • TODAY - Labeled Central Africa map AND South & East Africa maps (from packet) due in class
  • Friday, February 19 - Chapter 18, section 3 reading notes due in Schoology (must be submitted by 8:00 am for credit)
  • Friday, February 19 - HR PSA Benchmark #2 - Outline or plan due to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, February 22 - Reading Quiz - Chapter 18 (index card may be used)
  • Tuesday, February 23 - HR PSA Benchmark #3 - Draft due to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, February 25 - Africa map quiz
  • Friday, February 26 - HR PSA Due in Schoology Dropbox by 3:00 pmf
  • Monday, February 29 - Unit 2 Test

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

HWC Day 13 - Defining "Africa"

Objectives:  Identify and dispel misconceptions about Sub-Saharan Africa.  Review the political geography of Africa.

Task:  Welcome back!  I hope you had a relaxing long weekend!  When you arrive to class, please form the desks into a circle.  We'll spend the first portion of class debriefing "Five Myths" and "What Do We Know?"  Then, you'll play a game to review the political map of Africa.

  • TODAY - Discussion "Five Myths About Africa" - reflection post due on Schoology by 11:30 am
  • Thursday, February 18 - Part A of Africa Regional Study ("African Cultures: Ancient & Diverse") due in class
  • Friday, February 19 - Africa map quiz (study guide on Schoology)
  • Monday, February 22 - Part B of Africa Regional Study ("Achievable Dreams?") due in class - START THIS EARLY!!!
  • Tuesday, February 23 - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183
  • Tuesday, February 23 - Unit 2 PDPs due on class blog
  • Wednesday, February 24 - African Nationalist Note Sheet due in class
  • Thursday, February 25 - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past")
  • Friday, February 26 - Unit 2 PDCs due on class blog
  • Monday, February 29 - Unit 2 Test
  • Monday, February 29 - Unit 2 SJS due on class blog

Soc Day 13 - Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology

Objective:  Examine the ways in which society impacts everyday behaviors.

Task:  Good morning!  I hope you had a relaxing holiday weekend.   Today we'll pick up where we left off last week and continue our application of the sociological imagination. Finally, we'll end class with some notes on theoretical perspectives.

  • TODAY - "Blame Game" discussion
  • Friday, February 19 - "Grown-Up Digital" close reading due by 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday, February 23 - "What's So Great About America?" reflection due by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, February 26 - Unit 1 Test

Media Day 12 - Identifying Persuasive Techniques in the Media

Objective:  Investigate the ways in which the media constructs messages.  Identify target audiences and persuasive techniques used by media.

Task:  Good morning!  I hope you had a relaxing holiday weekend.  When you arrive to class, please download "Graphic Overview - Media Literacy."  We'll spend the first portion of class completing the flow chart.  Then, you'll work on your "Identifying Persuasive Techniques" project.

  • Thursday, February 18 - "Persuasion in Media Collage" presentations
  • Tuesday, February 23 - Unit 1 Quiz (study guide on Schoology on or before Friday, February 19)

CPWC Day 13 - What Do We Know About Africa?

Objective:  Explore human rights in the contemporary world.

Task:  Welcome back!  I hope you had a restful weekend.  When you arrive to class, please pick up the large Africa map from the side table and upload your homework to Schoology.  While you label the map, I'll come around the room to check on your HR PSA Benchmark.  After I've checked in with everyone and you've completed the map, we'll watch and take notes on "What Do You Know About Africa?" Finally, we'll spend the last few minutes of class debriefing.

  • TODAY - Chapter 18, section 2 reading notes due in Schoology (must be submitted by 8:00 am for credit)
  • TODAY - HR PSA Benchmark #1  - Topic & medium due to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, February 18 - Bring headphones or earbuds to class!
  • Thursday, February 18 - Labeled Central Africa map AND South & East Africa maps (from packet) due in class
  • Friday, February 19 - Chapter 18, section 3 reading notes due in Schoology (must be submitted by 8:00 am for credit)
  • Friday, February 19 - HR PSA Benchmark #2 - Outline or plan due to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, February 22 - Reading Quiz - Chapter 18 (index card may be used)
  • Tuesday, February 23 - HR PSA Benchmark #3 - Draft due to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, February 25 - Africa map quiz
  • Friday, February 26 - HR PSA Due in Schoology Dropbox by 3:00 pmf
  • Monday, February 29 - Unit 2 Test

Thursday, February 11, 2016

HWC Day 12 - What Do We Know About Africa?

Mini-Thon Assembly at 1:45

Objectives:  Identify and dispel misconceptions about Sub-Saharan Africa.

Task:  Happy Thursday!   We'll begin our studies of Africa with a video,  "What Do We Know About Africa?"  Please take notes while you watch the video - this will help as we explore Africa.

  • TODAY - Africa map due
  • TODAY - Foundations Investigation due in Schoology dropbox
  • TODAY - Unit 1 SJS due on class blog
  • Tuesday, February 16 - Discussion "Five Myths About Africa" - reflection post due on Schoology by 11:30 am
  • Wednesday, February 17 - Part A of Africa Regional Study ("African Cultures: Ancient & Diverse") due in class
  • Thursday, February 18 - Africa map quiz
  • Friday, February 19 - Part B of Africa Regional Study ("Achievable Dreams?") due in class - START THIS EARLY!!!
  • Monday, February 22 - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183
  • Tuesday, February 23 - African Nationalist Note Sheet due in class
  • Tuesday, February 23 - Unit 2 PDPs due on class blog
  • Wednesday, February 24 - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past")
  • Thursday, February 25 - Unit 2 PDCs due on class blog
  • Monday, February 29 - Unit 2 Test
  • Monday, February 29 - Unit 2 SJS due on class blog

Soc Day 12 - A Country of Victims?

Objective:  Examine the ways in which society impacts everyday behaviors.

Task:  Happy Thursday!  Today, we'll watch "The Blame Game" - an "expose" on the alleged victimization mentality of Americans.  During the video, you'll take notes on the provided sheet.  

  • Tuesday, February 16 - "Blame Game" discussion
  • Thursday, February 18 - "What's So Great About America?" reflection due by 3:00 pm

Media Day 11 - Identifying Audience & Persuasion Techniques

Objective:  Investigate the ways in which the media constructs messages.  Identify target audiences and persuasive techniques used by media.

Task:  Happy Thursday!  First, we'll finish our comparison of tabloids and broadsheets.  Then, you'll examine various persuasive techniques and target audiences.

  • Wednesday, February 17 - "Persuasion in Media Collage" presentations

CPWC Day 12 - Exploring Human Rights

Objective:  Define "human rights" as presented in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).  Explore human rights in the contemporary world.

Task:  Happy Thursday!  To begin class, I'll explain the process for posting your audio comment to the VoiceThread.  Then, we'll head down to the library and you'll have the opportunity to post your comment to our class.  Next, I'll explain your public service announcement assignment and you'll spend the rest of class working on your project.

  • TODAY - Labeled West Africa map (from packet) due in class (must be submitted by 8:00 am for credit)
  • Tuesday, February 16 - Chapter 18, section 2 reading notes due in Schoology (must be submitted by 8:00 am for credit)
  • Tuesday, February 16 - HR PSA Benchmark #1  - Topic & medium due to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, February 17 - Labeled Central Africa map AND South & East Africa maps (from packet) due in class
  • Thursday, February 18 - Chapter 18, section 3 reading notes due in Schoology (must be submitted by 8:00 am for credit)
  • Thursday, February 18 - HR PSA Benchmark #2 - Outline or plan due to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 pm
  • Friday, February 19 - Reading Quiz - Chapter 18 (index card may be used)
  • Monday, February 22 - HR PSA Benchmark #3 - Draft due to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, February 24 - HR PSA Due in Schoology Dropbox by 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, February 25 - Africa map quiz
  • Monday, February 29 - Unit 2 Test
Extending class activities:
  • Go to the official UDHR website to read an illustrated version of the document.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

HWC Day 11 - Unit 1 Test

REMINDER:  If you have not done so already, please stop by the library to pick up issues of History Today and Current History to complete questions 42 & 43 on the "Foundations Investigation."

Objective:  Assess knowledge and understanding of unit 1 content.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to please clear your desks of everything except for a pencil.  You'll have the entire class to complete your test.  As you take the test, please read each question carefully and select the best possible answer.  If you are unsure of the answer, try to eliminate one or two choices.  Don't spend too much time on any single question - its likely you may find clues to help you figure out the answer later in the test.  For the short answer questions, make sure that you fully answer the question with relevant details to show your understanding.  Finally, before handing in your test, be sure to double check your work.

After you've finished the test, please turn it in at the back of the room and begin working on your homework for unit 2 OR your "Foundations Investigation."

  • TODAY - Unit 1 Test
  • TODAY - Unit 1 PDC due on class blog
  • Thursday, February 11 - Africa map due
  • Thursday, February 11 - Foundations Investigation due in Schoology dropbox
  • Thursday, February 11 - Unit 1 SJS due on class blog
  • Tuesday, February 16 - Discussion "Five Myths About Africa" - reflection post due on Schoology by 11:30 am
  • Wednesday, February 17 - Part A of Africa Regional Study ("African Cultures: Ancient & Diverse") due in class
  • Thursday, February 18 - Africa map quiz
  • Friday, February 19 - Part B of Africa Regional Study ("Achievable Dreams?") due in class - START THIS EARLY!!!
  • Monday, February 22 - Reading quiz on G&D pp. 163-183
  • Tuesday, February 23 - African Nationalist Note Sheet due in class
  • Tuesday, February 23 - Unit 2 PDPs due on class blog
  • Wednesday, February 24 - Part C of Africa Regional Study ("Confronting the Past")
  • Thursday, February 25 - Unit 2 PDCs due on class blog
  • Monday, February 29 - Unit 2 Test
  • Monday, February 29 - Unit 2 SJS due on class blog

Soc Day 11 - Sociological Imagination

Objective:  Examine the ways in which society impacts everyday behaviors.  Identify the components of the sociological imagination.

Task:  When you arrive to class, please open up your unit 1 sociology notes.  Today, we'll focus on the sociological imagination.  Specifically, we'll explore and practice the three component skills required for the development of sociological imagination:
  1. The ability to identify social contexts
  2. The ability to identify historical contexts
  3. The ability to understand the interplay between agency and structure

  • ASAP - Fill-out & submit the Pioneers rubric to the appropriate dropbox in Schoology
  • Thursday, February 18 - "What's So Great About America?" reflection due by 3:00

Media Day 10 - Identifying Audience & Purpose

Objective:  Investigate the ways in which the media constructs messages.

Task:  Good morning!  To begin class, you'll compare and contrast a tabloid newspaper cover to that of a broadsheet.  After a brief review, we'll begin to explore techniques used by media to target specific audiences.

CPWC Day 11 - Defining Human Rights

Important:  If you have not done so already, please make sure to download the VoiceThread app and to create a FREE account using your SVSD email address BEFORE class tomorrow.

Objective:  Define "human rights" as presented in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).  Explore human rights in the contemporary world.

Task:  Good morning!   We'll begin class with an analysis of Eleanor Roosevelt's quote and the Preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  Then, after we discuss the categories of human rights, you'll begin watch the public service announcement and find a news story for your assigned article of the UDHR.

  • TODAY - Chapter 18, section 1 reading notes due in Schoology (must be submitted by 8:00 am for credit)
  • Thursday, February 11 - Labeled West Africa map (from packet) due in class
  • Tuesday, February 16 - Chapter 18, section 2 reading notes due in Schoology (must be submitted by 8:00 am for credit)
  • Wednesday, February 17 - Labeled Central Africa map AND South & East Africa maps (from packet) due in class
  • Thursday, February 18 - Chapter 18, section 3 reading notes due in Schoology (must be submitted by 8:00 am for credit)
  • Friday, February 19 - Reading Quiz - Chapter 18 (index card may be used)
  • Thursday, February 25 - Africa map quiz
  • Monday, February 29 - Unit 2 Test
Extending class activities:
  • Go to the official UDHR website to read an illustrated version of the document.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

HWC Day 10 - Imperialism & Historical Epistemology

REMINDER:  If you have not done so already, please stop by the library to pick up issues of History Today and Current History to complete questions 42 & 43 on the "Foundations Investigation."

Objective:  Consider "modern"  and "nation" as social constructs.  Identify justifications for & implications of imperialism in the 19th & 20th centuries.  Explore the implications of development and globalization.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please pull up your "Imperialism vs. Colonialism" diagram.  We'll finish our examination of imperialism and discuss modernity.  Finally, we'll review globalization and development.

  • TODAY - Globalization discussion - watch ONE of the "Globalization & Development" Videos AND read ONE of the "Contemporary Issues Readings" BEFORE class
  • Wednesday, February 10 - Unit 1 Test
  • Wednesday, February 10 - Unit 1 PDC due on class blog
  • Thursday, February 11 - Foundations Investigation due in Schoology dropbox
  • Thursday, February 11 - Unit 1 SJS due on class blog

Soc Day 10 - Grown-Up Digital

Objective:  Examine the ways in which society impacts everyday behaviors.  Identify the impact of

Task:  When you arrive to class, please pull up your "Grown-Up Digital" reading.  I'll answer any questions and then you'll complete the reading quiz.  If there is any time remaining in class, we'll continue our notes on sociology.

  • ASAP - Fill-out & submit the Pioneers rubric to the appropriate dropbox in Schoology
  • TODAY - "Grown-Up Digital" reading quiz (one 3x5, hand-written index card may be used)

Media Day 9 - Media as a Package

Objective:  Investigate the ways in which the media constructs messages.

Task:  When you arrive to class please open up "Media as a Package."  We'll read an introduction, then you'll work by yourself or in small groups to analyze a newspaper.  Finally, you'll search for and identify some targeted media messages.

CPWC Day 10 - Exploring Human Rights

IMPORTANT:  If you are absent from class, you need to come in during period 12 to complete the pre-test.  However, you can access the video ("The Story of Human Rights") from the "Youth for Human Rights" app.  All "worksheets" are available on Schoology in the Human Rights folder.

Objective:  Define "human rights" as presented in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).  Explore human rights in the contemporary world.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please clear your desks.  We'll begin with a short assessment to see how much you know about human rights - "What Are Our Human Rights?"  This is NOT a graded assignment but please do your best!  If you finish early, please work on your unit 2 homework.

After everyone finishes the knowledge check, you'll watch and take notes on a short video about human rights.  Finally, we'll finish class by reading a statement from Eleanor Roosevelt and the Preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

  • TODAY  - Foundations Investigation due in Schoology by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, February 10 - Chapter 18, section 1 reading notes due in Schoology (must be submitted by 8:00 am for credit)
  • Thursday, February 11 - Labeled West Africa map (from packet) due in class
  • Tuesday, February 16 - Chapter 18, section 2 reading notes due in Schoology (must be submitted by 8:00 am for credit)
  • Wednesday, February 17 - Labeled Central Africa map AND South & East Africa maps (from packet) due in class
  • Thursday, February 18 - Chapter 18, section 3 reading notes due in Schoology (must be submitted by 8:00 am for credit)
  • Friday, February 19 - Reading Quiz - Chapter 18 (index card may be used)
  • Thursday, February 25 - Africa map quiz
  • Monday, February 29 - Unit 2 Test
Extending class activities:
  • Go to the official UDHR website to read an illustrated version of the document.

Monday, February 8, 2016

HWC Day 9 - Defining Modernity

REMINDER:  If you have not done so already, please stop by the library to pick up issues of History Today and Current History to complete questions 42 & 43 on the "Foundations Investigation."

Objective:  Identify defining characteristics of each of the "Big Eras."  Consider "modern"  and "nation" as social constructs.  Identify justifications for & implications of imperialism in the 19th & 20th centuries.

Task:  Good afternoon!  We'll begin class with a wrap-up of Big Eras 6, 7, 8, & 9.  Then, we'll play a quick game to review the essential content from the Primer.  Finally, you'll read short excerpts from Benedict Anderson's "imagined communities" and  we'll finish class with a discussion about the modern era, colonialism, & imperialism.

  • TODAY - Unit 1 PDP due on class blog
  • TODAY - Complete "Imperialism vs. Colonialism" AND review "Imperialism" BEFORE class
  • Tuesday, February 9 - Globalization discussion - watch ONE of the "Globalization & Development" Videos AND read ONE of the "Contemporary Issues Readings" BEFORE class
  • Wednesday, February 10 - Unit 1 Test
  • Wednesday, February 10 - Unit 1 PDC due on class blog
  • Thursday, February 11 - Foundations Investigation due in Schoology dropbox
  • Thursday, February 11 - Unit 1 SJS due on class blog

Soc Day 9 - Sociological Imagination

Objective:  Examine the ways in which society impacts everyday behaviors. Compare sociology to other social sciences and history.

Task:  When you arrive to class, please complete "The Social Sciences" review (located in Schoology - Unit 1).  After a quick review, we'll continue our notes on the basics of sociology.  Specifically, we'll examine sociological imagination and types of groups.

  • ASAP - Reflections posted to last page of "Pioneers" Voicethread
  • Tuesday, February 9 - "Grown-Up Digital" reading quiz (one 3x5, hand-written index card may be used)

Media Day 8 - Identifying Messages in Images

Objective:  Evaluate and provide feedback on constructed images.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please take one of the pink sheets from the front of the room.  On the top of the paper, write your name, "Image Message," and today's date at the top.  Concisely describe the message your image is supposed to convey and hand the paper into Mrs. Friday.  Then, you'll examine the images that other students have created to see if you can identify the intended message.

  • TODAY - "Constructing Images" submissions due BEFORE class

CPWC Day 9 - Unit 1 Test

Objective:  Assess knowledge and understanding of unit 1 content.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to please clear your desks of everything except for a pencil.  You'll have the entire class to complete your test.  As you take the test, please read each question carefully and select the best possible answer.  If you are unsure of the answer, try to eliminate one or two choices.  Don't spend too much time on any single question - its likely you may find clues to help you figure out the answer later in the test.  For the short answer questions, make sure that you fully answer the question with relevant details to show your understanding.  Finally, before handing in your test, be sure to double check your work.

After you've finished the test, please turn it in at the back of the room and begin working on your homework for unit 2 OR your "Foundations Investigation."

  • TODAY - Unit 1 Test (study guide on Schoology)
  • Tuesday, February 9 - Foundations Investigation due in Schoology by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, February 10 - Chapter 18, section 1 reading notes due in Schoology 
  • Thursday, February 11 - Labeled West Africa map (from packet) due in class
  • Tuesday, February 16 - Chapter 18, section 2 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Wednesday, February 17 - Labeled Central Africa map AND South & East Africa maps (from packet) due in class
  • Thursday, February 18 - Chapter 18, section 3 reading notes due in Schoology
  • Friday, February 19 - Reading Quiz - Chapter 18 (index card may be used)
  • Thursday, February 25 - Africa map quiz
  • Monday, February 29 - Unit 2 Test

Friday, February 5, 2016

HWC Day 8 - Historical Development & Document Analysis

REMINDER:  If you have not done so already, please stop by the library to pick up issues of History Today and Current History to complete questions 42 & 43 on the "Foundations Investigation."

Objective:  Assess knowledge and understanding of G&D chapter 1.  Identify defining characteristics of each of the "Big Eras."  

Task:  Happy Friday!  You'll spend the first 30 minutes of class completing the reading quiz.  Then, we'll finish our examination of the Big Eras and analyze the "Yalta Conference."

  • TODAY - "Yalta Conference" discussion (come prepared w/ highlighted & annotated document)
  • TODAY - G&D chapter 1 reading quiz
  • Monday, February 8 - Unit 1 PDP due on class blog
  • Monday, February 8 - Complete "Imperialism vs. Colonialism" AND review "Imperialism" BEFORE class
  • Tuesday, February 9 - Globalization discussion - watch ONE of the "Globalization & Development" Videos AND read ONE of the "Contemporary Issues Readings" BEFORE class
  • Wednesday, February 10 - Unit 1 Test
  • Wednesday, February 10 - Unit 1 PDC due on class blog
  • Thursday, February 11 - Foundations Investigation due in Schoology dropbox
  • Thursday, February 11 - Unit 1 SJS due on class blog

Soc Day 8 - What is Sociology?

IMPORTANT:  Please make sure to post your reflection to the final page of the "Pioneers of Sociology" VT ASAP.  I will be grading the projects this weekend.

Objective:  Examine the ways in which society impacts everyday behaviors. Compare sociology to other social sciences and history.

Task:  Happy Friday!  When you arrive to class, please open your Socrative app and log into my classroom at  743692.   After your vocabular review, we'll discuss Heslin's argument in "What is Sociology?."  Finally, before leaving class, you'll complete a 3-2-1 exit ticket identifying some of your new learning.

  • TODAY - Unit 1 Vocabulary due
  • TODAY - "What is Sociology?" discussion
  • ASAP - Reflections posted to last page of "Pioneers" Voicethread
  • Tuesday, February 9 - "Grown-Up Digital" reading quiz