Free Rice

Rice up against hunger

Friday, May 29, 2015

HWC Day 73 - Colonialism, Slavery, & Revolution in Latin America

Objectives:  Define unique physical geography of Latin America.  Investigate indigenous cultures of Latin America.

Task:  Buenos dias!  When you arrive to class, please get out the rubric for your final draft and hand it in on the podium.  We'll begin class with your presentations on the Olmec, Maya, and Aztecs.  Then, you'll spend a few minutes considering the colonial history of Latin America.  Finally, we'll begin a directed research activity to investigate slavery, maroons, and the revolution in Haiti.

  • TODAY - R&R final draft due emailed as a PDF to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 
  • Monday, June 1 - R&R public awareness mp4 shared with Mrs. Friday by 3:00 *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 29 at 3:00
  • Tuesday, June 2 - Latin America Map Quiz
  • Friday, June 5 - Cumulative Map Quiz - Europe & Africa
  • Friday, June 12 - HWC Final Exam at 7:35 am
Links for "Slavery & Revolution in Latin America"

CPWC Day 78 - Revolution in Haiti

Objective:  Investigate the impact of slavery on the development of Latin America. Review

Task:  Buenos dias!  We'll begin with a short game to review the geography of Latin America.  Then, we'll share our cultural food before we begin watching a documentary on the Haitian Revolution.

  • TODAY - Chapter 11, section 1 reading notes
  • TODAY - Culture Food Party (see GoogleSpreadsheet for signups)
  • Monday, June 1 - Latin America map quiz
  • Tuesday, June 2 - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes
  • Tuesday, June 2 - "Slavery & Revolution In Latin America" due
  • Wednesday, June 3 - Reading quiz (9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 11.1, & 11.2)
  • Friday, June 5 - Cumulative map quiz
  • Wednesday, June 10 - CPWC Final Exam at 7:35 am
CPWC Current Events - Extra Credit Opportunity (due by 3:00 pm on Tuesday, June 9)
Use one or more of the news sources below to find recent news articles relating to topics we've studied in quarter 2.  Create citations and annotations in NoodleTools.  The annotation MUST include a summary AND an explanation of how the article relates to our studies.  Share your work with the "CPWC Quarter 4 Extra Credit" dropbox.
Each citation/annotation is worth up to 5 points and you may complete up to 3 per unit (East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania, & Latin America).

Thursday, May 28, 2015

West Civ Day 33 - French Revolution & Napoleon

Objective:  Evaluate the causes of the French Revolution.  Create a timeline to detail the events of the French Revolution.  

Task:  Bonjour!  We'll begin with a short overview of the French Revolution.  Then, you'll participate in or observe the debate on Napoleon.  Finally, if any time remains, we'll identify the main contributions of Napoleon.

  • ASAP - Unit 4 PDPs
  • ASAP - Unit 4 PDCs 
  • YESTERDAY - Unit 5 PDP's due by 3:00
  • Thursday, May 28 - Napoleon debate in class
  • Thursday, May 28 - Unit 5 PDC's due by 3:00
  • Monday, June 1 - Unit 6 PDPs due by 3:00
  • Wednesday, June 3 - Unit 6 PDCs due by 3:00
  • Friday, June 5 - Western Civ. Cumulative Test

CPWC Day 77 - Indigenous Peoples, Slavery, & Revolution in Latin America

Objective:   Compare and contrast the Aztec & Incan empires.  Investigate the impact of slavery on the development of Latin America.

Task:  Buenos dias!  When you arrive to class, please get out your Panama Canal packet from yesterday.  We'll spend the first portion of class finishing our review of these worksheets.  Then, we'll begin our exploration of the Aztecs and Incas.  Finally, you'll begin an investigation of slavery and revolution in Latin America.

  • TODAY - Chapter 9, section 3 reading notes
  • Friday, May 29 - Chapter 11, section 1 reading notes
  • Friday, May 29 - Culture Food Party (see GoogleSpreadsheet for signups)
  • Monday, June 1 - Latin America map quiz
  • Tuesday, June 2 - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes
  • Wednesday, June 3 - Reading quiz (9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 11.1, & 11.2)
  • Friday, June 5 - Cumulative map quiz
  • Wednesday, June 10 - CPWC Final Exam at 7:35 am
Links for "Slavery & Revolution in Latin America"

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

NHD Mtg. 1 - Introducing National History Day

Welcome, Young Historians!

Thank you for showing an interest in National History Day!  Each year, students research and create a project on a topic relating to the NHD theme.  If you choose to take part in the SVHSNHD team, you'll conduct extensive, authentic research on your topic and create a unique product for the regional contest.   Although we'll hold regular meetings and offer support, much of the research and project creation will be completed outside of school.  The regional contest will be held on a Saturday in March in Jim Thorpe.

Final projects must fall into one of nine categories: 
  • Individual categories: paper, exhibit, performance, documentary, web site
  • Group categories: exhibit, performance, documentary, web site

All entries must include a written component that includes a title page, a process paper, and an annotated bibliography.  Further, all entrants must be prepared to answer questions from the judges.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Friday in room 303 or Ms. Screnci in room 301.  

Useful links:

HWC Day 72 - Geography & Indigenous Cultures of Latin America

Objectives:  Define unique physical geography of Latin America.  Investigate indigenous cultures of Latin America.

Task:  Buenos dias!  When you arrive to class, please get out a blank piece of paper and a pen or pencil and clear your desks.  We'll begin with a game to review the map of Latin America.  Then, you'll read one of four articles about an indigenous group in Latin America.  After reading, you'll work with others who read the same article to create a brief summary to share with the class.

  • Thursday, May 28 - Awards Ceremony
  • Friday, May 29 - R&R final draft due emailed as a PDF to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 
    • *10 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 26 at 3:00
    • *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 27 at 3:00
  • Monday, June 1 - R&R public awareness mp4 shared with Mrs. Friday by 3:00 *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 29 at 3:00
  • Tuesday, June 2 - Latin America Map Quiz
  • Friday, June 5 - Cumulative Map Quiz - Europe & Africa
  • Friday, June 12 - HWC Final Exam at 7:35 am

West Civ Day 32 - The French Revolution

Objective:  Evaluate the causes of the French Revolution.  Create a timeline to detail the events of the French Revolution.  

Task:  Bonjour!  When you arrive to class, please get out your "Cause of the French Revolution" DBQ.  We'll spend the first portion of class discussing the factors that contributed to the uprising.  Then, you'll work on your debate or the French Revolution timeline.  Finally, we'll end class with notes on the French Revolution

  • ASAP - Unit 4 PDPs
  • ASAP - Unit 4 PDCs 
  • YESTERDAY - Unit 5 PDP's due by 3:00
  • Thursday, May 28 - Napoleon debate in class
  • Thursday, May 28 - Unit 5 PDC's due by 3:00
  • Monday, June 1 - Unit 6 PDPs due by 3:00
  • Wednesday, June 3 - Unit 6 PDCs due by 3:00
  • Friday, June 5 - Western Civ. Cumulative Test

CPWC Day 76 - Latin America Geography & Indigenous Empires

Objective:   Identify and label political and physical features of Latin America.  Investigate select features of physical geography in Latin America.  Compare and contrast the Aztec & Incan empires.

Task:  Buenos dias!  As you arrive to class, please pick up the hand-out on the podium.  Get out your homework and complete the worksheet while we're checking your homework.  After we review your worksheet, we'll split into teams for a quick review of the Latin America map.  Then, we'll continue our exploration of the geography of Latin America and begin looking at the Aztecs and Incas.

  • TODAY - Chapter 9, section 2 reading notes due
  • Thursday, May 28 - Chapter 9, section 3 reading notes
  • Friday, May 29 - Chapter 11, section 1 reading notes
  • Friday, May 29 - Culture Food Party (see GoogleSpreadsheet for signups)
  • Monday, June 1 - Latin America map quiz
  • Tuesday, June 2 - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes
  • Wednesday, June 3 - Reading quiz (9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 11.1, & 11.2)
  • Friday, June 5 - Cumulative map quiz
  • Wednesday, June 10 - CPWC Final Exam at 7:35 am

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

HWC Day 71 - Unit 7 Wrap-Up & Latin America Geography

Objectives:  Identify central themes in the geography, history, & culture of Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania.  Investigate the geography of Latin America.

Task:  Welcome back!  I hope you all had an enjoyable, relaxing holiday weekend.  We're down to the final stretch but we still have a whole unit ahead of us.  As you arrive to class, please pick up the packet from the front of the classroom.  Complete the packet while you're waiting for class to begin.  We'll review the packet to define the Commonwealth of Nations and review Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania.  Then, we'll begin our studies on Latin America with some maps.

  • Thursday, May 28 - Awards Ceremony
  • Friday, May 29 - R&R final draft due emailed as a PDF to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 
    • *10 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 26 at 3:00
    • *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 27 at 3:00
  • Monday, June 1 - R&R public awareness mp4 shared with Mrs. Friday by 3:00 *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 29 at 3:00
  • Tuesday, June 2 - Latin America Map Quiz
  • Friday, June 5 - Cumulative Map Quiz - Europe & Africa
  • Friday, June 12 - HWC Final Exam at 7:35 am
Our studies in the news:
Just this weekend, our local paper ran an article about the controversy around American military actions in the Northern Marianas.  Read "Island of Pagan Opposes Plan to Use it For Marine Invasion Training," (Morning Call, 5/17/2015).

West Civ Day 31 - France on the Eve of Revolution

Objective:  Investigate the condition of France under the Old Regime.  Evaluate the causes of the French Revolution.

Task:  Welcome back!  I hope you had a relaxing, enjoyable holiday weekend.  Its hard to believe but we have less than two weeks to wrap up 200 years of European history.  To begin today, we'll form a circle to discuss the conditions of Europe under the Old Regime.  Then, we'll split into groups to prepare for the Napoleon debate and to research the course of the French Revolution.  Finally, if there is any time remaining, you'll work on your PDPs and PDCs.

  • ASAP - Unit 4 PDPs
  • ASAP - Unit 4 PDCs 
  • TODAY - Unit 5 PDP's due by 3:00
  • Thursday, May 28 - Unit 5 PDC's due by 3:00
  • Monday, June 1 - Unit 6 PDPs due by 3:00
  • Wednesday, June 3 - Unit 6 PDCs due by 3:00
  • Friday, June 5 - Western Civ. Cumulative Test

CPWC Day 75 - Unit 7 Wrap-Up & Latin America Map

Objective: Discuss essential themes in the geography, history, and cultures of Southeast Asia, Australia, and Oceania.  Identify and label political and physical features of Latin America.

Task:  Welcome back!  I hope you all had an enjoyable, relaxing holiday weekend.  We're down to the final stretch but we still have a whole unit ahead of us.  When you arrive to class, please get out your homework and a blank piece of paper.  While we check your reading notes, please use the blank paper to brainstorm everything you know about Latin America.  After we've checked homework, we'll review the Commonwealth worksheets from last week and finalize our notes on Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class filling out our Latin America maps.

  • TODAY  - Chapter 9, section 1 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, May 27 - Chapter 9, section 2 reading notes due
  • Thursday, May 28 - Chapter 9, section 3 reading notes
  • Friday, May 29 - Chapter 11, section 1 reading notes
  • Friday, May 29 - Culture Food Party (see GoogleSpreadsheet for signups)
  • Monday, June 1 - Latin America map quiz
  • Tuesday, June 2 - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes
  • Wednesday, June 3 - Reading quiz (9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 11.1, & 11.2)
  • Friday, June 5 - Cumulative map quiz
  • Wednesday, June 10 - CPWC Final Exam at 7:35 am
Our studies in the news:
Just this weekend, our local paper ran an article about the controversy around American military actions in the Northern Marianas.  Read "Island of Pagan Opposes Plan to Use it For Marine Invasion Training," (Morning Call, 5/17/2015).

Thursday, May 21, 2015

HWC Day 70 - Asia Geography Quiz

Objectives:  Investigate the geography, history, and culture of Oceania & New Zealand.

Task:  When you arrive to class, please pick up the hand-outs on the podium.  At the beginning of class, I'll explain the peer review and the public awareness video.  Then, I'll distribute the map quiz.  After you finish the quiz, please get out a computer and work on your research paper.

  • TODAY - Cumulative Asia & Oceania map quiz
  • Friday, May 22 - R&R draft due in GoogleDocs BEFORE class (If you are going on the class trip, this MUST be shared with Mrs. Friday & your partner BEFORE you leave for the trip!)
    • *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 21 at 3:00
  • Monday, May 25 - Completed peer review (go to sheet 2 of "HWC R&R Spring 2015")due by noon
  • Friday, May 29 - R&R final draft due emailed as a PDF to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 
    • *10 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 26 at 3:00
    • *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 27 at 3:00
  • Monday, June 1 - R&R public awareness mp4 shared with Mrs. Friday by 3:00 *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 29 at 3:00
  • Tuesday, June 2 - Latin America Map Quiz
  • Friday, June 5 - Cumulative Map Quiz - Europe & Africa
  • Friday, June 12 - HWC Final Exam at 7:35 am

West Civ Day 30 - Enlightenment Wrap-Up

Objective:  Evaluate the significance and contributions of the Scientific Revolution. Investigate individuals and ideas of the Enlightenment.  Evaluate the ideas of Locke and Hobbes.

Task:  Greetings!  To begin class, we'll finish our examination of the Enlightenment with our musical selections and your presentations.  Then, we'll review unit 4 and unit 5 with a worksheet.  Finally, I'll introduce the next debate and you'll have the remainder of class to work on your PDPs and PDCs.

  • ASAP - Unit 4 PDPs
  • ASAP - Unit 4 PDCs 
  • Tuesday, May 26 - Unit 5 PDP's due by 3:00
  • Thursday, May 28 - Unit 5 PDC's due by 3:00
  • Monday, June 1 - Unit 6 PDPs due by 3:00
  • Wednesday, June 3 - Unit 6 PDCs due by 3:00
  • Friday, June 5 - Western Civ. Cumulative Test

CPWC Day 74 - Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania Map Quiz

Objective:  Assess knowledge of geography of Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania.  Evaluate the role of US imperialism in the Pacific.

Task:  Good morning!  As you arrive to class, please clear off your desk and get out a pencil in preparation for your map quiz.  We'll begin the map quiz right away.  After you've finished the quiz, turn it in at the back of the room and pick up the worksheet on the Commonwealth of Nations.  Work on this sheet until everyone else has finished the quiz.  Finally, after everyone has finished the quiz, we'll watch Insular Empire, a documentary detailing American imperialism in the Pacific.

  • TODAY - Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania map quiz (study guide on the Moodle)
  • Tuesday, May 26 - Chapter 9, section 1 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, May 27 - Chapter 9, section 2 reading notes due
  • Thursday, May 28 - Chapter 9, section 3 reading notes
  • Friday, May 29 - Chapter 11, section 1 reading notes
  • Friday, May 29 - Culture Food Party (see GoogleSpreadsheet for signups)
  • Monday, June 1 - Latin America map quiz
  • Tuesday, June 2 - Chapter 11, section 2 reading notes
  • Wednesday, June 3 - Reading quiz (9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 11.1, & 11.2)
  • Friday, June 5 - Cumulative map quiz
  • Wednesday, June 10 - CPWC Final Exam at 7:35 am

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

HWC Day 69 - Oceania & Australia Wrap-Up

Objectives:  Investigate the geography, history, and culture of Oceania & New Zealand.

Task:  When you arrive to class, please pick up and read the article on the podium.  We'll use the article as a segue to our discussion on Australia and Oceania.   After   Then, we'll delve more deeply into the history, culture, and geography of Australia and New Zealand.  Finally, we'll look at the impact of sea level rise on the people and countries of Oceania.

  • Thursday, May 21 - Cumulative map quiz
  • Friday, May 22 - R&R draft due in GoogleDocs BEFORE class (If you are going on the class trip, this MUST be shared with Mrs. Friday & your partner BEFORE you leave for the trip!)
  • Friday, May 29 - R&R final draft due emailed as a PDF to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 27 at 3:00
  • Monday, June 1 - R&R public awareness mp4 shared with Mrs. Friday by 3:00 *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 29 at 3:00
Extending Class Discussion:

West Civ Day 29 - Enlightenment

Objective:  Evaluate the significance and contributions of the Scientific Revolution. Investigate individuals and ideas of the Enlightenment.  Evaluate the ideas of Locke and Hobbes.

Task:  Greetings!  When you arrive to class, please pick up the Hobbes & Locke worksheet.  Read the excerpts on the front and complete the back.  After you've completed the hand-out, please work on your next PDP while you're waiting for your classmates to complete their work.    We'll finish our discussion on Hobbes & Locke before the presentations on the thinkers of the Enlightenment.  Finally, we'll end class with an activity applying the ideas of the Enlightenment to contemporary music.

  • ASAP - Unit 4 PDPs due by 3:00
  • ASAP - Unit 4 PDPs due by 3:00

CPWC Day 73 - Considering Oceania & New Zealand

Objective:  Investigate the unique geography, culture, and history of New Zealand and Oceania.

Task:  When you arrive to class, please pick up the worksheet on the podium.  Use the first few minutes of class to complete the worksheet.  Then, we'll review the worksheet and the "Internet Journey Through Oceania."  We'll also compare the Maori of New Zealand and the Aborigines of Australia.  Finally, we'll spend the last portion of class considering the impact of sea-level rise on the countries and people of Oceania.

  • Thursday, May 21 - Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania map quiz (study guide on the Moodle)
  • Friday, May 29 - Culture Food Party (see GoogleSpreadsheet for signups)

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

HWC Day 68 - Outline Peer Review & Oceania Directer Research

Objectives:  Investigate the geography, history, and culture of Oceania & New Zealand.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please pick up a playing card.  To complete the peer review of the outline, you'll find the person that has the same number.  After a brief discussion, you'll get out computers and share your outline with your partner.  After you've finished the peer review, please log onto the Moodle and complete "Internet Journey Through Oceania & Australia."

  • TODAY - R&R outline due in GoogleDocs BEFORE class
  • Thursday, May 21 - Cumulative map quiz
  • Friday, May 22 - R&R draft due in GoogleDocs BEFORE class (If you are going on the class trip, this MUST be shared with Mrs. Friday & your partner BEFORE you leave for the trip!)
  • Friday, May 29 - R&R final draft due emailed as a PDF to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 27 at 3:00
  • Monday, June 1 - R&R public awareness mp4 shared with Mrs. Friday by 3:00 *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 29 at 3:00
Extending Class Discussion:

West Civ Day 28 - Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment

Objective:  Evaluate the significance and contributions of the Scientific Revolution. Investigate individuals and ideas of the Enlightenment.  Debate the ideas of Locke and Hobbes.

Task:  When you arrive to class, please get out your notes.  We'll finish our notes on the Scientific Revolution and discuss whether or not this period was truly revolutionary.  Next, we'll conduct the debate between Locke and Hobbes.  Finally, we'll evaluate the contributions of Locke and Hobbes to western civilization.  prezi

  • Monday, May 18 - Unit 4 PDPs due by 3:00
  • Tuesday, May 19 - Hobbes & Locke Debate (see rubric)
  • Wednesday, May 20 - Completed Enlightenment Prezi due
  • Wednesday, May 20 - Unit 4 PDPs due by 3:00

CPWC Day 72 - Australia & Oceania

Objective:  Investigate the unique geography, culture, and history of Australia and Oceania.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please get out your reading notes in preparation for the reading quiz.  After you finish the quiz, please turn it in at the back of the room/. Get the Oceania search and use the links on the Moodle to complete the directed research activity.  After everyone finishes the quiz, we'll take a few minutes to finish our notes on Australia.  Finally, you'll use the remainder of class to complete the Oceania search.

  • TODAY -  Unit 7 reading quiz on 30.1, 31.1, 31.2, 31.3
  • Thursday, May 21 - Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania map quiz (study guide on the Moodle)
Resources for Internet Search:

Monday, May 18, 2015

HWC Day 67 - Australia

*Unexpected change in plans - "Insular Empire" & American imperialism in the Pacific instead of Australia content.

Objectives:  Investigate the geography, history, and culture of Australia.

Task:  Good afternoon!  When you arrive to class, please pick up a Globalization and Diversity textbook from the shelf.  We're going to split up into teams to investigate, and report on, the geography, history, and culture of Australia.  Then, we'll consider the historiography of European colonization of Australia.

  • Tuesday, May 19 - R&R outline due in GoogleDocs BEFORE class
  • Thursday, May 21 - Cumulative map quiz
  • Friday, May 22 - R&R draft due in GoogleDocs BEFORE class (If you are going on the class trip, this MUST be shared with Mrs. Friday & your partner BEFORE you leave for the trip!)
  • Friday, May 29 - R&R final draft due emailed as a PDF to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 27 at 3:00
  • Monday, June 1 - R&R public awareness mp4 shared with Mrs. Friday by 3:00 *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 29 at 3:00
Extending Class Discussion:

West Civ Day 27 - Scientific Revolution

Objective:  Evaluate the significance and contributions of the Scientific Revolution. Investigate individuals and ideas of the Enlightenment.

Task:  Good morning!  Today, we're going to step back chronologically to consider the Scientific Revolution.  After we've finished our notes on the Scientific Revolution, we'll continue our examination of select figures of the Enlightenment.  Half of the class will research the ideas of Thomas Hobbes & John Locke in preparation for a debate.  The other half of the class will research other central figures of the Enlightenment and post your research to the prezi. (see below)

  • Monday, May 18 - Unit 4 PDPs due by 3:00
  • Tuesday, May 19 - Hobbes & Locke Debate (see rubric)
  • Tuesday, May 19 - Completed Enlightenment Prezi due
  • Wednesday, May 20 - Unit 4 PDPs due by 3:00

CPWC Day 71 - Australia

Objective:  Assess knowledge and completion of Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania maps.

Task:  Good morning!  When you arrive to class, please get out a computer and log onto the Moodle.  We'll spend the first portion of class completing a brief map assessment.  After you've finished the map check, please turn in your computer and pick up the hand-out on the computer cart.  We'll review the worksheet before briefly taking notes on the geography, history, and culture of Australia.

  • TODAY - Australia & Oceania map
  • Tuesday, May 19 - Unit 7 reading quiz on 30.1, 31.1, 31.2, 31.3
  • Thursday, May 21 - Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania map quiz

Friday, May 15, 2015

HWC Day 66 - Genocide & the Rohingya

Objectives:  Investigate the course and consequences of genocide in Cambodia.  Investigate the plight of the Rohingya people.

Task:  Happy Friday!  We'll begin class with a brief review on how to construct an outline in MLA format (see example in email).  Then, we'll finish our examination of the Cambodian genocide.  After a short debriefing session, we'll end class with a short investigation of the Rohingya.

  • TODAY  - R&R current events notecards due in class or on NoodleTools by 3:00 pm (see rubric for criteria) *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 14 at 3:00
  • Tuesday, May 19 - R&R outline due in GoogleDocs BEFORE class
  • Thursday, May 21 - Cumulative map quiz
  • Friday, May 22 - R&R draft due in GoogleDocs BEFORE class (If you are going on the class trip, this MUST be shared with Mrs. Friday & your partner BEFORE you leave for the trip!)
  • Friday, May 29 - R&R final draft due emailed as a PDF to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 27 at 3:00
  • Monday, June 1 - R&R public awareness mp4 shared with Mrs. Friday by 3:00 *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 29 at 3:00

West Civ Day 26 - Absolutism, Constitutionalism, & Enlightenment

Objective:  Identify factors that led to the emergence of modern nation-states. Compare and contrast the English Civil War to the Glorious Revolution.  Investigate individuals and ideas of the Enlightenment.

Task:  Happy Friday!  When you arrive to class, please pick up the hand-out on the English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution.  Read the section on the Glorious Revolution and then complete the Venn diagram comparing these two events.  After we've discussed these two events, we'll begin our examination of select figures of the Enlightenment.  Half of the class will research the ideas of Thomas Hobbes & John Locke in preparation for a debate.  The other half of the class will research other central figures of the Enlightenment and post your research to the prezi.

  • Monday, May 18 - Unit 4 PDPs due by 3:00
  • Tuesday, May 19 - Hobbes & Locke Debate (see rubric)
  • Tuesday, May 19 - Completed Enlightenment Prezi due
  • Wednesday, May 20 - Unit 4 PDPs due by 3:00 
Project Assignments:
  • Enlightenment Thinkers:
    • Voltaire - Zack
    • Montesquieu - Sean
    • Beccaria - Lara
    • Adam Smith - Caroline
    • Rousseau - Joanna
    • Wollstonecraft
  • Debate:
    • Hobbes - Momin, Jake, Chris
    • Locke - Brian, Kyle, Duncan

CPWC Day 70 - Contemporary Southeast Asia

Objective:  Analyze the causes and course of the genocide in Cambodia.  Describe the impact of colonialism & imperialism in Southeast Asia.  Investigate the status of human rights in Myanmar.

Task:  Happy Friday!  When you arrive to class, please pick up the hand-out on the podium.  Read the document while we check your homework.  Then, we'll spend the first portion of class reviewing the genocide in Cambodia.  Next, we'll take some brief notes on colonialism and imperialism in Southeast Asia.  Finally, we'll investigate the contemporary status of Myanmar.

  • TODAY - Chapter 31, section 3 reading notes due
  • Monday, May 18 - Australia & Oceania map
  • Tuesday, May 19 - Unit 7 reading quiz on 30.1, 31.1, 31.2, 31.3
  • Thursday, May 21 - Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania map quiz
Extending Class Discussion:

Thursday, May 14, 2015

HWC Day 65 - Genocide in Cambodia

Objectives:  Investigate the course and consequences of genocide in Cambodia.

Task:  Today, we'll continue our examination of the genocide in Cambodia.  Specifically, we'll examine the process by which the Khmer Rouge maintained totalitarian rule over Cambodia from 1975-1979.

  • TODAY  - R&R context notecards due in class or on NoodleTools by 3:00 pm (see rubric for criteria) *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 12
  • Friday, May 15 - R&R current events notecards due in class or on NoodleTools by 3:00 pm (see rubric for criteria) *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 14 at 3:00
  • Tuesday, May 19 - R&R outline due in GoogleDocs BEFORE class
  • Thursday, May 21 - Cumulative map quiz
  • Friday, May 22 - R&R draft due in GoogleDocs BEFORE class
  • Friday, May 29 - R&R final draft due emailed as a PDF to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 27 at 3:00
  • Monday, June 1 - R&R public awareness mp4 shared with Mrs. Friday by 3:00 *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 29 at 3:00

West Civ Day 25 - Puritan Revolution

Objectives:  Identify factors that led to the emergence of modern nation-states. Examine the causes, course, and consequences of the English Civil War.

Task:  Today, we'll continue our examination of the Puritan Revolution as resistance to absolutism.  While you watch Cromwell, you'll answer questions and take notes on the film.  At the end of class, we'll have some time to discuss our notes.

CPWC Day 69 - Genocide in Cambodia

Objective:  Analyze the causes and course of the genocide in Cambodia.

Task:  We'll continue our focus on the genocide in Cambodia.  Specifically, we'll examine the process by which the Khmer Rouge maintained totalitarian rule over Cambodia from 1975-1979.

  • TODAY - Chapter 31, section 1 reading notes due
  • Thursday, May 14 - Chapter 31, section 2 reading notes due
  • Friday, May 15 - Chapter 31, section 3 reading notes due
  • Monday, May 18 - Australia & Oceania map
  • Tuesday, May 19 - Unit 7 reading quiz on 30.1, 31.1, 31.2, 31.3
  • Thursday, May 21 - Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania map quiz

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

HWC Day 64 - Considering Southeast Asia (Part II)

Objectives:  Investigate the cultural and historical foundations of Southeast Asia.

Task:  Chao buoi sang! When you arrive to class, please pick up the hand-out on the podium.  Complete this worksheet while I take attendance and collect note cards.  Then, we'll continue our examination of Southeast Asia.  Finally, we'll end class with a discussion on Cambodia.

  • TODAY  - R&R context notecards due in class or on NoodleTools by 3:00 pm (see rubric for criteria) *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 12
  • Friday, May 15 - R&R current events notecards due in class or on NoodleTools by 3:00 pm (see rubric for criteria) *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 14 at 3:00
  • Tuesday, May 19 - R&R outline due in GoogleDocs BEFORE class
  • Thursday, May 21 - Cumulative map quiz
  • Friday, May 22 - R&R draft due in GoogleDocs BEFORE class
  • Friday, May 29 - R&R final draft due emailed as a PDF to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 27 at 3:00
  • Monday, June 1 - R&R public awareness mp4 shared with Mrs. Friday by 3:00 *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 29 at 3:00

West Civ Day 24 - Absolutism vs. Constitutionalism

Objectives:  Identify factors that led to the emergence of modern nation-states. Examine the causes, course, and consequences of the English Civil War.

Task:  Today, we'll continue our examination of the Puritan Revolution as resistance to absolutism.  While you watch Cromwell, you'll answer questions and take notes on the film.  At the end of class, we'll have some time to discuss our notes.

CPWC Day 68 - Genocide in Cambodia

Objective:  Analyze the causes and course of the genocide in Cambodia.

Task:  We'll begin class with a discussion on the "Tragedy in Cambodia" vocabulary.  Then, we'll watch segments of The Killing Fields to investigate the causes of the genocide in Cambodia.

  • TODAY - Chapter 31, section 1 reading notes due
  • Thursday, May 14 - Chapter 31, section 2 reading notes due
  • Friday, May 15 - Chapter 31, section 3 reading notes due
  • Monday, May 18 - Australia & Oceania map
  • Tuesday, May 19 - Unit 7 reading quiz on 30.1, 31.1, 31.2, 31.3
  • Thursday, May 21 - Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania map quiz
Extending Class Activities:

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

HWC Day 63 - Considering Southeast Asia

Objectives:  Investigate the cultural and historical foundations of Southeast Asia.

Task:  Chao buoi sang! Today we're going to focus our studies on select aspects of Southeast Asia.  Go to "Considering Southeast Asia" under unit 7 on the Moodle.  You will complete the activities for 3 of the topics:
  1. Alien from Earth
  2. French Indochina
  3. East Timor
  4. Genocide in Cambodia (Everyone MUST complete this topic and post a reflection as a comment to the class blog.)
  5. Considering Myanmar
Everyone needs to complete Part IV: Genocide in Cambodia.  Then, you need to select two other topics to complete.  As explained on the Moodle, you'll demonstrate your completion of the activity with comments on the class blog.   If you have not completed 3 comments by the end of class, this must be completed BEFORE class begins tomorrow.

  • TODAY  - Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania maps due
  • Wednesday, May 13 - R&R context notecards due in class or on NoodleTools by 3:00 pm (see rubric for criteria) *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 12
  • Friday, May 15 - R&R current events notecards due in class or on NoodleTools by 3:00 pm (see rubric for criteria) *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 14
  • Tuesday, May 19 - R&R outline due in GoogleDocs BEFORE class
  • Thursday, May 21 - Cumulative map quiz
  • Friday, May 22 - R&R draft due in GoogleDocs BEFORE class
  • Friday, May 29 - R&R final draft due emailed as a PDF to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 27
  • Monday, June 1 - R&R public awareness mp4 shared with Mrs. Friday by 3:00 *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 29

West Civ Day 23 - Absolutism vs. Constitutionalism

Objectives:  Identify factors that led to the emergence of modern nation-states. Examine the causes, course, and consequences of the English Civil War.

Task:  Today, we're going to shift our focus from continental Europe to the British Isles.  Specifically, we'll look at resistance to absolutism and the Puritan Revolution.  While you watch Cromwell, you'll answer questions and take notes on the film.  At the end of class, we'll have some time to discuss our notes.


  • TODAY - Absolutism presentations due in class
  • TODAY - Unit 3 PDCs due by 3:00

CPWC Day 67 - Southeast Asia in Global Context

Objective:  Examine a maps of Southeast Asia to analyze the impact on physical geography on cultural development.   Investigate the cultural heritage of Southeast Asia.

Task:  Chao buoi sang!  As you arrive to class, please pick up the the reading on the podium.  After we take attendance, you'll find a partner and get out a white board for a short review game.  Then, you'll return to your seats and read "Vietnam At a Crossroads."  After you finish the questions, please get out a computer, log onto the Moodle, and work through "A Tragedy in Cambodia."

  • TODAY - Chapter 30, section 1 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, May 13 - Chapter 31, section 1 reading notes due
  • Thursday, May 14 - Chapter 31, section 2 reading notes due
  • Friday, May 15 - Chapter 31, section 3 reading notes due
  • Monday, May 18 - Australia & Oceania map
  • Tuesday, May 19 - Unit 7 reading quiz on 30.1, 31.1, 31.2, 31.3
  • Thursday, May 21 - Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania map quiz

Monday, May 11, 2015

HWC Day 62 - Introduction to Southeast Asia

Objectives:  Investigate the cultural and historical foundations of Southeast Asia.

Task:  Chao buoi sang! When you arrive to class please get out a piece of paper.  Write down a thesis statement and the five most important details from the "Taste of Adventure" article.  We'll spend the first portion of class discussing the article.  Then, we'll investigate the cultural and geographic diversity of Southeast Asia.

  • TODAY - R&R Thesis Statement due on class blog by 3:00 pm (see below for criteria)
  • TODAY - Kundun Extra Credit submitted to Moodle by 3:00 pm
  • TODAY - "Taste of Adventure" discussion
  • Tuesday, May 12 - Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania maps due
  • Wednesday, May 13 - R&R context notecards due in class or on NoodleTools by 3:00 pm (see rubric for criteria) *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 12
  • Friday, May 15 - R&R current events notecards due in class or on NoodleTools by 3:00 pm (see rubric for criteria) *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 14
  • Tuesday, May 19 - R&R outline due in GoogleDocs BEFORE class
  • Thursday, May 21 - Cumulative map quiz
  • Friday, May 22 - R&R draft due in GoogleDocs BEFORE class
  • Friday, May 29 - R&R final draft due emailed as a PDF to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 27
  • Monday, June 1 - R&R public awareness mp4 shared with Mrs. Friday by 3:00 *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 29
Extending Class Discussion:

West Civ Day 22 - Manifestations of Absolutism (Part II)

Objectives:  Identify factors that led to the emergence of modern nation-states.  Research and create a presentation on an absolutist family or the Thirty Years War.  Define absolutism.

Task: Good morning!  Today, we'll continue our exploration of absolutism.  We'll finish the presentations on absolutism and then you'll check your understanding with a crossword puzzle.


  • TODAY - Absolutism presentations due in class
  • TODAY - Unit 3 PDCs due by 3:00

CPWC Day 66 - Introducing Southeast Asia

Objective:  Examine a maps of Southeast Asia to analyze the impact on physical geography on cultural development.   Investigate the cultural heritage of Southeast Asia.

Task:  Chao buoi sang!  When you arrive to class, please pick up the worksheet packet from the podium.  We'll spend the first portion of class investigating the cultural heritage of Southeast Asia.  After you finish the packet, please get out a computer and use the link on the Moodle to review your Southeast Asia map.

  • TODAY - Southeast Asia map
  • Tuesday, May 12 - Chapter 30, section 1 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, May 13 - Chapter 31, section 1 reading notes due
  • Thursday, May 14 - Chapter 31, section 2 reading notes due
  • Friday, May 15 - Chapter 31, section 3 reading notes due
  • Monday, May 18 - Australia & Oceania map
  • Tuesday, May 19 - Unit 7 reading quiz on 30.1, 31.1, 31.2, 31.3
  • Thursday, May 21 - Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania map quiz

Friday, May 8, 2015

HWC Day 61 - South Asia Test

Objectives:  Assess knowledge and understanding of the geography, history, culture, and contemporary issues of South Asia.

Task:  Happy Friday!  Please clear your desks and get out a pencil in preparation for the test.  You'll have the duration of the class to complete the test.  Please read each question carefully and double-check all of your answers.  When you've finished your test, please work on your R&R project OR on the unit 7 homework.

  • TODAY - Unit 6 Test
  • Monday, May 11 - R&R Thesis Statement due on class blog by 3:00 pm (see below for criteria)
  • Monday, May 11 - Kundun Extra Credit submitted to Moodle by 3:00 pm
  • Monday, May 11 - "Taste of Adventure" discussion
  • Tuesday, May 12 - Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania maps due
  • Wednesday, May 13 - R&R context notecards due in class or on NoodleTools by 3:00 pm (see rubric for criteria) *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 12
  • Friday, May 15 - R&R current events notecards due in class or on NoodleTools by 3:00 pm (see rubric for criteria) *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 14
  • Tuesday, May 19 - R&R outline due in GoogleDocs BEFORE class
  • Thursday, May 21 - Cumulative map quiz
  • Friday, May 22 - R&R draft due in GoogleDocs BEFORE class
  • Friday, May 29 - R&R final draft due emailed as a PDF to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 27
  • Monday, June 1 - R&R public awareness mp4 shared with Mrs. Friday by 3:00 *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 29

West Civ Day 21 - Manifestations of Absolutism

Objectives:  Identify factors that led to the emergence of modern nation-states.  Research and create a presentation on an absolutist family or the Thirty Years War.  Define absolutism.

Task: Happy Friday!  Today, to continue our exploration of absolutism.  We'll begin class with a definition of absolutism.  Then, we'll spend the remainder of class listening to and watching presentations.


  • TODAY - Absolutism presentations due in class
  • TODAY - Unit 3 PDCs due by 3:00

CPWC Day 65 - South Asia Test

Objective:  Assess knowledge and understanding of the geography, culture, and contemporary issues of South Asia.

Task:  Happy Friday!  Please clear off your desk of everything except a pencil in preparation for the test.  You'll have the duration of the class to complete the test.  Please read each question carefully and double check your work.  If you finish the test early, please begin your unit 7 homework.

  • TODAY - Unit 6 Test
  • Monday, May 11 - Southeast Asia map
  • Tuesday, May 12 - Chapter 30, section 1 reading notes due
  • Wednesday, May 13 - Chapter 31, section 1 reading notes due
  • Thursday, May 14 - Chapter 31, section 2 reading notes due
  • Friday, May 15 - Chapter 31, section 3 reading notes due
  • Monday, May 18 - Australia & Oceania map
  • Tuesday, May 19 - Unit 7 reading quiz on 30.1, 31.1, 31.2, 31.3
  • Thursday, May 21 - Southeast Asia, Australia, & Oceania map quiz

Thursday, May 7, 2015

HWC Day 60 - Taliban & Sri Lanka

Objectives:  Evaluate the historical developments of South Asia.  Describe manifestations of nationalism and extremism in South Asia.

Task:  We'll begin class with a quick review of central themes on South Asia and a short discussion on the R&R project.  Then, we'll spend some time discussing the Taliban and the civil war in Sri Lanka.

  • Friday, May 8 - Unit 6 Test
  • Monday, May 11 - R&R Thesis Statement due on class blog by 3:00 pm (see below for criteria)
  • Monday, May 11 - Kundun Extra Credit submitted to Moodle by 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, May 13 - R&R context notecards due in class or on NoodleTools by 3:00 pm (see rubric for criteria) *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 12
  • Friday, May 15 - R&R current events notecards due in class or on NoodleTools by 3:00 pm (see rubric for criteria) *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 14
  • Tuesday, May 19 - R&R outline due in GoogleDocs BEFORE class
  • Thursday, May 21 - Cumulative map quiz
  • Friday, May 22 - R&R draft due in GoogleDocs BEFORE class
  • Friday, May 29 - R&R final draft due emailed as a PDF to Mrs. Friday by 3:00 *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 27
  • Monday, June 1 - R&R public awareness mp4 shared with Mrs. Friday by 3:00 *5 bonus points for any submissions on or before May 29

Grading Criteria for R&R Thesis Statement (15 points)
  • Grammar & Format (5 points) - A single, grammatically correct thesis sentence
  • Position (5 points) - Thesis statement clearly states the argument and issue under consideration (i.e. Who? What? Where? Why? How?)
  • Posted to Class Blog (5 points) - Thesis statement is added as a new post to the class blog